News Scrapbook 1958-1961

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Page A-19

. ' Sports Section --------


of ..

Be~rs'T ~I


to meet Iowa in the Rose Bowl g"_"d c~ance nay. Washington and Stanford on :--ew Year·, oned with first. must be reek. California , meanwhile, got a da terday. It was the second rest Eir Y 0 11 )cs. en the Bears all season, 'I\vo B lott has giv. }!uber and guard Pat Newell e~end Skip UCLA game , should be read'. . . m the washington. Tackle J ohn :\lich~ei'~ time lor Jy sprained ankle . He'll be out f as a bad. . or some tim The Huskies suffered tlll-ou h . • · their Saturday ga me with Soguth: mov1~ or nia. use won, 2l-6. Coach Jim 0 ,. rn Calilor- satisfied with t he \Vashington lin :

Academy Program Defended I PHILADF.LPIIIA • ·a. ,·y·s a lst&nt dlre tor of ath ,lellcs says the academv foot ball team i out to · make money in b•i: time collei:e football . 1n a sprPch ) estc-rda; , E . E. lRip • Mille , ualized a nationwide Ea t-West ,·on1er. ence dima:xlni each sea or in a •·tr u e championship ".Some da)," 11Jler told a loolball club luncheon, •·we ' will ha,e an All-America Con- ference made- up o( Xotre D":me Army, • 'a,y, the Al Force Academy, lndepcnd- ents In the l:a ·t such as p,115. burgh, Syrat·u~e- ,\nd Penn St al~. and Wrst Ca as 1 teams. ' Plan "'-> C 011tlnue And he said A n D a p O 11 S would continue it.s program of

of the main rcasoo, [.oui, ana 'tate's Tig · are on top in both national loot• ball polls today.-<..'l'J \\ irephoto

P \lll' PLl G - The ou tandin" play of JUL.or center I a • F ler, ho\\n \\1th coach Paul Dietzel, I· Ollt'

Tigers Bag Top Spot In 2 Polls Writtefl l'rHt PR.US WlllU It"• Louisiana State all by itst'lf at the top of the na• tlona! football polls tod y. Coach Paul Dietzel'• Tigrr• ha\• won eight tralght and s,-o,ed 206 points to 47 for the opposil ion. Thr)' led Iowa, 1.532 to l ,411 point . in thP A. odated Pi'" poll and topped the Hawke cs, 324 to 307. in the United Press Inter· national ratings. I.SU replaced Iowa in th• U Pl tr,d after cru,hing a re• spcctablr Duke learn, :;()-18. The Tigers "l•re thf' s1. th team to cake O\.Cl" Ur t pla<'e in the t·p1 balloting this un• ! predictable, seac::on. 'Cats, Jri h J<'all The Tigers remained on top in the AP poll. Iowa, Army and Auburn follo\\ed in ordrr. ;,,;orthwc. tern and X o tr f' Dame dropped far down in the ratings a!t,,r taking defeats. Twenty or the 33 leading coache5 who make up tl1P rating board !or l'Pl cast first-place ballots Car LSU. Iowa got H ,·otcs tor first. Iowa ha~ a much tougher road to travel than I.SU dur• the last two weeks o! the S<".ac;on. Thr Hawkeye• still ha,e Ohio State and Xo1re Dame to tackle. Their hopes for thr !"ational championship still 1d

GEORGE HERRICK I Ewol•'I TribM.,. Sporil Editor • Bears in Driver's Seat • Elliott Has 'Em Fired Up • Howkeyes No Super Tearn IIOLU 'LIIE TE.\RS : At tlu writmg Califomin's Bear. hn,e the Jx, ·t snot as the final repre entative of th<' soon-to-l>E'-d ad Pacific Coast Conference in the Rose llowl Jan. l. \\1th only \\a hington and Stanford remainin" on their schedull', the Pe te Elliott-coached gridde1:

It'Om Berkeley are in the driver's ~eat even though their current record or 5-3 isn't too impressive. But their mark of 4-1 in c'Onlerence play is good enough to put them atop th!' dr<'uit heap. The Bear:, ~hould they make the Pasadena trip, would fal·e Iowa, the Big Ten champ. and on the face of it Cal could be in for a rough afternoon. Admittedly the Bears would not be the strongc ·t t!'a m to carry the PCC bunting into the Arroyo Sec.'O bowl.

