News Scrapbook 1958-1961
sPoRTs Jbt San Jit!lO Inion SPORTS SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1958 0 PAGI b-1 STICK TO COACHING-JORDAN COACHES HELD RESPONSIBLE Dodd, Jordan Feud On Recruif Charge ATLANTA, Oct. Z7 IA'l- Coach Bobby Dodd ot Geor• gia Te c h repeated today It's out in the open maybe It wi11 do some good." i;aid Dodd should stick to c:oachlng and stop making statements "about things he know, nothing about." Wilkinson and Bryant de- clined comment. straight winning
cCutcheon Not Exaggerating Taking Credit For Fine Job McCutcheon \VII- giving a glowing account of v ty or San Die o football outlook at the Qu rt rback lub' weekly luncheon when enly • topped and held up his hands exp1·essive- t am I talking ahout?" a ked :VkCutcheon, as though !'!Urprised at his own words, "f don't even know if I'll till be around next season." It wn a rnirly typical utter- ' n ~e by the controversial young man who hns h come involved In on or roothall's strangest epi od •·. MeCulcheon is a rugged individualist given to peaking rre ly nnd in , trong, clear terms. I p dally admired his can• rlor when it was disclo. Pd that the univer ity may not renew hi contrart as athletic dire<"lor amt hearl C'OR('h after the current ason. "l hnve done an ex<'.ellent job," aid trCukheon. o false mod- esty here. Mr:Cut ·heon wa hired II gam !l and win quickly. Thi!'!, ~e has eniu · In residence, t.·h
seasons whlrh carried Tech to Bowl games, Dodd's team 1 & st year won 4, lost 4 and tled z. Tech has won only ,even o! Its last 16 games. "The head coach ts the man responsible for viola- tions and no one else," Dodd said. "There has been an effort to shift the blame to the presidents but th.s.t's not right. The president 1s too busy with bigger things to Dodd said C O a C h e I of schools plaC'ed on probation by the NCAA should be In- eligible for any honorR. He declared the Foot b a I 1 Coache• Association should crack down on Jt,i memb('r • Continued on b-4, Col. 1) PCL Retains O'Connor No Expansion Seen; San Diego To Hold All-Star Game In July IHCial to Th• San Cl... Union SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 27-The Pacific Coast League will operate in 1959 with the same president and the same eight teams in the same cities. Directors of the league today voted unanimously lo retain Leslie O'Connor as presidenf'. A propo,ed expansion to 10,------------- teams with northern and keep up with than w i t h what I'm doing on my re• cruitlng program. The head coach knows whal'• going on among the alumni, too, and can control It If he really wants to."
Dodd talked with Hall last weekend during Tech's trip to Dallas. where the Yellow Jackets were trounced, 20-0, by Southern Methodist. • Jordan said "the frustra• tlon of defeat" must have caused Dodd's statement . Dodd, t h o u g h, said he talked with Hall before-not after the Tech-SMU game. However, after s 1 x
Jordan bristled at Dodd's statement that coaches know when ah1mni are doing things will get their schools in trouble with the National Collegiate Athletic Association The Auburn coach. whos& team has dra~n two suc- cessive three-year probation penalties from the NCAA !or alleged recruiting violations,
that college football coachell can control alumni ln re- cruiting ca es I! they 1·ea1. ly try. He named s o m e names and drew a quick retort from one of t h e coache , Ralph Jordan of Auburn. Dodd said he disliked be- Ing caught up in a boiling controver y but "now that
Coaches Bud Wilkinson of Oklahoma and Paul Byrant, formerly of Texas A&M and now at Alabama, also were mentioned by Dodd during an Interview with F 1 e m Hall, sports director of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Hall'g column was published today.
