News Scrapbook 1958-1961
'sPoRTs Jbt San lJlit!lO Inion SPORTS ESTABLISHED 1868 ------------------------------------------------------------------- CUBS' SHORTSTOP DOMINATES VOTING MAYS SECOND, AARON THIRD Banks Named NL 'Most Valuable' BOSTON, Nov. 25 1.¥1 - Ernie Banks, th(' ·•hiC'ugo for second • and down the SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 26, 1958 0 PAGE b • J
8 owI To Join In Bidding alent After '60 Contest
urer Hy Hurwitz. " Oohhh, that's really something. I !ii'jlred,I'd have to do a whole lot to win the MVP and I didn't think l did enough, although this was my best year." Mays had another tre- mPndous year for the Giant s despite the new surround- ings in San 1''rancisco. He hil .347, beltrd 29 homrrs and drove in 96 runs. How- ever, he recelv<'d only thrre first place votes. One voter (Cont.lnued on b-4, Col. I )
Cards for fifth last season. Hank Sauer won the award in 1952 as a member,of the fifth-place Cubs. Banks, a slender 6-toot, 180-pounder from D a I I a s, Tex., also led the league in runs batted in with 129 a record for short~tops in his circuit He batted .313 while playing in all 154 games. "I'm ti<'kled to death," Banks said when advised ol the award by telPphone by BBWAA secretary - treas-
Hank Aaron or the pen- nant - winning Milwaukee Braves was third with 166 points. followed by Frank Thomas of the Pittsburgh PiratPs with 1<1.1 and south- paw ace Warren Spahn of the Braves with 108. Stan :'\1usial, the St. Lou- j,; Cardinals' three-t I m e MVP winner, finished far down the list in 12th place with a mere 39 points. His best votes were two sixths ln the balloting which gave 14 points for a first, nine
eight National League cities. Named • on e~ery bi11lot, Banks piled up 283 points, the highest total since \Vll- !ll' Mays won the MVP in 1954. !\la) s, the San Francbco C':iunts' fleet centerfielder, was runnerup ln this yrar's voting conducted between the end of the regular sea- ~on and the start of t h e World Series. He drew 185 points and was the o n I y other player listed on e,·cry ballot.
line to one for 10th. Banks joins :'\!arty Mar- lon, former St. Louis great, as the only shortstops to capture the co,•eted award since the baseball writl'.!rs took over the voting ln 1931. ::'\larion won in the war vear of 1944 de ·pite a .267 ·bat• ting average. In addition, Banks Is only the second member of a sec- ond division club to become the league's MVP. The Cubs !ihished in a tie with the
Cubs'homi--run hitting short- stop, today wu~ named the , atlonnl League's m o s t valuable playrr of 1958 by an overv;helmlng margin, The ZT-year-old lugger, who 81'1 a major league rec• ord for shortstops by crash• lng 41 homers In his fifth full season with the Cubs, polled 16 or the 21 first place vote by m mbers ol the na~ehall Writrrs' As• sedation or Amerlcu In the
Middie Aim: Halt Dawkins Navy Must Stop Army Star To Upset Cadets, Scout Reports PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 25 !/Pl - Navy scout Lt. Jin, Carrington said today the MiddiPs teel they have to stop Pete Dawkins Saturday if thry hope to upset Army. Carrington, hPad pl<>be coach at Annapolis, told lhe Phlla• delphia Football Writers Association that the man who holds tl1e Army t<'am togPlhPr Is Dawkins, fleet halfback who has scored l2 tou<'hdowns this season . Comparing Dawkins with I - -- --- - - former Ar!11y footba!I gr<'al, ing gamP. ' 'J'vp hi'<'ll In thl' Gl~nn Dans, '.he Na\'y, scout Navy since 1940, and at tlu~ said Dawkms 1s not QUll<' the Academy siuc<> 1914. I've athlete _Davis wa•. "but he hopes that Earl Blalk tArmy holds his ball club together coach l would never dlscovPr like nothing I've ever seen." the forward pass. Unfor• \HIAT CONFIDENCE! lunately, he has. Caldwell, Carrington, who played for (Bobl Anderson and Dawkin.