News Scrapbook 1958-1961
Football Schedule Sept. 19-Sao Diego U. Hore Sept. 26-Montana St., 2 p.m. There Oct. 3-San Diego State• There Oct. 10-E. New Mex. U. Here Oct, 17-Long Beach St• Here Oct. 24-Fresno State• [Homecoming] Here Nov. 7-L.A. State There Pasadena boys the N DIEGO UNION QUESTI NS FLY THICK, AT QUARTERBACK M 'hould the quart I hack ha, e punted on tnird d0\1 n? What are the prospect for vi tor) r"XI v.eeke:ld Who's J our outstanding back[teld "' n t'11 ea on• Th~ e are typical of questions a kC(l at th v. eekly meeung o! the Vn on-Trihune Quarterback Cluh, and San Diego coach "ill he fielding them agam when tha Quarterbacks co \ ne omorrow noon at Mts 1On Valley Inn. s editor or the E, enmg CARRY PIONEER HOPES TO. an, left, the t.;niver ily be the chic( offe Pioneel's tonight wl perdine College at out ·tanding quarter- ck Joe Loe chnig will Pioneers Take On \ PepperdineTonight 1 Bl ,JOIIX. T . rrDO!\ALD Pepperdme' Ste,eJcm·onlbaclsS Joe Lo~schnig, Bill and Jan Chapmal'l o( the 'nl- Bourque and Jo,- Gray an r1 verslty o! San Dirgo are x- (ulllJacks Jim Desantis and peeled to hook up in an aerial Chuck Williams. l duel toni ht when both clubs This Is the third mr,.ting ol go afte first :football the t" o schools with mm win- \ictory a on at Bal• ning tho olh<'r two. 'DH• Pio- boa Sta neers won, 27-0, in 195i and K1,,koff I e f g O clock. 45-13 la t year. But • nre then This w111 b t!ln fir t home the USD !orre ha\'e been de- e st,u1d and homecoming 11 gin plcll'd ronSlderably. a for the PIOl'l ers who see!{ vk- P••.:er•lir,~o tl°'· .. ,y t rt 1 d d J O'D t I (200) I. T Bo ooo r2 I Ory a ('ft\\ q OpSl C OSSeS J,0 ll'j' tg Gurrola 1w ts The \\'a\l'S , bealen In thrre (¢~ ~n mfl Ry &oi:,f:>;.r ,,j · trlc , a lso a rc ex ectcd to ,12\k, 1 E Gi~,~( ;i 5 Wrenn (110) L H BourQue 1 n h shoot the wor ks. John,on 090) Q8 Chopmo" 1170 Jolm. ?n c 206 omplet"dd 16 o( 33 c\1~ 1 =~ o.s~~r.~ m 1, pa.. Sf?S .or yar s agamst - · 16 -Audubon 1icrecn rour color Emerson Scott 1n person Roo:-e velt Jr. High Aud, Parle. 2nd Upa , 8 p,m. Adm. Oct. 17-Footbal Ur,1v c,f 5,a,.. 0 egc, v'- Peppcrdine, 8 p ff\, Balboa Stadium. Adm. Oct lS. - Free films: "On the Island c' Taveun1• (F1,1) and 'Thailand's Strea~ of Life" (U.N. film). Museum cf Man, 12 30, 1:• 5 and 3 p.m Emerwn Sc: tt s 'Rock.y Mountain Rambl~ n Oct ' \",'hitllrr last week with end e Denny Aria as his favorite ti~ target. Aria grabbed four for he ,7 yards. rd- ~lostly , Pl'pp,.rdine ,,. 11 l s end thrcr men dm, n field for passes and sacrifice it run- ning game. However, s peed- c..21 . tcrs Clayton Ta\'e, Dwayne .~ DeSpain a 1d Harold Lindsey ;.. can pick up the necessary ~. yardagl' if needrd. Chapmal", who completed almost 55 per cent of his pas es last )' ear, off to another good year with 21 l'ompletiQ in 9 attempts. r For ds an t h r e e tou I do, ap . are end. {; \\a)ker and • Lavon Baker. 'f nnlng of- fense will be headed b. ha!!- G2 an .• Oct. 18, J 9 SA"t DIEQO, CALl,rOANIA C ty and county officials <\Ill/. te and national leg. are expected to at- the 3 p.m. dedication ny. U.S. Distnct Court during Judge James . t. Carter will honorary tend al o said the IS Bishop Budd 1rst egree will be ce cor.ferrrd on Nixol" graduation exercLes for stu- spPak (lP:-tts or the College o! :\ien. The a The ("raduatlon rites "ill fol• ing v; 11 and science build- the last ma or be low d;d1cat101:1 of an~. sc1e.nce bu1ldmg. the art~ umt to be completed at the t:nh-ersity of San Diego. It is thP adtnin- h1m to fly to ·an Diego from i tration building and v. Ill ac- commodate 1, students. Designed in Spanish Ren- aissance ·tylc, the th r e e- ,tory building cost more than a million dollars. .• 1xon · schedule calls for located next to lncludrd In the ne,, build, ing will be a department for edical research establi~hed by the County fedical Sorietv. "ixon is scheduled to d~- part immediately after the university crremonie..
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