On The Record, He's A Success
southern divisions will not be adopted, Ralph Kiner, gener- al manager of the San Diego Padres, told The San Diego Union. "There will be the ,came teams In the same cities," Kiner 8aid. Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Vancouver San DJ. ego, Phoenix, Salt Lake City and Sacramento presently are members. 'LEAVE DOOR OP •• ' "We probably will adopt a resolution leaving the d o o r open for expansion at the proper time, something like the National League did, but
NEW YORK, Oct, Z7 The game, whir h begins al 10:30 a.m, P!-;1, will be telecast in color. Thfl teJec·ast will begin al ]0:15. r don't think it'll go any fur, 1------------- ther," Kiner said. AAA league. There were re. Edmonton and Tacoma, ports he would be replaced Wash ., were brought up as by a younger man, perhaps possible sites for PCL tran• Dewey Sorlano, 1 o r m r r chi~es, Kiner said. "They general manager of the Seat• were dropped !or Jack of en- tie Rainlers. thusiasm," he said. O'Connor has one year re- The PCL is known to bi> In- maining on a three-year <"On• terested in Denver but Kiner tract calling tor per ,aid chances of the Colorado year. Auocipfed Prftl WtrtJPh:ofo • GATHERING OF PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE CLAN general manager; Ralph Kiner, San Diego general manager: Dick Walsh, rear, Spokane president;; Dewey Soryano and Fred Hutchinson of Seattle. A portion o! Pacific Coast League officials in Spo- kane for annual meeting are shown before going into session. Left to right, Spencer Harris, Spokane M Cl ays OTd S oses Oregon State Tough--Elliott I PALO ALTO. Cahf., Oct. Ti :Coa~h Pete Elliott of the! Ca!Jform11; Bears, leaders of the Pacific Coast Conference, MI i • 0 ff ARGUES WITH GOVERNALI 'fhe Padres also profited ln the 154-game ~<'hedule which was drawn up for 19:;9_ T!1t! the C o a s t enteri ng 'city M A Th Orris League are nil. Ztec n e , tan TRIUMPH FOR PADRES I •·we have no opportunity of PCL _All-Star ~ame will be getting Denver as long as h;ld m :5an Diego In July, the American Association re. Kmer said. It plts the North I O S d n q ua en starsagainsttheSouth. It is a "three-trip" sehed- NEW YORK. Oct. 27 (l!')- mains as it is ,, he said The retaining ·ot O'Con~or Veterans Ted Williams of Bos- 1 ton . and . Stan :Musial of St. as president was a triumph ule instead of a "four-trip" Loui_s still boast the h1ghest lfor the Padres, who led the schedule as it was last ~ea. the 68-year-o 1 d son, Kiner said. "When we go (Continued on b-6, Col. 4) will ~e •JUSl as. tough as laS t a1ternoon after an altercation with head coach Paul Gov. ballplayers. But Willie Mays ,------------------------- week s battle with Oregon. . ____________ of San Francisco made the The Rose Bowl bid could ernall. largest gain as a result of his F H s d be at stake in this game. since Governa11 explained the Jn. out _to~orro~ afternoon, th ~t 1958 performance. resn O as pee California heads the PCC with cident this way: th e incident ~-as. closed. That 5 Wi!liams' .328 mark which / 3 O d •h"l h T all there was to 1t." . ~Y- Pre~ir '~Bl e :o_ac ~n.:_· "I was dissatisfied with the Bystanders said Governali topped the American Leagu_e w ro ro s eaveis 8:re - . way Dick was carrying out his d M . the past season reduced his T tt 'Jhey th I_ a: ex.c;~t:~nall~ blocking assignments. I t 0 I d ~~rd's ob~;~r=x~:~~=dl~~a!~: lifetime percentage from .350 rome er arns we on e1r ome ie . an him to block the man assigned field to .349. are on the way. up . just as to him rather than the man 111 ~ r- 1 The only players, with at th ey were at th1 s time Ia st :he wanted to block I r 15 ' 90-pou nd er up least 10 seasons in U1e ma- B HOWARD HAGEN season when they finished as · from San Diego Jumor College • t . 