News Scrapbook 1958-1961

:j) G3 !


Sun., Oct. 11, 1959 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA


USDGame Cancelled By Plane l University of San Diego's :football team, which stress- es the forward p.iss, was grounded yesterday - lit- erally. The chartered airliner I which was to have taken the Pioneers to Gunnison, Colo.. for a game with Western State College was unablie to get off the ground because of engine trouble. So the game was cancelled. The Rev. J. W. Murray, USD's athletic moderator, said that by the time the DC-3 was able to take off it could not have made the flight in time for the sched- uled 1:30 p.m. kickoff. Western State athletic di- rector Paul Wright said the game would not be resched- uled. An estimated 1,~ high school student were In the western Colorado city for band day. Wright said the band program, scheduled for halftime, would be held at WSC Stadium following a parade in downtown Gun- nison. \

' 1 EVEl:fN.G TRIBUNE ;l"i,f~~o~~T.i'. 11 ~~~, ----

--- - ---

Pioneers Play l First Home Grid Battle University of San Diego's Pioneers, firmly convinced the air ls for the birds and that covered wagons are the way to travel, take on Pepper- dine Saturday night in their !irst game at home this year. The winless Pioneers, wl10 m is~ed a date at Colorado Western last Saturday when their airplane wouldn't take to tl_1e air, hope the frirndly confines of Balboa Stadium W!ll help them regain thell' winning- ways. J'eps Lose 3 Actually, the Waves from Pepperdlne haven't ah own much this fall, either, los- ing three straight. The Pioneers will send quar- terback Jan Chapman and a evlsed s t ll,r t I n g lineup against the Waves in an at- tempt to break a os!ng streak. . Chapman will be perform- ing b e f o r • a homecoming game _er-?)!:'. nd hopes to re- peat his b homecoming day s f la.:,;t year when he USD to a 33,0 victory ove ewis and Clark College. 45•13 Yfctor in J 9~S Last year Chapman and his mates invaded Pepperdine's l1omecomlng party in Los An- geles and defeated the wa,c~



f!'go, reef' week of! from football com- bat, makPs Its first home 11tand Saturday night by op. posing Pepperdine College at Balboa Stadlum. This could bt' An lnter!'st- 1ng battle b<'tw~en two win- J,-ss clubs.,1i~--•vPs have dropped th• Ions while USO has t:1illll'lla ,'r\\o appear, ances. Last tfil Plon!'P.1·s had hopes o nailing down 1beir tlrst victory of thf> cam- paign a g a I n s t Colorr,do \'.'estt>rn at Gunnison, but a chart<'red plane dP.vdop,..d Pn• glnP trouble & nd they !ailed to make the trip. Pepperctlne may not be In the same class as the two Cal Poly clubs that won from the Pioneers but should have " threat In passer S t e v P 1 ohnson. Johnson compll'ted I of 124 passes tor 710 yards rnd five touchdowns I a s t )car. The Wavl's have a VPrsatilc halfback in Ray Wrenn and good µabs rC>ceivcrs 111 ends Bill Echols. Bob Ilammctt and Denny Aria. USD has made four lineup rhanges in an attempt to find tM winning combination. Gray Elliott, a 19!i-pounder. has b<'<'n moved to left guard, Jim Gabriel (205), right tackle, Al Zuniga (190), crn- trr and Bill Bourque (172),j left hail.


SAH DIEc;O, CALIFORNIA ~Ion., Oct. 12, 1959 l" \


Friday Local



' The Uni\•ers(ty of ::;an Diego ha~ lo t tt> Cal Pol.v (San Luis Ob1,po), 36-11. and Cal Poly (Pomona), 42-12. Pepperdlnr ~~opped rames to Nevada,! _,.J2; o Angeles State ·18-11, and to Whittier College° 23-6. '

