News Scrapbook 1958-1961



Waves I p e n Against U of San Diego Hoping to end the season the annual homecoming with a win, Pepperdlne plays game. Its season finale tonight Kickoff is 8 p.m. when the Waves meet the The Waves, with a 1-6 rec- University of San Diego at ord, will have thelr hands El Camino Junior College in full with 1?oach Bob :!\lcCut-

P pper

Chapman Completes 13 Of 15 Passes For 217 Yards, 2 TDs; Scores On Sneak B ,JOH:-, ·y l\l( 00.. .\LO :an Oil' o Union ·ports \\rit,•r I, 'GLEWOOD, 'ov. 14-Tlie Uni\· rs!ty of ~an Diego mixrd a good rurinmg and pa• ing attack tor igbt to ru 11 Pepper• collcrtcrl 66 yards perdirr·s cventh lo !n, ,.,gilt n 15 trips and Ron Fal\ o gam<> It al. 0 ,,a1:1 P• ppci · picked up 66 in 13 carries. (Co111inu1'll un n,14, l'ol. ~) rterback neak, • • • Gates and J{<'ye <'ach sur. is 13 <'Omplrt!ons evrn nd c G. Walker brol·c µassed the school's rushing own school mark of 11 set mark ol .408 •ard S<'t (Continued) dine's worst loss of the sea- to the USO ?:t, Steve Johnson son. pitched 23 yard· to T a v e After a v.ild scoring f Ir s t down to the four where Ray period In which the W a v e s Wrenn ran around left end pulled back from a 12-0 de- far the score, After the mi sed !lei\, the Pioneers came out kick, USO Jed only 18-13. In the sec~nd half to com- Chapman' pas ·Ing and the pletely dominate play. running of Gates and fre. h• The Pioneers marched to two q4lc touc downs In the man 1:on Falvo turned the first q r but soon 1ound 'game mto a ro~t In the ~e,~- that a U-O advantage was ond hall. ThP Pioneers plck~d none t re. !up two touchdowns each 111 G d a S3- the third and fourth ppriocl~ Tom ates ca P P e . while bottling up the Pepper- yard driv,e from th e openmg dine attack completely. kickoff with a nine-yard scor- ing punch and scored again Chapman passed 15 yards from the two to fin! ·h off a ! 0 Merle R<'ed to .climax a 38-vard march live minutes ::,2-yard march midway or later the third period and caught · Walker in the end zon" from .Gates and ;

cheon's Pioneers who have rarked up four wins against only one loss anrl that Io~s was to powerful Montana State. Tonight'~ line-ups: U, OF 5AN DIEGO PEPPIRDIN2 M w, er \.E Arla 60 61 Mulliolft \.T M 11,.., 30 j.4 Steuben LG Anderson 66 Garafono C Kelh' ,1 Patten RG Crumlev ,2 l Tr 1y RT Ral>errs 52 86 Voa:t Re Port,r 41 13 Ch~aman O Criner '9 20 Kevn LH Tave 2, Al Gates RH DcSoaln 17 -'2 Wright F Cardinal 22