1 11 . h l'f Y co•champion." Elliott said. . "Dick walked up and put his quit the team temporarily l?rs, compi ,gwe~- 1 e- San Diego State will ''have returned late last week !ron'I He told the Northern Cali- mdex finger on my chest. I earlier in the season after a ,me a_verages_ an I iams its hands full" against Fresno Hawaii, where they defeated fornla Football Writers Asso- told him to leave the field, reprimand from Governali. t~~ 7 lo ~oul T~ Cc°3 ~8 ~ State here Saturday after- University of Hawaii (Z7,0) ciation that the 23-6 Califor.1that he was off the squad. I Usually running! r om left · di Jge~s ?f~,Y ·:, noon, coach Robert (Bull) and the Hawaii Marines nia victory over Oregon came "He dressed and later we halfback, he has carried the: an, oe ac son · · . Trometter of Marine Corp s (19-6). as a team effort talked over the matter. He ball 43 times, most of any 1 · fuSial . 15 tthops aNmont~ active! Recruit Depot told the Mon- "We played well the entire • a·d I h d t him b t th t A i 3 3 Payers m e ' a 1 0 n a Q b k Cl b t . t th - ·ty Before Elliott .spoke he was 1 a upse u a ztec, or a . -yard a,·erage,; L H b tt d 337 . day uarter ac u yes er. game agams e umvers1 presented with a bo~quet or ' he wanted to return to the ' He also is the team's best E:.ague. _e ./ _e · m day. and rallied in the second half roses by an employe of the squad and that he wanted kicker with an average of 35.1 1958 ~ut his 11 etime m ark Trometter's club dumped to beat the Marines," said establishment where Mon- to play against Fresno Satur- yards for 18 punts. He has ~er;1~m~ at . 34 o. Jh;. \a:j Fresno, 20-6, late last month Trometter. "Against the Ma- day's meeting was held. De- day mght. . I placekicked three extra points i~ah~ts ; {~tease is O and downed the Fresnans, rines we had to 'orient' our spite this, he made no men- "I told him to come back out of five attempts. 0 1 0 · • 53-0, In 1957. men a little at halftime. We tion at the meeting of h I s _____________;________...:______ Th• lead;,:._~ 3 ~c';:Nm~~•A~ 0 ;;•>: "I believe this year's Fres. took our players to see the team's chances to reach Pas- s f d p . d 1;, 1 .yxer ·••aCl1b g76 1f2~ 2,ti!i P3Cf9 no team is as good as the one Hawaii Marines play an inde- adena on New Year's Day. tan Or ra I se M~~t~~··N y~• on : 1102 3937 1238 :31; a year ago," said the Marine pendent team a week before Stanford coach Jack Cur- ~gt~~: 8:\:~:l :. m~m 1 m :~I coach, "even though they no we met them, and the Ha. tice, whose Indians tripped ~~~~n.c"t~~1o m: ~i1 Jm :m longer have fullback Dean waii Marines looked bad in UCLA,. said reserve quarter- B u C LA ~~~:r:onsa1#J,;,. · :· ~; lm :~81 Philpott. that one. We had a miscon- bl.Iack S1dd Garbebr tudrned in da y Coach i'gt""ti:;ca~.V- ·.·m1 ~f.t nii Jn "They are fast and like to ceptionofouropponent".d·t ·emen ous JO an terme Fox, . 1;s; 575' 1111 .297 run to the outside. They have Jack Murphy, sports e I or him the spark plug of the (\'o"!~;• cr:J~fa",:'d · 1 m t3n 'm Ji: two good, fast backs in Bill of The San Diego Union, was offense. He also praised soph- r . ~~~~n'N.~~ltimoro ,ii ml 1 m:m Wayte and Dale Messer, and toastmaster at the weekly omore Skip Face, the half. LOS ANGELES, Oct. 'r7 ui, Bill Barnes of UCLA Vernon, Clevelond 2326 8632 2m .2a1 good passing too They are Quarterback meeting held at b k h k . k d ]J h 'd t d h NATIONAL LEAGUE ' ' • . ' ac w o 1c e a t ree con. sa1 o ay t at Stanford was the better team and deserved Musial, st. Louis ..2;13 9159 311• ·m better than our 20-6 score 111- San Diego Club under spon- \·ersions in the Zl-19 victory to win over his Bruins Saturday. ~.';,~. 5 ,;'..7,w~~~~ ;\1 ~:rs 1 m :Jl 6 dicates, and State will have sorship of the Aztec Club. "Don't underestimate Stan------------- :.:~~'."Los"'J.'.