News Scrapbook 1958-1961
By HOWARD HAGEN every Maley was one of six coach, ,1aley, San Diego game.. The fact f9 we haven't a compo~ing lhP panel for tile ,·oa,·h, yeste1·- been pre~,<'d, and thr scores weekly luncheon m<'<'ling at day denied his unbeaten Cav. could have been higher if we San Diego Club. Jack Mul'plly, en; have deliberately run up had left our top mc>n in long- sporls editor of The San the score while trouncing six PL" Diego Union, was toa~tma.~ - i·hals I his s<'ason. lei', Thp Cavers, lPd by slick Maley, refusing to compare quarterback Ez('Jl Singleton, this year'3 Caver team to his have outs~ored the opposition, ! other Plrnmpionshlp outfit~ al '..:6:, points to six, while down- S:•n Dic>go High, ,;aid Single• ing Kearny 25-0; La Jolla, ton's passing is the major 59-0; Pt. Lom,, 40-0; .Mission fac1or in U1e current 6-0 rec. Ba) , ;wfl 1ula Vista, 54-6, oi-d. and St.~~~~- 51-0. "Singleton Is an outstanding "We hav not poured It on athle\lr who <·ould play any any team,'' aley told 't be positfon on thP. squad, in- Monday Qual't<>rback Club. ,•Judlng ihe line,'' s•id Maley. / "We have t•sl'r study. Coal'!11's' rommcnts : Duanp High football squad of 40 men In
S~N Dll!GD: CALll'OIINIA \l ed.• No, .:;, 1958 Y
Paul Gcl\·emall, San Dit'go SlatP--Whi:on quar'lerba<'k Joe Duke sparked our 1eam Sat. urday c J<'rP no Statr 2:.!, Az- lP<'S 201, It was a case of a T- formation quarter ta k 1 n g 4'irnrge, as a qual'lerbaek must , i! 11,c• form~ lion works 1 ... W~ played our best game in thrrr. V<'/ll'S, and J.'resno l till' lJPst rlub WP ha Ve 111c( to ctAle :l'!, teams deep, (Co11tln11P
big, fast and extremely well can run, pass kkk and call roached (by Clark Van Gal• signal~. and a good fullback der) .•. Dennis Magee, first in Jim Barron, a 100-pound- string center, probably won't er . . • There's not much play against Marine Corps Re- weight on the squi:td, with our cruit Depot Saturday night line averaging about 180, but because of his stiff knee . .. they have lots of desire. I believe end Braxton Pin- Capt. Hans Jacobsen, line kins lost the ball in tile sun coach, Marine Corps Recruit on the Jong pass from Dick Depot- Seven Jumbles hurt us Morris (first Aztec scrim- badly ln losing to the Tucson mage play of the game) .. . Rat11Prs, 28-7, Back L. C. Tay- We feel the Marines will be lor fumbled five time~ . . , even tougher than Frrsno. I saw the Aztecs play FrP~no, MALEY - Our line iR vPry and guarantee you it will be light; on the le[t side of cen- a close game with the Ma- ter their weight~ are 160, 158 rines Saturday night. I and 155 . •. Line .co a ch wouldn't glve points e i th er Charles Pope has dode a great way . • . Halfbi:tck Bob Gar- job with our kids ..• St. All- ner ls out for the srason and gustlne had very good lnt.e-. back Al Hall and guard Sam rior linemen ... w, •~ had Robinson also picked up lnju- trouble with Lincoln two of ries at Tucson that may keep the last three years and they them out of the Aztec game probably will bother us again . .. Loss of Hall In the first this weekend. quarter at Tucson was a blow George Schutte, San Diego and our line didn't get mov. J'unior College- It was a case ing until the final period. of being generally superior In Paul Platz, assistant coach, manpower rather than playing University of San Diego- we an outstanding game when we have our ~econd open date beat Harbor JC, 28-6 . .. Har- in a row next week nd, then bor back Jim Ludwick is one meet Pepperdlne In Los An- of the best on the coast ... geles. Pepperdine went to a Though Santa Monica n o w new spread while defeating leads our Metro Conference, Long Beach State, 26-22, last it's a good bet they won't get weekend. They threw some- through the season undefeat- thing like 53 passes ..• Backs ed. Santa Monica whipped Vic G au s e p o b J; end Bob Bakersfield lat weekend, and Keyes and limma Charles Bakersfield probably could l<~ranklin and Dtl!Jt Gardner win games this year in the still have inju HI We won't Pacific Coast Conference. know until later wli.ether they Bill Corchran, Oceanside- will be at top strength for Carlsbad College-We ha v e Pepperdine . . . Our junior won seven traight but have varsity, c-omposed o! fresh- a tough one coming up in m(>n and sophomore~, lost a Palomar JC. We downed San- 72-6 decision at New Mexico ta Barbara, 20-0, while Palo• Military, Roswell, N.M., Sat- mar defeated the !14lne team, urday night. They simply out. 83-0 •.. We nave a fiI)f WJ. played us with a big, fast, back in Keith J'f' sen, who Pxperienced team.
