News Scrapbook 1958-1961


• F.-b. 1, 19,!l 0 t>°1IIGO, CALIFORNIA



UN 01!GO, C4'.,'F0~NIA • . IondaJ, Feb. ~, 19.59 J


Cha man Rips USD, 118 67

AREA SPORTS BRIEFS La t orn Keeps Top Bowling Spot l,O ''I Lapthorn' 61J~ e11e l"edo-5/lue, r.01 ot. Coato1-P, • 1v1. ·co1 lng rl'!<'orrl v. ith the ,. k- "" 6,-1. 7.5 Gollui>Holl ISO dt Jodi.ion-Ou Ull holds the top spot In Pont (Vl, w...,. ·'"" Mvors-sorrov tory. ummary: 1$0) di Mnr~H1gg n1 (VI, ._t, !--7. the Ingles ,ection or the San 6-J Joho'°"'~htohon 1so1 df. 1,.omt>ort use l'1l Choomoa Olll • , Jonnston c ), 6-4, 6.J So~ rl n-6anOt'rhr, G ,. T G , I" T Diego Boy.ling A ociallon S 1so1 di. KlbOk Ntmovr IVJ 6-lr 6-3: Rid, Bcltr s s I JI Docker to 2 11 'h ' hi dett Narfield cso• df. Glndu•Sn.uler (V). Moine 6 4i 6 H bbord :5 1 1 11 Cit) fen C ampwn• p. 6-3, 6-G, Peterson-Hom 1s01 di. Butcher- Boron I ' I 3 HomoI,n U O 1 2, L th r i• • 0 1 in the D Powto -Foo "tu , U, '"lL' Looo,,. Big fbh and lot or tltE'm. '- • Ht ry 18) df. onnlng Mcyo J), 6-2. • h h ?\"'" · B • The early all-event leader ._~ Evon,-Srff df Dcn1el,,. lire being h ld at Plaza Bowl Wil11SJ•nkln~ ICJ df Armbruster-Son- I t'f I with le da, 's 148 Re ·ults: ••rl n &SDI, M, 11-2. K Chobot J. K,.. p en I ll P i , SINGLES . G" a'.!. !,.'U.i~:',tt~r·sl~.!:ott:..Ut~ pa enger landing 61 Thr. 8 d • on-Foxos, 16 0 lcGa,m~bl "'"" 1 P~o..rl, (SOI 6-0 ·2: Com,t,, Gord.., weekend barracuda total was Wtor, 2579..:.,!'t!•"'"" MS IC! df JO/lr\s«t-Cu Ion (SO 6-4 6-0 C dlvls iiw""' Pru: oc I !JU O •· Hone, Ketellon, (Cl df. L J. Chobot 899 Total fi h catC'h \ C ter- "o"- ct'v •~::r. '21r,9," KI~ UDI, H, HJ.Jl O.I da~ ,·as i62 an a\'erage Of •e-'}tl:~•v~~•{1J~"/.1ato Pont Ohio 't 14' I.If" ln ura~_•·E- !i\·e per !l herman. we K P a ... 2m meE-t A,tronauttc in 1ty F div slon Toollno, 2.Qt, Le I j I b k tb 11 SINGLE agup mun c· pa a e a Tht \\Pathnall famil dom- un8,, ,t 01~~m•t~. t,~'•h.F co~ tonight In the Balboa Par inated action at the Chula (? d,v,s T' ;;/.i. Sowder, 614. L lloth- g) m at 8•30 v. Ith Ohio StatE- \'lsta Quarter-. fidget Speed, ....&·l~\;io,;!L i'..a~.!--n~m:ur,..... ('Pk!ng Its ninth tralght win way ~•,= 1 ~;W;. ~'."il:,",o~o. ,,., P:. Corin, and Astrouautlc trying ,to Ja.ckle Weatherall "on the ,, v~~•:,~7Frtnell, 165; o o t, hold It oy,n ln a battle v,1th Modified B' trophy da•h and m, R. La..,,.... 5la Calewo for second place. wa econd in the main \ent DOUILU Al ao- Por1< or.m . d v .- T~Bcw F r.~ uyi iit .lt 1 .50--0ld Town Toma• No 1 vs. after Gall V. eatherall trl- J. Gournetto1i1 c 7 MDinor, • · Convo r Eooies IC,tyJ; Jr, Chamber phed In the J·unlor tock • P O an • ,._. w r 1141 Comme,ce vs s. 0. Cl b (6c boc • um Cd Y ,1.,.._J 'r~~v•~,,- OG •e,••,,. As!ro $01• to• vs. Lan• Clolh ..., trophy dash and I IE'I" Debbie tac Hammer -POKI, "'· • CIJ!r ra . o".i1v • ~~"·sl..~mon-e. ,. o 1011 _:: 19 ~-~t"'',"c: 0 •:1.• 0 •Jl~t" c~:'. won the eml-maln Rc_ults· E ShCrtY IH75 PJlottc. 1 1 .!!!n-~ :::i":n Gr p V!. I L u. Aftiletic C vb (Munll J~n10r tock trophr dash- Gail 1,/\ t:Oth-- E Kann. 0 ,........ - Af I :lO-Oh O State Lffl ,~. VI. At-, ttoll M, ke HurleY. !>eml-ma Oebb" )0 7 5 lon- W eJorn,,e-J .Sk. i,per frona fies (Cltv ~. llnd I w (heroll on •.,-c-nl Dovkt Jeftr, A • E d YI '~ 0 .u B • IClS J• At 9 00-Solor VJ. R.ron I ~rt Or 1 1062 N, M5 oor~ w.C r • Fairmount BoDtast ~,. l_st Boot,st (Ch B). Serllor • " a sh- Ronrt e woot,:n, Mort ll- J oon, 1 G Pohle 1 At Hoov.,- H19h Gym Mike Ho er ~em man Donno Low F d vs on-w G., C ~62 • e OU t-E' At 6•"5 Chula V sto H 101 " • Rohr rence, M 1<.e • lrbv. Main event-BIiiy G. L fl or • (/,om .J. Cobb Ponn e Woo en kl'hWrU,. tJI At 8 f.S-B;ock &r 8luu ·u.. Convo r Mod fit-d S's 1roPhV do1h Jock 1 • ALL VENTS (111 eoJ. Woothoro I, T""l Jonu. Seml-lT'oln. -d.,, sk>n-- E o , 1'lt; $nirl~ G n, Jtf Dvn.ham Man event d 'ii Don , 17'2, C I vf· ( al "e~tern <'ager have -John Monord Jodi \\e<11horo 1. I r! J 6 v•~ tY. o games on their schedule ThP ut._.,- Rui;-h ( lub or F d v thi. week. Wedne day night San Dl~go State broke even oronado' w m en' team they meet Marine Corps Re- in the "-an a Ana Carnival <'ontlnue to e e pace in cru1t Depo at Point Loma )e 1Prdav, lo. ing to the title• the an Diego County Ten_ni H1;::-h and aturday night the) 'Inning • 'anta Ana l'uggers. Doubles League after getting go a 0 ain t Ca! Bapti t Colle"e 9 • 3 , and beating lngleY.ood, pa t It~ toughe t te ·t ol the at Covina " ~.,.,.,., for thP Az-






