News Scrapbook 1958-1961


CVPJU:Ss 6 •4671 CYPRESS 8•7711 ( EXT . 45)

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May 8, 1961

The press clippings, programs, pictures and fragments of historic press coverage of the University of San Diego athletic activities represent the combined efforts of several workers in the USD athletic news bureau, It is hoped that these pages will be read and apprec iated by all who will follow i n our footsteps. The following pages give the complete history of the early development of USD athletics - - it is our hope that the future continues to bring national recognition to the diocese of San Diego and those who founded Alcala Park.

Respectfully submitted, ~.dh~ Bill Thomas Director Athletic News Bureau 1957 -61


Ralph Fear Statistics and Records Athletic News Bureau 1959-61

Volume II

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