In literature, it's The Brothers Kar- amazo,·, but out at the University o! San Diego, It's the brothers carrying footballs. These brothers. Wayne and Bill Bour- que, are using their football talents to aid USO in clobbering the opposition. The Bourques came a long way to play ball for the Pioneers. They are New Yorkers originally, but have an eye on staying in sunny Southern Cali- fornia. \1\'ayne, 24, the senior member of the duo, became acquainted with California and coach Bob Mccutcheon while he was doing a hitch in the Air Force at Edwards AFB. • IcCutcheon offered him a scholar- ship to Antelope Valley JC after watch- ing him play football for the Air Force team, Later, when the coach transferred to USD. he transferred the offer also. Bl'other Bill, 21, had been offered a football scholarship from the Unl\·ersity of Buffalo, but decided to go along with Wayne when USD beckoned. Wayne, a 6-foot 198-pounder, holds down a second-platoon berth as an end. Bill, at 5-foot-9, 170 pounds, is a third- unit quarterback. He played tailback and left half for his high school team in New York. The brothers agree that football is their major sports interest, but not so much as to let any of the others wither on the vine. Ther both play baseball and basketball as well. Wayne and Bill agree on their college studies, too. Both are enrolled as busi• ness administration majors, both are about aYerage students. Bill hasn't 'de• cided definitely on business as a future , howe~er. He said he might become a teacher.
rovl 1 J>Onf'nt • cusslon nt meeting of
th e Monday <~uarterback Cluh at noon to pleased with the way things are going at University of San Diego as they take time out from Pioneer practice session. Mccutcheon, l:enter, and Bourque brothers, Bill, left, and Wayne, apparently are the b-14 EVENING TRIBUNE SAN DI EGO, C:ALll'Olttnll l"riday, No,·. 7, 19,38 tern Hoo en tarting Nods for s~rt- lDiego; Jim Catlett, forward e Califqr- from Lincoln High; Jiro Ta- tb~ll team lkakashi, n i m b le forward first two , coach Bob from Los Angeles Roosevelt . !High; Art Johnson, 6-2 Chula s have Vista guard, and Chuck Nel- • Jaoppen- son prospect from Lyn- for First Time Saturday University of San Diego's Pioneers, who were supposed to be idle this ·weekend, have scheduled a Saturday aiter- noon game at Chino Men's Institute. P I on e e r coach B o b Mc cheon, in announcing the t minute scheduling, said, "We weren't scheduled to play until Nov. 14 at Pep- perdine. That's a three-week layoff. "We're doing them a fa- vor by signing them and at the same time my kids can knock off a little of thl rust they've developed in the past two weeks," he added. USD's last a c ti on was against Colorado Western State, Oct, 25. The Chino group, 4-1 for th!! year game A,t times has a schedule so worked well for both institutions. The Pioneers also are 4•1 for the year, their lone loss coming from Montana State, which is ranked second among the nation ·s,fmall colleges. University of San Diego's Five gridders turned thes- Pioneers take to the road lo• pians won't make the trlp for morrow for the first time this USO linemen Bill Clark, C. G. year. traveling to Chino Men's