News Scrapbook 1958-1961


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EVENING TRIBUNE SAN 011!00, c;ALIFORNIA 27 Z Friday, Sept, Z6, 19158 8•


=:;;::;:::-;:.,.. USO, 0 nt To Use 2 Platoons

'r KV I.S... A Y, S E PT • 2 5 ,

1 9 5 8


• Two Sets I Two Games • Comparison Offered Fans


W: outdoor sport stole the show at Potice Picnic at Big Oak Ranch. Midway p&ice and their wives _discovered that tiler si4Ja. of the ranch fence, members of the Swal-. Clu~ nudist group-were learning how to use bu]a hOO(li. MOKGANffllS: At Loma Portal School, they have a Bush for a :tlener. Foy Bush.... Jimmy Spack- orphan who grnduated last June h, wrote from Harvard to invite lo- cal friends to tune in on his Voice of America broad- cast this week. "Unfortunately," he added, "It will all be in Korean." ... Mrs. Phil Neary, wife of the b had a wonderful time at the Chef's Dinner s~'for Children's Dental Health Center. Venb:;on, elk,. antelope meatballs, oysters, crab, and Rock Cor- nish hen-$12.50 a plate-but Mrs. Neary didn't eat a thing. "I· took these pills," she explained blithely, "that my doctor gave me for dieting." ... Kenney Hegland checked in as a Stanford freshman, lugging a typewriter which his father had bought second-hand in the'Stanford book store almost ::10 years ago. Gregory Peck, reminiscing about how he used &o play on the sand dunes near \Vind 'n' Sea B1·ach in La ,l'olla as a 10-year-old, is studying invest- ment pro , in his old home town. His father, long ,a jl • ci~t _in S~n Diego, is workin~ a shOri, t • llss1on Hills drug store-and (1sh- unting on the side. ve or the San Diego University-University foot game, someone discovered there d. tary high brass said it couldn't be arine Corps sergeants got togeth- on UM- at Grossmont the 13-man First Tank Battal- of the Marine Corps Reserve, hastily aug- Camp Pendleton musicians. The gt. Frank Streit-a carpenter dur- CO :\INIST' CAROC EL: At his Mol'ena Boule- vard barber shop. Gene Cox offers cut-rate haircut,n to youngsters under 12, and free ones to youngsters" o,·er 00. So far, no takers over 100.•.. It's fair!)(! common for citizens to exchange cars unwittingly-fo same model, same color. But when Mr$'. Emily Jack-t son bought her French Renault, she thonght 'she' be safe. Nope. She and a stranger d e away from a downtown parldng lot in each other' ars.... Paul ' Borgerding and Al Stadtmiller, the Mission Valley Inn partners, are about to announce another hotel development project. on in the summer. Property crim predominate in the winter. And doctors will tell you that spring is the big se,ason for pregnancies. There were no puns intended at the new Lemon Grove liquor store ·alled The Rock. Whether custom- ers get one:<;\ oe take the stuff fl the rock uµ to them, Darrell H lt daim ; the name n'lmed I from Architect Die:k \\'heeler's use of des rt lava construction.... Jack Homer's :secretary moans: "I'm paid to be sharp. Not to think, but to be shar,p." . • • An East San Diego woman called a cab to pick up a chicken for her at a University Avenue shop and that was all right. But when she telep o ed back to ask that the driver also stop and pick up a dozen eggs, the cab dispatcher lJlast]ed. "I can't put that out over the radio," he aid. So this persever- ing housewife called the chicken place and left a mes- sage for the driver to pick up the eggs. And he did. ••. John Lane has registered his new El Cajon Boule- vard firm just the way you might have guessed: Shady Lane Landscaping Co. - ----- FBI Chi is more co gent Ern'in Piper says that rape er; ion up POIIJlftl!d ment ban ing by so er is hours