S.\T,. NOV. 15, 1958-'Pcirt II

San Diego U Ha ( ) Waves 45-13 Defeat Pepperdme nound up a d1sa trou football sea on :ast night liy receipting for a 45-13 d feat at the hands of the powerful University of San Diego Pioneers at El Camino tadium. an Diego QB Jan Chap- man completed 13 out of 15 pa for 216 yar<;is and two touchdo ns. Chapman a o pa d for one --pomt con- n•r 10n and llled another on a run. The \Vaves, 1-7 for the eason, trailed at halftime, 18-13. But Pepperdme com• rnitted three fumbles mside of it own 20 in the second half and the Pioneers con- \'Crted all of the bobbles in· to scor . SCORE BY QUARTERS U, 01 Sa Oit90 '2 6 U 1:1--45 PtPPCrd ne 7 6 0 0-1 J San D e,o scortr\9 TD: Gatn l (,,_yd, plunge, 2·Yd riOht end. 1-yo. fl!k e:J 1 ~:;"""c~!:!, Pl~~! k.e/'•lf:v~ 1 ~!:, t'or: ChaDm4jJ Chaoman (I Yd lflHk.t P~T: hlvo. 2 rVN)i G1tes (ru Peppe "' tcortno-TO Echo (.52-Yd P u ,,.om Criner); wr,nn (),yd. itft @nd \ PAT M1mm_,_11_1._1c_k~I.____ Grid Scores EVENING TRIBUNE ., Pioneers To Teckle Tough Foe Uni\'er ity of San Diego's Pioneers are going to have a tiger by the ta)I this weekend -namely the Idaho S t a t e Bengals from the tough Rockl' Mountain Conference. The Bengals. who h ave come out second best in three of their seven starts this ~ea- ·on, figure as USD's toughest foe since Montana State, which beat It. They will play Saturday night at Balboa Sta• dlum. Coach Bob McCutcheon's Pioneers have taken the role of tigers in their last few out- ings, knocking off :!ach of their last three opponents by more than 40 points. Chapman on Beam Montana State also cleaned up on the Bengals, but by two touchdowns less than the 31·6 defeat handed USD. On the other hand, USD handled Co. orado Western rather handily w h i l e the Bengals w e r e blanked by the same team, 7.0. Quarterback Jan Chapman had another big night as the Plonce1 · were manhandling Pepperdine last weekend, 45- 13. Chapman hit on 13 of 15 aerial attempts good for 217 yards and two touchdowns. Gatei, Top corer Big Tom Gates had another three•touchdown night against the Waves as he continues to run a. he did last year for the Hawaii Marine In the early pan or this season, Gates didn't show too much, but now he la the Pioneers' l adlng sC11rer with 60 points. Cfate was the worktiefl;e against the Waves, carrY,lrig the ball 23 times for 115 yards, an average o( five yards per carry.

- San o ie:oo UMon .Stoff Photo \Valkrl', 17. Linda ,Jo Rogers, 17, was not p1·c• ·cnt when pidurc was taken. !'he quPen will be ·hos~n Wcdne. dav .rnd will reign ov r rl! scttia Bowl footl>all game, Nov. 27.

Fo r of ivl." candi

D, Air-Minded epperdine Clash

COLL~GE CAGE RESULTS 65 P•lmer (la.) Chlca;o Tch ,, ll~;Qu 7•; Orak ence t a I 72· Wh I B•lhan, • ;,7J; To Ft ~• lKoo.l sr~ 53. l~~?{c;°r 11P I!-., 63 {•o. as Wei- S.n Francisco. 47; Wchita, "4 SO\lthwe•ltrn (K'ltn , BakN (K,~n.J. ~'he11~~,f~:• :t 4~III.), II. 6-4Sprin$JfiCld {Mo.) St., 82; P,1nhendle Santa Clara. 73: Hou:ron, 6t. !Okl11.J A&M• .-1. N.W. Nazerene (Ida), '92; Or. Teth1 66. Concordia Semlri,,ry (Ill), 6A; Llncofn: EAST Blblo ln,t.. 49, : Yale, ,6: Brown, 73. SOUTH I ~~o;yec:, .::A,:.u~ra~.111:n.1 BC, 49. ~,~ 1 tn,:~r1t 9r: R~~~~~:1rr 1 "· 7"· I Wilmington. 93: Ce-darvlllc, b6. Va. Stato, 82; SI. Paul's Poly, S9. Lf'movne CN.Y.), 57; Cortland, 53. Westminster (P,.,), 61; Car/\~1i11e Tech, ~~~e'l1•.,';L C8~7;~~~,l,;,·60. i 60 C1arior, Tchrs,, IOl. t'dinboro Tchrs., 8' 51 Joseph's (Pa.), 9~; Ellzabelhlown, 69. · Willl~ms, 73; irinlty, 68. oswtgo, 52; Hobart. o. Rnndolµh•Macon, 56; Washington (Md.). 8roc~port. 71, Hlr"IWlck 71 50. Bloomsburg $TC, 93; ec.fnvs (Pa), IS L,vlngslone _(N.C.), 0 0; Voorhee'!, 70. Roch1t1ter Tech, 69 Roberts W1lyn,, 52 Uillard, 67, Sl'luthern !L~.), 56. Canlslu1, n; Gannon, .s-1. M~mphh St., 74; H8rdln•Sunnions, -12. :'t,!.,Je(~i.l~.. )92St.~':S~'°vtl!~~r:..·. 78. ~If~~. ~l';"t,:t~in,c.,.i"'siltord, 63. 1sia~1~~ J,~ • 11.) Td-tn., 61 ltlOde 75 Soulhwutern (La.), 871 Loul!;iana Coll., M • nstield (Pa.), 6t· Lao11 K1Wn M lippf Coll,, l 1; Lambuth, 8-1. snppe,y Rock I Pa.i. 70i Fr611burg, "· M I-- 171 -•~n., 52. MIDWEST 60MISSIHIPPI Souther ,,~; $. E. Missouri, 1~'::.. 'gl: Llw,:~1'1g1J; At. ,(elem cw. Va.), 92; Concord (W. va.), Kal1ma100, 67: Manchesttr (Ind.), so. SOUTHWEST ~:isJ:r~~~s6J~··ara,ft~~~,.~: 54. I ~~1~.oiY',· Clok'r.·h700m;•N~r1,',"iTo.t)(n SI., S6 ~:~ 1 16~~r:s: 7 Jhi11::r c1~fs7tan~'·sa_ 63 • W•c!~r;:,·. 1t. (overtime). McN~se, 64; Sam Houston, S6. 6 U/'g~~l~gtt:1ei~i1.· 1~~ll), 50 · QUANTICO INVITATIONAL 1i'~~~i: i;; g~f:n'<;e~4 68 _ ,lmerican, 90; New Haven (Ct.) Tchrs., Ball St. (Ind.), 75; We::.t Che5ler SI, g,~~u~Tlev~s:61 •Miami (0.), 73: Marsh•II, 6'1. Persons, 59': Iowa Wesleyl'!n, 52.