a l7


EVENING TRIBUNE b-7 C ast Cagers Shoot t B uins' Shaky Lead •• ASSOCIAT D PRESS jtwo ~eek becau.. o! final CLA ha \" hall-game exams. lead ln e Pacific Coast The Bruins lead the PCC With a 5-2 mark, but right Conference bas~etball r a c e n thei heels bunched in 'ome u nd er this when ~econd rplace are Cal Wash- the defending <"hampwn Call- lngton and Oregon State. :!ornla Bear invade Loo An, Cali!ornia meets Southern gele for a da • night meet- California Saturday night at ing with ti'e BrUJ'l Pan-Pacific Auditorium Los l t w II mark the resumption Angeles, while the Bruins of .conf ren e play for the tangle with Idaho. C'.abfornta chool.s w h I c h Wash ngton, a slow starter ha\ e been Inactive the last this season, bowled over the ------------- Stanford Indians, 75-52, Sat. SAN DIIOO,C.U1'0RNIA 1-• . londa , Feb. 2, 1959


urday, rolling up 53 points ln the second half. Stanford now Is 5-4 in conference play. Lee Harmann sank a !ree throw in overtime to g i v e Oregon State a 58-57 victory over Oregon in last ~eek. end'• PCC thriller. Th reg- ular game ended in a 57.57 tie. USC wound up a three- game set In the Hawaiian Llands by dropping the 'a. val Air Hawaii squad, 91-75. The Trojans had to stage a second halt rally to win. In S o u t h e r n California games, Chapman humbled the University of San Diego, 118-67, Cal Poly o! Pomona beat Biola, 58-53, Occidental defeated the Cal Aggier from Davis, 101-59 and Redlands dropped Caltech, 73-50. • 'evada Southern beat Long Beach ·avy, 79-59, Whittier edged Cal Poly of San Luis Obi; po, 70-6 , Valley JC beat the UCLA Frosh, 94-73, Glen- dale defeated Cerritos, 83-76, Orange Coast College edged Riverside CC 79-77, Fullerton beat Mt. San Antonio, 87-72 and an Bernargino beat Cit- rus, 82-69. S c:ores, 1-6

