News Scrapbook 1958-1961


• I

Marines, Pioneers Collide



THE SAN DIEGO UNION a3 • ""M., D c. 10, 1951 , ____ SAN DIEGO, CALll'ORNIA PIONEE FIVE TESTS LOYOLA SPec,al lo Th• ian D1"0 Union LOS A. "CELE , Dee 9 Headed by veteran Bob Le lie and Bobb\· Maines the U'nh er ity o"t • ·an Di'. rgo baskPtball lf'am v.111 oppose strong LllyoJa Uni- \·c1. ity h er P tomorrow hight. Tipol[ is ·pt for o'clO<"k. Pioneer coach LP Har- \'ey I. expected to open v.ith Leslie and Ron Roth at forward , Bob Turpin


at center and Ed Baran and Bobby • tafne at guards U ·o ha won one of three gamr this season.

TDm TO , "I'OP- 1arine Corp. R<"· cruit Depot';i L. C. Taylor is brought down by Tom Gatei; o! University of San Diego, but not before th<" Devil-

dog had pic.:ked off 10 yards and a fir t down in this third-quaMer action of their Saturda~• night game, which was won by the Marines, 35-0.


Marines Rea yf Bowl Tilt

/Marines Rip Pioneers in Bowl Warmup ((;ontlnued from Pni:e b-5) rum Ing for 266 yards and con-

'aid 2 WhUe the on three who are tro have at lea t the load-Ernie



I CAVERS' SINGLETON NAMED BREITBARD STAR OF NOVEMBER Ezell Singleton, quarterback of the City League cham- pionship San Diego High football team, has been voted the 'ovember "Star or The Month" sun-gold plaque award by the Breitbard Athletic :Foundation, manag- Jng director Bill \\ hitney announced yesterday. Singleton, one of the greatest touchdown passing quar- terbacks in the history of Southern California prep football, was cited for his f1rld generalship, fine forward passing and dazzling running which led the Hillers to the league championship In 'ovember. Singleton threw 28 touchdown passe.s during the sea~on. Al o considered for the November award were Joe Duke of San lDego State and Bob Keyes and Jan Chap- man of University ot San IDego, al~o football players.

P k, D. C.

Martha I U. Ea.stern Kentucky 12. lono 14, Queens 6J 71 st. Bonaventure '9. K1ntuck1 Wesleyan \llr;Jn a Unfan 14, Llncoln (Pa) !9. $1 Joru,•s (N.Y.J 911, Brld oorl .14 Gannon ••• Vollla MadoM1 1•. _N Brno n Tchrs. IS, WUUmontlc E:',' d 'ro !' ~ato V re "nro ,,. W1it1r11 ktntuc Y ao. Mjss UIPDI Sou1h• t,;:. ri1a I. Mory .SJ, ._.ormx:len-Sydnty ... ~'l'Ja I, "stlt"~lJH Ywtsltyan 70. McNn • S • 6.5~o,t Ttnneuee St. 60. G.ora a T rs ',): Newberry .... Tenn, T1ch e..s, Texas Western 60. 1,/JNorthwntern t. 63, Lou s na Co Jeg V:,\'3/'it~\i,~~oa nv (Ga St. 4 • e Ctirls an at, Mtdd, tMe~ M sslsslool St. n, Ark•=• St. '57. Norlolit Olvlsron WIIUam & Mary 1', RondolPh--Machon 7l (overtime,) Tuta~ 1s, Southw,sr rn Lou siano 6', Miam jFlo. I 101, Fia,ida Sou10.rn 10. ~If~t~i.6¥~~YJ_t. ,1. Midwest Mlchlvoo St. n B I tr 46. Northwnttm Notre Dame '3. L:r,_la (HJ ) , •• We,ttrn Ontano 70. N rJ V ~-~'Jt~:!J!~t:.. 40.. Otnver 73, Kansas '° Mluourl 71, Vonce b I n '""'"""•) low St, 0,- M so a 7S (001,,ble eYf'f'I I), YOO slown ,,. All ooce SI. Soutliwest 8~!C:.V~~ ~kJ=, ~O , e 60 SOt.ttvwn Method st 11 1 ~ons111 O. lu:os Tech 71, Eas en, Ne...- Mttxlco 41. Houston 101, Ar&zona St. U. '8. Chrt. 4t. " tit ~-.v~~,o~."'

Taylor, Dale Boutwell, Duke SnidPr, Jimmy Pyles and Billy Martin or Al Hall it their in rc,-pond to treatment. also boast a sou n d p s.slng attack v.'ith quart,rbae, Vern \'a!dez hit- ting th o her back on some pattern but gi\ing mo. of his aenal action to his big ends Pigg, Robiw on, Jack 'tilh\ell ar:d Pete Co,ington. Probable starting lineup : ju The :;"\!arinP.