Walker. Bob Hughes, J 1 m Institute for a 1 p.m. football O'Leary and Jay Elson and game. backs Chuck Williams a n d USD has compiled a 4-1 Vic Gausepohl have parts in record this !all with all of a play at USD. its games at home . Chino ! Thre~ game~ remain af~er also has a 4-1 record . again the Chino affair for the Pio- all at home but the hon O I neers. wllo have lost only to farm playe~ can't look for- Montana State, which is sec- ward to any,a:oad trips. tond ranked among the na- The Chino tilt was srhcd- tlon's small colleges. . . uled Wednesday to fill II The probab!e startmg lme, th . k "' · h USO up for the Pioneers, accord- r ee-wee .,ap m t e 'ina to coa..., Bob McCutch schedule. . ., ,..., eon, . . . is: ends~ Yoast and Merle Chmo _has victories . over Reed, Jack J O h n Pomona -Claremont, _Umv~rs• Mulligan at ~. guards ity of C_alifornhia '.'t R1vers1de, Joe Steuben and-, 1 Patten, Monrovia At letlc Cl1:lb and center Jack Garofono, Jan LaVerne and suffered its lon_e Chapman at quarterback, half loss at the hands .of the sem_i. backs Bob Keys and Tom pros from Vem~e A th letic Gates and Avalon Wright at Club. fullback. t---------- burg's first aqua , composed w of four freshmen and one C efi1.ewis, Norris Green. junior, Is being hard pushed wood, Don N~wcom, Frank by a hustling a r Fugate and Jim Boyer have quintet. The only returning ,sbown enough to keep the letterman, Ted Anderson, still ·present first team on Its toes . Is wi!lt the football squad. Greenwood is a former Hoo- Performlng with the first ver High All-City forward. aggregation are Lee Ham- The Westerners open the l r mond, 6-6, 230-pound transfer season Nov. 29 against Carnl)' from the University of San Pendletnn. Beca use o! the Impromptu schedullng of Chino Men's In- stitute, seven Un ivers ity of San Diego pla yers will be un- able to make the trip to Chino linemen and two backs-have parts In the upcoming play at the uni- versi ty. They include end C. (; , Wa lker, • s Bill Clar e, and Lea ry, ~ a rd Rob Hu hes, c en t e r Jay El~on nnd hnl!backs Chur ls Wllllam!'I and Vic Gau- scpohl. Pioneer coach. Bob Mc- cutcheon said hi' was happy to accept when the Chino club ~krd for a game. "We were bes;:lnnlng to worry about our club brcaus!' or the Jong Jay. of!," Mccutcheon said. Th!' gamr ls scheduled for 1 o'dock With. a curfew o! 4, when visitors muqt be o!l the Chino h.onor farm . McCutchl'on announred the following line up for the Plo- nrPrs sixth gnmP of the sca- on: Merle.. Reed and Ray Yoe set nd , John Mulligan ancl Jack Trllly al tackles, JOf' Steuben and Bill Patten at guards, Jack Gnro!ono at center, Jan Chapman at quar- trrback, Hob l{l·yes and Tom f,ates nt hrdlbncks and Ava. Ion Wright at fullback. I tomorrow afternoon. The players-five I Tom Carter of St. AUIUstine High and Al Lewis o! Cal Western will join the coaches' panel for llfonday's Quarter• back Club luncheon at San Di• ego Club. Regular panelists are Paul Governali. San Diego tate College; Bull Trometter, l\Ja. rine Corps Recruit Depot; George Schutte, San Diego Junior C'lllege, and Bob Mc- l Cutcheon, University of San Diego.
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