News Scrapbook 1958-1961

,1958 Bobcats Attack Pioneers Sat.Stadium8:pm USO Pioneers Tame N; Mexico western CoUege Mustangs ln13-10 Thriller f bl 12 but a Pion l'r penalty put t.hc by Jerry Dougherty yard each, but a Plon er um M~stang on 1hr USD 22. A ~eries Through an unavoidable error was recovered by the Mu st ang. Ji Mustang charges were ~lowed In th l'auma SD review, Joe "Biif" Elson and "Nall r" Bor- to 1 he 10 yard line, .from wh,1<'h Gray and Avalon Wright- both quc pinned th Mustang on a yard point the Mustang kickt>d a 11eld !'!tar play rs for USD w_ere not push. Barque slopped a w,\ld ru~ goal to ralsc their ,:;core to 10-0. mentioned. Proper ldcnt1f1catlon on the Pion!.'<'r 4.5 yd. llne. Hook The Mustangs ki<'koft was re• has been tablished. Coggins held a two yard gain. urn ,d by Wright to his 35 from Our as 0!"1ate Bill Recd, wl:,o Magenot and Garofano stopp d the 20 . USD penaliz<'d to the 30. spots, judge· comments and cnt· the Mustang on th 40. A Mus• Kcy<>s slipped through left Guard lcizes, p01nted out that Merle tang pass completed to the 27. for 10 ards. Wright rambled over Re,'xtra point, 7-0. to the 011 yard line for cli1>pinr. Pione r 5 yard line. "Tank'' G t _ 0 rlllrd the fans with a MagPnot, Garofano and Franidin Gaus pohl retu.rned the ball to . 13 a eel u~ lipping through th lopped a center surge on the 8. hi 11 ya 1d lme. Quarterback · yar r ' s I N, M i Yoast nabbed a fleeting Mustang "Flip" Chapman h\lllded-o!! to ~u st :t"a h;;r~ 10 .. k;eecl"w w~fk~~ 011 the 13. Franklin trarpcc\ his "Crash" Kry s carrymg to the 17. 1 ·> tl~ Ch~pi'r,an's pass to the man on 1hc 17. Stom•wal anrl the Pione r p nailzC'd back to their ms c .' · 1 , · Ch· Ram h Id al cenl<'r. 1h<'n Yoast 12 Chapman's pas· compiPled to 41 • at th e !irS t quar er gun. ,IP· threw the Mustan, !or a Ji yard "Cllpp<>r" Gilmore, who sailed to n;;n los{h l l' rd in~/~nlfte/~ 1 J· 'oss 10 the goal hm, fordn" 11'1' the Pioneer -17 yard linr. The s eon yar G· i K , · '\1:• to kkk, r1·tun r-cl by '"Tank" p hed to the 18. Gau. e- th ru st st0 PP<'d by ar< ner. ;Y' r::ausepohl to th<> Mu•·rnn'! 23 pohl took a pitch-out rumhllng ;id ~ar~;ne~ t 0 ° 1~ 1 ~~r ~na~i\; 1 ~j K<'Y •s crash NI through to the 18 around <'ml for 17 to the Mustang e, us anh O , i . G . v,n:cl Jim•. Ramhl<•r \Vright zig- 35 yd. Un~. "Rip" Wright picked by F ranklln a nd Cogg ns, a~..' ,. q"'I to th _ 11. J{f'yl's n;,shed up a yard at righl tarkl . Pioneers pot tem~t~ ~~~ 1 ~\~fecftp!~~ J/ I ,,r t and Gates sllpn<'d through lost thr . Chapman's p. ss was :m s opp "~kY" ·c , k , 0 th 8. Tank Gaus,•pohl <'aught Intercepted by _thl' Mustan.g and 1 \ 1 e Plotu{ ~~stan-gon us° h hapman's pilch·Ollt on the run returned to their 44 yard lme. 6 am_m a fu~ble re ovcrcd b <'harglng through the Mustang Chapman topp cl the M1..., ff~~~gon SD 40 Mustang p nai- herd for a touchdown. The kick t center no gain. "Trapp<·r" 1 •cl • 5 GllmorP. broke through rnr xtra ~oint was good. SC'ore: Franklin, Chapman and "Ram" i7tt tackle to the 49. Gausepohl PionN•rs 13, Mustangs 10. .Magcnot hl'ld the .Mu tan~. sta~; plow!'d to th• 11. Keyl' recoverPd In the remli..ln r of the g.im1• de al c nte no gain. r1~er a Pioneer fumhl<'. Chapman flip• !he Must nst7 w. mauled hy 'errrrchia, Stom·wall" Garolono pc>ers kic•k •d ou Ide S,1tm ( ay even ~g n . ac l· off id ~enallies, "Tank" Gau.e• nnd Ow Mustang took over 011 um the ;uggc•d I ionel'i;~ will pohl thund,•rcd !or !our and the th •ir 40 yard line. Walker held ,•hallenged by the wl!d Bobcats Mustang penalized five. •·crash" on the ;,O, Garofono, Yoast and of Montana Stale. Coileg~, who Key s barreled to 1he 46 then Franklin stopped a yard charge. have an lmpr ss1vr5 ~cco~d ?f Clipper ,rnd Crash picked• up a' Gausrpohl play d Horatio at the games won. 8 p.m. on t miss 1t.


