News Scrapbook 1958-1961


'REPRESENTAT/VE' TEAMS SOUGHT I/Iv A0oiJ /,t/16 ';, USD Program O Reduced Basis o Maintai n f oo ball

USO n m ,w, • S-41 l • 2\ u

The Pioneer

are for



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1.. 11/~ Masq ers core ith 'Apley' Pia ,1/110


,,, / alker' s ass Catches Total 1,064 Yards


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ltJT01~ PhibTr ac Whips U D Phlb'I'nPac's h u•s y ketball team ran i e la t night by breew1g to a 63-.i triumph o,er UniV<'l"lty of n Diego. Ph1b1'raPac hopped Into a 36-2-3 halftime lead aml \\Cnt on 10 pin he PionePr with thC'ir f l r !l I Jo. s ID three: game.. USO (SI) l'HII TRA l'AC (6J) GFPT GFPr P:ltniing •• 8lJl7Halsev B33l9 A Wical . 6 1 l 13 Moor~ S 2 0 12 8 a,w~~lt :: l a31i !~ 0 ~Jcal , • i 1 f · i i Cravens O 1 o 1 Corr.Py z 2 1 6 /ol~f!1 n°,,·}s~T0ta11 2,111013 Holftrl'l'e Kore- PhibTroPae J6. USO 23. bas- r cOrd to 3-2 at Amphibious B

The l'n \er

ba k tba I two starts thl el to Co 01 ado to ,ghi to op- po c Ph bTraP Game time i o' lock. P onc-<'r coa 1 Le H,1 n" will op n \\ ,t t'iree , rte1 ans anti two n \\ om1•1 For- wards Bob Mam<'~ (6 ll and Art Wical (6-4! and guard Ed Baron 16-:?) are back !or an- other sea on. Ncwcoll)ers In the slat ting unit will be C'll rles T 11 s k (6-5), formC'l St. Augu tlnl' starter, at center, and .J i m Fleming (5-11), who played freshman ball at the Univer ity of San Francisco, at the other guard. USO will travel to Whilti College Thur day. and play B1ola at K arry Hii;/1 at 8 clock Saturd UIJJOM f,{ ~l.fi2. 1oneer c1even Faces Whittier In Home-Horne The Univer !ty or San Di- f'go announced ye terday tl1at lt had .signed a home- and-home football pact with Whittier Coll P. g e, starting Sept. 17, 1960 in San Diego. The Pioneers are scheduled to meet the Poet, at Whittier! Sept. 16, 1961, RP.v. Walshe J. ~1 u r r a y, 1.:SD athletic rnode1·ator,

~ionf~, NlC Tangle Tonight Coach Les Har,ey' Unlve •. [ San D ego ba

~P,oneert/Rafi Beats Airmen



~/4<1 Pioneers D p od To ·ailors Unlver ty of San D "go' Pioneer had too rruca of Don Mea O\l last nl,.,ht. T 1e ex-Pit hur • Kan, c a g er tor d - point to p CP lning Cen!Pr to a 111 h on the Blue- t ' Jong S<'l shot In n g fhe mlhut a 59-:57 U.SD lead. o n's rebound h tcd to the

1n Over USD ~,fi 1iflrffuin~r~o,t. l nl\rrs ty of San Diego s Pioneer.s tonlg 1t nt R, with the Blucja ·kcts rckl g the-Ir second ba ·ketba I \\ in of the sea on o, l'r the collegians. u ·o, \\ hlch -or cd a 66-62 d e e i S i O n to t h e 'J ackcts boas 6-5 record. t' g f (). th t'1on( \\ l br> To IV C'd)}Utc Bob Mame . A t \', 1eal Jim Firm. ,ng arid C'ha !cs Wical. Back for .;-re w II br Don lllrad- 01\ ·, C 1 iarle H ry and Oli- ,·er \Vi.hams, t e three lads who swrC'd o h gh against C'~D in the r la t mectmg. On th football front, thP Pioneer J ned up their sixth opponent for 1960 , esterda), adding Whittier Poet . \!ready m the fold v. e c , ·ew 1e ico \\ e t rn, Hum- boldt 'late, C I Po I) of Po- mona, Pepperdinc and Az . Also on the ioi eer chcd- ule I Montana Slatr Colleg<' but U 'D will get out of trat one Jf the Bob ats can ~ign another oppone t for ti·~ date

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