News Scrapbook 1958-1961

'MISSION BAY GAMBLES, LOSES Saints' Hopes Remain Alive By PAULCOUR Federation mark ot Z7 touchdown passes, set by Ronnie Knox of Santa Monica.

!AN 111100. CALr,oaNIA }' at., ov I!\ rn••

16 and then Adams 1urned passer to con- nect with Clause for the first of his two TD's, Clause's run for the extra point was stopped and the score was 6-6. Mission nay's touch• down came with 4 :02 10 play in the first quarter, John Wray plunging two yards. Cravens' kick was wid<". St. Augustine had a touchdown called back at the end of the !lrst half on a five-yard penalty. The Saints fumbled back to the Bue 21 but drove to the ont'-yard line as the halt ended. Singleton's touchdown pa~sc~ went for 19, :JS, 36, and 16 yards against Crawford. H. D. Murphy, Iva Tucker 11nd Mike J{ellough each. scored twice for tht> Cavers. Arnold Tripp ran 72 yards tor the Colt.' lone toucl1down in the third quarter. K<>nny Griffin scor<'d twicP for K<>arny a~ lhP Kom<'ts assur<>d th<>mSPlves of fourth place in the CPL wl1h a record of flvp wlns and three losses. Hoovrr solvrd its extra point dilemma for the tir~t time this season as Joe> BrandPl kicked both placements for the Cards" margin of victory ovPr Lincoln. Clarence Haines , cored both Hoover touch- downs on two and !our yard rushes. Charley Meekins and Louip Tucker lalll<>d for the Hornets. Bill Lewin kicked one placemrn1. Bob Mico seored three touchdowns and Rkk Geary two as la Jolla got all l!s pent up scoring out of its ~ystem at Lake Elsinore.

St. Augustine's Saints were thankful today that Mii;sion Bay's Buccaneers wouldn't set• tic tor a tic last night. The Saints turned the Bucs' stubborness Into a 13-6 vlctory on the La Jolla gridiron and thus kept alive their slim hope for the miracle that could give them a share at the City Prep League football championship. San Diego's Caver· cinched at least a tle for their 10th City Prep League title and gave no indication that they'll settle tor a first place deadlock. The Cavers stomped Crawford's Colts, 61-6, at Hoover. Coach Duane Malcy's defending champions close out the season Friday night against Hoover, while second-place St. Augustine plays Lincoln. It would take a Caver loss to fifth-place Hoo,·er and a Saints' victory to knot the race. Hoover nipped Lincoln, 14-13, in Balboa Stadium. La Jolla journeyed to Elsinore to register a 59-0 win over Elsinore Navy-Mili• tary. Kearny rapped Point Loma, 20-7, at Point Loma. Ezell Singleton passed to four touchdowns and two extra points in San Diei;o's rout of Crawford. The 5-9, 160-pounder quarterback now has 20 touchdowns passes, 84 completions in 1::1 attempts !or 1,378 yards in right games. He's just seven passes shy ol the all, t i m e Southern California Interscholastic

St. Augustine refused to crack under the strain of bad breaks against Mission Bay, bouncing back after penalitics to score both its touchdowns. .Mission Bay was playing for a Win, not a tie, when the Saints got the break they needcd. They capitalized. With 32 seconds to play in the game, the Bucs' Bill Cravens intercepted '.\like Cunningham's pa~s on the Mission Bay five and ran out to the 31. The Bucs elected not to run out the clock with the score tied, 6-6. Instead, Cravens passed on first down and John Andrew, a 150-pound hallback, intercepted the ball In the lcft flat on the Buccaneer 35 and ran to the 12. The Saints, who had suffered earlicr from penalties, were assessed five yards for delaying the game, putting the ball back on the 17. Cunningham hit halfback George Clause with a pass and he saned into the end zone with just 17 seconds left to play. Chuck Adams, a ball ol fire tor the Saints all night, ran over the extra point for the 13·6 margin. The Saints' first touchdown with l:12 to play in the third quarter came aiter two 15- yard penalties had bogged down their drive, Cunningham had hit Adams on a 29-yard pa~s play to the Mission Bay lour but the play was nullified by an illegal motion p,:m. alty. Cunningham pitched 17 yards to the Bue

Vista Nabs Share of Loop Title the only obstacles be- tween Vista High and the un- disputed Avocado League foot- ball championship today. Ra- are




more- lime with his family. Jim, with daughter Janet on his knee, and Mrs. Wilson, with Steven, arc back in their Point Loma home "to stay." Jim pitched in both major leagues.

