News Scrapbook 1958-1961
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· E the Univei-~ity o! San Di<'go has a ll1t. , vnes - n . . I l Marine Corps Recruit Depot's football team Satu1day mg 1 · The winle~s Pioneers ena- ---- - -.,;-e-;::;- bled Pepprrdine Collcgt" to - l I the ioi-m ot
collect its first victory of the season lasl Saturday night .. 19 . 6 . befo,·e a slim <•1·owd ol J ,OIJO homeCOl . g at Balboa Staili lA USD's thin up 1hree touchdown Yisit in" wa,·es wltllm <.'igh 1• minute period in thl' second quarter and tl1a\ was 111<' ball gamr. Quarterback Ste v" Johnson conMl'1l'd fol' :n yards to Purcell Da11tels and to Clayton Ta,·0 for 38 yards STATISTICS USO Pepp, t=:irst downs ".... 11 1 ~ 11 ; Rushing vardo:tt • • Passm1 varda,e ·: ••. downs while Tsvt- ran back intercepted pas the fourth P<'· 1iod, it was a fru~1rating eve- ning for the Pion<'ers. USD posted i1s six point!> with s1;,; s<'.'conds left in the game whc>n quarterb;lck Bi I 1 Bourque hurled 12 yards to end La,·on • Baker in the end zone, '64 )ards fo1 the tliird score. Aside from 40 84 ~-t PCS!f!:S ••. ••.• 4.19' ras.!.es 1n1ercepted ~:~~le:e~~~tiid Punts • .. ... S, 33 1 , . 3 ; •··••• • o l . •::." " ' . 40 3S ro,· two Pepperdinr touC'h•
ME80 JJNION !lfon., o..t. 111. 19;.9 SAN 01100, C.,...IPORNll\
Baker Snags Bourque Pass For Late Pioneer Score By .JQllNNl" )kD0SAl,O p ppet(hne Colle"e pkkt-d up threP ,~1th!r !gilt minutes o! the ·econd pi!rlod to hand the U111vers1ty o! e• n l)irgo it~ third straight loss, 19-6, last night before 1.000 far in llalhoa Stadium, ~TATrmc; The Pion •er !orres were dow•• • ,_u_s 0 ,t•..,, un hie to !unction fm: three ::;:::: ....... '!: 1~ 11uarterJ without thetr ace ....... ,.,. +a pa!8er, Ja11 Chapman, M ....:::;: !-J H1 WQ~ sidelined with a h9uld J 1 1 lnJUf) • • In the o! the touchdow~s
uso- eokl"r'
1rom Bauraue
(po.. rotted). The Pioneers, pla) ing. most P•••erd••• of the wav ml nus 1 hell' ace Wrenn, hb , quarterback Chapman, ~~1!;,•;..,,hb" were unable to take advan1agc i~:t~fl?",l 1° or tlwi air gam<'. Jan
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PioMers will meet toughest opponPnt to date pos- i;ibly minus the ,;crvices
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Chapman aml halfback J_oC"IEg;;c~~t., hb • • :::. ; 11 Locschnig. Chapman jurcd his shoulder and Lo_es• ,e1;~~~i\t ~i ..:·: I 33 ehnig, U1e club'!'; most consist- l'<'tn· t 0 ~.Ji~v•. qb '";· ··; ~\
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hamstring injury.