n th~ offrn fve b CoL 1)

Pi nee s Will Play Pep oy

USD Tangles With Waves

Cei,i1al, 67: Wooster (O.J, 58. Midland, 89; Kcarnev St., 77. ,lompton tCaU, 53; Dodge Cilv (Kan.), st. Clc>ud. 68· N.W. Mlssourt, 55. Gustavus Adolphus, 66; (Minn.), 48. Concordia CM'nn ), 18 M MetAle-ster, n, St. John' Yank.ton, 66: Sioux Falls. Southern (S.D.), 68; G ,c. 62, Jemestown, Sir B,smartk: Hamllne, 7l; St. Mary•~ ( Hanover. 691 Deauw, Ii?. Merlan (Ind.), 70, Ras. P Tavlor, 100; Franklin, 91. AnR61; lndlana Tech, 56. La , 81; Superior, 77. Pia ~:r:~lt, ,I; crs~e:-:P~1~ 11 'tin1~t 61. 99· Wisconsin-MIiwaukee, 77


(Pa.), 73.

Ei ht former local Catholic prep tars may . e'! action when San Diego U' p<1werful Pione rs •I) play Pepper- dinP at EI Camino Junior Col• leg.- Stadium tonight (Nov. 14) at 8 pm. • La t yrar San Diego wal- lopecl the Pep Boy~ 27'0 here. This year the high-scoring Pio- neers are shooting for their t record In threr . easons. The ix ex-CL, one Paro- chial and one Olympic Lt-ague player who'll perform for San Diego are: J,rry M rcus, 6-1 221, right tatkl,. rrom •·otre !>ame. Walt Joo1, 6-9. 175 a 1 1 CIF <•n· t•r rrom Pomona Cath1>1lc High. Jae~ Garorono, 6-0 :IJ:.<5 atarttn1 <• t r Cr m Cant"••II H ~h Gurrola, 6~0 190, r-uard rr ll;t:n. J,:h Bob Hugl'la, 6-11 210, fr ,m t AA Hllh



had USO in good shape at the Waves' 15 on this march. However, the Pioneers failed again on the extra point. With 1: 15 left in the first half, the Waves were flymg goalward again. Clayton Tave returned the kickoff 67 yards

However, Keyes and VJ c r. u ep<1hl m y be pres cd Into d f nslve b ckfleld s rv- lce It the going gets rough. The Wave have Ix players , h c n pas with a lair amount of arcur cy. Fortunately for thr. P Io,

'\fon.. Nov. 17, 1958 @. a23 SAN DIEGO, CALIF_O_R_N_I_A___ 'Eleven


only two frc hmen n ruled chola tlcal- thls week.