.htweight Mar- Isidro Mar- ng with a solid smash to the jaw during their battle in St. Nick's aiding high school athletes. Arena in New York last night. :'.icFarland won Referring to a recent ruling by the Eastern College Ath• 1--"-------------------- -'------..c....--- letic Conference forbidding .,349 Ignore Rain aid to p.ep school athletes, Miller said . "We"re being crlticl,ed be. cause wl?'re running a prep school program. \Ve cant sur- vl\ e without it. One-halt oJ unanimous 10-round decision.-(UPI) Telephoto

JOE K \l' I'

f(ow~ver, before we get t9 feeling sorry for Cal, let s dig up a few facts in their favor . This is a Bear team which has staged a 1errific romeback after bcin able to po ·t only a 1-n mark in 1957. Uli ott ha s his loung,te r, bclining in them- • <'h es a nd !ha t count~ for a lot even though on ,~nw ceca ions the~ ha , eu't looked good in \I i11- n111~. In Joe Kapp the Bear ha\·e one of the finest Quarterbacks in the nation and as he goes, so goes Cal. ,rosT G.\,I · · CLOSE : Ever,.. \·ear when Ro ·e Bowl ume rolls around, many ·foik.s predict dire thing· that are going to happen to the FCC club. But although the Big Ten club has had its hand raised 11 time in the 12 years the pact has existed between the two conferences, only four games have been won h~• the mid-western team by lopsided ~<..'Ore...:. Th r ,e rame u1> in 1917 when Illinois beat t CL\ , 1;;.14; in 1948 a~ ,nchii;an hor;e-colla red , outhern Cali fornia, 19--0 ; in 19:i2 \\hen Stanford \lent do\\ n, 40-7, and in 1 :i7 when lo\\a whipped Oregon tat~, 3:i-1 •

W •

bO) s I've got ne\\ s for ) ou !our squad !s made up o[ those I n We're gomg to continue 1t " "\\'ere 1aking a le:son from the pros," the former • ·av) football ,,oach said, "a n d

1 See Macias

The ring was slippery, making for in• we're going to compete '"u, secure footing, but the battle _was a _ 10· the pros. We're alter that round, no-clinch slam-banger,_with Macias, buck and wc'\"e got to play 127, gaining a narrow dec1s1on over the big time football. ctamc Jrapuato, 126. r • "\.Ve have to be realbtk. It 0 Judge Ruiz had the farmer Nallonal takes $750,000 a ) ear lo run Boxing Association bantamweight champ our 23-sport program tor 3,._)() on top, 53-47, while referee Ramon Caide• midshipmen. We want them ron scored it 5248 for Macias. Judge to play compellti\"e game., Vasquez called it a draw, 50-SO. _The E-c• and we pile the money back ning Tribune card favored Macias: 51 · 49 • into sports so they can." Ira uato sta1·ted faSt and finished Good Outweigh• Bad stront but the plodding MaCJas piled up , ·oting that the • ·a,r·• [arr• points in between. . . sU1ce iland game drew only 17 000 Macias, making Jus. fl_rS t st ar; 1d ban· ,paid attendance, he said • <>- bowing to Alphonse Ha1~ 1111 ~v~vro a ·ear tre Dame must be on . ~av) !'- tamweight title match Just start ~nt1i schedule. ago, seemed ring rusty at th~t of the elu• Concerning athletic schol-