NAS Cagers lip Pioneers


Ii1Rf, 0



"ho parked • 1 a r I n e Corp Re>cruit Depot to vi tory o,·er Cal W tern la night. will be one of Recruits' «coring threat again t University of San Diego lonight and .·an Diego State tomorrow. One Down, Two to Go F annes It or P do\\n a d t\\o to 1arrne c orps R<'C'"Ult legiate basketball rivals night. The Denldogs, who slipped past a i;tubborn Cal Western quintet 64-54. last night at Point Loma High, will engage U111ver ity of San Diego to- night a1 7 at the ame Ile. Tomorro\\ night at 8. tlw Ma- r ne, , ill joust San Diego State College in Aztt'1' G) m. :\ICRD. held to a four-point lt>ad 36-32 b) the ) o u n g \\"e.sterners at the half, turned on 111e hE-at aft<'r the inter- mis ion when it opened up an 18,point margin. Lou Gibb,, Frank Allen end Don Smllh paced the :\fa. r111e ·t·oring \\Ith 16 15 and l2 points, C'speeti\·ely. , ·or- n• Green d had 16 1or Cal Western a d Ji,o Takaha hi contrtbuteil umman. CAL WESTEiNF


·Biota Thumps USD, 69-54 Jerry Montgomery, a 6,6 center, hit on jump shots and hooks from around the key yesterday to lead Blola Col- lege to a 69,45 victory over the University of San Diegp at Mission Bay High gym. Montgomery s c. o r e d 26 points on nine field goals and eight free throws. Bob Maines was 1ops !or the losers with 14 points. The Pioneers, whose record Is 1-1, led by four points at one stage during the first halt but couldn't contain Montgo. mery in the second half, This gave Biola five victories

USO ineup Altered for LaVerne Ti t Le Harvey Un \e I y of 'an Diego ba kc ball coach. will iield a rernmped lineup tonight again,t Laverne Col- lege, hoping to get the Pio- neer back in winning stride. The ame \\ II ·tart al 8 on the fl . ion Ba:,, High court. H a r \ e) ha I\ itched gua Ken Leslie and Bob fa ,e to forn ard.. put for. rd Ron o h 11 the center ,pot, moved Ed Baran to a guard po 1110n and added trick; Tom la his to the lln up. Out of th ta, •Ing quintet I 6-6 Bob rpln \ ho had one o! hiS" or. l" e\·enlng a the Ptoneer \\C: e suffering the 1 third I a1ght lo last week dropping a one.sided affair to Loyola.



USD Ends Cage Losses The University of San Diego cagers ended a nine-game loss streak last week when they romped to a 77-68 \ictory over San Ferna.nrto State College Baker and Maines led the scol1nl;' fer the Pioneers Y.1th 16 points each as the Pioneers rallied In the .second ha.I! for th triumph. It wu a different story the' folio ing night !n Orange as Chapman College recorded Its second win of the season over the Pioneers, this ti me by a 11 -67 count. Ftrnando IRA• c. PP T I O 0 2 2 S 6 9 1 l ia 0 0 2 0 1 l 2 U I I I t 2 1 S


aaalnst two losses. BI0L4 ('91 G F P T USO Montgcmerv 9 I 3 26 B. Roth smothermon 3 2 2 8 Turol~ l 2 3 4 Boker Tor ert Atherton 2 2 O 6 P Ro1h 6 2 2 1• Rabello



1 o 0 }

o 1

2 2 f

0 J 2 2 l



Oel1icdll1o ~~fe~son


i j 8 i

7 2

3 0 4


Gleason LHflt

1 0 2 9

Poder,wskl 2 o 2

Totasll 1, 21 HJ ,, Totals 23 I 21 54 Halftime score: Slola 30, USD~ 28~--~~

THE SAN DIEGOUNION :\ton., J'l'b. 2, 1939 0 a 11 SAN DI EGO, CALIFORNIA

• o 2 n 0 2 0 2

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