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from John- ~~0man ,nte-rceP1ian 8.T 0 ~g~[C1U•
By HOWARD HAGF.N Tom Welbaum, Mt. Miguel,play our football game, on High football coach, yester- Friday afternoons, and the re. day blasted groups he claims sultant loss of gate receipt~ are attemplipg would cut that 430 to 50." to ruin h i g h "Where would thCSP ho,·~ school athletic spend the hours between · 2 programs. and 4,30 each day without ''It's a ridic- athletics?" Welhaum asked. ulous philoso- -t~ "I've been fighting this cur- phy," We I - ta nt program f o r JS baum told the~ ye d I don·t intend to weekly meet- ', stop :.J believe it would ing o! th e be cri negligence to de- Union • Trib• (l e fflfflffl'lts of athletics- une Quarter- I and"'ll et'les and good marks oack Club at Wellbaum can go ll.and in hand, too." Mission Valley Inn, "when Welbaum accused taxpayer the stress is laid on a scienti- groups and "faculty members fie program in which only 20 who are not connected with per cent of the students can sports" for the trend toward qualify. 'curtailed athletic programs. ''What about the oth<'r f'O Last year Welbaum critic. per cent? At , It. Miguel we i7ed 1he condi'tion of the Mt. have 430 boys reporting each 1ligUcl High football fiPld afternoon this fall for football, which caused iniuries to sev- cross-country, wrestling, 'bas- era! players. Yesterdav he ketball and tennis, and they pointed out that Lemon Grove are working with $25,000 Wprth llnd Spring Valley merchants of equipment. had provided non-school funds "But there's a to (Continued on a-14, Col. Z)
!or a $7,200 football field was injured. He's about 99 lighting systein which will be p~r cent of our o.ffe11~e with dedicated this week. 111s passlng. and 1~ will ~urt us tremendously 1f he isn't Gene Gregston, executive available for the Marine Re• sports editor of the Evening crult Depot game this week- Tribune, was toastmaster at end •..• The Marine Depot the weekly luncheon meeling.·h11s been very good to us In • offering use of their athletic Comments by othei coaches: facilities, bt1t we pay for it Tom Carter. undefeated St. one nigl1t a year." Augustine High and 13·6 vie- Al Lewis, Cal Western, tor over Mission Bay last 19-12 winner over LaVerne weekend- "In the fir~t 11alf "Playing well for our club Mission Bay out-played us inlwere end Loyal Moore, who all departments, a tribule to co u I d mal«:- any college coaches Chuck Coover and team; end Richai.111 Pitts, staff, who )lave Icss-experi- !back Al Madison, especially enced per onne) than we ... 1011 defense, a11d Larry Slover. We expect"a tougl1 game from .•• Six fumbles hurt us a lot Cot·onado, a 6-2 loser to Ocean-land we spent most of the first side. Our boys would like to half defending inside our 30- go into the San Diego Higl, yard line. • , . Mc,tD also game ~till undefeated but lh.i!ps us tre~1endonsly, s~nce we're not lookrng past Coro- our own football sladLUm\ Inado." won't be ready for a year or I Robert (Bull) Trometter. ,so; those MCRD players. ~y undefeated Marine c O r p s the ".'ay. come out of their j Recruit Depot and 2:7.7 winner dressrng room faster than we over Hamilton Airmen-"Our run on Saturday afternoon. team now is as good as any - •• Ca.ltech wi.11 be our op- I have coached and may win ponent rn_ the Cal Western all of its games this year... h~mecommg game ~aturday: Gen. Wornham, commanding a1ternoo11.... Geo,_ge ~er. general at MCRD, has helped fei'ts has do1:e :;- fme Job our athletic program tre- coaching our lmr. mendously.•. The new four- G~org~ Schutte, ~an Diego year Marine enlistment plan Jumor CoDege, 18-o loser to is bringing in mainly hi g 11 ~?11la Morn ca Ctfy_ College- school boys and already we fhough WP ,.lost, it was our are reeling the pinch athleti-1best team ef,ort of the year. cally... We took over• tile .•. Next opponent, East Los Hamilton game by hitting Angeles JC. h~s a prograr:i them ha,•d during the first or lots of scrimmages until five minutes, showing them llhey come out with the 33 who was bo~s. ·• hardest-nose. or 110-11 o s c . players. We always like to Paul Go~·er1~all San D1eg? play them the early part of State, l9-l;:i over Um- the season because they get versity o! R s-"It. was tougher as they go along." a very even g offensively
THE SAN DIEGO UNION I w Ori. n, 1959 m 65 SAN DI-• CALll'ORNIA I 3Depot Siars lo Battle USD Ex-Teammates
Pioneers B gin Cage Practice Twenty players, including · four lettermen, reported for the initial University of San D i e g o basketball practice yesterday at Balboa Park's
opes Dim •
It will
homecoming Municipal gym.
