News Scrapbook 1958-1961



score despite deep penetrations. gua With 13 47 left n the !o· rtb fu e quarter, USD's Chapn1.n d 1 nl

ers, Mar· es lash Saturday



beautifully The Pionc s iced the Wright, rolled out with the ball six minutes :ater ':>y i'J.-Jv on his hip and fired 25 yarda yard11 In s ning o ·er from for the extra point. Sophomore man ran for the to iullback OnniP to Walker for a touchdown. pound al hapman pa sed to Bob Key


Marine Corps Recruit Dt>• pot's Devildogs are In line !or their second straight shot at the mythical national erv- !ce football championship. Last Y<'llr MCRD rambled past 10 straight foes to land a bC'rth in the Shrimp Bowl, but lost to Bolling Air Force Basp of Washington, D.C., for the national titl<'. Now the Devildogs are pull- ing at thl'ir collars since the word is out that should they g<'t pa:t Univ rsity of San DJ. <>go tomorrow and Camp Le- juene Dec. l they'll get a rh11nce at rev e froll\ oll- Jng. Chatanooga, Tenn ls said ready .to The Air '.F:or only one blemish on 11

i,•ootb II 11Upremac · In this border city will be dedded Ill pm. this Saturday, December 6, when the University of San Die~o and the n Diego tarlne Gorps Recruit Depot cl11•h m B Ibo St dium. The aurpnae mtttlng was sch~rluled lllte la t v. k Th Pion en roared h8ck In the fourth quarter after trall• w • blocked by tackle Rick ·o• ,·ack. End C. G. 1.Valker rccov- b · five points at the half er rl th~ loose ball for II Ran



Diego Ron polnt

f' lvo ran tor the extra

Ion nil. fullback Tom Sor• enson chmaxed a U-yard 11ec· ond quarter ma h by drivln 15 yard11 over center to acor trom the powerful single-win~ formation Sorenson's run !or the extra point !ailed. Mon• tana's ball control 1D the third quarter held USO to only 12 scrimm ge plays and 39 yard but neither club wa11 able to

record ht win g me




,·Ith Quantico.

~--------- ord, :t Ii<'



Faces Doub e Pro em

l.e therneck Tromett r ha d pth In hJ pound rnl • tandout) and 1

former SC pound Billy

I rk

handling the quarterbacking chore. tor the Devildogs. An Inter ting sidelight Is the fact that Valdez knows mo t or the Pioneers' plays after being a member of last year•~ squad. Don't f e Pl orry !or SD, though, for guard Blll Patten played with the MarinPs at the ame timP. Ray Yoast, USO'· tough- ,. t de!ensi\'e eni, still Is hmplng from a·knee Injury ft d in a Tue day scrim• ma e, a'l!I . th Yoast out, th" -Pion rs ar in for trou- ble,

U. D's few remaining ends are Jn for a workout. MCRD backs Billy Martin, Jimmy Pyle.~, L. C. Taylor, Dale Routw<'ll, Ernie Merk are go- ing to be hlttlng off tackle and around end all evPmng. C. G. Walk<'r and M1•rle R<'Pnd- ahle game on dPJrn e and looked tPal ~ood on offPnse aga n t 1ontana Sta Uni ver II~. So, Bourque !ieure tor

M rtln b ck1, \Minn sota) at h It• Jim Pyles San Die o State) at fullback nd U D's 1957 atar Vern Val· d z, a 1 0-pounder, at qu rter• back Th tv.o clubs met last yea, for the first ti e ICRD In• lll0-pound

double duty with tnP other Pnd in !or 60 minutes of ml. ery: Thel'e se<'ma to be no an- ~w<'r to USD's SPcond proh- l1•m how to s op VaJon evid<'n1ly has a moralp probl<'m on his hands, too. "Our pral'li<'<'H havl' hPPn V<'r · poor," lw ~aid this morning. "Our TUP. day . POSion WA,i .·o had that WP <'~lied It of! after 15 minute,"

Of rom·sp, If one lbtens t o lhe coarhe., this could be the worst game o! the year, !or MCRD coach Bull Tro- mPtt<'r reports hi!I chargPs nrl' "stall'." Bot h mentor1' arr• talking long and loud on too long a schedule and too many injuriPs. This is the windup for l 'SD this yPar and fhP Pio- n<'Cl'. o into the tilt with an -1 !'I' orrl . MCRD 1s -2 to this point and sllll has its DPr. 14 Leath<'rneck Bowl game again t Camp Lejeune.

University t an Diego is working overtime on two de- len.~ive problems 113 the Pio- neer go through their last drills before tom or r o w night' "city championship" game with 11arine Corps Recruit Depot. Uppermost in Ille mind o! '!sD coach Bob McCutcheon I· the problem of stopping . !CRD's "outside ,tuft" In the Balboa Stadium game. The . econdary defensl~e problem 1s how to top the passing of former Pioneer Vem Valdez, v.ho I now



minutes let qu rt r, , lont na with I mul• tlple •otten finally opened si.cce ful drh e th t carried 37 y rd to th U 'D 31. Grizzly qu rterb ck Phil Grl!!ln h t John Ll\nds, an .All-Skyline C' nf renc j nlor end. tor the Sl-yard touchdown pa1111-play. Tim G1attan kicked th extra t.

n an nt to the Montana P :1 r Jin held on rd on thr a fourth down punt


o Fri., Dec. 5, 1058 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA




Slow U D,

• I j r1


CO ... -·1 n ee onh.· limited, if any ~eries, such as the Jong one "

t_tte ga e



between MCRD and San Diego

m action.

sldered an extension to

versity ot

too. "ill be State.