. By BOB ORTMAN INI; TR1 1UNE Sports Writer >A-The fight was exciting but :tic. ,.,- here last night was of t he ·fanatics who blithely ignored -i downpour to cheer, stamp, "'ckers . and generally disport ! like kids at a carnival while for the main bout to come on. ~carne_at 5 o'clock, coincidental ;nt arrivals at t he bullring. For iJur hours, the rains came and 'fans,_who wound up paying ap· t 13,,ooo for the privilege o! "mg wet.

jially, the showers stopped !Raton) Macias of Mexico ' ~:d lrapuato, the hometown ropes at 9. l~ys 'I "d . I I I ij n SI e n O

ar,hips. he said: "Colleges today strh e !or en c ose an the outstanding ,tudent-ath• the 1959 encounter could he the same de pile the ::-; h th h gh t fact Iowa undoubtedlv will be installed a rather ~"r ~ubstantial fa\'orite. - ,athletes of any college. There is something about pla~ing in the Rose I "lfor good than bad Is be• Bowl whic-h make. tigers out of the underdog . \II I t f th h be I d , l 1e re · o e games a\·c

he took some of lbe dan,ce O


(Cont. 00 page ,...• t, Col. 6

I S t io Gr,·d 'Gambler' Plays t mar , :~~~ofa:~i~ ~~tui::me~t.' f

Into Payoff

IT" TH.AT :l~ · A.GAIX: Woody Hayes just Maybe the Ohio State football tutor <.'Ourts them T\1 ice t hl ~ea on t he contro, ersial m entor ot into ha •~els over offi ciating and for bootin , ports writer s out of Bucke~ e practices.


some' football stars on schol- can't seem to keep clear of beefs.

the chino arship who later became sue-

ton lhe Later he pral:dd our run-Ices tu! in business and the and if he does he certainly has succeeded.


" We'd no sooner go

line, •·which bo e I." and professions



.Cheon, Univer- reservation," related Mc- ning attack complketJeany. ChaP• U iego football Cutcheon, " than one of e 1 · named qu~ !lback Tom Gates British Heavy ing ;d _the existehce mates came up and ask me man an,,dn ain the top efforts . ..:rm_g Yesterday what kind of a team we had, as tunp· ~eers' 46-Hvictoi;·. Set for Title Match ------- th 'n rterbac give 12 points and I be -~~erte•kmg be. shoe strings, coupons a nd nex tieio state College hthead •;,m day that Brian London, Brit-! tie t aul Governali had. e~ n so- ish and Empire heavyweig~t, t oa h Bull Trometter an -an Jack Solomons annou,1ced to- .,,g • acl<; Club' s week's ora nge'." "''nt1es . . k , 0 u and in the 10 R ruit Depot ~'1\p o may fmd saymg, 'I had to ta e l t my Marine Corps ec ti, s ut..

He was hanged in effigy after hi club was Qualifying Extended dumped by • ·orthwe·tern and now come an argu•

d San LO:--'DON

Qua Ii f ~-in g ha• been [extended one day-through tomorrow-in the County In•

S turd

. d th B k


e uc ·eyes. 1-1-H, aSl a :\lollenkopf pulled no punches in co nd emning ,·itational Bestball golf tourna• champion. ";11 defend hi, Woody for not shaking hands following the game. ment at Bonita because of to· So the anti-Hayes club has gained another mem- day's rains. manager Russ ti~!i ciGovernali: "~ .•r_,.c~~!o~C~so~L:_:"'.!,>~h'.'.:e:'.r.::e.:J:.:an:::.· :::.1~:._·______ ...:._b_e_r_._I_t_i-=gi.:..'O_"_in...:::.g_b.:.~_•'.po:..::::.r:.ted.:..::::._____..,. ay. D I a well titles against Henry Cooper

i;e, 1 ~ the San Di. Mcc utcheon called the_ Jau~r Private mutual adnurati ' 1ay d the best " a most educational trip ( \ty going.