Duane O'Connor, 5-~ liO torback f om Loyola High.


feDONALD none

410ints in each games, have


State, in

ego figures to oppose its 17-6, Colorado College, 8-7, and Bobby Keyes has shaken erased eral school recu-tls. toughest opponent since Mon- and Colorado Mines, 23-14. ofi numerous Injuries to nm Chapman has set two passing tana State College Saturday Idaho has beaten Eastern up sizeable yardage. marks while Keyes and Gates night in Balboa Stadium when Washington, 30-7, Adams A two • week layoff and a already have eclipsed the sea. it plays host to Idaho State 1 late, 26-0, Colorado Western, pick-up game with Chino son's rushing recood. College. 17,0, and Colorado State Col- Men's Institute apparently USO has won six of seven Idaho State, generally a lege, 14-6. has not delered the Pldlleer games so tar the last four in contender in l e ock) .Moun-• The Pioneefs J)ave been attack in any way. USD proveq 1 a row. A victory over Idaho tain Cllnfe,en to. has.inot H,·ed picking up mornen um each 'to be a strong club in thelstate or the University of up to last )ears \m'beaten week following the 1-6 beat- lmanner it downed PPpper-1~ontana, Nov. 27, would give campaign. Tint:; Car, the Brn. ing at thr hands of Montana cllne's aerial • minded Wavrs the Pioneers their bPst sea- gals stand at four \.ictorl!'S tale, ince then, Jan hap- last weekPnd. 43•13. .son record in the three.year and three losses. man has been uncorking pass- The offpnsh·e - minded San history of the sc!'iool. Last The Bengal~' lossPs were es in prof!>ssional styl". Tom Olegans who have scored ye r's mark was 6•3.

Vic G"lUl~pohl, ha k from St Bea<·h,

THE SAN DIEGO UNION 22 , )Ion .. :O.o,·. J,, 19.58 a SAN D1£GO, CALIFORNIA GRID PANEL HEARS CACCIA ,\ telepho 1e con\'en:a- tior, \\ith B be Caccia, ldaho S t a t e Jootball coach, will highlight the weekly meeting of the .\1 o n d a y Quarterback Club at noon today at San Diego Club. Idaho State will meet University of San Diego here next Saturday. Gene Gregston, execu- tive sports editor of the Evening Tribune, will be toastmaster at the meet- ing. The public is invited. Oa the coaches' panel \\ill bP Ca pt. Ted Sta- wicki of Camp Pendleton, Pnul Go,·ernall, San Di• e<>o Bob .Mccutch- eon, lISD; Robert t Bull Trometter, Marine Corps R e c r u i t Depot and George Schutte of San Diego Junior College.

,,,..,.n• .,al ii Mull aon itg K ly I ~m 225 ol ,., 1188! Johnson I ~tt Tavo 1'6'11 wr,nn 165 F8 Cardinal 2C5 Ande~r::

Two Pioneers are on the doubtful list for this week's contest, having incurred in. juries n the Pepperdine game. They are halfback Vic Gausepohl and gua Norm Magenot. Although victorious a big way last Saturday, the coach- ing staff was not pleased with, the Pioneers' tackling. So,! plenty of work on tackling probably will be in order tbiij week. USD-PEPPEROINE STIQ'ISTICS RUSHING TC B VG etAvgTD's Keves •. , ......... 14 6 63 -4.5 1 Gates ., ........... !j llJ 11S ,0 3 t~lvo ............. I 22 .1.2 o Gll~~~n .:::::::::: 1 21 If t~ i Grav ........ PASSIN'o .. 2.0 0 PA PC Int d1 TD Chaoman ... REc~fvi~o o m 2 ~~er •............. Na, 2 Yu.14 Afti ............... 7 103 1 .................j 91 G ""'"PUNTING •l e N~. v::• ":!· Gates Falvo Chapman


2• I

Stn~u• Chn,,

·"'· 1958


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