OLD AND NEW: Collegiate football fans ot tl'lb area may be excused if they become con- fused by the flcxil.Jility of the rules this season. . They'll sec both the old and new. TOJporrow, m fact, they c•;m see both in a matter of hours. In the afternoon Univer- sity of San Diego and New Mexico Western will employ free substitution and thr one-point conver- sion rule in their game at Balboa Stadium. In. the ev ng, at Aztec Rowl, San Die go State College and Pepperd.,ie GENE GREGSTON quest," said Aztec coach Paul Govemali, "and lf Pepperdine wants to we'll do so as a gentlemanly gei,ture. Otherwise'. we plan to play under the new rules in every game." ''The home tram usually ha!! a choice or dt'ciding," said J>ioncer coach Bob McCutcJ1- ron, "but lhi!'i year we wrote to each teant a"iking Chem lh<'ir J>refercnce. Four asked for tl1e old rules and fi\·e for lhc new." The rea ·on there is a choke involved is rqther Involved. m,sically, it's this: The National Col- legiate aJhleiic Association, which embraces the maj9r 6olleges and many smaller schools, has its rules, including the new extra-point option, while the National Alliance, em bra cl n c high schools, junior colleges and the National Associa- tion or Intcrcolle 0 'iate Athletics, has its rules. When the NCAA changed last winter, the Na, tlonal Alliance. did not.'FlmENCES J!'J<.:W: San Diego State is a member of the NAIA, but its conference, the California Collegiate Athletic Association, voted to play under the NCAA rules. USD ls '81So a member of the NAIA, but as an lndependellt may play under either set ot rules, depending upon agreement wilh ea¢1 opponent. There are about five fuudamcntal difference" Jn the two groups' rules, substii11tio11s, the extra point and penalties being ihe three most Im- portant. Consideral.,le l'ffort toward standardization o! the rules has been made, but politics rears its ugly head as the chief rcaso·11 of failure to date. The NAIA is a small-school association, but the NCAA has in its huge fold several small colleges, too. l\lcCUTCHEO ' OPTl!UISTIC: Perhaps this will help explain the contrasts the spectator at fo- mol'row's doubleheader will see. Actually Aztec and Pioneer fans may not even notice the dif- ference in the rules if they are enjoying the view on the scoreboard. Whatever the rules, they're good it you win. •l\lcCutchcon, nursing a five-game USD win- ning streak, intends to utilize the free substi- tution operation as fully as possible. He has only three players tabbed for possible double- duty ser,•ice. . Although _Ne1~ 1':fexi<;o Western, victor by one- ~•ded margins m its fu•st two games, apparently is tougher than at first anticipated McCutcheon can muster some optimism. ' "Mentally, our kids are 100 per cent bet1er off than_ last week," he said. "We ran through the movie of last week's game 29 times to grade each of the . 29 players who saw action. They kn?w ev~rythmg tffey did wrong, believe me. Their a~t1tude 1s much better now. I think we'll be all right." will have the choice of an option Cone or two points) 011 the conver- sion attempt after touch- ~o\\'.ns, and may have hm1ted sub~titution. "We have play<'d the unlimited sub mle at re-

-San Diego Union Slaff Ph010

noon when the Pioneers entertai~ New ~;exico Western at Balboa Stadium. The P10(1eer will be seeking their sixth straight victory m tvm years.

G Walke,', ranked [ifth among th~ nallon's ~II • hoot p,l re civcr:-; las\ :year, will open at nd for th Univ •rsity of S·m Diego Saturday after-

USD, Foe Plan wo P.latoons

rm: SAN DIEGO UNIOH °'"n., Sept. '!8, 1931! r1 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORN~ G 7

'COACH OF YEAR 1 JOINS PANEL AT QUARTERBACK MEETI Tom Parker, etro league "coach of th 19:57, wlll joln the panel of coaches at meeting o! the Monday Quarterback Club tomo w n n in the Jubilee room at San Diego Club. Parke ill foot- ball coach al Swe t\\ ter Hlgh. The public ls Inv ted to the luncheon, which is spon- 110red by the Aite Club. Gene Gregston, executive swrts edit d. the Evening Tribune, will be toastmaster. Regular members of the coaches' panel, which will 111wer quest! s from fans and report on weekend Ines, are Paul Governali , San Diego State; Bob :\1c- cheon, University o! San Diego; Robert (Bull) amettrr, Marine Corps Recruit Depot; and George Sch tte. 'an Diego Junior College.

nt through Monday


La e Saturday Sc

USD 'Errs,' But Rall~~

Wh ther. 7 Sen

,lart>.ra. 6.

Dennison ~,e; Otterbein, I)_ Coe (lo,~<; RI- IW10 I, 4 80wli119

R:ed and$~ 18; La V~ e. 7 S1n D ego St., ,. Peoo-erdine. lb 0c.eansldt JC, 20; Hen:cock JC, lJ. Long Stach CC, 25; Fullerton, 7. Sak.enfeld JC. 48. Cameron iOk;la:.), 15 Cal Poly (SLOJ, SS; LA. State, 0. Cerritos. 12; Compton. 7. Si'ln Diego JC, 20: GlendaJt, 1 J. Mt, Sar\ AntMic, 13. SN:uoias, n. Sar1 Oi!!:gc U • l.:i, N Mu... Western, 10. OSC. 12,i Kanias. 0. COP, J-4; Arizona HtmNl St ,,. Portland St. 20, Pac:lfic: 1' 19. HawaiL ,. ~an Jos.e St., , Humboldt St, 29 · P11clfic enrn. 0. Linf'tetd 2.(; Wh twor1h, I). W. Wasbin;ton, 33; Or~on E.4l0c , 12. E. Wuhingto,t. 20 Col. of , 4. H;,irnfltort Af:11 :i..· .Orevon 0. S.O. Marine!, 20;, J:resni, St WillameHe, 20, Cal Avoie M ssissippi, 27; t<.~h,ckv, ii, Vanderbilt, 21; Georgia1 'A LSU, 13; Alabama. 3. Wake Fores.I. 13; Virginia T~h. 6. Colorado Stat!' U.• 11; Drake, 0. Oavtor,, IJ; Richmond. 12.