night for three Marine Corps Lettermen returning a r e Recruit Depot players Satur- f o r w a r d Al Paderewski, day when the undefe_ated guards Bob Maines and Ed Leathernecks oppose Umver• 1Baran and center Art Wical. sity of San Diego at Balboa ' Newcomers expected to bat. Stadium. tie for starting positions are Quarterbac~ ~rn Valdez, guard Dick Ausherman (5-10), halfback Bo fP ,.imd end forward Jim Fleming, a 5-9 Ray Yoast, forrnet douts transfer from the University with the Pioneers,. wt!l be out of San Francisco, and cen- to defeat theif ex-teammates. ters Charlie Trask (6-4) and The Pioneers, still looking Charlie Wical (6-4). for their :first victory of the The Pioneers will conduct uphill campaign, will be fac- daily two-hour workouts in ing their toughest• opponent preparation for their season- on the schedule and victory al opener Dec. 1 with Coro• would seem quite remote. nado Navy. Jan Chapman, USD's ace At h 1 et i c moderator J . quarterback, still rem~ins a Walshe Murra ced a question mark and Pioneer 20-game ding coach Paul Platz admitted at such op ttier Monday's Quarterback Club College, San State, meeting that this fine signal Loyola University, Cal Poly caller was over 90 per cent of Pomona and Cal Western. I of his offense. ____ _
Diego! "The only thing we can do Poach Paul Platz, ypt to make is to hope we can maintain the wln column tbi~ year, posse~sion ot the ball long hows the prope rf' pect for enough to keep th<'m from ~aturday nlg cm. unde- coring too much," shuddered r.atPd Ma11ni> orpg Recruit Platz. Depot. I This isn't a pessimistic coach :------------- crying the blues, it's one cry• mg the truth. While the Marines were
downinl! Hamilton Air Force Base, 27-7. USD wa~ taking a 19-6 beating from Pepperdine Saturday night and also losing quarterback Jan Chapman via injuries. ]
"If he's ready to go," Platz said, "we'll,, be throwin~ o every down. However, Bill Bourque, reserve quarterback the pas three seasons, is scheduled to open against the Marines wit!'! Will Chappell and Joe Gra~ at the halves and Jim De; Santis at fullback. USD' s season statistics: !THREE GAMES) Opp, USD i~'~s ~~~t 5 ·rJ~~1"n'; 9~~:~:· :: 5~ m Ntt vordoge gained, runnlnsi -482 325 ::'. :: ·::: ig~~~5vo~:J f~~nr~~'pt~s~I-~~- 521 33~ Total net yords-- Fi~~fn~na9Wn~?s~i~ninS1 :::::.'.' :oo:6 First downs, POsses .. ••••.. 17 Fil'st downs, penalfles . . • . . • 2 t~l~I i~fi~~~;es ploys ·::::: ,3 '" 23 • 5 37 Punts . . . . . •.. .... 11 Total yardage of punts ••.• •'16 Average tength of punts • , . .)7.1 Punts hod blocked . . . 0 Number of penoltles ogoinst 2' Yards los1 1rom penalties 23'9 Total number of fumbles.... 17 .::.::::·.:::::::'. 1~ ploy·::::·:::::: t, Total potnts . . . . , . , • . • 97 s 5 1 3.6 32 19, 16 563 3S. 0 19 160 9 _.. .
but we needed a break to win, and got it when Dick Morris intercepted and ran 30 yards for a touchdo~n. We coaches were almost. ,ready to remove Morris from the game, be-' cause ot hie so1·e shoulder, when he pm for the wi11ning touchdown. , • Quarterback Joe Duke and sub halfback Carl Hays also played well 1 fo1• us, Hays replacing, regu- lar halfback Jim King who was hurt ea1·ly in the game. Redlands quarterback Roger Chaney was one of the best my teams have played against in years . he can run, pass, kick and is wonderfully coordinated, a big-leaguer in every respect. . . . Most of our injured men will be ready for Frt"sno St,.te Oct. 31, since we Q'l/1' an- open date i next weelmm:l.' 1 l'aul Pla.111, University of San Diego, ser to Pep- p1crdine "O mistakes, maini ing, con- tribute e Pepper- dine touchd but the was because Jan Chapman
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DeSonfi!I, Jim, fb .. 14 ChOPOell, WIii, hb Cox;, Dave, qb Bourque, 8111, hb-qb 11 Wllllam5, Chuck, fb 7 Chapman, Jan, qb 6 . 11 Chopman,Jon,qb Bourque,BIU,hb-qb 10 C0)(,O0v~,4b Walker, C. G., e . Boker, Lavon, e WJIIIarn5, Chuck_. fb oesonfis, Jim fb E~~~N1;.~ 1~. l~b~~tnJ1~~ /tt. · S 15
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RECEIVING No. . . .. .. 7 ii :·::·:: l PUNTING . . . . . 1o .••• , 3 ... .... ,
2 Yds. TDt 158 1 125 2 33 l • 0 ' 0 ' 0 Nfl. Yds. AVt.
1 ~ if. if~ SCOltlNO T,,,..,,n, TP
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