News Scrapbook 1958-1961






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D Honor


By.JOH.·. ·y reno. "ALD Th Unlverslty o! San DI. e o named five farina Corp Recruit Depot play. er tt, all-oppon nt team lso announced that 39 I records wt>re broken th • year In a final ly. sc

elect d to the all-foe club by member· of the Pioneer quad. The Depot defeated U D, 35-0, ln the final game ol the ea on, Others included were end John Land of Montana, \\ho was an All-American honorable mention and ,i\ll- Skyllne Conlerence; center nny Holland of Montana tate College, ~ard De. Lane Pankratz of Idaho

of Colorado We. em and fullback Tom Sorenson of Montana, Hallback Tom Gates broke fl~e standards 1 n USD's onslaught on the rec- ord book . Gate,, \\"ho came to the Pioneer from the Hawaiian • larlne thl year scored the most points In a single game \19) against Pepperdlne, mo t y a r d a ru hing for a ea on (622J, most points 171), mo ttouch downs f 11) and most toxtra points runntna-, one game, (4). Halfback Bobby Keyes broke three tandard two on long runs, Keyes had the lon,ge~t run from scrim- mage, 89 yards against Lew. 1 and Cl rk and the longP. klckoU return of 95 yard!! against Idaho t te. Hi 209 • ard ru bing again t Lew- is and Clark was his other lndMdual mark. Halfback Joe Gray, end erle Reed and quanerback Jan C'Jiapm n et two rec. ord each. In national recognition, end G. Walker wu named to the t team Cathollc All-Amerlc while tackle John .iulllgan wa listed on he cond team. Chap n \ as third In the nation I XAIA and 'CAA landing. In punting with a 43 -,ard av rage and 41st Is p Ing. U "D wa ninth

In team punting and 27th In often e In NAIA rating -

f the

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ul 1958


n. Tht> Pioneer 2 record. kle John Glover, guard Bullock, end Jack ell, quarterback Vern z and hal!back Billy of the Marine., were • • • had


State, tackle Clyde Cleve- land of Montana State Col- lege, halfback Don :Miller • • • INAL PIONEER STAT/ST/CS flAM aec vln9 N0Yd1TD'1 - .....:?.!'t:.. u_1_0~1r21t· ~~c'::'1. ... '11 fflH, ljo 0.ined •••• 21N 174' Wovne 8ourt11,1e fH ton:.:= ·•::•· •:: 1ft b:, irov H~"'1nl'~~::rod 111 ? 81: B."l'o f g i I Ycb. Ru"'-, Pan. no, 25'4 Rav Yaa r f l•', Down• ~u ::; '!J/ l'lt I l .. '4 Ran Falvo I ., 8 f!"° It •• f I Plfflff ;. al crlmma • Pion '21 646 Jon he Noll Yffu ""i me P.,. Pkrr • S 1 4 .0 &':a G lrnore 6 253 4 2 um Of Pl.Intl 47 -44 8 Bouret • 2 65 32 s Pun, ot -u;-•H ~'; eaf: (g'~'r.:r,' t' 115 ll I nJ ,: Punt Returns Ho Yd1 •~• "! ill Bob K'°y s 6 156 ,,o 1.ef,umbl" fl ~, ~'/t ~~-I • 1,7 ff 1 oyc WM Scored u 2t Tom Gal t ,, i tAT s (atttfflPlod-lCONCI) 21-2" n., Ran Fe va f 10 •o o f ro:-,:r, isJ 1 ,: lntwcePhorrs Mo Yeti To·, INDIVIDUAL Joe, Gray 4 13l I G TC! YO YL O!AvtTD's ' 4ll B 10 12 tJS i 62:1 SI II Tom ',IQfhls 'f -iJ. r 10 lC'li 603 5-5 7 Dua.,. O Connor U , 9 2 • o 0 8 Tom 11 Go..,!..... 25 S 9 41 19'2 • t • U1 •.. 1 U O • 4 151 1" 6 2 2 e K y 1 1 o ' '6 ,.. • 5 0 scar,,,. TD-. P,lT TP : • f! 7 1 J ! 9 } ~'.. •i f Il I 3 fa O 186 ! 0 Me, o f...s 6 O 30 4 1S O 1S 3 J O Ron Fa VO 4 ,4 30 I• 2• 5 9 0 t 0 COnrOII Wa 2 , f i1 l ; g J ~o g r~ 8~: i o ,; I 20 '3 1"2 9 o t,an Chapmon I 1 B A c.:,rns'!ln~Pt!1d;kO'I eMJo~kConnor 1 : : • If l if 1 '~ g La,ry T sary o ' • 10,. :1i ______ ;_,_ ____ --"--'-~

EVENING TRIBUNE Sf" DrEc;o, CALIFORNl,l bJ } Jon., D,-c, 15, l 58 • • u IC 5 Marines s Marine Corps R crult Depot personel dominated the all-op. pommt t"am cho n by Unf. ver lty of San Diego football players over th we,..kend llv of the Devildog picking o!f b rths, MCRD p!aye named were tackle .'Jo n Glo er, guard El- bt>rt u ock, end Jack Stifl. ell, quarterback Vern Valdez and halfback Billy Martin. he named to thP team \\<'re Cl'nter Sonny Holland and t ckle Clyd Cleveland, Montana tate College; <'nd John Lands and fullback Tom Soren on, fontana nlver- lty; guard D Lane Pankratz. Idaho St , and halfback Don Miller, Colorado We tern.