~- 111 ~5 he told of the kids," the score not ,1, 1ast to Chino ing into hls thoughts a

(Cont. on page_,.. ·

i 1 ~Doi~;; ~:;~p,'.;:'.:; Subs,_~~-~.~e~... ~~--~~1.'~ r • BERKELEY (UPal ch ,,•ho takes ,ictory as mendous help:· 1 k O Just now the Bears appear to have a pair o! DAYTON 1,1.'1 - Sl Bur c ' ken young c • od 'that come-through cinches lined up in Washinslon (3-5) and Stan· th Dayton SP~ tly as defeat, said t b~tutes ba\·e played a ford (2-6' who are their last opponents on the

it "made·• \\ith such expected weak stick• A S th e Huskies and I nd ians on tap. '"Washington is tough and so is Stanford,'' ·ect ,., . o parn . ~,a, we never fee 1 our squa . verybody knows there is still plenty of rugged football ahead w;th those As for Cal's chances against Iowa _ if the Bears go to the Rose Bowl - Elliott just wouldn't be dragged Into such speculation. •·we do our best each weekend," he sa id. "And ne.xt Saturday we ha,·e a rough one com· 11·k h ·e t at on d E two schools." \\'h1le Elhott and crew conunues to take them one at a lime, Oregon will be at t:CLA, Oregon State at Stanford, Washington State at College of Pacific, t:tah State at Idaho and Fresno State at San Jose State, Southern Call• Elli tt ing u~ at Se~ttle." .



spor1s editor o!


· quie

bV the su s

Calif · orma hea s into the \\'ash• 1 ·'n th P ·fi C t Con! er- ences Rose Bowl scramble with a 4·1 PCC rec• ord and is 5-3 for the ;ear. It's a far cry from Elliott's debut last season when he had to settle •·.·o, I ne\·er felt the urge to go back to the :llidwest," the former :IUchigan quarterback great said when asked if such a poor perform- ancc in 1957 had shaken him any. 1 'It was just a case of hangiug in there and seeing: that the follows learned the split-T. I betie,·e they have. ·'And e\"en though it won only a single game last season. the squad never lost the attitude or spirit which it needed. And that stays with it · mgton game ea= g e act c oas for one win and nine defeats. d regular season.

"' and

crtonnances ., .

. ·s resurgence thiS year. . J· st Saturday," Elliott

1 • col

I "l '

t t


t part ill

1-:"'"a S Kansas Da i"ly News •a1"d In , us ,.,wt'te : ~~orTdle1dc umn t~day that Sid Gillman. grea · P ~, l(s . over the coach of the Los • oveq" t he 3 '·•· Rams professional footba oth, 1 g"aWa State. team may be planning to Illes fig , . . 1 coaclt· for .,, ead Angeles


Grover Garvm a alfb k spot where


d into th• h



11 said. "lie steppeb en hurt and gained 96 ya s two others had ~A That's just an exan:ple. · who took over right JerrY Lundgren d Segale at center Look at Ron Currie. Oefr/; 1J.v and Tom Bates us against ll

· leave the profession•


ing ranks.

end for cftiappone. J

ers who stepped into

~'.~1.1,(~0l\fcrd ~~!~1~~'"",·r1. , ' '""'',

Bur'1'ck said he 1earnedG.1l·ni for Bob ards are two oten the regulars \\.-·ere t 1 . at the gu measured up w


Cleve land Sunday th• man has not signe_d thbe 1 1 h m y contract o!Jercd 1 9

1101es an~,

. one sustained prr•

• 9

1 •. ''"'·

h 0 c sidellned. rrie and_ Cn•a~~ kept them out ali Both Cu rtes which ha ·ds "the guys who J3U· season lnJU petes 0 wn wo~n~ came through


fornia has an open date.

Rams t hree weeks ago. 1 year. So ]~er aown the rick did not d I S C I o s e l ic j were fur ,source ol his in!orrnation,

, .

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