Corl'lell 20. l-larvord 6. Pe11n l B, Princeton O. Boston Col. 3~. V 1onovo 6. S,vro,use 32, Novv 6. Midwest Norfh"l'.estern 6, Minne~to O. Purdue 21, WIKonsin 0 Michigan ,a, Oreoon $tote 1. Illinois 9, Ohio SIDI!! o. Iowa state 41, South Oakota ~- Cotorodo 20, Kanso!I State 17, lndlono 3l, Mol"Que!te 13. Olclonomo Stat• 26, Tulsa 0. Kansas 10, Nebras.ko 3. IQWQ 31, Mlchlaan Stotc ,. So • thwest TexO$. 19, Ok.krhamO 12. ArkOn!rOS 13, Savior- 7. Texas A&M 28, Hous1on •· TCU 1•, Je•as Tec.h 8. South wo~e- Forest 10, Morvtond 1 Ge:>r.iio I e-ch u. Ten_ne$5_e-e 7 r •e-m(on :?. "'4. Caro! no d D. Florida State 7. Vo. Tech 0. N. -...orolina \t, S. loro1ino 6. Alo.Jome 13, (J\a11a,,oQ9o J. Au~urn J:l,, Kentuc ,v 0 Miss. State .1.9, ArkoMos St~t,e 8"· Ml~,;,i5,9ip01 J-,, Vanderbilt 0. Flor id0 1:;, R:'cn 13. LSLJ r f,ilorn1 J, Roi:ky Mauntoin WvomiM 79, Colorado Stole 0. Air Force 21, Idaho O. New Mexico '1.8. Utah State b. Denver 27, Mont(mo l2.

LB. Srti'._ T-4, Son Dino State 6 u .c. R.1 $ de 33, Cat we-stcrr1 o. NC.RO ll. Fresno Sta•, L.A. Valley u, SM o·eeo J.C. 12. Chula Vista High 17, Gconmont 13 sen Oi~o u. ot Colorado Western. cancellt-d. Palomar JC 2&. R~1onds Frosh 6. Octanslde-Corlsbod JC H, s.o. S1otel Frosh 6. Far West Notre- Dome IL C'olHoroio 6. WosniO'lton 1.\1, Slonlord 0. Wash. State ;zv ~P 2. Col Poly (SLO) .SS, Eastern New Mex-1 rclgi Polv (Pomono) 40, L.0~erne O. l 1.-'odMIO JC o~ son Mateo JC • 3~ JC H. Foolhill l} Oiabto Volley 2. F~o~' #. 0 'c':~~i~t~ 8 ,. Fresno c.c 34, Taf1 JC 12. Reedley ;6, Por1erville JC 0. Coa1 inga 30, Mletci:e V_ollev Z2. fg~e-;ts~~{;,'fs, t-lA~f~rH1Jr\co-:.'a: H Arii: , Stote Flo;stotf hr Chi~o St:i.t~ 12. SF ::.tete 3S, Son O tin Prisco t fast Penn Srote ,1, Army '. 'co9'- 0 Jt':~2~· Pilt 12, Ouk~ 0. Yo:e 1~, Columbia O Brown o. Da rtmovth 0

EVENING TRIBUNE SAN DIEGO. CALIFOR~IA b 7 'I'bur dal, Od. 15, J 9;;!1 • ----;E;;;-V;-;;;EN-:--:-1-::-N:-.:=G=-=r==R:--:-:

I s=-=-u =-=-N-=-=E:--::P=--ig-sk-in_P_i-ck--1-t ~--_--:


oct. 16-17


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Redlands Peo;,•;ilnt

S.D. State Peo;;~:~n•

s.o. 51011 Pto::,:lnt

S-D;; s- Peoo:,:lnt

Redlands Pto::,:lnt


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--use womi;iton wash. State vt'or· d



b~ 5 f 3


bv 6 ,


bv 1

use 8-0

b~ 5 f 0


use bv 1


St ~ .=";:"= "--- __ _..!!!Vc...!!10!___,l~-..e.c..,____ Stbonford WasbhY. s,tate

5tabnfird l__ -"'Yw_•__ I__

5tabntolrd Stanford .J!!Y..L__ l~-J:•,;:v_;7[__~__

Wash. Slate jb!JY:.l.3__,_ _:_lb~•:.:•C_J Stonford

Air Forc.e


Stanford 6-2 Ori~~on 6·2

---"b"-Y-' 1


A1r Foree by 10

Oreot>n bv •

Ote§t)n bv 5


OrHon by 10

Oregon T&XOS


Oregon bv 10

Oregon bv 6

Air Force



bv 2.