PIGSKIN MENU Tonight Prep tn Jolkl YI '°" CiNO G1 lalboo (I )0). Friday Pre1) Int Loma I Lincoln 01 Bolboo Cll. ~'ionw .., 1 _Ml 'ion sov ot La Jollo

(t~oover at Hell1t (t). Mt M19utl al Oxnard

1 Grfflmont v1. son serncrdino at AI ec 1 °F:a1 al Fontana.

El Centro at Cl'lulo vista ~weetvroter at Clor~ont. e:=~do :. °e,:~1~~0 (J[oouno BOOCII al Co<

crt Otton1ide

o 17:301,

Fol brook at Romona (I MM Vista at Beoumo,:it ti)\ S,on OIHulto ot Co~XICO I • Po m SP!' no• o• v1,1Q 11 Mountoln ems,lrt at son Mloutl. oil ge Son 01- S L r:-~ s.en 01"10 JC ot Pa'°dena IJ. North Corollno ot use II: I l, Sclturday Prep 9k,ck-t=o t at ,t,rfflY•NOvY. College ,lontano 'ST. n. USO at 80 boo (I), UCLA at Orevon Stolt' Cal weitern at Pomona. canech 01 Lo Verne. Col Po~ at Idaho Coll t (nl. r,~ c!f 'to~~o cg~~':anro ( . col A,g91ts ot Occidental n). P9PPerd'.ne ot L.A. $ta1e n). Stanford 01 Narthwe1tern Pomona Frosh at RIYH' Ide Flegsteff State at Redl Whlnler a1 $oeromtnto. Sunday Pro LM AnoelH •• $on ,=ron,cisc.o.

obcats Stronger, McCutcheon


S<'ri S

Gridiron Sele


AN llll!GO, CALl,.ORNI• l' 'l'hur ., Oct. 2, 1958

EVENING TRIBUNE Pigskin OctOber H 808 ANGUS S.D. Slate j Y$ S.D. Slate s.o. Stole Lon; Beac.h St. --~b~Y_1~2__ , __:cbY'-'-I HARRY HACH& HERRICK KELLER MEL ZIKES GEORGE I EARL 1-----1-----


Texas A&M by 1 TCU by 7 Texas by 13 Vanderbilt ---l,-,!'~C...,,-- :!'-!,-"=---'1.,.-i'="'c--- ='~----1 rf.==---, c,:,!., by 7 G~1iiliC Tech by 7 Wo!



N. Coro ,na

USC bv 7 ' - - - - - - - - ..,_1',__,__ ..!b~y..!8~-1--.!:b:!.Y..!1.,!.J__ ,I __..;b::.,Y..:2:.:0_-l,--:.b,Y,_ -- by _2L____ I Army Army ArmY by 10 Army bY 7 USC by 1 USC by 7 USC by U N. Corollno USC N. Corollno USC __ b_Y_3__ --~byc..=..J___,__-"bYc..::•-- _M_o~"'~'-an..:.f_s1_._ 1 __ M_an_:ct,o,_;.:..~_s_1._ ,_M_o_,i,..,•~'-~'-'iC..s_,._ b_Y__2_0__1·--'b~y..:1.:.8__ 1


.. - -1

UY]C ->

bv 8 Montano 5t. ___,,u.e_?,:,o__ 1_M_o_n.,,:y-'--n--"~-s_,._1_M_on_,b~~-"~~ 2 ,_s_,.___M_on_by,,,>a'-°l'"-S-t.___M_on..::~:.c~"_,g'-s_1_.-I--M-on.:::b'.,_on.!:1i"-s1_.-l--M_oe1~Y'-la.!2\1e_a_s_1.