~ Navy against the Army teams all c~n throw well and do, of the Davis-Doc Blanchard he said. era, de cribed the Army cap- ,noorns 'FANATICS' t~in as a man of supreme con- Carrington said lltlle about fldence . He spoke of Dawkins' the Navy team oth<'r than it performance against Rice at has bN•n riddlr>d by lnjuric>s. Houston a few weeks ago and He said coa<'h Eddi<' Erdelatt. saf_ct: . . has C'0unted 29 injured m<'n Dawkms scored th<> win- during thP s<'ason and has touchdown and as he b<'en rebuilding the rl'bullt. nlng Army ('Oach asked the half- know," and he rll'fined " fo. back Wh); he ;~l~ggered. Daw- nati~ as one who loses sight kms rephed, I Just wanted to of his objective but redoubl"~ for TV.'lhi~.;J;?;!·comlng to Ph!ladc,J. scoutedl phia. hmw.Yer, not to praise every Army game, rates the Army but to burr them" he Carrmgton, wha in Wes! TODAY JN SPORTS . Pomt history. "Only the 194., ____________ ' NEW YORI{, Nov. 25 UPI - Round Table, the 4-year- old colt owned by Travis M. Kerr ot Oklahoma City, was named 1958 "horse of the year'' today in the 23rd annual poll ot the :O.forning Telegraph and Daily Racini: Form racing experts. The durable bay son ot Princequillo-Knlght's Daugh- ter, by Sir Cosmo, received 19 first place ballots out of 34. Round Table also was voted the best handicap horse and best grass course horse of the year. First landing, who won 10 of 11 races and became the greatest money winning juvenile in history, was the unanimous choice as best 2-vear-old. In other divisions, the F a rm's Tim Tam WM an O\'erwhelming choke for the 3-year-old title; .Mrs. Charles Ulrick Bay's Idun received most votes for the 3-year-old filly championship and J. G1•aham Brown's Bornastar was voted the best handicap filly or mare. ::::-::c:--::::--::-_•-------- - - -------------- raced toward !hP goal line hi' stagge_red a bit al the seven• as yard lme. After the game, an "TI1<'y're rPady He described tile brigada 1or U1e game. y O u fanatics. AUTO RACING eJl~':!,","• ana 101001... sa,ooa ~radium, Calienlo Gr•vhaund Club, Tiluana, tlrd GREYHOUND RACING The Navy scout also com- pl' m t d •h A . .. . . . 1 en e • e 1 m) s pass- oos•, 1,.s o.m. 'HORSE Of YEAR' CROWN
-As.:socloted Prien Wl..-e,photo League's 1938 Most Valuable Player award-alter being named for that honor yesterdar. Banks won the voting by a large margin over Willie 1\Iays.
Shortstop Ernie Bank,; of the Chkago Cubs pre- pares to make l'QOm on the mantlepiece or his Chi- cago home !or one more trophy - the .National --------------- ----------
, d
M G anager u1I Snubs D'Amafo
MONTANA U WINLESS !-- -------------- USDO
Troy Grooms Aerial Attack LO A."'GELES Nov. 25 - Tor use Trojan
Pp onent ung ry H
• I c o ry
NEW YORK, Nov. 25 {UPIJ current team, tied by Pitt in conclud<'d -The , ·ew York Boxing lllan- an otherwise perfect. season, agers' Association tonight re- as. th e .seco nd be st Jected th e membership apph. team of Davis and Blancll;,.1·d .
today en-
their fir t con~en•
gaged 1n
trate wor out preparatory to
lot at stakP when It oppose cation ot Cus D'Amato, pilot was better,'' he. aid.
fontana !:as a
ame with Notre Wl'lless
the Unh"crsity of San Diego tomorrow night at Balboa o! heavy weight champion
Dame at the "ollseum.
f 1----:- . b l 5 rom
St d'
e ng the wor ·t season Floyd Patterson.
