News Scrapbook 1958-1961
• • • • • • • • • Sports Section Rams Tom·orr • •
25, 1958
s Tonig
Lions Feared Foe Despite Poor Marie By l:1':!•iE GR1'~GS1'0N 1!\IE.HlNG TRl&UNE E>1ecutlve 5Porh Editor LOS ANGELES-Professional foo'tball' refusal to fol• low the form «•hart is PXPmplificd by the De)roil Lions, who oppose the Los Ang<'les Rams at 1:35 p.m. tomol'• row in Memorial Coliseum. The Lions are the p<'r('nnial powerhou~, of th<• \i;•est- ern ConfPrmeP and dPfend- ----------- ing ehampions of the 1 1 a• RAMS RATED tional Football Leagut>. The ~ast of d1ara,·!ers is sim- DA Y'S BEST BET 1lar to that which won the 1 crown in 1957. BY UNIHO PRE>S INTERNATIONA~ Los Ang<•le:;' Ham, rr• vuil as lomonU\~•~ Jrna1,,lc•st favorltPs in N l•'L ~.PmJJ<'• tltion, h<'ing tabbPd b 9 1 » ]Joints ovr•1· tlw Lion.,. Ollwr odds a rt• 111.. H••a 6 1 ovt:'r th<> ,t!), rs, t'w 13ro11 n 6 1 ~ o, et· th<> Card_. Colts 7 1 , 01Pr thc> H<'dski11s. Gant· 6 OV<'l' th,• St<·rlc•rs anct Pack• ers by :1 0\ ,•r t/•r, 1'ngll' . footballs eoun-tl'rpart Qt U1<•;:------"'""!~----- a1om bomb. ' tPrcP.ptl G1llman hopes it \\on't he the H,1m ,pu this Sunday. But the Lions vlt tor) ln t c almost predaterl his state- ut,•s 11fti•1· tlw t·or/1 b,•Pn ment whPn 1hf'se two kams tiPd ~fP with l)PU-olt in met in betrnit two weeks possl' slon l,11 • ago. ,Johnson's t' \ 11 as tullbal'k Only a puzzling qua1 l<'r- "ill shor,• up thl' •ngglng Lion back <'all , n•i;ultanl pass in- I (Co11t. 011 l':,g,• H·,>, Col. 1l I Yet the Lions mo\ ,, h<·r<> with an o.:J. J rpe•ora for 1 ile c u r r e n t league sc-hedule. They',·e 1raded Bobby La) n<> true, hut with Tobin Roi<>. Yale Lal'). Jor> Schmidt and John Henn Johnson ha\'P thP potential ,~nich eause nam coach Sid Gillman 10 sav. "OnP of tlH''" Sunda~ s the Lions are going to b come·
P oneers Ban on Air Aces
reception t •chnique. Reed's a high-flyer and will be soa1ing tonight against Colo- rado Western State in Balboa Stadium, while Shofner uses a diving style to take
quarterback Billy Wade's pitches and hopes to connect against Detroit Lions to- morrow in Los Angeles. rn an earlier meet- ing the Rams won, 42-28.
___c_ ___ ___
t.t.N C>tl!(lO, uu,01tNIA .!\ton., Ort. 27, 1958 I'
HE'S PENNSYLVANIA PIONEER Falvo's Salvo Fires USD By rnr, ZJK ·,.' a U vcr lty o! San Diego football e a he puts It, " I just wanted to cl you know a guy has lo get away e" hi~ native Pennsylvania to see Cali- Falvo·~ sal\•o overshadowed the performance o! an older :tre~hman, 22-year-old Tom Gates, a Marine vet- eran who ran ·for two touchdowns, one an 89-yard jaunt. Gate. also set up one o! Falvo's scores on a 24-yard pa from quarterback Duane O'Connor.
Gates has looked like the old Tom Gates of the Hawaii Marines the last two games. sho\\ing plenty of speed, but bulling his way through when he has to. Both Cates and Fah·o gave the credit for their deeds to the "guys up front ," particulary Jack Garofano and Rick Novak, two lads who have been real tough all sea on • 'ova k's downfield blocking i~ exrept!onal and ) ou can plan on Garo[ono being at th A hottom of the pile when the gou1g gets the tougt:e t in the middle oi the l,nP Scormg thE' otJ1er t•-·D touchdowns, in addition to Falvo 13) and Gate.. (2 1, \\ere center Bill Clarke. who frll on he ball in the end zone after Wayne Bourque had knocked it from th<" h an d s of the ;'.11ountaineer (Cont, on Pa_ge b,7, Col. 1)
aturday night when his three to a • 6-l4 victory over Colorado a three-sport letterman 1vhlle gau1ing lo- beco e l 'D's and a htt!P answer ng, •·;;.9 and roomma 1!$ at the U!-:D "dorm" d c1ded to o t after his "hot" night and he got the cold
c ol h 1hower treatment for his three TD's, ------
b6 ® Moo .. Ort. '!7, rn:;g SAN DIEGO, CALl•ORNIA
G~T CLOSED-Uniwrsity of San Diego halfback Tom Gates is pulled down by Ren DeSalle and Don Miller of Colorado Western, but ot before
the Pioneet freshman had picked up 18 yards in their Saturday night game in Balboa Stadium. Pionee1·s had an easy time winning fourth game, 44-14.
