News Scrapbook 1958-1961

Ball Le ds SnDiegans In ushing •

TROPICAL,RESULTS ;TANFORAN - 1 116 1111 . , Cloudy and fast, Post lim -.. ~- din,, J.Y"' i21 .t0 ''32.IIO 13.30 1-S2.000, 2 YOS, clmb, 6 Ill• .1 • 1-uzzt.: Pal, 105. ~loGro:it 4.IIO 3.10 Broadway Ballad, .. "· Ii~ i~, Harvest Cut,e, Feorless Fancy, .. ·.::::"•.....:: Pr i,ce A EE, t Kick Niglll Cllormer, Easy Gal, •.... .. ......... X .i::::: 11,, AdafflS_., 1, za~i: aSE~n 9 in 9 , ...... ::::::.::::··



P •

loneers OnqUer our,.:W 8 8 ',-ime 1·45 s II,

x r:n


Wlllv's Choice,

..... ···········."·

!.-~so r

, , tvn.: fun.' In Gamble~ .. :::::::······ 1


2 13 .--· -

t 0 n an

,-,rs. & 1111 HO 3 60 .mO(I Steel, 11 a. Culmone 6.20 , 20 7 20 Precious Doll, 21 so Twoweoh, R lenlsh Pluma Vino,

................ . ... .. .. ...... . .......... :·••.....


Bt 0- On you, ~7, COi' sr,arJ"lunoln. 115 Flsl<


B\:,,; 1·09 2-~ 'Hu~~ ~.;... rummer . :-=- CIMI J.Yn & UP, 6 s°70 3 so 6 furs: 0oeteur, Gl'f'!IIOR, aiues. Age Of co;:r~ PAID S534.60. 1 Giselle also ran. Eiffel, DAILY DOU tun.

ALSO ELIGiBLE ...... k




· · k


2-$2,100, 2 YOS, I~.:..


MiSL 11s. smlh 13.30 5: 30 3 40 1, furs. all entered for u,ooo, 5 12. .fi:: Honored, Bob ~::,eii~~";; silver ·.... ·........ :· obiscum, Rhoda 1 ' .. ·.. ·· ·.. · Ire De, 110. Bloct< SeO Doll, 1 3.10,Golden Cup, .. . .. .. ... .. Aust n.' Bactria, Pax v dOrfflldero, Gro· Lena ea, ..............., . . )

d period. The 5-10 penod on a blocked kkk in he



Bobb) Ball ophomore half• J ,0-pound signal c-aller h d a end zone.


- h 1 din


C h

-h g ru_ er boot for 41 ,-ard in the third

pm a n punt Tme t-to 3-

.__,., \-a t e ea



tate foot-

l~~~r;s ~~~de, ··::::::::::... : :: . i

on the

n Die 0


• •

bounced de don the Montana MaY, ~l::'~'c'":,,:r~e, A

ball team acoordmo to final penOdandS9)ar-d in the last 4andtheGrizzlie \\ere forced tutJ,

a'uP ,1-1,mi.:

D~e 1.,.

. ............ _.... . .... :·.:::::.... . · ... ..

kl 4-SZ,111 c_,.s-,rs. 23 10 11 20 6 10 Miss Cllf!wood, . Mrs. E. Q., · 110 4 9o 1

qu rter

to kiek from this point. Toe e Boon• BloU, 112.

eight-game _tati ti • Ball a·eraged

7 yards in

Avalan Wright, Ke) - and Rik 'o,ak blO<.'ked Ho\\ard=~'uf'av. 1 W3,GJohnSO~ ee,Anott!~~a~fah?n Honey' .... ::·.::.··:·. x G te.. were the top ground John on' punt and end C. G. Tme, 1:44 3-5. ~~'\~; RRa::e, Fibre Brokers Reword~ · for the Pioneer•• Walkc-r reco,ered in tM ~nd °'gt:,~.. o~aAAet 1• Gray Ace, French Fr;- 5 b~~• 2 yo.s'..'."~ 09 • 'luri,--- Wright i ed 53 ard j 13 R F l Le9Klft also ran. Blue G ··· ·· ·· ll zone for the core. on a \'O twcs. J.Yrs., 1urs.: 80 o•Gold ·•Touch,·... . ··· ..... ....:; had 44 in 12 ran the ball o,·er tackle 1or ~l:h, 112, Barnett ,uo H8 foo,circl~ T 8 ra,ce 1, .. ::::::::::: .. · ga n Y - n