Hoov~r 14, Lincoln 13. i~on°JF!o 0 ,Z]·Mf'~~~!\ 16 l. St. Augustlrie 13, Mission Bay ,, srwe-ewater, 34, Helix a. Kecrny 2rl, ?olnt Loma 1. Gronmont 13. Chula Vista n. r'o°n' ~/!;,~110 ft't:,~.~it,\. ~b,;,~:,C°,1,· f[::,~!~~J.; o. ~~ry?~~o26~·,.N.rt.•rti~J 1 r:_ lJ. !~~tmc~i.~;~'1/'lio~i~~ 1~ 101 • I 10 H~t~,1~ 3 ,2\ 1~o/J~~do 0 c. u. coLLEGe ~.1.: Lo Jolla s,, Elsinore Naw-Mlli-

In Crash

'l'he array or prizes for the Hotel del Coronado In- vitational go!! tournament next Thursday and Friday will be a "golfer's dream." There will be clubs, iaho<>s,

GULFPORT, Miss. t~-llfel Ott, former New York Giant player and manager and a member of baseball's Hall Of Fame, will undergo surgery later today for Injuries suf-

<'Vl'.'nt he ever played In and ~aw his handicap cut !rom 18-16. neplaccd by Grorge Wald. ram this year, John Ste- wart is up for renomination as presidrmt of the Balboa Park Men's Golt Club, one of the largest links organi• zations in the country. Blll Peloquin, one of Mu- nicipal's better shotmakers, will run against Stewart. Members will decide on their man Dec. I. cu of La ,Jolla Coun- try Club is a new director o! the Southern California Golf A~so<'iation, replacing Tom Lanphier Jr., also of La Sao Diego Country CJub- compcte!nthean- Foelschow Memorial Hi-Low tournament Dec. 6-7, Jack Stokes reports. This i~ one o! the major rvents each b ·11 crsw1 nual The next meetln,: of thA Torrey Pines Women's Gol! Association is set for Tues. day night at 8 at 624 Nauti- lus St. in La Jolla. ::!Irs. Dick Trim11er cap. tured the Hope golf tourna- day with a net total of 218 for 54 ho I es. Mrs. Dan ayse led Class A with 226, four under Mrs. R. L. Volk and Mrs. Jerry Fuller. In Class B, Mrs. Roy Booth led with 224, Mrs. Love Cooley was second with 228 and Mrs. Lyle Simpson took M n111 s .o ll Jolla. year at SDCC.

l\Iar Vista High's Mariners toV.s1o n. corondo 13.

ed Devils Win;

yof Vote Likely

two-car collision carts and balls awarded for

!cred in a


stands alone as


the 36-hole


top eftor(s

So. Corolino st. 27 • Mor.Ts Brown '· laSl night.

Southern Prep League cham-

o/~~,;'~ 0 r.

1ifr~"rK~n.1 2. Ott and his wife both re- 1, son Fronc1,;o cc 1. ceived broken legs and multi- ed by a $1,500 pro-amateur Vista cinched a tie for the J7L,tourncdu Tech 52 ' Jock,onv,r,, CTex.l ple lacerations in the smash- Wednesday. Amateur prizes crown last night by lashing !~~}~ 0 J~?c~ g: !l-, t.~': v~u., u. up that killed a 50-year-old will total Sl,000 In f i v e Coronado, 33-13, at Vista. Mar ~~rJ.•o,~Fli. J~olrthchtt"' JC •· Bay St. Louis Miss., man, Les- flights. Vista downed Fallbrook, 43-0, ~~~::,~n1ic!c i!~nsc:'n'ii."~~~ §e1!: lie F. Curry Sr. . Deadline for entries for Menlo JC 28, Oloblo Volley 26. Dr. Charles Floyd said at Fallbrook and San Diegui- Humboldt s1at/e~itr~~wa11 6. Ott's condition has improved the tourney Is tonight, al- event, which will be preced- pion. MOde,10 JC

