News Scrapbook 1958-1961

. rid Slate Here Tonight

Mu 1959 L-~-~--.:.-:..-----~--------------------- Big San fea s


San Lais Obispo Couaty !Calif.I Telearam-Trlbune Saturday, September·19, 1959



la e t the Un!- Dleg-d Pioneer~. Gamti time is 8:15 o'clock in ,he Must&.l)J stadium. The league crown is not too lar out of reach but the un- beaten 1ecord may be a little difficult to snag as coach Roy Hughe~ and his Mustangs have discon,l!d \n the pa~t two aea- ons. In 1957, the Hughesmen romped to an 8-1 mark, winning the CCA title and losmg the one cqntest to the San Diego Marine~. In 1958, the Mustangs hared <·,,nference honors with the Fr.?sn<, State Bulldogs and Santa Barbara Gauchos while chalk!n~ up a 9-1 overall mark. The lone setback was at the ands of the Bulldogs who lost to the Gauchos, Mtting up the three-way deadlock. Platz Returns The Pioneers are coached by Paul Platz, a Cal Poly gradu- ate of l !'50. Platz takes over from a,other '.Poly grad, B irccutcheon, who piloted new University of San school : ~ough Its first t cesful ;;ri.l seasons. The eers pl'-,Yed enl,y a P.artlal -· son ln 19'6. Nickaamerltthe "Notre Dame of the \Yest," tile University oi San Di~go is the only Catholic unh·e1sitv in the we s t com• peting i;, mtercollegiat., foot• ball. They J>layed only three games in 1956 and then played full season.s _in 1957 and 1958. Dur• ing that time they have posted a 16-8 rt'-loss m rk olling up an 8-2 rrc:ord last year. Platz replaced the split- T offe11/Hi which cO-ltcheon used u cessfully w f e slot- T. a !o rnation wliich Wjll prob- ably f~aturc th~ p ssing of quartj!,.,'lCk Jaa. Startµi~ Lineups Wttb. the announ ement of · latz' e• arting lib p, it was learned that a,x Pioneers have turned !n their unlfo1ms for he season, including three top backs. The departed backs are fullback Tom Gates, who was the team's Jeading ground gain• er last year as a freshman; Bob Keyes, who led the nation in scoring whlle al Antelop1> Val- ley Junior college in 1P56, and a 5.5 yards per carry man fo1 the Pi,meers last year; and Duane O'Connor, an all-Ameri- can jaycee selection at Citrus who was battling Chapman for the fir3t - string quarterback spot. Lin£men lost include Ray Yost, _Rlck Novak and Bill Frank. The F'.rmeercl still have plenty of talent available with a line average of 207 pounds per man, a backfield standard of !80 and overall average or 196. This jumbo-type lineup, which would be welcomed by any college coach, ,s dwarfed somewhat by the elaphant-sized Cal Poly weight l:st. The Mustangs ·will start a line averaging 213 pounds per man and a backfield of 196. 'l'he first team averages 207 pounds, with quarterback Tom Klosterman at 165 pounds as the midget of the starting eleven. Huge Linemen Hughe'>' line will be anchored by guard Carlos Gonzales, 230, and center Rich Max, 235. Oth- ers in the star • line will be Curtis Hill/.,.&.d,tt end, and Darnin :lllcGm,-i97, right end; Bill Ross, 300, left tackle, and Pat Lovell, 240, 1ight tackle; and Bob Williams, 200, left guard. The el~phant backfield of the I ngs wm include Claude r, 205, left half, and Gary Jrn, 210, tight half; and "Bumper" Bowser, 205,

20-THE TIDINGS-Los Angeles

Sept~her 18, 1959

Down San Diego way, the de- emphasizPd Pioneers bf San Diego U. ar~ ready to roll. ~·Jut stop will bi, San Lula Obispo Saturrlay ni,:ht when ·oarh Paul Platz·~ boys "Ill engage tough, beefy Cal Poly quarterbarked by To1.i KI0!ler- inan, ex-St. Anthony's High 1tar and kid brother of all-t1me Loyola U. aerialist, Don Klos• Lerman. Cal Poly posted a 9 1 record IMt year and again will be the top contender tor the CC A title. San Diego, which boasts a 16- record for three year~ in the gridiron game, recently lo t ~ix boy! who had been counted on as '59 starters. Not, wlthstand1rtg that blow. the Pmneers are plodding ahead bravely and hopefully with an attack reaturing the Slot-T and two ipnnter-halfbacks, Will Chappell, 175; and Joe (The Gho1t) Cray, lR:i. Good luck, Pioneers!

