News Scrapbook 1958-1961

THE SAN DIEGO UNION Marine , USD Meet or tid 'Title' Toni ht By ,JOH.·.'\ '1c00. ·.\1.0 A p Ir of Vtl1or, trtn;:-s \\ Ill be placed on the line onlg11t at Balboa Stadium when 1 e Umver,,ty or S a n Diego battle 1'1e 1ugged fa. rine Corp. Recruit Depot for the mythical county football championship. Kickoff 1s . heduled for 8 o·,,10 k The )'lo e from a 31 tana 't their nei,;lUll&~lllll Leath.l"rn,eel,~ In "

at , Dre-. Ii, 19.ill ,,_N DIEGO, tALIFORNIA

Pioneer Quint F .... __ Biola Her y The l m, er I ,. or .::an DI- ego ,,111 go after I s ccond tr ight ba f•ethall , lctory to- day against tough iliola Col lege at Ii. Ion Bay 11 1 g h g} m. Tipofl Is . et for 3 o'clock. The Pioneers won their openct• by heating the • ·a\'al Station, 6.i-3!l, la t Tue dny night, B1ola has a 4-1 sea- son rccotd. He.idlna I e :;o t , a m \\ Ill b 11 ,, omer E S. ran and \Cteran Ken Le I Jcrrj , lontgomcrj, \\ho hn aver- ai:ed l .5 points In flie game , ,,ill pac the B1ola at a ·- Blola will open with John therton 6-0i and . ·am Tai- bed (5 U) at forward , . IOI'!· gom ry 16-61 at cemet·, and Jim Smotherman (6-21 an d I a a c Delgadillo l -9) at gu rd . ·o ta teL will be Ron Roth 6-21 and Le lie 5-10) at forwards, Bob Turpin (6-7) at c-enter, and guards Bar n l6•0l and Bob Maines (6-0l at guard MCRD 1 Bolling Ma tch Uno ffi cial

M e ,USDMeet For Gridiron 'Tit e'


"hile Hall ,, ,11 be S\'<'ini? ac- tion for the ln t tlrr.e ~inc·e llamllto Air Force Ba e. With Gates Bobby 1 c-ye.. A, a Ion Wright and po•sibly Joe Gra), Gale has scored 11 tourhdo\\n and gained 576 ) ards "h1le Keyes ha~ tallied ·t>ven times and pickrd up 555 yard . Wright the U~D \\ ill C'0Wltrr


SAN Dlll!GD, C4Ll~O~NIA Tue!lllay, Dre. 9, 19118 Y

Gregory, Henry Star As NTC Downs USD Rt<'h G1c•go y 1\1111 C11~rlr I Ii'lll y SCUl"Pd 19 and )8 points, n• pC'ctln•l;, to ls>1Hl 111<' n. val Training C ler to a liR-58 ha krt b 11 , l(·t•H) O\· <'I' t h " l'nivvrslly of . · II Di<'go la l night at hr J ' 07 )m Th<' 13 <'jtwl, •l lc>d lrom th!' ·tart and kept 11t ,l<',1 ix-point· al11•11d of thr col- lrginns mu l of th ,, ay. Jl w. 'T "a !![th vi tory in c\ en garn, .11)d '!)'s <'C• ond Io·· in tlu" ont . ts. 'J'hr h]u<'Jaek t J\ Calilornla. w,, 1<'ni tonight i\t 8 o'clock with Junior ,arsit~ conic L srlwdulc>d lo tar ,d 6•:\0 011 th<' Sallot's' ,·ourt. The Pionce1s t1 v1•l lo Lns Angele tomorro\, to l<1ce thc Loyola 11lv1•r 11) USO (II) NTt (61) o,Pr GFPT ~g/~ L '9~~~. f H 1: ! Y ! 4 t: 0 c[v on b 6 2 111 cln-. , , 11 Child rs O 31 i Baron -4 i 2 9 :SwoYf'll' " 0 9 r~.W? } 3 i 1i Pool• • I 5 Pc,.t~~~skr2,. 01/20 si Total, 211>0, •. 1 " Holftlmt 1Cor•: NTC 46, USO

U D and MCRD ha faced common opponents

from the record t e ;Leather- neck~ have met tougher com- petition. The • tarlne ha,·e defeated three c-ollegcs-Fr no ·tat<', 20-6; Hawaii, 27-0; and San 1_____________., Diego State, 25-0; two ;;rml- pro clubs Eagle Rock. 33-0 and Mon1ebello Rhino , 34-7, and three sen lee lubs •