Mount Miguel powered lts way back to the Escondido 32 but the Cougars' Toby Thurlow intercepted Pete Jerni- l: m's p, ss to end the threat. E~condldo scored first, Steve Thurlow pas ing to Don McLeod !or the tally. ~·ullback Rockne Barsotti tied it at 6-all for the Matadors in the first qLlarter with a ~even-yard touchdown plunge and ,terry Lipscomb booted the extra point to put Miguel ahead, 7-6. Steve Thurlow p ss!'d to his brother, Toby, for the next r,; condido touchdown but the Matadors bounced bac-k with Jernigan scoring from the Escondido two, Liscomb's placement put the ~1atadors ahead, 14• 11. A defensive battle ensued until Mar- tin' tol' spelled the difference. Wayne Sevier to sed three touchdown p sscs and kicked lour extra points to lead Sweetwater to Its lirst grid victory In history over H<'lix. Mike Folgesong took two Sevier passes to paydirt and Joe Meeker counted on one. Joe Sewell ran 87 yards for one Gross- mont touchdown in the second quarter and Grossmont went on to down ChLtla Vista, 13-12, at Gillespie Field. Don Hamlin plunged three yards for the FoothUlers' other touchdown and rushed for the declsi•,e extra point. El Cajon plays a non-league game with Ramona of Riverside tonight at 8 at Gillespie Field.

e ,•,r, 0 ;;,uni Island --- H t Ur 1 · u

though post entries will be accepted it the limit of 100 isn't reached, chairman Don Reports have It Phil Rodg. ers, National Intercollegiate Country Club, has been in Palm Springs trying to ob- am a sponsor or t e pro tour. He recen ly quit school to and is expected to turn pro, although he has made no Collett said. champion from La Jolla e 1. f h





9 6


to the point w ere surgery l b d k b t h e un erta en, u e said the one-time slugging out- fielder is still in critical con- cou d Floyd said the surgery wil) be on Ott's legs, including re- dition.


ceans1 e, 1 • , at Alom~"agg"AS' 29

to bumped

20 _


Oceanside to keep their title



chances alive. ~Iar Vista next Friday night I T lo settle the Issue. Vista is 5-0, Mar Vista and San Die- V1 ta !aces Mar Vista at


n an oran T f M" h Is ap Ur






tt . se mg

ones, c eanmg

am- th

I c·


d ti

ssues an pa mg

age legsintraction.

g uito each 4-1.

received a

Mrs. Ott, who

Coronado pressed Vista for

in addition

broken arm

trailing .only, ,

the first half,

l4'1-Jockey fractures o[ both legs, even-


21-13, buJ the Panthers de-

the sec- Manuel Ycaza, one ot the tops tually will have to undergo comment on racetracks, surgery, Floyd said, but we're Rodgers will play in the El f was reported improved today not considering it at the mo- Dorado Invitational tourna- n,I the matter. the nation's

stiffened m


ond hall and they added two on

mBorebtouO chdotwns.

mcnt in Palm Springs next

three-horse pile- ment...

our following a


ver on V I st a


in Ott's major league career weekend, passing up the in July, Coronado event. He'll play

tou hdow 11 s up at nearby Tan!oran

)1 a_ r

agam st outmanned Fallbrook. which two other riders were of 22 years ended

in the pro-amateur, though. San Diego Junior golfers

resigned as

He ran 48, _41, 32 and 18 yards. hurt. Dave R1ghtmur ran back

1948 when he





f th

the op?ning kickoff 83 yards . The 21-year-old Panaman- manager o e tan an

t s

ff t 1an suffered a fractured col- was succeeded by Leo Duro- will have a big booster in ·ct O a larbone and a brain concus cher. He broke into th e ma- Mortie Dutra, who takes sion in his first race sine; jors u nd er th e late John Mc- R r I':' Y being suspended for 20 days Graw when only 17 a nd st m today. ton hdomme for a ridin° infraction at Bel- holds th e National League ca- 'They are tomorrow's

t £° f\ ;n · 1 e1ub O 0 a~ s ar agai~~ ~earJ:i e. ·t

the flelr! 2" ynrd p)uccment, by a high f11• t

over as Bonita Golt Club pro ment at Flying Hills yester-

l!l56 with three mm. left to play at llcllx. hich h<'lpcd the pig• ts swept with it the ch Tom Welbaum's no ill wind that ·a



t • ;;; 1

av)'., o pu

reer home run record with

towtnhs, mont Park bin New York

golfers," Dutra said, "and I believe in helping them in to push junior events at Bo-


trunnmtgtho Brelled ouc_ e u


ogs m o




Also hurt were Jockeys Tay.