Hy JOHNNY 1"ETTLESHIP We're sure glad to hear that Lippy Durocher is switching from his TV announcing joh to the manager- ial spot with the Cleveland Indians. We don't have anything against the Indians. 1n fact, we were a Trihe fan this season ven picked them to win the title. We're ------------- aur,. J oe Gordon l'las the Indians turn out for t onight's Cal l'oly- clicking along so that they'll Unive,-.iit.y of San Diego foot - play good ba!l fol' a coup!<• bull op~n<'r. Shame on you! mol'e seasons-even with Dur- But 1f you can't go, Harling ocher. wlll give you his usual colorful And the headlint'll we'll gel account from hi~ comfortable conversations betwe,•n seat in tlle pr,••• box. Lippy and Clev,•land general " • • manag,>r Frank Lane, who Is The M9r-ro Bay goU: com-Ac no novice In the '"lip" depart- if certainly looking much bet- ment, should be something to ter after taking a healing dur• see. ing a long, hot summer. Whnl lho..e two gPt Into a Pro Al Lape has done a go~d 11qunbhh) o,·,,r Lane'~ H•·cond- job in whipping· lhe county ,t"ue,slng habi1s, It'll mlike course lnlo Hh11p<1 in time for Gortlo n 1,epm llkP 1t. good t·.a11- tlw v!~it ing- prof@ssinnal~, here clldat., fo r 0111 leu,I In a J ohn- for the 1>1xth nnnual pro-nm. ny Hellnda-ty1>e play. Fh·sl round ot th<> 36-hole Uut tile real break we're tourney was sla.l,•d fo1· lod1ty getting out of the switch Is with th~ windup tomorrow. that we won't have lo listen to • • • Durocher on l n a11

JD:. DY TYPE , • Lettt'r- .11111 n l[llarterh!M'k Tom Klos- ;1nan i:-tn•s the (.'al l'oly tangs a sm«)Otll signal Pr tor ,,hat lihOuld l>P a great ~ear. o n. Kln,trrmun, who completed 39 ,mt or 6:; passPs Ja~t season, start~ al(ainst the Unhen,lty or San Diego l'ionPPn< toni~ltt in the .'\lu~tan,;- stadium.

more-except !or (we hope) lntervi

Pionee After oss To Cal Poly

est I EVENING TRIBUNE .. ..... ------ __

Dl~GO. CAl.ll'Olll'IIA ._.\Jou., ~pt. '?J. 1959 . - Pionee-----quad Idle After 36-14 Defeat ThP University or San DI- tered the situation. ,.go football :squad returned Pioneer quarterback J liome lorlay with a week's Chapman guided his und:; rest ahead and convinced manned crew with a 15-yard that It was beaten by one of pass to fullback Chuck w11. the. bes\ small coJlege aggre.jliams and a one-yard Jun e gat1ons m the at San Luis for touchdowns p g Ob spo Saturday mght. The local collegians sit out 'J?te Pioneer· succumbed to this weelc and prepare for Caltfornla Poly's r en- combat a~ainst another Cal al attack, 3ti-l , with r. loly ;1g~ eJllion Oct. 3 at hack Tom Klosterman head, Pomorta. lng the show Klosterman ~so ................ . Pitched for two touchdowns ~ar~~IY-8 .t, and ~cored another on a one- ~man c. HH1~ ledr' yard plur:"e IY~d~,fi'•%»~- I poss nooakl• '! he Mustang~ rang the SD--C..,orna run <-• 1alled) acoring bell three time~ in kl~k~I. PotY-l

toured lh<' J 8 holes and

shot his own uge-u 79.


He and Gene sports e E ·ening Trib- ('.\ecutn P

JAN CHAPl\lAN Starts For Pioneers

Walker (185) at end, guard Wayne Bourque (200), center J~ck Garofano (205), guard Mike G u r r o I a (195) and tac'kle Jack Tri!y (225). I Jan Chapman, one of the nation's top small-c o U e g e passers last season, will open at quarterback. Will Chap- pell, a newcomer with serv- l ice ball experience, and soph- omore Joe Gray will be at the h a I f b a c k posts while 1 !Chuck Williams will have to fill the fullback vacancy left by Tom Gates. The Piont>ers will operate from a slot T formation. USD Pas. Cal Palv Walker 085j LE HUI 187 Bonaua (2.40 LT OOooer 288 ~arJlg~~•u{ 20 1lOOl . Lg Lob",/fo~ gg Gurrola 095) RG Gonzqles 230 Trlly (225) RT Lovell 240 Baker (ISS/ RE MCGIii 196 Chapman 175) QB Klost~tmon 170 C~appell (175) LH l'urner 205 Wi?1Ya~1 85 l1ao) Vo~o~~;p ~8l


\'\ill start Chapman at with Wilt Chapell, 75, at left half, and Joe Gray, 85, at ri_ght half, and Chuck \Villiams, 185, fullback. The starting Pioneer line will illc\ude C. G. Walker, 185, at 'lef,t ,nd, and Lavon Baker, 185. tight

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