Bl· .HE(, ZIKI~.' 11Pl'llng on 10 of 24 passel! for • farme Corps Recruit Depot 154 yards and one touchdown figure 10 e real tough m On the ground, it was sw11t the first annual LPa t hernPck Bl Iv :'\1artin and orkho sc Bowl game agam~L camp Le- Ernie .1erk who tore up thi, Jeune next SUuclay. nine-man USD line. ".\larti 'l Ju. fact "I\ as broui:-ht out before ome 10.000 fan, in Bal- 1 " 1 '"" rv .)'Jfo~ m 10 t:at boa Stadium Saturday night riP.· while M<'rk v. as going up as the Devildogs added the the middle for 64 yards rn l mythical "city c-hampionshlp" trips to their Wrst Coast Marine Guard 1',lbP1t Bulloc-k re. and ervice titles. I covered a fumble by Pioneer The fact that the San Dl!!go quar(l"rback Duane O'Connor Marines will be healthy for to set up the Marines' first. the Leatherneck Bowl was quarter TD. Quartnrback \'ery evident as some lad~, Vern Valdez hit fullback Duke who had seen little action thi~ !:lnider on a 30-yard scoring year, got in playing time whil,:, pass on the next play. MCRD coach Bull Trometter I The second • quarter TD emptied hi. bench. came a little harder since E\'en . Pason • long ~al"ine ~ICRD had 10 tt·avel 59 yards fans had to grab !or their pra,. in nine plar before :\fartin grams as MCRD pla~·ers, such dashed ovrr guard for three as Hall and Bob Liles, who yards and the six points. hadn't played in months, A rc>c·overl'd fumble by big chmbed oft t?e be_n~h to work Bob Whitlow ga\'e the Marines the_ rust of mactlv1ty out o! their third-quarter seoring op. their systems. portunity. Four plays and 32 "Our heart.s just weren't yards la1er tough Dale Bout. there," said USD coach Bob well was driving over from McCutcheon." The kids just the two.

OSD Wo .cer Novoc'i; Sl~ben Cook P01t,n Tr 1y W. Mourque O'Connor

K• o Ga .. Wrfsiht

ILOYOtA TRIPS :~l:a~~:NE LO A GEL"E.5 - University of Lo. Angeles humbled University of San Diego'.s basketball Pioneers Loyola

l!lrl,.""'"'~. -:~ .. -=-.,,..-11'."~":-':13:-s1-,:,..,:•-~-;r_/_~-1~-b~-~- a- 5s.:;.___ P/5~~ = Mon10n0 Stoto SI, Montono • P



Thur ., Der. 11, 19.;s AN Pf GO, CALIFORNIA

0 u~•,s~~ssac

oeii: 01 !1. ' 5 · .,

~~i1":, Holy Cross 65,

1>0..11ond 6<. Paci fg~~Fi·~~~t:£~Ki~l:;. t~:n~o~ 5 '6t~ 0 ~~~or{ 2 HalJ 51 P!Jrdu~ 89. DePool 71 Pnnceton PO. Tempi• s, Morvland 63, VirOfnio SYrOCU!e, 90, Columb·a 59. .S.S. M!~s tr,orcit Academy


here la t night, 79•31.


Twelve _.Points by forward




didn't 1eeJ like playing. How. PYer, don't try to takp any crPdit from the Marines . hey played a re I go gamp The arme• , taking turns with four quartt>rhack , did just about a e}' pleased, (Cont. on Fag b-7, Col. 3)

Jim M Louola, J

tty was foP, vhit h empt1


MCRD"~ fourth-quarter tal- lies were on a 20-yard ramble by Ken Lutterbach and a one- yard plunge by Liles The D pot•~ troop.· will rill this WPek on means or stop- ping the pot<'nt Camp LrjPune attack, \\ hieh fPatu1'es a cou- ple of pros and former all- st'lcct1ons.


t,'l:J.,~• w,,.,,

bench In the route. Preliminary- thP Loyola Frosh

60 Tem JP

Teicot State· o

act n

t ..n DiC'go· hope to

Utoh Stott ,,. L•w s & Clo,,


76, >


past the 29 Palms Marines, 71.-48.

e\'en their season record to- night when they journey to Loi; An;:el<'s to take on Loyola C:niversity. The Pioneers, 1-2 for young sea~on. hope that the the EVEN/NG TR/BUN SAN .DIEGO. CALIFORNIA b 13 addition of shifty Tom .\fathis Y \'\ed., Dec, _10, 1958 • will help their stuttering at- p p k ta,k Mathis. a defensive half. ower QC $ back on the football ·quad wa~ an ail-state high oo selection in his native :re see. • lathis won't tart, eet Tunies expected to break into the Balboa Park gym features up early. ~air o! pre- ea on basket- Co ch Le,s Haney's s( II tournament winners' ing 11neup for the Pionee cket q u a rt e r-fmals to- call for 6-6 pivot man B gh!.. Pepsi Cola,_,one of the Turpin to make like a post mu!licipal tourne) s top ta- for Ron Roth Ed Baran Ren vor1tes, faces the Sparks at Leslie and Bo'b, taines '

THE SAN DIEGO UNION a3 Thur ., Df'e, 11 , 1958 SAN DIECl0, CALIFORNIA Loyola Rips Pioneers, 79-31 S A. "GELES, DC'c. 10

6:50, while Rohr I_"ower Pac_k takes on the Turnes at 7:55. The schedule: AT NAVY GYM ,:4S--Foul Outs vs. &lock &: Blues (Women) 7·45--TOT's vs. C0t1valr «Women). AT BALBOA. PARK GYM ,-so-Tool Mfg. VJ. Ratner's Ml9., PeP• sl Cola vs. Sparks. 7:.SS-Oivlsion Highways It"s. Chollos Merchonts; Rohr Power Pocks vs. Tu-,1ts. 9:0G-Weber's Mkt. vs. Convair Eagles; Stor1dord Iron \IS, Rohr Jets. LAST NIGHT'S RESULTS Standard Iron Wor1t1 SJ, Canales Pl9sltring 23 ~:-:0 1Jeti 0 J.~I o1:• r~:~Nfo,{,~'r!s 2 io. TWot~r Mlg '3, Munl Employees A Toor Mffl '9, Solar 37. O

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