News Scrapbook 1958-1961
er 16,
---·- ~----~ The San Diego Union's Gridiron Selections
Dick O'Brien Ga I idney A couple o old .Notrn Damt> quarterbacks, Ralph Guglielmi of the Red~kin, and Paul Hor- nung of 1hP Packers, are click- ing this falL Ralph is lPadlng pro pas,er at thts \\ riting, Paul, now a halfback~t, No, 1 ground )i[ain- er for 11nhPa1en r.r@Pn Ray. GrorgP Jzo, rurrPnt passing rage at Sou h Bend, da1ms his in.iurrd ltl1 o\al now. He·s aninons get 1"rk on lhe ftr!n,g lrne 1)1 tl1 onal- ly t P 1 e v I e t1 t'!l,li- Sla te' J?ame tomtlrrO{'-' n1>l 4, starting at 10:) am,). BlJ!' GP or g e, th@ Rllngin' Slav, is eai::n to 1Ms some TD aerials and <'arn A 11-AmPnran and Hel.;man awards a\ BM- telh, LUJack, GugliPlmi and Hornung bPfore hun, Then he would he in hett~r position to lalk pro part with GP or g e Pres1on ,,arshall. P•1 P Ro•ellP George Halas or whome1·er, ' .. .. • UnheatPn Holy Cross, ]es~ lmprPsSil't> wi1h each outing, barPl_v rneaked by Dayton 8-0 Saturday. It WU the 100th Holy rross ,,ictory for veteran <'Oach Dr. EddiP Ander•nn, hut a hollow Pyrrhic one h!,!canse quarlrrhark Dick 0-Brlelt was seri~usly in.1ured. He ubmit1rd to sut<. ery short! after 1hP game for re· moval of a lddney. As if things aren't had enough alreadr, Dr. Ander- son's boys 1his wPekend must face unbeaten Syracuse, The Orangemen are 18 point favor- ites off fhPir smashing con- quPsts IJf Maryland 29-0 and Nal':,' 32-6, OnP ray of hopP for Holy Cross is ptoYided by its Pole- to-Pole passing combo - Qb. Ken Komod1,inskl !)itching to end Bernie BuzyniskL • • l\farquPtte, Io s e r of four straight under returnee Coa~h Liz Blackbuorn, inva,Jes the West Coast Saturday for com- bat With College of Pacific at Sto~kton. Marquette won in 'a 27-18 upset last year, but the Tigers prohably will be fa1·ored on their home grounds dP.spite the fact head coach l\f on s e Mver~ recently was hanged in effi~. Tht> Stockton rlub has Dick Bass going for it, too. • • .. San Diego U, (0-2), so far unable to get its offense off the ground, ran into a similar situation with an airliner Sat- urday, The Pioneers had char• tered. a plane for flight to Gunnison, Colo., but engine tr o u b I e deyeloped and it failed to Jene the runwal'. Re~ult: San Dlego's gaml' 1>:ith Colorado Western State was canrrlled. This Saturday night winl%S San D1 o will host winles~ Pepperdine (0-3) m a homP comin_g battlli 'b led for Bal- boa Stadiunr. ll'he Pioneers have pummeled the Pep Boys in two pre\·ious football meet- ings 27--0 •in 1937 and 45-13 la~t year.
I .
Jaek Murµhy
Phil Collier
Harry )lonahan
·ei~on H~her
Howard Hagen
Jerry :uag-NO
Jotuu1¥ :W:cDonald ~:•~.:.,
Rolla WllliAnl!I s.a..,., W•1' LAI
Ho1ne~o111i11 I Pione
Against The Univ
ttempt to break into the
Pepper thou h he I
win column Saturday night against epperdin College before a homecoming crowd at Balboa Stafflium. The game, USD's first at home, wiU begin at 8 p,m. Despite the t,ct that both clubs ente, the game winless. the meeting sho spotlight • two powerful s 11 college has rushed 17 times fol' 71 pMsing attacks. The \\'aves yards, ttave lost their flt" s t three • Coach Paul Platz will juggle g:i-i_nes,tod~?ppindg ,a th27 · 12 de- his lineup for the c,swn .,eva a m e season Saturday n i "'ht Pepperdine opener at Reno, lost to un- · " , be Lo An I St t 48 clash, Jack Garofano, a 205- aten s ge es a e, · d t d J, G b · 1 14, and Whittier College, 23-6, ~ou; 05 _~e 0::~• ~:d, 1 :\u amr~:~ The P1oneers ,have, lost to Cal into the starting tackle posi- Poly (San Luis Obispo), 36 • 14 • tions· Grav Elliot and Mike and Cal Poly (Pomona), 42 • 12 , Gurr~la ~-m take over at The Pioneers had trouble guards, and Al Zumga, a 190- launching an offensive attack pounder, will start at center. in their first two games, but 'l'he Pion have met the found themselves in an \In• W.a usual situation last Saturday . 1 _'18 l>ll WP preVlou occa- defeated Pepper- morning when an airliner char- 27-0 in Los Angeles in tered to Gunnison, Colo., failed and' won last SPason·s to leave the runwa~·. Engme 45 . 13 trouble and an unexpected fog ' grounded the plane at Lind-