Class A

Southern California Interscho- !or Powell and Marvin Green. f The Otts h:dJu st ~ulledhout every possible way. I plan



shock an d rom a roa st e ca e w ere tJ:iey had dinner when the a;- Peninsula i_:ident happened. A ~oroner 5


They bruises.


lastic Fede atio pl


h Chick Embrey'


ayo s.



U d f


I Ch aPma n's passes Overcome Wa Yes

n e eate

Nels Knudsen has played



Blasingame, Mu al Rock 0 yo oes T k F

Hospital said Ycaza was not J1:-ry returned a v~ rd1 ct of a;· golt only nine months, but

third with 234.

in that time he has made much headway. Earlier this Drake, Singing Hills pro, for year he went

Curry s

dea th m


in serious condition but would cidental

CI U bs M l In Ba II Main

, Ch· f • le t Oln T W k ee s


Daily prize winners were

case. --------

be laid up for a spell.

to Laddy Mrs. Martin Scher!, Mrs. Bill Tray Jo r, Mrs. Max Armstrong, Mrs, E. E. Al• Jen. Mrs. John Fredericks and Mrs. Pat Mellick. Mrs. Fran Galloway won putting !ired



I Tanforan


said careless riding was re- sponsible for the spills and L th ey blamed jockey Roy Yaka. Yca7:a wa~ riding Al's


asts WO

Recently Knudsen

SAN FRANCISCO UJ>l-Only 77-16--61 in qualifying for

the Singing Hills club cham-

0 War, which tripped on the two weeks after his appoint-

neers hit paydirt on Chap-

(Conl frnm Pa"e b-1)