ecp t
h r. vy emp a 1s was given • a tum- namer, o
B:MA that
Sheppard, announced
to pa sing, both on oflense In MSiorY. delcn e. Bob Schmidt o! an
It~ Important to poln_t o:it, ning s middle lmebacker post president
r.rizz!Je on defense. Renning suffered tom knee D Amat?'s application had CAPTURED BY ROLJND TABLE , '
tha t
t e JUmor .. ar!lty ,mpei:son. nine Ios es were inflicted by lzo, Notre some outstanding major col- ligaments in :Montana's loss been re)ected by a unanimous to , 1ontana State and trainer vote at tonight's meeting "be- They lost to Utah 20-6, Wvo- :,aseby Rhinehart expressed ,cause D'Amato wanted us to Passing detense was direct. ming, 21-14, New i\l e x i co, doubt that he'll be able to fight the International Boxing ed by assistant coach Don 44-16, Denver, 29-0, Utah face the Pioneers. !Club for him." Doll, former Trojan and De- State, 27-14, Brigham Young, in recapping :Montana's "An emissary ot D'Amato trolt Lions star. 44-12, Colorado State, 57-7, winles season, Jenkins com- told us that D'Amato's appli- Coach Don Clark slatedlidaho, 14-6, and l\I on tan a mented that key Injuries ana (cation was made conditional- another heavy workout to- State, 20-6. lack of depth have been the !IY - on condition that we morrow. Ile tentatively card- A report trom Missoula , main sore spots. 1 back him in his fight with ed a light wol'kout Thur day ),font. , revealed that coach The Grizzlies lo t firM- lthe IBC," Sheppard said. morning, arter . which the Ray Jenk(ns is ~atisiied with string quarterback Bruce 01. "But our members :lgreed squarl wll! be given , tJme off the_ of:ens1ve scrimmages the son, first string center :.Hck:tonlght that we are not fight. to ::;pent! Thanksgiving at Gnzzl1es have had so far. O'Brien and fullback Jeri:y ing anybody r ight now be- home. "Our attack sputtered in Young early in the season. cause of the sad situation in thp last game with Montana Phil Griffin, who has takenlboidng - unless it was clearly B chhol R II' Sta te arid we needed a lot of o,,zr the Quarterback assign- apparent that the fight would teS polishing it we expect to beat ment, is currently listed third.greatly benefit the sport.'' Dame' terback. crack pa Ing quar. leges. i,ted George
Conference :
$an Diego," Jenkins r eport , 1 among J enkins said he will have passers.
To Beat Olmedo
SYDNEY. Australia, Xo\'. to move John llfat'.e, a sopho. Montana will_ altemate be-i 25 !@- Earl Buchholz of St more, Into the right guard tween T and smgle-wmg for. Louis boosted his Davis Cup ,Post in place o! first-stringer mations_ in _the Pioneer game. chances today by upsettlng 'Stan Renning, whom he re- The Grizzlies have two t Pt nls teammate, Alex Olmedo,/gard~ a, an .All • American performers of the Skylme 1 1 In a thrllling quarter-final 01 ,candidate. Mike Emerson, a Conference m end John! the New South Wales tennis ,sophomor~ from Lewiston, Lands, who is the best pass championships. Idaho, will take over Ren- (Continued on b-t, Col. 5) The 18-year-old Missourian. * • • • • • who ls the Wimbledon junior us D'Y / E d champion, came from beh!nd es xpecte to overcome the Peruvian lrom Southern Call!ornia uni . • v~r.~\~·ii:~!\t~tJ·~:~rs- F MCRDC t i~~ 11 rs!~n:iifi1~~~r!fi!i!SJo~~{; 0 r O n e.s t been displaying an outstand. 1 , . , , Ing game. Emerson wa really '!he Un~versity 0 ! Sa_n Dlego is expected to announce sharp ln beating countryman th1 s m_onung that it Will play the Marine Corps Recruit Bob Mark. 6-1, 6-1, 6-4. .Depot m _a post.season football game Dec. 6 probably in Bal- boa Stadium. The P i o n e e r squad was Dk A , polled yesterday. ue ztec First mention of the con- S tract was made at the Quar. 1terback Club luncheon Mon. , M V 1 day when Marine coach Rob. I osf aua e
I bl Joe Duk
ert (Bull I Trometter stated that he had been contacted University 0Hlc1als needed rece1\·ed the Renwick Thomp I Quarterback • . . e
1 I Immediately.
w ... N a..,,
ov ,.,., no. cl out !or that by Cah- 1 ava lab.le to cast thelr votes bv university om i I _c_a s.
