News Scrapbook 1958-1961
Coaches Match Crying Routines
Trom tter trled to counter with the fact that he had 110 many men Injured there wa n't enough personnel left to hold a pr ctice .Monday, 50 he let the rest of the troop, have a day off. However, there Is a suspicion th t aft r the Devlldogs had won their Sunday tilt over Montebello's Rhinos, Bull gave 'em a day of! to rest up. One big question mark for the Devlldogs ls the condi- tion of halfback Al Hall, who has been hampered by Injuries most of the season. Trometter hope. Hall i re lly to go but he said he wa afraid the big line- cru her ma have played his last game for the Depot. Hall a CRD'~ leading scorer last year as the Devil- do crui d pa t 10 tralght opponents. "The kid (Ham I a great profe. slonal prospect." said Trom ti r. "I don't care to Jeopardize his future for thl game or any other. He wanted to get In last week's game In the worst way, but he lu, t wasn't ready yet." OnP sad thing about all this Is that 1:cCutcheon and Trometter can hear each other crying every afternoon. They train right aero. s the road from each other at ICRD, the Devlldoga at Hall Field and Pioneer • at Bee n Field.
Ma Foe I
Marines au s Pioneer Backs
'Oieoo Un on Slaff Photo CAN KEYES TO GATES UNLOCK LEATHERNECKS'_ DEFENSE? _ Tom Gate leads the way as Bob Keyes, u_so half; 1 i?!~e~~. 8 f~~fn!~~~~d ~:i~!~d ig,~~ bad·, tak~s a hakndotft! froSmturdquaartyern~ga~s Dug~e nor may have to !ill in for injured Jan Chapman. O'Connor m wor ou or a
USD Quintet Seeks 10th Win T ight Special to Tht San DIHO Union BARSTOW, Jan. 9 -The Univerhity of San Diego bas- ketball team will be shoot- ing for its 10th straight vic- tory tomorrow nig t when it engages the Bars ow l\farines here. T,he Pioneers will be paced by Ken Leslie a 5-11 guard, who ha been a,·eraging bet- ter than 50 pet cent on his field goal a empts. Leslie has averaged 17.8 points in 10 games. Hector Sanchez, former St. Augustine star who has 13.5 average, will operate at the other guard post. Lee Ham- mond will open at center and Walter Cooper and Dick Mur- ray will be at forwards. USD Urges P oy With Az ec Five The Uni ego stude endorsed a, by the San Diego State stu- dents in urging basketball competition between t.he two schools. The USD re olution said, in part: " •. , We feel that we are capable o! more than holding our own in any competition with San Diego State College in either basketball or foot- ball. "Further, we are of the opini o n that our , arsity teams have definitely proven themselves in Intercollegiate competition and that both in- titutions would benefit from this competition . . . "
ong Year' Nears End tor
tlon tht' last Month and a .half because Qf an injured kr e Centrr Doug Day may start if he reco\ s from a concus 10n incurred against the semlpro [ontcbello Hhlno . Fi ured a· "no-go" are halfback Dale Boutwell, an Injured knee, halfback Billy Martin, who been going th penicillin route with an arm infecti , and guard Ernie Delco, who Is supposed to be release today after a bout with pneumonia. "We've got !our guys who"ve been up fron \ ery game "'ho ought to get a little pat on the back" ~aid Tromet- ter " ,uy like little Ray Fisher 6-2, 2.30), Piggy Robin on, Bone {Jack) Stillwell and Do Ge tus have been th backbone o! our line in all 10 gam s " Trometter showed more than passin In erest in the hra1th o! two USO ,team members, ta le ard John rulllgan and quarterback Jan Chapman, h ot whom w re Injured as the Pioneers made Mont 1 State ·ni- verslty their sixth straight victim last wee:... USD CO/lch Bob Mccutcheon was sad to repo"t that "It will be limited action !or both." Duane O'Connor was named to take over the signal- <'alling job, with big J. T. Trily butting heads tor Mulligan.
:.! 11oll have one game to l. !l's h r
will be on the sldPhnPs,
of the Devlld
ick ''doubtful. " and
Ix players as
Troml'tt r, who hstecl
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