for three

laurels with 90

TO .Conyair ~nd Na~mco, both heels of Jimmy James, ridden ment became official, Tad pionship tourney, won the C rclln I , n armg the end ot tpr~ad S~ormat~o~. V. 1t\ 1 !1 11 · his 13 ,yaid pitfh to Walker' v1ctor1ous m openmg games by Yaka. Senor Ray, with Michel resigned last night as Third Fllght in the first rounds. h r 16-&a 4 exhibition tour, ac eve . 0 nson omg a one ·ard sneak b Cha ma~ of the fast San Diego Base- Green up, and Callight, rid. director of the Olympic Vil- -------------- ------------ rlpp d off 16 hr !I today, in- mo.~t Jt th e P 1 ~~hmf 1~hy c~;- and /one-yard buck by 6ates. ball Association's Ameriean den by Powell, piled on the Jage for the 1960 Winter Olym- Dickerson Nabs Title ludin 10l1> homer by Stan ~et t I on cig t O ! n 11 1 Gates with 111 yards in 22 League, clash tomorrow aft- fallen Al's O War. pies at Squaw Valley. tu ial and Don Bla ni:nmc, I ~r~(l w~ qu~11tsTh or USD carries' and Keyes with 66 in ernoon at 1:45 at Golden Hill Michel said he sent his res- BUFFALO, N.Y. UPl-Nate to wul!op th J p n All Stars, ia~t 11 ~ on\ a y. den ct 15 both broke th~ Pioneers' playground. Both losers by PRO BASKETBALL ignation to Robert King, ex- Dickerson, Olean's letthanded f> ' !c~s;n:ndupt~/ ~~:~~/r{oul~ individual season rushing rec- one-run. margms,_ DAV _and -------------lecutive director of the Olym- h_i~ng first baseman, w~s of. It w a big day for rn .. In- find the tar<>et on on! three ord 01 408 yards. Keyes now Ry~n vie at Un I v e rs It y pie C?rganizing Committee. 1;1e f1c1ally declared the wmner I m He al () In and t r 13 ': h 1 yt lhas1456 yards and Gates 448. Heights playgr~und. I ~;;r}~;: m: ~~\~°.1n«W.· 100 · declmed to say why he qmt. of the New York-Pennsy]va- tr p d I ve t,lm bat. ou. 0 m t e as two Falvo like Gates a freshman In the National League, ...:.:c.c.:=..:..::::...::=:::.:...=----..C.:::.:..::=::.::.:_:::::_::=:'.......::.:.::'.__:::.:::.2= ma Baseball League's bat- Thi d sa ker Ken ent per lods. addei 66 ards in 13 tries t~ loop-leading Balboa Pipe and A H R ting crown today with a .338 4 for !'I with al and . Pepperdlne al~o was hurt by the Pioneir total Summar . Supply faces the twice-de- ztecs ope to ope average. a do 1hl six second-hall fumbles. USO uso -· ...... : ... 12 , ,. fHs feared Stars at Southcrest. outhp w Vin I r Ml- reco,ercd three o! 'em. one P•u~~d12~rrng,··ro'sc ·Get,; ,ii,oK~~~ B~lboa can cinch this round ,: ll ho rhed the six on the Waves, l;,-yard line Chcpmc•. wor•er, Reed, PAT'S-F1ovo'w1th a victory added to its M t 1771 T • h lnnln d Jim ananrlanotheronthe28. 2 'PG,~'::,d;no,corlng:TO's-Echol,,'previous5-0mark. us ang on g t Jl t h d omb)ned ttcr \','.ith ~ates and Keyes alter- Wrenn, PAT-H 5 ".f'l"j!fJ~ 1 cs I . Lemon Gro':'e Mer~hants, / for the rd I'he ::irs' nat1ng in crncks at the lines, First downs use;, P•fi tied with ~at1onal City for rpe on II two. om- the Plonecrs smashed 63 and Vords rusMn, :.. ::·.::. m •• the Industrial League lead, (Cont. from Page b-1) sophomore who cauaht seven lli ak nls the 3/l yards !or tnuchdowns the ~:;::, J>Ossrn, : :·::·. uW 11'.~ (akcs on Rohr at :\Iemorial fleet backs who are averag- passes against Mont~~a 'state th 'ti Mlz 11 ore first two times they handled ~~~,:• hod •~t-~r·.::::, l-lt.: 4-2'.l m a key game. The sched- ing between 4.1 yards per car- and also stood out on defense ! i.e 4 04 ~), :Jll~l Oita).. 'z 1 ', ?!the ball. Gates got both of {~~:••;•• ... · 1] 2 .~ ule: ry (fullback Ray Porras) and The Aztecs have lost tw·o ,.,M •'s ! 0 G 1 KFi;: the scores on runs of eight and At un;ve~':1n~~:i,~.=.~t~nu~,. DAV 18.8 (halfback Fred Ford), two straight to square thi!ir sea- -I!,• Neiiiuro Cl ·w Mztll ollmo- twoyards. Women to Start AtGcld•'k~~lo~1nr:-•~~.niJleormco. fine passers (Tom Kloster, son record at 3-3. They were ----• It looked as I[ a rout wer_e 0 /'cJ' s3°/i~.""'-Stors vs. Bolboo Pioe man, 32 :!or 55, and Bub nosed out, 22-20, b,v Fresno 'Cycles Share In th . ma~mg until Walt Cn- T M d R:;irr-cinitO>-Vic Tanny v,. Enclnltos Beatha~d, 21 for 55), a line then took a good one on the ner hit B1Jl Echols on a 51-' ourney on ay At Collno del Sol-Solor vs. Anderson afl'eragmg 211.4 pounds per chin 25-0 at the hdnds c,f Y ard W · j , Furniture. d ,. , • . ave aeria .maneuver,• The women's President's 1N_ousTRIAL L~AGUE man, an one of the best Manne Corps Recruit Depot. D SI wh ch cut the dchc1t to 12-7. Cup golf tournament starts at .,A1R~h~'."or10I-Looan He,ohts Merchants ends in this conference in In other California CoDe~iate rag ate . Thern were two towhdowns,Mission Valley Country Club Ch~~,.Mv°:.''il',J~~:~~L•mon Grove Mer- years.·• . . . . Athletic Association adion, HOCKEY RESUL TS AM EIUCAt,1 LEAGUE Cleveland 3, Htrshev 0. Buffalo .c, Rochester 2. EASTERNLEAGUE Phllcdelohla 6, Chorlolle 2. INTERNATI0t,IAL LEAGUB Louisville 5, Trov 3. Fort Wovne 6, Toledo S. In 40 ~econcts as the second Monday morning. Starti:ig O~gsLlndo v1sto-A,tronoutics vs. Volz _That last 1_s sn:rth _:St1ma.l they bowed to Santa Bai bara, O The ·1. Lnul · . ., ,. . man·s l5- ard ass to Reed