colleg,, fornla .
t n ,. y t
l'I'\ W w It
:!, •~
b -
d f
d !
The !acuity representatives,clearance from the National for both who were at home declined Association of Intercollegiate son] a~b·lar
1 °r em!g th tb ll t 00 . 8 1
But WSC has been proml.
the msoS t
4 h1Md h
t w'lt
N ti na1 va ua e P ayer o Diego Stat • a O
t i
0rlar,gt r, •ntly mentioned
ow t ey would vote.
earn a
pentllt the the Sugar Bowl - where the to say II nation's number one Louisiana St,tte, will be the clals on team,
Con!erence wl
Comment from other offi_ 1 Collegiate Athletic Association
to n iodate tor
ou ar
request before the contest could be a banquet honormg the squad An earlier attempt to match Country Club. Dulce received the two teams on Nov 1 to il d the trophy by vote of his last night at Mission Valley
the WSC
a10n bowl pme
po t
tare 1 ; • and the Gator Bowl ranged from a "more power approved: The PCC rule.s permit a tor Spec Keene of Oregon fill a mutual p•e out the ""hool to ask !or a waiver of State to a "rules are rules" when USD de ~rend a e a e • only edict reaction from athletic direc. . c ne · ~-m. Dec. ZT, at Jacksonv1lle, Fla. to 'em" from athletic direc- •l&bletlc hortl 1 (PSI') a I teammates. . Center Denms Magee was the Byron Chase USD, which has. a 7-1 sea- · son mark, closes 1ts regular awarded the the University of Montana at top lineman. The Leatherneck~ who ha\e col!:ieaEers L';;;/ s k · ed that the nn
, . tor Wilbur Johns of UCLA ( e t d th t . ,. a >es requ s e r, e nee r cult , I !~~g~H ~!!stS~o~~L!f ~son Diego Union Stoff Photo :A9W~.\!~eff St~e..S.Oa.D.! coach, is pictured with at the team's annual banquet last PJght at Mission Valley Cotatl'!!l-tihi•T 1 op right is Dick Mor- ris, who kicked 37-rard field goal squai!"m~ The rule barrmg any post 'season tomorrow night against trcphy for being the team's lay, Y re except games Berni~ Harnmerbeck, act• sen on re. our on l d d D M 1- eSan r.Die~ b en com- ,ng Pee; commlS loner, asked Rose Bowl was adopted tor a Balboa Stadium. lo.eulty rcpt· entauve of the de!inlte reason ," Johns said, ;Lfcic Saturday '.? be ob- won seven and lost 0 two, meet State p{·esident~ head coac~ the Montebello Rhinos Satur- Paul Governali, and T O m night; left to right, bottom, are center Dennis Magee, quartet·back Joe Duke and guard-captain Jim Romig. Magee was named team's best lineman. Duke was selected most valuable player. sch?ols. to "It ....,as m~ant by ldc!ram served, not btoken. con_krenc ably nm,· , ,nem.l ca I theu vote oon a po Ible, WSC said Southern day and are scheduled to op- Ables, president o! the Aztec t> 0 st tonight It appeared that somelMethodlst are belng cons1d-,po:,;e Camp Lejeune in anoth• Club which sponsored the din-1 pt the representative. may h a v e er-ed along with WSC tor the er post-season contest, Dec. ner. Frank Scott was master • Wfl'• llt~ 9ijt qJ and not Suiar Bowl. 14, in Balboa Stadium. ot ceremonies. Clemson and
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