tartmg 8 11 Bo 1rque, a converted C(Uar• terhack, and Joe Gray at blll\l•s. Th Pioneer hope to have a diversi11cd attack but wilt rely on a good thrower, too In tv.'o games Jan t;hnpm.,n has com- pleted 2 L of 39 passes !or 297 ) ard and three toa h downs, His fuvor te targets
Lavon Baker. Platz said Injured ' boys welcomed last week's unexpected rest when the Pioneers were unable to play Colorado Western but from a psychological point ot \1ew tt was bad, "We needed that game to be at a playing pitch for Pep- perdlne," Platz admitted. the
l~rl., Od. 16, 19,:;9 UN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA
FACE PEPPERDINE Pioneers Hooe Running Gal11e. "We hope to clo some running against PcppCt'dine but we'll have to,,chew 'c>m out and not iigurP to go for~tbe Jong gainers, head coach Paul Platz of the University of San Diego Pioneers admitted yesterday. ~- l
bergh Field and forced both schools to cancel Uie Colorado Western State game'. Pepperd!ne Co~ under Coach John Scolln08, operates from a professional·T forma- tion and relies on a strong passing attack. Slingshot Steve Johnson, Pepperdine quarter- back, gives the Waves a Jong range scoring threat. Last sea- son Johnson completed 51 or 124 passes attempted for 710 yards and five touchdowns, Versatile ha If back Ray Wrenn led the Waves last sea- son in rushing with 225 net vards and completed 19 passes for 165 yards. Wrenn a 1s o caught 13 p,111111es for a total of 156 yards, Tbe Waves also are well stocked at ends with Bill Echols, Bob Hammett, an d Denny Aria available for duty, Echols, a 6-2, 205-pounder, led the Waves last year in recep- tions with 18 for 377 yards and five touchdoWDI, The Pion- counter with a superb tJBSsing attack feat u r in g quarterback Jan Chapman. Chapman has com- pleted 21 of 39 passes attemp- ted for 297 yards a n d three touchdowns. In the last season's USD- Pepperdine game in Los An- I geles Chapman completed 13 of 15 passes attempted for 217 yards and two touchdowns, Two outstanding USD sopho- more halfbacks, Joe Loeschnig and Will Chappell, will see only limited action against the Wave& because of in ju r l es. Loeachnig leads the Pioneer backs In rushing wlth 13 car. ries fop 83 yards and a 6,4 yards per carry average. Joe Gray, another USD sophomore,
Platz' chtb, still looking for ' Jts fll'St victory of tl1e cam- paign, will tangle with. the Waves i11 Balboa StadiUl[1 to- 1morrow night. Klckdlf is slated for 8 o'clock ' "I think we ca11 run for short gainers but it will be hard for our backs to get such secondary men as CI a y to n Tave and Bob ' Daniels - both good sprillt- ers,',.Platz added, Platz said his boys showed improvement" in pass defense this week but admitted that tl1e 'II have to be at their beM against a club which throws the ball as much as Pcpperdine Tbc Pioneer coach shelved his plan of using Jack Garo- ' 1 !0110 at tackle and has moved thf' veteran player back to center, Bill Banaga will oper. at left tackle while either \Yayne Bourque or Mike Gur- rola will be at right guard in other switches. Joe Loeschntg's ]eo- has j improved so he should seel considerable service although Bill Bourque will open at left ha If Also, Chuck Williams should b~ ready to spell Jim D<'Santis at fullback, adding' sti·,•ngth to that spot. R!'ports from Pepperdinc ar!' that two pl aye r s are~ jdoubtful, Ray Wrenn, a top halfback who also throws a 1good pass, and first strinal ,guard VerJJ Wagner suffered injuries in the Whittler game and may HOL play against 1USD, The Wa, PS, also scek41g 1 U1ei1· initial tdMmPh. have lost to Nevada, :;n,12, 1,tis An-j p~_clcs State, 48:14, and Whit-· tter, 23-6, __ _ _j
Et1d C. G. \\ alker will be one of the pa threats foe th Univ in their home opene gain$ Pepperdine at Balboa ll!ghL U'SD holds 2-0 edge over· the Waves in their ne! series. Last year's game resulted in 43.13 triumph for the Pioneers. stadium turds y of San Die atching loneers
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