7i carri

The . zt ' home a tend• g Iner. a ce also et a ne,, mark with an avera"e of 9840 fan- in earrie. Key five game_, Individual tatis- IP an ate ' tr d G

41 f


Hi Fl 120, Culmone


as ,

•...... ,


5 70 ,b•Son,c

or •

\·o point t;rrlsan, 1i1, c11a1

tic :

1ontana'· Henry Greminger wa - the be t gainer of the first dO\\ n


in the first two vid 's R, Si• Norl h , secre

The Bis?''d ·······.... •...::::: · •.. ·.... •... ···· ····· · :· · ALSO ELIGIBLE ...... ., OPP o • .. ··

ped Q IZ Siar Ruff1on also ran. ----·1Pen~Y un ' • u.. ,..l--c1ml,4•Yn & up, 'oo"'",·' 60 610 HoawnveosDter 9 .e 1 J Pie~ · ~.JO 3. 40 } -----· 2, 81 m 29 · ·



Bob Ba I n :i, J :144 ,.i 3 night with 93 yard. in l'.? car• period , had one drh•e top Goo stePMRSOn 35 101 12 fS 29 0 ne \\hile teammate Tom or- on the l'. D l after an. exce • Brolher C0011, 11 0 Marr, 71 2 19 230 3.3 0 •

l t

I 1.

t d b t short Noble TrY,

8 rnelt

J·m King 2 ll • 75 31 o Lorry Sch mpf ' 11 lt 2 l1 I 6 O enson

had 56 f


5.60 a•Funformoare,



Or - cames. en goa Jne an U ,

• Iona Joe,. 111,,i. 5 opeuian Claw, Or. Joe o•Golden Land Stable-Heibo,h TlmeE't 1.1o1 Mark, Show Bridge, Peg• entry, b-E. M. Goemons. Dr J

I 17 2 15 u 4 2 7 -6 -1.3 o

o Grizzlie Phil Griffin eonnected J,· after did core

Ken Cocnrane cec·1 McGehee Jim Svminston Joe Du e

~'1'.:.__ _ &I 4-$2,000, 3 yos, clmb, all 111 - S3 200, 6 furs. , •


' .


erno I ran.

2 o 2 ·12 ..i.o o on .·1x of nine pa ses for 102 33 68 190.122 -3 1 o • rd t d Ch , 67

The Gnzzlle had marched ~roncY oso




th U~D

and 1-111,eoo actcled, Hurcne, up, 51, furs.: •

INDIVIDUAL PASSING .) a S O C'XCCe 1 H1Yds Pct Td total but the ' D quarterback were aided by a penalty which HooP Bond, 126,120Gri~ 10 · 13:30 6'.7vj saucv Ga.1, ............ ::::::"•··x 62 2 787 .All 7 Flight Hlstorv, , 3 00' Sweet Trip, . ··....... .. ... apman S •~ S O e 40 5 70 3 70.Tony Lalo, ........... . P 50 A Pc P

Name 0 Joe

1 ~r~R9 1 ton •• o 3 2 J3 3'JO o made hi! three for nine when ,c ~rs ... 3 2 0 62 .667 2 th __, e m


KentuckY Pride, 11 9(N.;,u 1~ra.:ek recorciJ. ;Galsbull, C I Little Filz, IMlss Alamo, Morrie A., Whillltdl Y. u 'a.Bolero u ., Amb.lin' Forva, Sir Putnam, •·SO ution, sonny Maritime Fleet, Gree!< Chief, Kin~ Me,F,!:/::f:~irY. B~_cl_!:io_n.ev, ols~n. o•H(!!!Y~--.ickiP, 2nd: s-s2,000, 3 YOS & UP, F&M - - - ............. :::::::::"· ......... . .. .. :::::::"•·x .. ... . ... . ·•· Time, 1:02 3·5 ..... :. . . · · .. X



JBlobm Klngll

... 2 1 0 6 .500 0 • I o o O .coo o

ey count... -u.