Hawaii Marine , 19-6; Hamil- ton Air For"e Base, 16-14, and Camp Prndlcton, 34-6. Their losses wcrl' to Arizona State o! f'lagstalf 25-19, and Tucson Rattlers, 28-7. The Pioneers hold \ lctorle over Mexico, 29-6; 'ew !\1exl- co Western, 13-10; Lewis and Clark, 33-0; Colorado West- ern, 46-14: Chino 1en' Insti- tute, 46-14; Pepperdine. 45-13; Idaho State. 24-0, and !-Ion- tana. 24-13. The onlr loss wa 1o , 1ontana St te CollegC' 31-6.

ted Pio e rs







l-2 .,_, M 6-0

l.t Tun> n Baron •




4 Sec. I, Part D

Los Ang le Examin r

Boop Scores



I 'ClnlC DEC 6, 1958-Part e Seen ~tat,, 56 tat, 'I' l ... 6 •


ot fi:iln Die o. &f l(.;R. • T9

2'l Pa1m,1

Bluejackets Sur e To 5th Cage W in Naval Training Center's Naval Distri~t basketball Bluejackets have filed notice race. that they_ sh~uld ?ea team to The 'Jackets won their fifth reckon with m this year's 11th I f th v ctory o e young season last night, tripping University of San Diego, 68-58. NTC, which hosts California Western tonight at 8, took

1: ::: Over USD Tonight





·u Jitgo llnion

over the lead at the start of last night's fracas and the Pioneers weren't able to pull any closer than a six-point margih after the early going, Rich Gregory s c o r e d 19 points and Chuck Henry 18 in pacing the 'Jackets. Ken L . lie's 13-point effort was tops for the Pioneers. USO plays at Loyola Uni- versity in Los Angeles tomor- row night. Summary: USO (51) NTC (61) G F PT B Roth O O 1 0 Osborn aeb:~h ! i 1 ~~r:, 0 ::n Baker .4 1 5 9 Henrv Maines .t 3 A 11 Ch ldtrs Saran A 1 2 9 Swovne Mathis 2 1 o 5 Poole Leslie S 3 3 13 Poderewskl o o 1 o G P PT 3 0 2 6 I 5 0 19 2 2 4 6 6 6 2 18 0 0 1 0 • 0 3 8 4 1 5 9 Halftime score: NTC 46, USD 30. Totals 1410 20 58 Tolals 17 1' 1711



Marines Take 7-0 Lead Over USO \ B. ,Jom,;.·y Il'DO.·;u:? shad been mov- . Corp"\ The l\,anne l t The powerful 1arme · h b 11 ea ily up to ua l<'ng I t .., Ing t e a ds Recruit Depot. see 1 . t having driven 68 yar l t Y took a pom • tum fifth straight v c or .' . of from their one only to • 7-0 lead oH'r the Un~er"tty bl away to Pioneers on the San Diego \\_ith \;:rt~~\a~~ u:D :11. The drive was play In the f1r._t ~tadium be• arked by hard-h1ttmg full- night at Balbo<1 • sp ,,. . '\Ierk a former [ ·e some 8 500 fans. back ,.rme - , o~h~ leath~rneclrn rec?vered, Helix High star. en- ble on a bad p1tchout Th Collegians got th~ op a rur;i rbac'< Di. ne e_ t d were able to by I D quarte ti-o 30 On In:! luckof an . . downs in O'Connor on the · up t,,·o [lrst t the hr play from tha~ rt:t~~ 0 , ipg the ball 28 ci~:~san~ quarterback Ver~ haHhack the. \anne 48. To~he ch I e f hurled a pa s o 1 d it Bob Keyes were arch Duk~ s~~d=~d ;:: :...:~ ~vith-\contributorus60w~leioiced t~ on t P. defender near.1'However, out a Pioneer . nt - ----------- Valde·l kleked the extra point. pu .

I Loyola won its first basket- ball game of the season last night as Coach Billy Dono- van emptied his bench while the Lions were beating San Diego University, 79-31, in the Loyola gym, S•n 01190 U. (11) Baker Leslie (10) Turpin Paderewskl Maines 41 HALFTIME Diego U., 1'. Scoring ~ubs: San Diego U.-Baran, 9; Rabt!llo, 1;. B. Roth, 3; R, Roth, A. Loyola Amico, 4; Baine, 7, Boccato, I; Hemmers, 8; Murdy, 12; Ry~n, 11; Sen,ka, 3.


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