~ 0 ••,.. lW tm ml JJ1 its hands full here this week- Other coaches' comments: . . _ . . today that Satur- Dick Morns, first-strmg San Diego State halfback, was lifetime batting a". e r a g e s defense of d~y's g~me at Oregon State dismissed lrom the !quad and then reinstated yesterday among active maior league chie! executive of the Class touch- •declared oc~ne A Forceful Speaker, Too 'nlll bring to mind a story told about the late. t Knute Ro kne. The Rock was celebrated for hls language on the practice field, but the Dame faculty-wa. tolerant. or tho e most devoted to Rockne was Father , who eldom mi . d an Irish workout. On asion the meet coach let fly a particularly '11d atty oath within the hearing of Father . Ev rybody immediately turned lo ob erve ction or the priest. bf' to God," . aid Father Hennessy, in a enough for the coach to hear, "there goes eu in' either plain or fan y, But allowances should be made for a man under the ten ion of trying to win bell games. I recall the classic reply of the late Red anders when a tender-hearted professor asked the UCLA r-oach wtJ¥ his boys didn't "love" him. "l 'm too bu y coach in' to have time for courtin'," Id .'and rs, curtly. McCut heon has a lot of appealing qualities, includ- ing honest)' and a talent for turning out winning teams. .Before joining USO, his teams at Antelope Valley Jun• .IOI' College won 40 and lost only six in five seasons. . ow, though continuing the winning tradition, he is ng ubmitted to a unique form of torture---the tor- tur of not knowing whether his job will last beyond the pre ent eason. The · rnp1·ession i3 strong that he hasn't been very Roelt ng his prayers again." atur«lly, thi lm't offered as endorsement for ,a nd scored the final __________________:1 .:.d.:.o_wn=·---------- ford," he said, "They've got ford this Saturday. Clark de- RYO;;:~~r/; ~lii.L._ ,~i -s~ll 1m :~i end." Bob McCutc! 1 eon, Universi. ell treated. a very fine team with a verylscribed the Indians Barne~ said he anticipates th at could become the best,~~~t,. c~~'i~g~o ... . im t~3 1 m when in th e Pacific Coast Confer-1~'/.'::'J,.~~t.L~\fw: "·1m mt J~ :~6 game 1 [ir;,~~s. Ltlnc. ·.. :: 1 /t.1 tE3 1 f!J 1°3 .._,so 1737 fine line " as a earn, Robrnson, Cine. a rough alternoon t The Aztecs and Fresno will ty of San Diego - s12 .295 clash at Aztec Bowl In San weeks :~i Diego's annual homecoming changing our offense but after ago we Three thought of h . F · 11 PAYS $263 DAILY DOUBLE B k . LS u I / running up 478 yards against (Continued on b-5, Col. 1) . I Y T rl Um P S f1! iiri m :1U b~l••pfij~~i~~tl Trometter and his squad H d p 11 to ence from now on. Washington ~tate comes Lie Ing :\1emor1al Coliseum Saturday. Dkk Fry. th«; WSC publici- ARMY DROPS TO TH/RD 1- ------------------ c AN BRUr-.O Calif o t 27 O s . t ty man, told the weekly ses- on U~ton contmued w I t h !or the six furlong test of 3- sion of the Football w it ';IP ~ith ltwo foul~ ~!aimed int he ,ec. year-olds. He returned $15.20, Association that star qu;rte~~ C' • · ea 0 wa ,, ' 1.f/ Tanforan came an oddity on Jts opening pro, ond dlVISlon ol .)oc'r1ay~t Ath 'fflly t thre~,with stewards allowing neith, 1 1 came ba:( with a~:i:t ri~:r fl~:1~g another. . orses eniere to win eld N back B bb the feature $7.90 and S1 70. ;;ot e;::;,anai7a~~st • In the second .division. Sir,definitel~ leg in- 1 d . Ruler, ridden by George Tani- UCLA because of a 1n gu1ch1, fmlshed fir ·t ahead of jury and his second stringer l J:',~v cm, :::::.::::::: ,,;ii ·::::::::: '~Ia ·•···.... ··· ' 1 !el. 1 f 5 • 1 ..... ::·:::::: m • 10th after defeating Notre Dame, and Wisconsin, mov- on the basis of its tie with ·11 f 13th t 'ghth I g up rom O et pi, 0 k I a homa, Wisconsin, Colorado and Purdue. Ohio State Is -third in the UPI rankings. Auburn. LSU, Purdue, Wisconsin and Texas, No. 4 a week ago, Clemson, No. 10, and North- Pitt~burgh follow. fs~~~lin:11dcli~~:~ C~':ispo;d Northwestern, 26-20. The newcomers are un- l l~i;tpeid f~~orf~~• hy beating Nebraska; Pur- t N 8 d d t wes ern , o. , roppe ou 34 · 7 · Sou th of the AP's top JO. Rice de- feated Texas, ,..,. "'" Oi~:.;n&~f:n/~ 0 ,: 1,. s.rv,t.. Unbeaten Louisiana State Jikel' l y th@ Bay District Handicap, the Lord Fauntleroy and Nation. IDave Wilson ver bl t b ' !would The unusual rac. brought a nice was divided Into two sec, al Flyer third. e O P ~y, n eye n- I e a no . . a $7 500 each with payolr tlon8, double th 126390 dal d A I h Immediately after tbe rac either He suffered a · e rmy as as rep .ace · e, • amid booing tiom the 7,498'purse. Coup De Vent, w 1th 1ana, many of whom thoughtlWarrrn Ferguson riting won Ceorge Glassner, up on Lo rd :Jury._ . 1:'104.51Fauntl~ro~, claimed a foul on houll ha•e been ____________ Tanigu1ch1, and Ray Yor_k. 1 w1l~ handle the Job. Pnce 1s removed from the fi-furlon !FIGHTS LAST NIGHT aboard the fow·th place Ahbl strictly a ground attack lead• poll and Iowa has ousted g _______;___..:..__ ,_Blue, c_alled foul on Glassner·er and not a passer. the Cadets in the United !al Mate . No. 1 team In the Associ- thP • f!cond rac• winner Cele . the first haH in Ohio State. .. . 338 ..... 1 1 o,\ NF·o 0 Texas, Notre Dame and b1 ~.:.-,f;',~ r,:n·rif.·PJt 1 1 9 8 ,~ ,,fch•w•i' .™ rd st rmger. Geoff _Pn~e ated Press college football Mississippi, 0 kl ah o ma, 1 ~?.~~Ai •• 3·• 6 """ 1 Northwestern dropped out ~~vvT:~i. r•z~;,,r,l~ N~)h l~.':t':." !J; Rutgers m 23. of the UPI's selection 10. e ra ngs may en up again next Saturday ordF 51ro 0 when Iowa invSades Michi- 11 Th ti b h k e s a · UPI POLL · r nn•, ~-. Press International ratings. th S th Cl . ar · k D t 0oalor~th••o 51••••·· ond won-10,l-tled rec- t }:'r~• r:vt2:J.'n .. ·::::::::::: m 1: t~~r!'~na"i,a1!· 0 Ni C6-0l··•·:::: 2li ?: ~~!ii!~f~., m a Jam up near th e_rn _ou e _on e one- kav R u d DALU.5-oanni, F10,man, 111. ,, 00_ TAMPA, Fk>-Gomo,o 15.,.ad eren- lnJul')'. Celes- ~ro1. '"· au1001n..o R•.• Sh•.,.•••· ''°I •J Y !ua,d cno,,u, 202 "'· he threw • , both in leader Armv, said h 1 s Cahtorn1a coach, eighth pole. to polls the past two weeks, balloting and to second in the UPI ratings. The Ca, last week by Pittsburgh. Iowa trails LSU in the AP delighted After viewing picture~ o! the Trojans were In tfw 1ate. He 1mf- C:11mpo visits tate Ohio gan. race, Stewards found the jam beat the Cougars Saturday. dropped to third in the AP 1rrPd a back Northwestern, LSU plays host to Mississippi and Okla- homa visits Colorado. Army pl , Colgate and Auburn 10. P1ll>hurgh c. 1-IJ t1a1 Male ran a quarter mile 1JOLED0, onio Cha,1,a moer> smith, was caused by National Flyer Be prai,:;ed his quarterback before hf'ln,: /,,.:~=/o~n~o:..:'~';;~~ ~m~\11, and moved him to la~t pla~e. Willie Wood. who managed t~ clown the Ira raught and tlr.e Marvin ...... WOii c!f a~d thP. d hlnatlt>r\ ~Ith opeHr. Id ~A John Cunnlnoham, '" m. Jot oe Nu«I 116 long pass for a dets were held to a 14 _14 ti·e ,That left Sir Ruler the win get off a ncr, followed by Lord l<"aunt• touchdown in · ed. Appren- • 00111<1 en ..-,. th ,.2 knocked a)s the final mo- the tact he BOSTON e 1..,, um M111.,, pay-rc,~r1'E"GO-Wlll,t ' ' ti). meets Soul h Carolina. - despite ment - ..,.. leroy and Alibi Blue. a ,... OIIIO,,, AP POLL third-place order, Ai1. fl,~~•Q,ii~ Jg1•. b~~. gn,~01,':J~i~\t 'lll,.1 W~f1no~~~demv. 6 dou om., ,.;~1~•;;:~~- IM,;}~;,11\:' GtNa•I The time al~o wa~ 1 :10 4-5. was handicapped by an in, poll. Following 20. North each; lhel1J7 ,, "•••td Bobb, Gomez, oU. • ;~PoddY Yeung, 16111, encl '5 80 and '3 :;o. ,w, is, The I\ inner in Army are, returned $7.40, jured shoulder. lnl 1,1,~ n~r.c~~ M, lech. 3, Texo, A hor OIiier< Gco,~r· s record, ,.a,on', end volef ploco St.anf d I USC due, climbing from 15th to p1~'t".::'1i~~ Slate CU) ('-0) •• r:11J~'1'.~o~·~ch~th; Oklohoma or at Paya tan• burn, Ohio Stale, l\,li,;i;iss1p- · • IG'"' dr.., 110),
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