News Scrapbook 1958-1961
sPoRTsfbt ian J}it!lO Inion
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S4N Dll!OO, eAUPOl!NIA 1' \Jon., Nov. IO, 19.511
·ov. JO, 19,,81!) b5
$4N DIEGO, C4 LIFORNIA MCRD-AZTEC REPORT TOPS. QUARTERBACK CLUB MENU First-hand reports on Saturday night's San Diego State- Marine Corps Recruit Depot game will be given fans at the weekly meeting of the Mondar Quarterback Club at noon toda) at San Diego Club. On tl1e coaches· panel will he '.Paul Gcvernall, San Diego State; Robert (Bull) Trometter, M RD; qeorge rhutte, ~an Diego Junior College, Bob McCutcheQIJ', University of San .Diego; .Al LewL~. Cal Western, an~ Tom Carter of St. Augustine Ilif;l'h. The luncheon meeting, op<'n to the public, is spon ored by the Aztec Club. Jack Murphy, sports edilor of The San Diego Union, will he toa~tmaster.
when the two old cro s-tov.11 nvals meet for the 22nd time at Aztec Bowl. Valdez i a good passer but al~o is a running threat.
GOES AGAINST AZTECS Valdez To Direct Ma.ri es' Attack y. IOH':S. \ " ~kDO. ,\1 ,D \'etn v aid z, I t car' uarterback at the "nivers ly of San Diego, h been called upon to <'arry the Marine Corps Recruit Depot attack ag, an Diego State Sat- urd y night at zt c Bowl. ai-lnc coach Robe CBulll Aztec fullback, Is expected to T1omr.tter aid he as im. get the starting call with pressed by the way Valdez en- Ernie ;\,Ierk, ex-Helix Hi g h glneer d the one Lea.therneck and USC performer, working tou hdown 1n a losing cause behind him. igalnst the Tucson Rattlers The Marines spent the last la t week. I two days de!ensing agaim;t an Vnld -r.. a 5-11, 190-pounder, aerial attack because the ,s danger \J! on the option Aztec , guided by quarterback play. He can uncork a l o n g Joe Duke, connected on 19 of pa55 or run the ball when the 33 pas. e against Fresno State occasion call last we k. However Valdez probably MCRD h as been fairly wlll be on~ of three signal strong in pass _de!ense this ea- callers seeing action against lson, havmg mtercepted an San Diego State. The others average of two passes per ball are Darryl Rogers, a former game. end trom Fresno State, and Trometter said he expects Pete Walski ex-Santa Bar- a tough game from the Az. hara College quarterback, ltecs. "We have looked good in who guided the Marines to workouts this week, but, for an unbeaten regulaC' season that matter, that was the case last year. 11ast week and ;~e did_n't look Trometter may be forced 1 well at ~c:son, he said. to dig into h,, reserve supply, The .rl\alry dat~s back . to ot halfbacks s nee Bob Garner•1932 \~· 1th th e • farmes holdmg has a shoulder ,;eparation and la series edge. with 11 v1cto, Al Hall a still knee. Garner, r}es, eight ! 0 sses and two the most consistent ground lttes. AnY th m? can happen gainer, and Hall, a standout when ,?1e Marines and Aztecs la t e on, v.ere the starters g_et_ to_ 0 _e_t_h_e_r_. _ ______ thrOUih the Hawaiian Marine g me. Either Dale Boutwell o!
·ov. ti, 1958 C
D RECORDS hapman Pas s Rip Chino, 46-14 l peci,oi ... T~ San Die,o UniDn C1:rINO, No,•. 8-Quar.terback Jan Chapman set two school P<;5srng records here today to lead the University of San Diego to a 413-14 victory over the Chino Men's Institute. Chapman'<; 11 completions • * • for 230 ·ards topped the old j stot15fia marks of 10 and 162 ,·ards set ~,,., a wns U2\ 0 t:11:i:,no .1 Rushin9 ,anta91 134 M2 last year by Vern Valdez. :~:~~• Yard••• m 47 Chapman passed to three Po"•• int•«..,tea bY • 17 ·y ,_,~ touchdowns with Pnd J\Ierle Punh •-so s Ho., R fumble• lost .. •. .. i 3 eed on the receiving end. _ • oras oenotized ... . • 1n 15 They were for 19, 11 and 57 yards.
Tom Gates. the Pioneers' second leading_ground gainer, scored three times and pick- ed up 90 yards in 15 carries. Freshman Joe Gray accounted for the other USD touchdown on a 92-yard kickoff return. The victory may have been a costly one for the Pioneers who face Pepperdine College Friday night. Halfback Bob Kej·es, the club's best ground- gainer, reinjured bis knee and at present is a doubt.fuJ star- ter against the Waves. . This was the llith vktory in six starts for the P ioneers and was a duplicate score of their last victory when they toppled Colorado Western College 46- 14. ' Nate Hodges and Jack Wil- liams :scored the Chino touclj. downs on 37 and 44 runs re. spectively. USO was •out. gained in rushing, 262-134. . .. l: 1: 1: t::: Go~~p-fO:rusn~e r~~~rs1o~~1), c~fn~ H(?d?es 37 run (Woshingtton, POSS from Wlll1ams). USO-Reed 19 POSS from Chapmon. {Maichel Placementl, USD- R~ed 11 POSS from ChaPman {kick forlied ,. USO-Gray 92 kickoif return Cotton Pinnt, Ark., or D u k e Snider oC Fre no may fill in !or Hall whlle the right side is a tossup between B 1 11 y Martin ol l\Iinne ota or L. C. Taylor ot Fresno Jimmy Pyles, a former : HE SAN DI FOOTBALL SCORES Depu Chi Pittsburgh. 29, Notre Dame no 26 _ Navy 40, Maryland 14. Brown ;J.2, Cornell 8. THE SAN DIEGO UNION Sun., S o,·. 9, 19158 ® b7 L . SAINTS' CAR.TER TO JOIN QB LUNCH COACHES PANEL . Tom Carter, St. Augustine High foothal! coach, will Jorn tile regular panel at the weekly luncheon meeting of e Monday Quarterback Club at noon tomorrow at • San t,lego Cluh. Otflers on the panel Wl,l.l, be P aul Governali, San Di- eg_o State ; Al Lewis, Cal"'Wl!lltem; Georgp Schutte, San D Junior College ; Robert (Bum Trometter, Ma rine Recruit Depot, and Bob Mccutcheon University Diego. ' . J\Iurphy, sports editor of The San Diego Union, will be toastmaster for the meeti/1¥, which I sponsored by the Aztec Club. ate 14, West Vir- Penn El Camino ginia 14 (tie). S l 26 Dartmouth 38, Columbia 0. Penn ,'D, Yale 6. Holy C oss 20, Colgate O. Prince on 16, Harvard 14. · Buckn Jl 44, Te le 6. Boston College JIO. Detroit 0. so TH Mi slss 1 58 Houston 7. A u b u r n 3.'J, ~Iissil> ·1ppi an 21, • c ,,..,n Sti.11E: II. Florida 7, Georgia 6. !'hf' (; i t a d e I 38. Pres- h) terian 0. 0 Vanderbilt 0, Kentuck) 14 Pu (tie J. (tie>. ate O. f lahorna 20, lm,a Kan~a 29, Nebra ka 7. Georgia Tech 13, Clemson 0. (Continued on b-8, Col. 1)
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