• f rm


o's grid

an Di

sea~on, tomorrow mght's bat- mmus th_ tie with Marine Corps Recr u1t lineman m Er~1e D~lco, wt10 Depot in Balboa Stadium has is in the hospital with br_on- wi the ingredients .i! a post-sea- chial pneumoma, and starting ego erv!ces o! a top The Pioneer,; will come into from a knee mJury. . the game with an imp_ressive 8-1 season record while the game 1n operation with new 'th son bowl.

In effect, the Leathernecks

a San Di-


·11 be b'dd'n

1 g






C o u n t y

center Ron Colli!1s is suffering MCRD has beaten San Diego If U~D can ~eep 1 1:S aenallton, 34-6. USO has not !aced first Iring quarterback Duane ~:~; )lcDona!d . State, 25-0, and Camp Pendle- I b

Marines have an 8-2 mark.

However neither club has O'Connor, chances are the con- played a ~mmon opponent so test will be a high-scoring af· -------------·! it is difficult to dra a com• fair. TODAY / N SPORTS parison. Both have had their Both cl b. have excellent ____________ Share of inJ-urie but at pre- runner;- who can break away FOOTBALL 1 · SD h T G t Son Diego High School vs. Long Beach ~ent the collegians seem •o quickly. as om a "~ Polv, Ba)boo stad um, B • m.: Sw•~•- hav~ more crippling problems. and Bobby Keyes and the Mc1- fi~~~n,H•i~eilch~tio~~ 1 ~? 1~1 ,° 8M~'.:::: Jan Chapman, the terrific rines can counter with Billy


little quarterback who has pas 11artin. Jimmy Pyle and pos- Jc5ans secl and punted the Pion er· to si~ly Al _Hall. J:Iall has been

9 ~o~~&ii' 8~i.:'Jge b-6. 6

0 ~ieb~e~in1~[

Prep scheduie 8


Charlev Powell vs. Charlev Jones. Coli• 1 gti~~~hs~~t-1.:;ii;~dtt&'. ~?i"d~~v, La Calien,;~~J.~~u'!.~ 0 c 1 ~~~~~~ana, 11 ,. 1

scrimmages and

victory mo ·t of the season, drilling m

is a doubUul pertormer bf'- after riding the bench for sev- seum, e: 3 o o.m. TENNIS cause of a shoulder injurv era! weeks he is expected to Jcia'

University of San Diego Pioneers to- morrow night at Balboa Stadium. Day, replaces injured Ron Collins, former San Diego High School Star.

Doug Day, a former Mt. San An- tonio J. C. performer, will start at center for the Marine Corps Recruit Depot when the Leathernecks face the


sustained in the 1ontana con- see service. . test la t week. Veteran tackle

Actually, this has the mak- oo,1 1:.s o.m.

Fronton Polac!~~t~':i~. 1 o.m.

lulligan i£ another who ings of another fine San Diego1


RT n Y D~. 6, 1958


Aztec Backs SD Paper The back pa,_e of H'. ter- da) 's issue o! the .San·Diego ~tate Aztec was reproduced 1n the f?rm of the su~pended Um,·ersrty of San Diego nc>ws. paper, The Paper. A total o! J.30 Aztecs were dl,tribured to USO studPnts. I.ISD offkials su pended publication of thP pape1· b<'· cause of an article critical of !he Col!ege ot Women's poJ. icy against permitt· g women students to perform in USO drama productions. University officials also sus- pended the men's co) I e g e drama group, the :l!asquers, because of its reaction to the article. •A lead to1:r ba ,•d on the su. pen ion, an editorial crit,. cal or uni\·er ,t · poliry, a stor~ on the u , ersi•" dent ' 1 e11etion a d gt' eral USO nc'-' s compn r e ba, k paae of the regulai age Azle

Recruits Bow to Beach '5' Marine Corps Recruit De- pot's basketball Devildogs were planning on starting a new streak this afternoon as they played Twenty-nine Palms Marines at Point Loma High. The Devildogs' five-game winning skein wag snapped last night in Long Beach by Long Beach City College, 82-68. Long Beach battled back from a 32-27 halftime deficit with Bill Ellis scoring 22 of his 28 poin ts after inter- mission to lead the collegians. Ed Cain's ,16 points were high for the Mari nes. Scoring: MCRD (U> I' I' T LONG l 'CHGC~ (~2~ Lan-u• 4 3 o 11 Andersen I 2 '1 18 G•bb• 5 4 3 14 Hloolns O O 5 o arPer l 3 l 7 Ffsher o o 2 o Allen 3 1 ,. 7 Chermak OG 1 o Coln , , • 16 M'witr • , 2 11 Smith '- S 5 13 Krubnik O O 1 0 Curtrloht o o o OBerrv • 10 3 11 Ellis 11 6 -421 Krol O O 1 0 Total, ,. 2t 17 " Totals tt 24 11 n Halftlmt-MCR!l l:1, Lona Bt<1

.1\1. KOEO--Bob Mclaughllr'\ 9 .:u. K FMB-Contoct l(S:11,,().Mooncr K CEO.Bob MCLOU9hlln :l~~~n H~~!!~rd KSON•Bill Chandler l(UOE-Geor;e Haves KSLR-New,. DOT f((';8•Sorr~ SMcl, l(OWN-Polomar Poradt 9:.i0 .'.\f.




KF$D·Red Foley fl:30 . f. Kfl'IO-Sertnod• '7 ,,. l(FMB-Conr I( ,:: O--Monllor 1(0 0-Ntwl 1($0(),AI 1-

KFM~Gon mntu1 KGl·Rocord Re, ID .M.



11·!!0 .l\T, l(DEO Un IV Vl•woo nl

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