Fir•I downs Yords ooss,,.9 Yards rushtnt ti::::'"' 1051

.• , u , 101

13 60

I O O O .ODO O TWO GRIZZLY DRIVE..-; · 1 ? 3 !~ m long touchdown drive., to take '{,;s A 34~,

Ctcll NQffle


t' li=s10.eeo ~•u:,U;,t:, 1 :.t, lo.I ,f~~,:r;,•~~- fil'ler~ran/- 40 ! RSoileY, 110' Burr , Gene( 0




iontana put together twoj ;~!!:! hod intercepted 6 fi' a 13· halftime lead O\'er the Yards penalized .. 50 · 50 s3111

: entered for two thousand, 1 mi ,t1 7 ~i, 9 i\,:1~~Y, ··:::.-.:.-.:·::.. . X

rn tl& ~fa"g~

Die Morris t':i ~YM,otrkk Name Bob Bell Dick Morris 8~ Fllzpatrlc Jim King Joe Due Lorrv Schlmof

... .


8.40 Lively Time,

············ ..... :. · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . ·

* •

Numher Yards Aver p·

Charlie s "J's Red Cadet Nan's Mink, Roleta, so• 3 Time, 1:03 · · the Art' Gree!< Star, Beau Valley, S · SandY's Joy, l·fn"° Eiha, Fabius, 1-EarlY My Jezebel le,



.. .. .... , , .. •• 1 .. :.... 1 9 2

137 31

15.2 7.7


.......... ....... ::;-· 1 ........ , ...... ... ::

p aced the ba l on


I I A o

1.0 The Grizzlies, who domi• Four attempts failed

:Twalent,:'f.'::~P i,sa ran. 1-Flold.

Mu~o~g~,,~, 0 Aoo ,.oo Pennev's \-ass, · 21·10 12 90 MY Reverie, 116 I r

· · · • · •• • ••••• • · •· ··••••·

i th

1 e first two Howc\'er, after the Pioneers ;:::s,,ooo ctmv, J-YMIP, 1 5 i .tOm1 e .Ifs o~c ·,failed to mo,·e, Montana dr~\'e' Flston, i'11 c 8h 011 111J~!lfs arni • d th r· t t h I . 'Fclrmonl 114 Clemes ' •

4 o o.o



' ············.. ···•

4:0 nan, action n

···········•···· ·


• d

· ··


KICKOFF RETURNS . Number Yards Aver, down with 4 :44 left m the !Jrst 56 yards in E'\'en plays with\ Shlmke, Ji!, per10 •,.score

· 6:40

11-n,ooo, 3 yos & up, ales, 6 furs: ··············••••........ x ...... ........... ... .............. .... ::;::· ~~Wts 0 'sesi; .. ··:::::::::::::::····· x A!Y Tudor, Happy America, 7-S3,250, J yos & up, ales , furi. Jedgar Ruler. (Moreno) ' Fort Kelly, (Green> .... ::.:.·.. :.x .. ·

N?mt Dick Morns Bob Ball .