lion of Curtis Hill, 135-pound 25-0, but beat Long Beach

At Escondido-f,IAS vs. E,coodido.

M t

quarter drew to a close, with times follow,




7 o Probable starti·ng 1·n 1 eups. MUSTAN(;S nm H llM/ ;::: M~-d~!~ im, u HW1 ·:::: M~~,n ... Beathord Pos. fl Cano ....... 0901 ; Romig ..•.• cnsi RG (230) .,. Gonzale$ c (2151 .... Mo• 8=3~ ~~) 11100":::: ~-· ···· (165) LH 08S) •.. . Morris .... (18~) RH (165) ..... Mortin Line 011ero~es: Aztecs 1B9.7, Mustangs Bcckf!eld overoges: Aztecs 179.3, Mustangs 185.0, Te-om o't'era;es: Aztecs Ford 09,l FB (200) .. Monnin! A. Ball .. ·· AZTECS b~~"'.::::.

0 orcyc t


First Fll 9 ht - a,io, Dornt~• vs. stein- ---------------------------]Stale, 20-12, and Los Angeles,

two yards for

tar In I:' Keyr



11t ar the pro ram ,,.Ith thP th1• l'lonecr rounter and Ray ~•ck, s1urd1von1 vs. MeK~; 1:26, w,r.


., ".rn me

llcm,vc,Po,t,McKovv,.RlcM second Fllg -




1:34, Sherrick c~:.'~~m,;;1,;s :~nisg:;.i, '" 1• ...



n t IC \\ rcnn skipping three yards


Wednesday thru Sunday

San DI KO 'nm II& A SO(•Jlltion for a Wave marker. The Wave OP tM Paradl • e Mesa tally WllS ~ct Up by Clayton

Third Flight - us. Kelly v,. B(od• _________________________;__ Glcze ...... (200) LG (180) •.... 0ovl•

Cify League


Thurlow· PAT-M Field ;001-Mortln a r t: 1 1 ~~=twofer ..... ;:. ·;::··· t. In

T le,, Ricmond vs. M


p acemen


··.... ; g


of the lub n1. WIW _., 1


I vs. Shultz, Mor.sns vs, Ekern FUfh fll,;ht - vs Puoh, Tromoos v,. Mumbv. Andeuon. Gro"es "'· JOhnstcn: Hudson \fs. Aldridge, Shere-r "'· Lone. !Orl, Rowe 9:30, Fisher vs.

PSI. Au_f 1 ust 1 ne sconnv, TO 5-Clause 2; AT-~uoms (run)_.

SY:eetwoter scoring: TD's- Folaesong Duke .•••.•• (170) QB 090

Ill 0nfluc:t "fil vc


9:16, Janz vs. A. John,

2, Warren 2· PAT's-.Se I

In the SC<..'Ond half. the Pio- PRf PSTANDINGS - ------------ !lxth Fllght - Seventh Flight -

will hr.,





w er

\IS, Cantor; 9:23, Sherwood! Mission Bay SCot1ng: TD-Wrcv.

.......... 0 6 0 6-! 2 Stephcn,on

. ... ,... 21 o 12 21~1 Chulo V,sto O o 6 0- 6 Gro~smont


Son Ol••a .

threi cl

h Ir!

