News Scrapbook 1958-1961



EVENING TRIBUNE I 00 \\, d O,•t. 5 ~orine Players Impress Trometter '•II


_,._ _,...._~- ___

Depot H Grid Choice USO Eyes First Victory Over Powerful Marines Umveri,ity of San D1egd's P1onee ' chan<'cs of beat- l!'lg Marine Corp. Re r.uit D pot Saturday ntght at Bal- boa Stadium are pretty mall; in fact, their ~1lC'es of scoi-ing ·eem a little .thin. The powerful Devildogs are 23-3 for the last 1hree i;eagons and the Pioneers didn't inflict any of the three


losses. l\fCRD and the eol- legians have played twice and USD is yet lo assault the Marine end zone, losing in 1957 by 41-0 and las1

n Diego Union's Gridiron Selections

\'Cat· • Wl1 ha \·e

the !\I a r i n e s theil· usual yea • 1 h" thi

I Harry

Phil Colll<'r

• hU<·k ~a"yt"r \NJso11:

Howard Hagen S11

e of

,JOhUllj Hcllomdd ho,on W,f1 l.•Sl P

)lom1.han StosOl'I:

stron::: Pioneers ha, P (hPtr ,1 eakPSI tram or the pa t thn>e C'am- paigns and are 0-3 for the year. P1t%t'r SitlPllned Gone are the Bobby l{eyes and Vern Valdez-types from USD - thPy are playing at l\lCRD. USU's main offensive weap- on this year has bc<'n the a<-rials of quart<"1·back J a n Chapman, who probably won't see acuon b cause of a bum houldeL, hQuld thr \ cteran Chapm et 11to the garn(', thP r\larl ondary -.ill gPt a ,,01·ko "} mg to stop lus pas,~ De])o( 8Pr~ to 01w11 Valdez. Jo, l\\'o J ears tl1e No. 1 qnarterbacl{ at USD, tos,ed three .scoring passes for the Marines last wPek, two o! them going to end f!rnie Brooks, the other to halfback Al Hall, as MCRD was kno~- ing off Hamilton Air Force , ase, 27-7, The Depot's B squad will open a1&1Mt the Pioneers, coach 'Blilkmrometter has de- cided "I Ill golnl' to ,ee "·hat they can do."th~c~11eh "ho became a grandfau,,=; Ul!e ot11er day, said. Halfbacks Jessie M!jrdock and Al Chapman, quai·terback Bob Lyles and fullback Gene Roll will be in the starting

Artonsos 'c-'-----,~~~~,-.~~---1~,=:-~--- -'-----1s:..~~l____ . by t Soylc,r--- 8ovlor r!'!a;---- 1 r::a! bv2 bv7 M1am1 Aubtfrn- bv 7 biy.-~6___ LSb~ 4 IL\~ I ==r=----~==,-----,~-=-=,,,..---,if'~~c-k-,---Geor•r.;--- bv 2: by 3 . TIE Mi•u.ourr- bY 6 Oklohemo ;...---:"""~-'----! N::.,~3----1 bV • Ar I St. lly '-----i

n,v ,JOIINNY M,•DONAI.D 'J'lmn,~,.. r~ify of San Di<'go will make 1hrPr <'han lnC'LIP and L'O:H'h Paul Platz will hav; 10 a k players 1o double in two po.~ltions for 11 p· s rngagemenl \\ ii h 1inbt';1l<'n l\farin~ Cor '" . w_n<'<'rs unl~y nigh! at H~]ll(Ja Stadillm.



ps R<'cl Ult Depot Sat-


Bill Bourqu('

bP mov<'cl

from halflJa<'k to qunr!Pr fo fill In for 1hc> quC'slionahle Ja11 Chapman. Al Zuniga, who started 1hP sPason at tuJJ. back, will he moved to cen. replacp ailing Jack G~rofono and WUl Chappell will rrplace njured J O e Lor~clrnig, Chapman, b<'I e f'd at first tPr to ev<'r, 1he ma jo a~ lgnr)'I nt will rest on the .sl o ~PrS of Bourque. Garofano has bc,en toubl<'d by a back injury Incurred while working at a job this s1_,1mmer. Loeschnlg reinjurPd his knee and quite possible 1s through for tthe season. The Marlne.~ again wm be minus th<' i



Opening on

line will


Nick Germanos a rett, tack! and ·

01 "'• a, L. C.

on Col- ·


Nebraska at Mluourl. Notr, Dame. Ohio Stole at Wisconsin. ansos State CT IOHO Stat South LSU at F or·do. Georg o at Kentucky N-emph"s Sta at Miss. 5to1, Furma a1 Cltoce. Arkansas at M. ssipp Duk:e ot North Cornlina Sta11 Georgia Tech at Tuton~. Chot1onoog:o at Tennessee,. Vcnderbl!t at V!r9inio. North Carolina at WaKe Forest. Oovidson at VMI. Southwest Nortn Sfote at HOCJslor,.



MCRD by 21

Cal Nes1ern

Cal Wester'\

Cai Wutern bv 2 use



by 12


use bv 8 01"'Non bY 6 UCLA by 3




, __ bv_~--

by 21 ---"-'"----'___ b_Y_ll_____ ,,_-<1"-----1

o,.egon by J






Wichita at Okla. State~ Kansas at Oklahoma. Detroit at Turso. TeJCQS Tech at SMU Rice at Texas. Bavlor at Texa! >- & M


UCLA tly )J Or~f,ra1.1 Texas by 7 TCU b·1 6 N.lssiss1ppJ oy 6

Afr Force

UCLA &-2

UCLA by 2 California by I TeX0:5 by 6 TCU bv, Ml~.siu)ppJ by 3

Cofllorn1a bv 7

Rocky Mountains

Te-KOS by 7 TCU bv •

Denver at Briot1am Young. Montero Stofe at Utali Sta11. Wvom1n9 at Utal1. New at Montana. ldo!\o State at Colorado S1at•. Co orado ct Arizona. •-Niaht games.


O~lo Stat, bY 7 M1s101.irl

bY 2 Penn by 1 111 no,., by. Val by 14 IH-1 .65 •

Vale Yee -~r---~~--1---by_la__ --~~-~by~'--i--b~Ye..sl2,__~----'""---I 12-7 1 ll-7·1 I!-8 I 11»• •• 2 .6J2 .579 l,+J1-J .66/ '2-3 • ·3 5'-ll•l 59-37-3 57.39.3 6J4 .615 .615 .SU Yale Yole

1271 AJZ



Dcrot agains1 their ex.,foammat

Y Keyes, left, and r n e Valdez, former


es: at- um The : 11 b&


1 B JI

urday ni..,.ht

qu~I ter1:'ack Umvers1ty of Sa

a 108 .:,~a






undefeated Marine "I even hravily favored o,·cr the Pi:le"' cl'S.

iego s an outs,





Pay or Marme Corps Recruit


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