1. 5 Lake Drive, Perfecter, P~ddle, Time, • 1 · Lad Hove And Hold, Tick Me,

b k

• . .. 11 ......... 6



. d



131 21.9 peno \\' en quarter ac Ph1lj' Sorenson going off right tackle R::ielPt, F~eJ!t Foxing also ran. J j: iN,Giiffln passed 32 yards to end from the 15 after a beautiful w I seosa ' '

},":.rYK1t;h,mot ...::.::: t:· s5:=~: .... · 1 ll ?N John Lands in the end zone.lfake b,· Griffin, 90 Tim Grattan's placement \Vas ..... 2

HOUND ENTRIES ri~:::Sc~a"r~er, ............... ::::::: Griffin handed to Sorenson _.:.;:,.::.::.:,..;..:________ Moonlight Boy, ··············•·....

ken Corch~on., Br~on 01nk1ns ••• • 1

18 u 12 10 10

t.f o 10 o 100



120 good and it was 7-0,

Mike Tortton Cecil McGehee Joe D¥;;,~k

.. .... 1 ..... I ... 1

ih<' first man through, faked

FIRST POST, 7:45 P,M. (In past pasltlon order\ with approximate odds



. h


The first march consumed I wo p1tc outs, and t e


Bob.l'.iSSES CAUGHT INiERCE"°TED OO I68 yards in 12 plays with I

neer.s were l'Ompletel\• con• p 1-h546t ya rd s, Or~~Mt~ Stan

15-1 rpr/Q~es Slreel, (York)

.......... . ····.... ··.... ... . Al"b. ·............ ... ······I ............ ..... I ... ·.• ........ . .... 1 , ,,

d E

f •



roP •" · 1R

d Reaper 3•1


Nome Bob Boll

Pc Yds TD int R backs Tom Soren.son and Bob USC • \'er:-on's run or extra Nenno's wav d t1c~w~r Gal

6·1 Hr~g, 10 1 a· o ers

20 264 1 17 h . \'erson pie mg up t e 1mpor•1 l~l 1 J t tant yardage from the single Montana • 1 3 63 J • 5•31 E . k.

13 o

•po1· ts f 'Jed n • a1

d ·t an I was

Johnny Vogabon . eeh -o, T. For Te•os 12i~ __ ...:... o•Joe Sabu, .,..-Grode o FIRST HALF

k M ...........

... , .. 4 2

-- - oi~D'8'ua'i'..e:

o-W D & G Rorick entry I 8-$1,200: 3 ;OS &-,,P, cl;,,b- 011 ·





grrl~~ r1eklns ..... :

.... 7 ' • 11-13

1 t1 !~red for \1,600, 1 1-16 miles: '

J~f~ K's Annie

::::::: 5 58 o o o wing, • 28 0 0 0 USD 2 23 o o ol

U~onl ·:..: Lands 32 poss O fr~m•

5-2Bulf Lyon11

J;':,, Ki~; Miko Tarlton Geo. Steohenson Kon Cochrane Rolph Hemp J~ Dukce • •• Roy Glaze Wavne Whitby ~111 11 c~t"c;' h

I Id t t

•! . h ' \\ 11C was lC (Gratton plocement) USO-Walker re- O.B •s In Time 9-2Kosho i~nkev 9.11 v,ctorv Rt,bY, O WO covered blocked Puni In ond zone (Fol- Inside Job 5-1 Roe}:' Rooster 7-2· Fourth A.ct, 2 • 4 O O O first downs and onlv eight vo run). Mont-Sorenson 15 run (run ~5.e _S'!.Pa..". 0 L. 1 .0· 1.l:.•b____.. --H LF 1kohnnv Silver, . failed). USO •Walker 25 POSS from Chop• 3-546 yards. Grade c. SECOND A ?SmO, ,1 j g g o yards rushing and passing m man CChoomon to Koves). USO-Gates DAILY DOUBLE: 72 c · d Yam s- 2 ~ri'gli~hnc~in o o o 2 1? the first half, went ahead, 8-7. ~g.!_JC~ao~~l:,_.____ f,":/t_dr,~" .S:1 z~~, l>.way 1 15 1 0 01 . • .