7 6 o D-ll


B. Crowford

•..... , . , .• st:orlng·



2 i c;hulo Vista scorln11: TO's-Myers Sol• 211.4,

Son Cle<1o

TD's-Tuctc:er Ed'Nards _ Mccreri'dcn \ (run), AIKite, Fowler



M : dr·doe.

t .J

Kellougn 2, Muri:inv • :ii, 9:4'4, easko vs. Raf• Cloud Wripht· PAT~s "---- ferlY, Solomon v~. Sarton; t:51, Grimes (run,L Hutch($00 ,i.. Lind, Schwibos \IS, Lee. (POnes from Slngte101,),

VI th

S Gr~umont

HomHn, 115.9, Muston91 201.B.


TO's _

1 Jub h Id 0,.. Kl

- --- --


ewe,I; PAT-Hamlin (run).


• w· R

vocado League

Crowford scoring; TO-Tr;pp. . .......... 0 7 0 7-H Cqronad Ll[f~~i,n seorrno: TO's.:.:Mgek?n.7 .f;:l~lvr,to Hoover .

CROSS COUNTRY Hoover 19, Son o;ego JI. Hoover 20, Lo Jolla -'1. San Dleoo 23, Lo Joli • 32. Hoover Joyvee 15, Son Oievo Jayvee so. Hoover' Jayvee 15, LO Jolla Jayvee 50. 20 St A HELICO pr ER TR~ Ft"IO R EPORT KSON.1240 GRAND OPENING PARKSIDE HOMES tl .CJ ,ss,on oy ' • ugus ne • 1t·, i~isi~~e~~/~. 41 • Crowford 18, St. Augustine 45. M" · a

L PF p 291 y 150 H O ey A H II

n Im



(UPI) _ ins ace


·. ·:::·:·····.

o ..


be1f'•pnQdTo wscodrlno: T0's-Plumb, Dia- H:f 1t~\ 0 1 dseorclno: TD'>-Morl,okl, Vllorlo, IOP?. Larkin; PAT's-Potter ' A - or (~lacement).


Don er; PAT-L,..,ln.




2 1 SJ, 3 l • lOJ

79 119

Hoover s-cor/ng: TO's-Holnes 2· PAT's



141 Halley o! Inglewood won the -B. roaael (Plocemenls).

.•..•.....•.••.• o 1 13 0-20 3 r e ,


71 UO 2• 1

Keornv motorcycle Point Lome

.t S


~· ap

. .• O O O 7- 7 M~~'~t;,renfs).

., .


i 1 t ~i ~~a!~~:d



6 39 Ufrace last night at Gardena 10~:;'PAr·~~j 1 ~l~so~~'t;,~~~r~~nl). Mo- 1 Fonbroc1i: 0

.. _..·:···::::··· 1~


TO 1 s-Overton (n-o), Ledesmon - -4,

?o,nt Loma Y PAT-Ferreira (Plocenient). !C0rtn_g• TO -

d b


St· ,rum H,..

Buc:~anon· 1 Mor Vista $C"Or!ng: 0 26-59 c~phoo, .. f(runl,ShSheP,,erd




• Chase. Duglus; PAT's-Overlon 1 (runs).

l>F PA




•· ... H 19

.. • . .

•• Al Gunter of Los Angeles and Lea, IJolla . 81 Ell Krett of Monterey Park. H ... nore

13l 110 II 58

o o D 0-- o

ePherd); Safetv.



12 7 0 0-19 , 0- 6: o o

Lo Jolla ,coring: TO',:;Mlco J; G~ry oan Olesuifo . ... . .. ~ 1 B on n e: 11. Van Art5d'lltn, Helming, ceans1de .. _ . •

1 9

(place- O san O!egulta scortng: TD's-R!ghlmt.'r,1 0 0 rrough_, Piel; PAT-Rl.9htmur [run1.:. ceonsde scoring: TO-Fou,sot.

21 98 ------------- K.oc~l~n PAT's-Van Ar1~dalen ..c m1nt11, Zitn;er (placcmen11. SOCCER SCHEDULE w L. ------------ M M . 0 11 95 ll


Southern League . •...•.•• 20 .

etro League • ..... 76


... 1:.c.s e~&~ditis.uer ·· Mo "I M. J pm

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