THREE RECORDS FALL USD Idle After 4 h Victory )le DO LD • • • ond. touchdown boosted t he chool record snT1STtcsco1o wes, uso score to 34-6 after three quar. turday night ~t:t d~~f., . :; 1 r. ters. Duane O'Connor's 45- .itty ot San Di- ~g~t:. rus~1n1 .. m 317 yard runback of a pass inter. It way to a Passes had ,nlerce,tod • • "' 1 : 7-1~ ception for a touchdown end- o er Colorado ~~:::~J;• d::~.. . :1-3/o 2-ltJ ed USD 's scoring in the final ollege before Ya rd s ••naJ;,.., n " period at Balboa Sta- • . • • Colorado Western' · bright- Nov. 8, th~ Pioneers' next ?P· est star was halfback D O n ama · ed 505 ponent Wlll be Pep~e~dme ).1iller He picked up 85 yards Pd running to College at Inglewood, No,· 14 · in 13 trips and scored both '"P or 486 et Gates and Ron Falvo, a ter- touchdowns for the visitors. J t year a arn Mexico Poly- ri1ic pair , ol freshmen, S~'llfe°r'!Ytyw;g~•~ 1" 0 • : 1 ; ,: ,t=ll t chnlc, gathered 387 yards sparked USD 8 attack. Be- uso- Gctes 1 run
Falvo's Salvo Paces USD To Victory (Continued from Page b-5) quarterback, and O'Connor on a 45-yard runback of an inter- cepted pas~. The Mountaineers showed only one excuse tor coming all the way from Colorado and that was the running of half- back Don Miller, who scored both touchdowns for the visi- tors, one on a 00-yard return of a USD punt. USD scored first and moved out to a 20-6 lead at halftime as the Pioneers notched their fourth \'ictory of the year against a 1- defeat. he town with a 1-5 mark. The Piooee •ve plenty of time (three teP! to get the sick call list cut down •nd their grades up for the,t don't play again until Nov. l-1 'When they travel to Los Ange es to take on Pepperdine, TI1eir next home game is Nov. 22 against Idaho State
SOUTHLAND Redf•nds 281 ,o,nena. 12. Sta, Monlca Cal Poly (FleM.), 35; P-...rdlne, 22. J'' 9'1vtrsld,, 7, !r:::,,~:ldJC'',1]; J~n sir 0 .s.JC, 2 • ()lllndele, 1 •, P1lomar, &J~ Santa Bart.are JC, O. U; LCWII B • ach CC, 12 Caltech, Ut 1 Pierce, J•· Sin Jose Sf., 21; Denver, 7. tT:11~~~•~3~·t.::1s ct 0 c1::t"f n Col, of Ed., 21; S1hrn. Or., 0. an, 12; Pacific U., 7. l!~te1°~e::t: i{ 8; c • I A.ogles, 6. s:ci,l'k.;~:t~r,t o. , lt: $an flran. CC, 12 aste .JC. 14. Ame>rlc.!ln Rh,ar, O. "t~t 5 lt', 3// .St. Ti!lf1 JC, 19; Portervlllt, 6. Hartnell, 41; V11leio1 ,. ~~ 8 f li1~bft[s.,Lof/ ,~~nL~B~"st:ti "· ~~rr:~~1f~, 2 Ii; 12'c!i~r~,l l~:~ty,7. 1 •• ROCKY MOUNTAIN Montena st., -t2i Omaha, c. BYU, ,1; Montane, 12. Colo. Col., I; td1ho St., 7. Mt&I JC, II; Trinidad JC, 7, Boise JC, 21; Complonf • Colo. Mlnes:1: 3; Colo. $ ., 0, Wstrn"srr. tUfahJ, 19; Wstrn. Mont., n Ft. Ltwls A&M, 25; Putbfo JC, ,. • l.C. ~ACll'IC COAST Whitworth, H; ltltlsh Co1umbll, 7. }:rJ~~~· s:.S:,.. J!; e':fr~~~r~~~~~,er 1 ~~1
Rice, 3'4i Texas, 7. Tex•s A!tM, 33; Baylor, Hardln-S1m[Tlons, 13; Wichita, 6. Arkansas stare Tthrs., 27; Ark.!lns.!ls Christian, «; Soufhwut Texas, '2.1. 1 ~Cr1!ne Arkansas AM&N, 1B; Mlss. 1 \.,., A&I, 7; Steohen F. Au,lln, 0. Idaho, 24; Arlz:ona, 16. 7. 16 ~ew Mexico A&M, 17; TekU western, Un~~M. 0W$trn., 40; EISl • rn Arizona, 7 Eashtrn New Mexico, 13; Aus11n, 7 • Pr1Jrfe View, 4 •; Grambling, 6, • lnqustrlal, Texas South!rn1 20; Corpus Chr!sf1 Loulslene State, 10; F1orldi1 ~Fsi.p~l~ti~ar'~; N/ Florida A&M, 29; B~1hune lool ·
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