..................... I ..... ......... .·······11 ······ .. ··········· I ................. ·······••·X• ·····,........ .......... x\

6·1 Rrhad 1 Flasher, ..::::::::::::::::::::., ··.. ········.. •·•·····..... I ········· .......... ....... I 8-1 P ar op, 10-1 Ago.lam,

K . h C

O O o 1 21 ·ti 11 ~0 t o o o 1 o WI 1 :;)




D !fling Hiker 12-1 Tronsporltd

n 1 9 ts agers

O go m t e secon

R~d Mercurv

MBart Borr

J •

Ho~i1r~~~n°'ll"e~~ullvt Officer 1 Oldiano,

. ·······.. .. B "id



GREYHOUND RESULTS ~t:ir~ t:: i1.~~ ~i:~t~~s:· •.~:~·: FOR THURSDAY

o.B.'s Bu, Lint 7·21rldlum Rabi Ma(k

12·1 5-2



6-lMr. Swaps


0!i1:~~y Trqtter t:tri~ !i~::r lt In Tenn is Meet More than 170 J·uniors ope 8·1

:~·~f-;-t3 fh t,t:· 2

tn to ~i:~nf~~:h;:~ti~;eu~t~c~~ [tseT!f~ess 9.40 College opens its 1958•59 bas• Easy Glow


Stas Amigo ..... 5112 1 2 2 2· ''2 3.50 Miss Coty ....... 54 3 7 5 4 3·1'• 11.40 niaht when s;an Diecro Junior Pat'.!.J'C!!!l..__6-l Pentagon lO-I Gaye Le$a ,.....58 , 6 8 5 3 3- 21, II.SO Bendigo ..........691.'2 7 3 3 3 4-11•'2 6.70 .., " -.._546 yards, Grade C:

S Ai's Flower ..... 63 1 6 3, ,. 3 4.50 Dessie D. UPer Andy .... 67 • 2 3 4 5 5 Mock Busler .. 72 7 4 6 6 6 Sson 11 dhy Jsoe Jh. • 65 5 7 7 7 7 P s plos 67',~ 3 2 f 8 8 14.00 ~·~j"~~ior~-;ne,;~~/iihead; I-fell.

..... . 57 2 5 6 6 5-2 5.60 O.B.'s Happy ,.. 67", 6 8 8 7 6- ½ J.50

2·1 Suel

10- 1 play today 1·n the fourth an. 12-1 nual Thanksgi·vi·ng tenni·s tour. ,


such Fun

15-1 Priceless Platter 8·1

100 ~moky's Annie • 56''2 s 2 4 5 7.3 1J.4o,kctball season against Naval Cope's Big BoY 6-ISlfllng Bee 6.70,Training Center in the NTC c.E.'s Jingle Babs 3-Konsas Annie 4·1 6.70 Prancing Potty 52 1,~ 5 6 7 8 a

Al Brown's Red Dog.

- - · -----· d


~4~0_360_ 3.~o S._Q_O (3} 680~ gym. Game time is g o'clock. Ml~-;- 54 ,;lh~~r.'Ji 0 rt1 8 NTckel Snatch~r 4•1 nament at the Morley Fie]

t.J courts.

ltl ~g::tlstLo Case,o

_(8) 5.QO 3.00 2.~ (4) Jjo 3.00 (!)_ oo,_17-546 yds., Gr. B, T-32:oo, Q-8.00:

Former all•Cily Prep League I~os?ammv i~ i ~? t; uglperformcrs from San OiC'gO .!Ur:.~' Storf!1__10-1Joe Dean 6.50 High, Artist Gilbert and Eddie '-1 46 ya rd s, OroJ.dleOAB:, Milk J~,,~ ~' t\.~rn1 wards while all•Mctro Lcaguet ~i~awav___ 10:1o~B.'s CDorls ~·4 rn P•&i!~fd P3)o,: Bri~~,. 7B5 6 8 8 16.60,Bobby Jordan will be at one ~r~·:-;54t.J1rs, Gr~•Rtgi\ Lead 15-1 !aatg 8gr(i11e3 Dog. (SL 6.80 4.20 3.~ (3)_2.60 2.40 (2). 3.40-'--. of the guard berths. Two York, Turnoway 4·1 Racker C. 1g:1 ·00 · 8-546 yds., Gr. AA, T-31:55, Q-.30.40: Pa imports Ted and Bobby O.B.'sStyDlarv 111-2 11°s•lve AGwav Timy Toe ..... 67 6 8 2 2 2·11-z 7.601Holmes, Will open at center 10-546 10rds, Grode A: 6·1 81 4, 3 2 2·2'~ J:60 Miss c. 70 8 8 6 5 l· , 2 4 30 Happy Shirley , ...55 1 2 5 4 4.3,; 6.90 ... 51 2 1 2 3 3·1 . Slomng · · ! t1~•t /fLava 1 l1 Y 1, 2 7 5 3 4-2 ~i r 1 ~: t~;, lrn ~i7fYH~~ks~ :::: 3:00 Nedra Nabor ......56 6 6 8 6 5· •• 9.80 Johnson, will be at the for- P09llox 1 .... 72 1 3 4 4 1·, 2 ·• .' • . ~nll_ _le___._ . uper un 56