, 21: LOCkbourne .AF a, 6. ostaffl, 13: McMorry,. 6. , Texas A&M. ,.

Ariz. Houston, t,.

Savior. 1', Hardin-Simm , 7. Sam Houston St., &; Southwu e-rn La. Inst., O. Lamar Tech, 26; Corous .Chr sti, o. Iowa Stale, 141; Arizona. 0. Sul ~oss, 6; E. New Mexico, o Texas We~tern, 1S; New Mex c.o, &. New Mex. Highlands, 18 Panhandle A&M, IJ, Southwest Texas, 12; Haward "avne, 7. Miss. Southern, lS; Trinity (Tex.I, 0, Texas A&l. 26; Te>e, Lutheren, 8, Austin, 20; Henderson SMte, 13. Southern CL •.), JO; Tex. Southern, 6, S.F. Austin, J~. Southern (Ark.), O.

To Wi


Boosters To Hear Sc ·ng Report USD Boosters will hear a "scout report" on ontana State College, the Pioneer11' next opponent. Monday noon at Mission \'alley Count.r lub. Also on the luncheon meet- g slate are talks by Tom Carte,r, St. Augustine grid coach; Benny Edens, Pt. Loma High mentor, and Jesse Thompson, of the San Diego Junior College football coach- ing staff. QB CLUBBERS MEET TODAY The football season's ,;econd luncheon meeting ot the Monday Quarter- back Club will be held at noon today in the Jubilee Room at ·an Diego Club. Gene G!'egston, execu. tive sports editor of the Evening Tribune, will be toastmaster for the meet- ing, which is ponsored by the Aztec Club and open to the public. Tom Parker, S wee t- water High coach, w i 11 join the regular coaches' panl'l which will di <.-uss weekencl games and an- wr.r fans· questions. Oth- f'r coache on the panel am Paul Governall, Bob McCutchPon, R o b e r t mum Trometter and George Schutte.

(Continued from Page b-5) New Mexico's 54-yard march I in the first quarter and bulled ! into scoring tenitory from the one-yard line to give the Mustangs their single touch- GausepOhl 'fakes Charge It was Vasquez whose run- ning in the third quarter again brought the ball within 10 yards of scoring territory be- fore a fourth do forced New Mexico h Ron Darnell to try a fie Darnell dropped yards and split tb,j. down. to put USJ? behind, Then Pioneer ha) Gausepohl took over thf Five plays later GausCf>Ohl le .

Los Angele Sun, Sept. 28, ma

USD' rri' I But R.allies' T W • 13 Q 1n





It's becoming a regular charged the left side of the theme song out at Alcala Park. Mustang line, twisted like. a "We defensed them wrong. dervish. and wa Joose for a "We underrated them." 55-yard run and e Pioneers' That's how Pioneer coach firljt score. Bob Mccutcheon summed up O'Connor Dile Back his University of San Diego Within three mimltes, Gause- football squad's off-again-on- pohl drove acr again from again showing against the Mus- the eight after Pioneer · tangs from New Mexico West- ~talled New Me near its ern Saturday Balboa Sta- own goal ;JlnP. Lar 'fessary's dium. , , !9ck made.the sco 3-10. The Pioneer couldn't get Gausepohl was the game's started until h ay through leading ground-gainer, aver- the third quartlt, -Wlft!i they aging 9.3 yards a carty. Dar- overcame a co b!e 'Mus- nell paced the Mustangs with tang margin to , 13-10. ;rtt average six yards a carry. Actually, Mccutcheon ad- Cutcheon is expecting mitted, it would have been a help here Saturday night rare defense that could have aiainst undefeated Montana held the Mustangs' agile full- State College when regular back Juan Vasquez. quarterback Duane O'Connor It was Vasques who pacPd returns to the lineup. O'Con- (Contlnued on Page b-7, Col. 6) nor was out of the New Mexico game with a shoulder injury.


b4 -~--


Inn., ept, 29, l !AN DI 00, CALIPORN

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