• 1-c:;.,,,,~,,~"'~:"~""'''-- l--b!!:$!.."..!.f3~•--1--Ar-~..C.~-'n ..._o•--1---T-"~"-:-'~'-·--1--'t"~'-•o",1'--·I--A-r!!:~~!..n..!.f_··--1---t21$!..'1f2L'--1--Tbey_.0_6'____T_,b•-'-:-'~-·--1--T~:~:.r~·--1

20 ®

,-at.., Oct. 10,



v1a'm' I

.Nba,VY bL;V, 1


Miami by 3 b1 5 ~, Auburn bv 9 Purdue


Miami by 1 };V3 Auburn



Miami bv 14' LSU bv 17

Novv by l

Novv bv 6 LSU by U

Novy bv -4 LSU by 12

Novv 5·3

Pi (s' Pass Attack Set For Colo. Western· Specia, 10 Th• Son DiHO Union cu:-;x1SON, Colo., Ocl. 9- center to left guard to rep,ace The wlnless University of San the injured Wayne Bourque. Diego Pioneers have switched Bill ( ark v.ill go _in a~ center from the ,lot-T to ~plit-T and Jim DeSant1s w11l take rormation and hope to throw over at fullback in place ol a lot ol passes tomorrow aft- Chuck \\"illiams. ernoon again,;I lhP l"olnrado Other starters \\ill be Walk- We~tern lootball tram. Kirk- Pr and Baker at ends, Btll off j, ,.,t fo,- 1 ::io. Banaga and J. T. Trily at Quarterback Jan Chapman tackles, and Bob Hugh_es at ha, ,·ompleted more than 50 the other guard. B e t d " s µM" cent of bis pa,-ses de".pite Chapman and DeSant1_s. olh the Pioneers' t" 0 Jop-s1drd er backfield members mclude defeats. He ha~ good receh·· Joe Loeschnig and Joe Gray. er~ in c. G. Wall

b;5 Vo

Kon~~CkY GeoVs:ech Auburn Pu.J:ue Ohio Slate N. ~~m• Mich. St. N 1 western MTch,gon Konsos St.

I.SU bY 12 Gto. Tech bV 3 Purdue bv 6 N. Dome bv I N'wes1ern by 6

LSU 8-0 Auburn 5-3 Purdue 7-1

G~o. Tech

Auburn bY 6 Ohio Stat, IIV 6 N. Domt by l

Geo. Tec;h bv 13 Purdue bY 20 N. Dome by 21

Auburn bv 2'due bV 3 Mich. Slate bY 6

bv 3

Auburn bv I ,,urdue bY 5 N. Dome bV < N'western

bv ,



in ~'~~.: l quarterback Jnn Chapman b expected to be University .of ·11n Diego's majo,· weapon again tomorrow as the win- le Pioneer· play in Colora- do. ·'hapman and his coherts will be in Gunnison Colo., to meet cidkllllAllllbW State. a winner three grid tarts, In an afternoon tilt. USD thra~hcd the ~fountain- ei:rs in their San Diego meet. ing last year. 46-14, but sln('e that time thl' Colorado crew h11s add d talent while the Pfonef'rs have lo~t stature Colorado We tern won it, opPner from the Univeraity o! Nevada, 14-13. but since has s11f!enid a homecoming game loss to Colorado State College, 49-6. anrl lost to ldaho State CollPgP last wN:k, 32-7. Cln,pmaD had eight comple- tions !or 115 ,-nls last week gain t Cal Poly of Pomona, two of lit ae,rtals going for touchdowns. He comp ct 13 passe for. -yar the Pion ers tll!'l~r ••"ht Cal Poly ot San Luis Obispo

bY .6


by 2

bv 9

N. Come

N. Dom• bv 13 N'~sl:rn

Mith. State

bv 12

bv 7







Wwestern a-o





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Iowa bv' 6



Iowa by t


Iowa by -'



bv 7


by 6








Pillsburah ,_ _cb,;:y~l[!lc__


1 ___ b:;.Y'--".3__ 1 __ ,!!bY!...!.l!!.0_-i--..!lb:!VJl_!4__

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bv 2

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cg~n, 11





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;;~ 1~:a'