i-;;-g!~s Yf~~ ~.~·, o,66T-;-f?l·19-:i!·6hol~f~ko'h~!~· .. :::

Play will continue through

Fawn Toll ... Mort Morris Fable Traveler ~~~bre" 11 y .::.::: g;,i~rllt~nit ••.•

• tomorrow and Sunday.

12:1 L.s:g~a~im.;,-;MK ll~~~;r D~s.H~i.~~.· VI t 2r,a:J,is, ~enes~/6~~•1bi~cloG.v~i•~h; ~~w:~;, Kvt\~~· 'I Bart M·1tchell vs. Benav·,dez, Shandoro vs. L. Scheer, D. Wilson vs. Pine, C'!_•Joyv:,, 11-1 9:00-Gaxiola vs. Chip MurPhY, Hon 3-1 vs. A. Amador, Agosta vs. Baer.

1sf~SsoWJI!~~ 2ra1:;s -- ·-·--· - - · - · J...-546 yds., Or. c, T-31 :53, Q-33.00, Ropoway

3.00 9 60

,;>D--44.80: Tribal Chief ,., 68', 1 6 2 1 1·4 66 . 7 3 3 2 2·3 Ding Dong Dollv • 59 3 2 1 3 4•r Rainy Side W.lld Lulo Bank L,oon ..... 59 SuBJ:'~omlllon's ~~wn56o~. 8 8

1.60 Ole Whitey

64 5 6 1 1 3-1



Miss Fine Away 2-1 Platform Rocket 15-1 vs. L. Johnson, Dewing vs. HorriMloi ,.1 Priceless Tippy 10-1 Allison vs: Gonzalez. Wild Janet

7.00 Miss centerlield • 58 8 1 3 3 ,. •• 16 : 201 72 2 2 8 6 5·1'2 .so 9.50 Priceless sue ... 56 J 7 6 5 6·2 15.60

.an guar , respectively. The Knights •ilay the first Photographer

60', 8 • 6 4 J.n, oo Gov cavalier

6-1 O.B.'s Socks 12-1O'Connor

.· '

. Ann Baxter

..... 58 1 12 '5 7 7 7·2\12 15.00 game on their home San 01· -------------- 9:30-Sherwood vs. Caterina, Saini VI

D~ad Set .. 57 6 8 5 5 5.1,, 18.60 Roinwoy Big Sparkle .... 84 2 7 7 6 6·1',, 6.50 Rovol Pattern . 751, 7 4 5 8 8 Porkwoy Kennels Brindle Dog. 4 5 4 7 7•3b 2.50

Ed n B D It ·11 r E. "viidenian "v;'.• 1 ------q-::t._r_ .._____ ton vs. Deidre Olds, Joy Miller vs. p Hogan, D. Bacon ~- L;esli!. Luc~, G R Biorkman T~om"as;, ci. worlhln · TR At('KHAN




ego 1gh Schoo floor at 8 p.m.

20 -' 0 ill..80~520 3.

,n , ,n ? AA rn 1_20 ,.20 CB) 2.80.

,n i;;

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