~_,B,,,Ol',,_1:.,:con:;_::Uc.-_ -·_,b::.,'Y_1:..,3c__ ,__.-,:b,_y

Penri Sto,,



Army __.::;:A,.:rm-=-y- I__ .,,_b:.cY..!lc;:3_____:cb.,_Y..:1__ 1__.!:b:,.Y_,,6c__ 11 __..::b:r.Y..!7__ : Ru!!" 0 Rutgers Rutgers Rut1iiltrs __ CoIRa1,_.,oe--_ (---"by'--'7__ \__,,.bYc..:,ll'-----1--"-by'--"15,__I _ Coloote S.ta11ford ... Norlhwtster., flilorthwestern by 7 Stanford by 1 Northwestern by 7 Northwe~tern by 1,

Rutotrs by 13

Rutg&r1 by 22




___ b~y_2_-i__b-'y-'IB_____:.bYc..:clO'-----

Narthwe~t1rn by 1',.,



Northwestern by 6

Norlhwest.rn by 11

bv 1,

by 25


Mich St.




Mich. St.

Mich. St.

Mich. St. _'!M~lc~h"- . .2.S'!!!"'.!!'•:.....1:--"'y'-"'----- ___o_y_12_____..!!bY!...!!6__1__,,_by'--"12e__::_1 __bY 7____ b_Y_8____..:b~y_1~9---i ___b~y~\2~____b"-'Y'-"1lc__ I WOShinston YS. Ohio Sto1e Nc1tre Dom• V SMU Ohb1ay S119are I Ohio Stote _ __cb~Y..:1.:.8__ 1 Notre Dome bY 10 Ohio State by 10 Mich, St. Mich. St. Mich. St. Mich. St. Mich. St.


Ohio Stole by 12 Notre Dome by 1

Ohio Stole by 19 Notre Dame by 6

Ohio State by 21 Notre Dame by 7

Ohio State by 15 Notre Dome bY <

Ohio Stott by 13 Notre Dome bY 5

Ohio State bv 16 Notre Dome by 3

SMU bv 6

SMU by 1

Oregon v,. Okloho

Okt/Jhomo by 13

Oklahoma by 8

Oklohoma by 11 Miu. St.



Oklahoma __ ...!!l.JI__ ___&_20.__r-_,•'--1---"b'-y -"a__ ,_-'b"Y_2,,0_:____b"Y-'1·~- 1 Oklahoma Oldohoma Oklahoma

M~·/\ •


JI.. u. St. Miu. St. ~eue,ee 1--~-"-•.'-.,-l._..;be.,Y'-!!12~-l--'!by!-'!6__ 1 ___b:eYc....:.:IO'-----l--b"'yc....:.:1B,__ 1._-'b~y-4'--l---"b'-Y-"2--.-~by'-"1-----"by.c..::3__ UCLA ..,./ • Or~~ St. 1--bv= ... -'---l ___ u.,"~-1-t ___ l __ o,_.b:c.,,c....:..s_t_._, __ o_,.. .,cb,_:'.,c,_'_'·_ UCLA Oregon St. Oregon St. Oregon St. Ore-gon 51. by 1 __,ebY:...,e.3_-1-- ,..cbcey--'Jc....-l _ _l!!.1.__ _ b~ 6 Wasn. St. W!Mh. t. Col .,v,~n-•o •-aw·, --'- Calffor Jo Wash. St. Wash St. Wa~h. St. Wosh. St, Colitornlo Wobt~· 7 st, wash. St. -~~-!!"'~-i--=-'-.._ l~1__ _ _,bccY..!l!c.2__ 11 _.._EY_7_____:bccV...,2,::8__ 1 ,_ _.bccY..!1~•--J ___b_y_6__ ---=-"'-'---l--"'by'-'-9__ 1 Texas Tech ._ 0 vs. tr,f 1"tlll0 Tt)IOI Tech Texo Texa Tell.OS __T~•~•~a•~-1--::,-"-'-:~~-J---'b~y~20!..__f__.!,!b:r_Y_!1__(_...,,...!:bV_i4____ t)u_ __ bv 9_ Oho State Nav"t No't'Y Ok.lahoma Oklahoma orthwestf'rn ' Pigskin Parlay La,t Wee~ lo to to to to to Te-xo1 Mich St. Army Ohio St. Wash. St. Te,c:01 Texa, Texa~ bY I by 11 bY 9 --Na~~oS~ --Navv 1 Norl~~estern Okto 1goma Ohl 1 g St. ' M1~s. St. Tenne$5N Min. St. Mis,. St,

Oklahoma ' ,,., .733

11., 7JJ


,,., .800


11., "133


11., ·- ·---"-'-=---1---·=7JJ

Pctve. Seo,an •





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