Lost Wee<'s Reco,d

1_~,. _", -• • G ,,_,,_f• E I

5- .i22 1



11-1-1 .611

12·6·1 .667 ,1.Jo-2 ,610

13-5-1 .722

H-.l-1 .778


~1it 2


.~.• -i. •~


51-U.2 .662


sa.2,.2 .649

48-29-2 .623

,1-Jo.2 .610

5,1.2 3. 1 .701



South Tennessee of Alobama. ArmY at Duke. PfU at W. Virginia. Geo, Washington at Furman. )(Mls!. State o,t Georgia, ;ii:L.SU at Kentucky, Florido ot Vonderbllt. Tulane at MtssissiPPi. Vir~lnla Terh at Virginia. Southwest Te11:os al A~t- r~x3saTeJi~~.t ylor. . Hardin-Simons at Tulsa. Arizona State ot Colo. Stot•. Iowa Sfo1e at Colorado. Montono at Utah State. tJ,. ~ta~ 1 " 11 • Adams State ot Col. Western, ~-Night game~----- - Rocky Mountains

tlnco1n vs. Clclremont at lo 1<0!10, I . Crowford vs. Grossmont ot Aztec Bowl, 8. ~n~{o}og1gy ais~o~r~r;._Jgu~tine ol Bol- boo Stadium, 8. ~i~1~ 1 ~f~a° 1 ofi~~ef:i;e~; t Heli>c at E!condldo, B. · Mt, Mlguel at El Colon, 8. El Co~iton vs. HIiitop ot Helix, t. Sqn D1e;ullo at Mor Vista, a. Vista at Carlsbad, 8, Oceanside at Coronado, a Rancho ael CamPo ar ArmY-NaVY, !. :au~~l~u~1 ~fi:r.otm!rre. 2. Elsewhere gf (Fla). Claremont ot Occidental. Saturday Local l·h:in,llton AFB at MCRD, 2. PoOPerdln• ... USO of Balboo um, 8, Scin Diego State ot Redlands, g_ Sladl· ~~tforo:~te1~ a~tLgo~t~n:af_baro, I, G~~~"l. vs. Bolso Grande at Garden SOJC at Scmto Monli:a, 8. Pgcific Coast bi~'~,"~a~~,~fi,~:· Wo~lngton State at Stanford, ~d~~o~,x~~eg~n Af:~~~- • Air Forc:e Academv cit Oreaon.,

FANS TO HEAR 1 GRID COACHES Football fans will get re- ports on San Diego teams at the regular weekly meeting of the Union-Trib• une Quarterback Club at noon today at Mission Val- ley Jnn . On the coaches' panel will be Birt S l a t e r, Kearny High: Dick Gor- rie, Helix; Paul Gov- "rnali, San Diego State; Al Lewis, Cal Western; George SchuttP. San Di- ego Junior College, Paul Platz, University of San Diego, and Robert IBull) Tromet!er. Ma r i n cruit Depot. Gene Greg,ton, excl!U- tive sports editor ol. the Evening Tribune, will be moderator.

- --


xMorquerte ot COP. Cal1ech at Pomona.



;ru~koJ!f." ~ollege,

Yale at Cornell. Xavier at Detro corumbla ot H North Car011no Boston U. ot Pe

~:fv~e 0 it~rn,eton. Holv Cross 01 svrocu~e VMI at WI ll!am & Mor,-. Midwest Minnesota at Illinois. Koosas Stote al Kom~os. ~~½i~e~~~na~rMJ1~~~~n~lott l,"~~3~: g/ ~~,i~e. 001~t~ra" 1 • lo~ at Wisconsin. •

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