., D

Ii, 19,


USO to Play We Here Univer lty of San Diego' · b ketball team ncounters Westmont College o! anta Barbara tonight at • Ii Ion Bay High. The Pione.,rs rip- ped La Verne, 91-64, la~t night at the ame le. 'The \ictory e~ened U D 's record a t two win and two defeat The P1011eers o t- co1 ed their riva 2-31. in a torrid econd hall. Five Pion er player .cored In double flgur , wi h Ed Baran's 1 tallle taking hon- ors. He w upported by Bob Turpin 14: Ken Leslie, 13; Bob Maines. 12. and Al Pad- erewski, 11. Summary· U5D (ti I La Vorne <6') GFl'T GFPT Lesl ll! f 1 3 ll Bouev 5 3 4 13 Pdrwsl


1oneer ridders Set 39 Records Thtrty•nine team records were broken during the 1958 football 6E'8l!On by the University at San Diego's Plonee111. Pion rs ound up th Ir hi hly succ sful se on with a record of eight vtctories agaln l two defeats. The USO gnddcl'II also elc-rted an all-opponent team, th the :Marlr. Corps Recruit De-!'·------------ pot domin t The flve .Marlnes heading the with five p.a. e USO all-opponent teani were Halfback Tom quarterba k Vern Valdez, v.ho record-shatterln p f pertonncd for tlit' Pi rs last with five new mar )ca1; hal!batk lll playing h1 fh-st year 1th the end Jack Ullv. ell, kle John Pioneers after performing with Glov r, and gtlard Elb ul- the Hawaii Marines, scored the lock. most points In a single game, Other. named were end John 19 against Pepperdine; most Lands of Montana, who was a.n yards rushing for a season, All-Amenca honorable mention 662; most points for a sea.-ron, and all-Skyline Conference 71; mo t touchdowns for a sea- cholce; center Sonny Holland of son. 11, d mo t extra points •fontana Sta ta College, guard running one e four DeLane Pankratz of Idaho Halfback Bobby Keyes fol- 1 state, tackle Clyde Cleveland lowed with t ords. He of Montana ~tate Colle e, h It- had the I t from scrim- Don Miller of Colorado magc, an 89-ya~d dash against Western, and fullback Tom Sor- Lewis and Clark, and the long- enson of Montana. est kkk f return of 95 yards agam t II-ho Slate. His 209 yards 11\g again t Lewis and Cla et a, record for a single Halfback Joe Gray, qurter- back Jan pman, and end Merle Reed each Ret two rec- ords.


Ri laVerne Quintet, 91-64


End C. G. Walker and 'tackle John • iulliga.n gained .Catholic All-America honors for small colleges in selections of coaches for The Tablet, paper of tile Brooklyn diocese. Walker was named to the finit team and Mulligan gained a berth on the ~econd team. Chapman gained a third-place ranking in the natlon In NAIA and TCAA standings with a 43 8· punting average. Cha n also was ~1,;t in pa..~s- ing, The Pioneers ranked ninth In team punting and 27th Jn of- fense in NAIA ratings..





Uruvez::;11y · n Diego bowed to Westmon College ol anta Barb ra at ;\Ussion Bay Hi~h.... chool gym las night, 60-33. The Pionee1s out- hot tbe vi !tors from the field but railed at the free-throw lane, Jerry Gurton, cashing in Jo points the first half ~n_d :!'.? for the night. led the ns1t~rs. en Le lie with 13 wa" high for the Pioneers. u::;o trailed by only one point, 43-16, with e,ght mm- te to go, then thl' taller Santa Barbarans shot a\\ay and never were headed. The Pioneers next play :an Fernando State at 8 p.m. Fri- day in the La Jolla High gym. We,tmonl p Tu s.o. (lS)G F p T W' 40l llese 71115 H'°th •7315Padwl•00I ~~ria~ o o 1 o Mo nin 7 O 3 H Le , 3 a 1s eat:tr o 1 2 1 GJrton 10 2 2 21 R. Roth O : ! : McC osktf O O 1 0 "' o o a R:eb,.llo 3 0 l 6 Tota!t 14 1l I JO Totals 2, l 12 lS score at ha1nim1: Westmont l2, u.s.o. u. or



!A DIEOO CALIFORNl,l It' ., IJ c 16, 11138 1·

By Visitors Abilitv to m !tee thr.ow cost Uni sity of San Dicqo a 60-5j ba~ketball defeat L hands o( West- mont College of Santa Bar- hara last night in 1 lis~ion Bay High gym, TI1e \ isitors gut 12 points at the free-throw line. The Pioneers were only one point behind, 45-46, with eight min- utcs remaining, Jerry Gurton canned 22 point.·· for the winners, while Ken Leslie led l'SD with 15. ·ummar) Weatmont '60) G F PT WIison 4·0 I I ~HI t ~~d::;:J l ? 1 i M~1~-~o,~~''!"1,F~('. Lief! 6 J O 15 Bo~er ~~'c!1:.1k


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