News Scrapbook 1958-1961
Program for the DEDICATION of the IMMACULATA
Monday, May 4, 1959 I :00 p.m. First Vespers
011secration of th e Main Jl!ar and Tu-,•nl_) ule Chapels in !Ill• lmmacufota Const>c-rator of tlw lmrnan1lala ,\ltar, Tlw \lost H('\Pr<' IHI Ordinary Con"·crator, of 1h,· 'J\, ent, . id1· Chap.. !, ( Vame s in /1a/ic)
Epistle Side 19
Gospel Side 20
' t. Diclacus (Sub-Contractor )
_ t. \1adelcine ophi<' Baral ( ame of donor withheld) Tiu• Rev. ta11le) Ru:.:., C.R.
In gralt-ful memory of Father J unipero SPrra , O.F. M., Firsl Apostl,• of alifornin Ver) Rev. Ronald Colloty, O.F.,11.
ALTAH OF THE 1\1 \IACl LAT\ Tol?elher \I ilh tlw Baldac·hino I Canop) I, Hnil . nd \larlil,• Floor The gift of \Ii" \lari l r-ula \,·ipp of St. lo•<']>h. 1\1i,souri
St. Jo. r,h
t. Cert rude
(L. J.
('\'olan Family of
J'h,· llo ,t Rei. fli.,lwp Richard //. A,k,•rnw11, C.S.SJI ,, S.T.I) . St. \farl!ar<'l l\fory Alacoquc (\Ir,. Jam,·s E. Spain) Thi• R,•v. It illin.m Spain
Th e Rev. James Rasura. ,',./ ,
t. Franci .
( Frank L. Hope) The Rev. James Gilfillan
t. lement (Cmdr. and \1r,. J.
t. Agrws (,\fr,. Aun•liP Pl'rlPy) 1'111' Rt. R,·r. 1!.1gr. IV illiam 1. IJ,,rgin
. Haugh,·y
Th e Rel'. R. P. l/utchi111un
I. Edward (Family of the lat,· J u 8 7- t. Louis, King o{ France I 111 IJl('lll0ry of J.,nni(• E. Hinke) Th e Ret•, ]u.wph L1•1ss[,.r SIDE EXIT . • . !DE EXJT 10 Our Lady of Guadalup,• 9 Our Lady of \1l'Tcy (Am<'ri c-an and :\1e,ic-an people \ DIEGO CH PEL IT\ OF • l \ I\ LH ( \Trs. l\ti.. ha,·l D. Goodbody) The R<'t'. t>anil'l Q'Ca/1.aglwn of the Dioce,e ) Th P Rt. Ret'. ,1/sgr. JosPph R. Nunr:; .\kala Park l 1- St. Anthony t Philip c\°eri 12 ( Dr. and \fr,. Lawn•nce Reck) (:'11r. and :'11rs. Filippo DP ~larc•o ) The R, . Ret•. \1,gr. James T. Buuth May 5. 1959 Th ,• R1. Ri•t. 11.,gr. Patrick D111111,,. T .G. ur Lady of LourdPs pirit Holy 11 13 f . O<'iedade of D.E. ·. of . an Di,•go) (\fr. and \Ir~. Daniel Mc\'ulty) The Rt. Rev. Msgr . Fra11ci.1 C. 01t ] . P. .llcDonald The Rel'. l'nan 16 l. l. Patrirk 15 I Tim Culligan of Chicago) I er1 Ret. Francis Brotm, 0 . ' . 1/. c;;l. Tht>re,e, the Little Flower l Dioce,an Council of Catholic ( o donor to dale) The Rev. II.}. St,•c, CR. ltt- 17 Our Lady of Refuge ('fo donor lo dale) Women) The Uev . C. ]. II a/do, O.S.B. Tlie Rt. Ret•. ,l!sgr. Gevrge U. Uice :\IA I\' E1'TRA \'CE Dedication of The lmmaculata Tuesday, May 5, 19 59 I p .rn . Pr0<·p · ion forms at ;{ :50 > • . I .m. 111 ro11t of Adm1111,tratiu, I' ·11 · • I JUI ( Ill ].! f l. Color Guard and lluuli •r,. l · 2 · C 11 ('r a nd Boat ·1, Cro ' Ilean•r and Acof) ti•s 4 Stud(•nts / in c-ap ari d l(O\\ n ) Colli•ge for \l r n Collt•gi· for Wom(·n School of La 11 5 . Fac ulti (•, · ',_ \lari11 (• Corp. Tuesday, May 5, 1959 Solemn Pontifical Mass Celebrant, Hi Cxcellency, Th" \1o,t He" . Hidiarcl JI. ·\rk,·rrna11. C.S.Sp.. S.T. D. Celebrants of th e .!lasses in the twenty .,ide clwpdi: • t. Didacus Th e Re t'. Th omas Egan. J.C.D . . t. Joseph Th e Rei:. William ]. Coone_) St. \1arga rt't l\lary Alacoquc Th,• R,•i·. lrilliam V . Spain 19 2~ t. :\.fodeleine Sophie Ba ral Very Rev. Russell Wilson, Ph .D. 6. •·i·minaria,.s 7. Cii-rgy 2- St. Gertrude l The Rt. Rev. ,1fsgr. Owen Hannon, V.F. R. f'ourth Di·«rt•(• Kni < f ( I l AJ um 1us 3 o ' ... ri St. Francis The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Daniel]. Ryan 4 9, Hight HPn•r('nd Pn·latPs 10. Papal Knighis 11 Th 1\ . S1. Agnt', The Rt. Uei·. Usw. 5 6- t. Cleme11l The Rt. Rev. ",Jsgr. l'etrr F. l.111ch, l'.F. fo st H(•H·n·ncl Hidrnrd II A k . 1 . · 11,1 1ary Bishop of Sa J) · Lehane, V.F. TD c··erman C · Sp • ·, • · · ·· ·• · 8- St. Edward -St. Loui s. Kin ~ of France Th e Rei·. Jul,11 Bland EA.ST 7 H·go, and Chaplains 11 • The Rev. Joseph l'cw •hun , SJ. taff 12. Chancrry WEST IDE EXIT 10- Our Lady of GuadalupL· The Rev. IDE EXIT dl P VI. .\lilitary Guard of Honor ( Ca l'lon) mp , . <·11 s I k .. " .• ni•, (' ('r, l . ~bJt>r C,·1H•ral F w 9 Our Lad y of :\ft'n-y· . '\I C C ·· · ., ' ommaud 111 rr . Ver) l?t- v. Andrew !la,i/1•r. T .F. 11. Tl11• Mo,( Bi·H·n· I ('I ,. , l Maximiliano Gome;;, J.C.D . • iar ,., I· ranc·is Buddy ST D 11< . , . • . . . H1 sli op of • an Di('"O and Ch · I . 11 St. Anthony Th,, R1 . Ul'L . 11,gr. L Philip Nl"ri Very Rev. Giuseppe Di Cristina , V .F. 12- •'l' a,n~ " • \l,,fach1 O''i11/lirn11 pirit The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Laurence F 01 ristal 11- Holy Our Lady of Lourd,·~ Very R,•t'. 'f'hunias Urn11.·0. l/./. U • St. Patril'k T/11• Ut . R,·L .11.,gr. 15 16-SL. Senan The Rt. Rev. Msgr. ·.r. fos<'ph 1 ·. Clarki11. 1]. Casey, V.F. l. Therl'sr, the Lillie Flowt'r Very Rev. William Goodrow, /1.F. 18- I 7- Ou r La,h o f B,·[11~,· Th,· R,.,._ ll, ·11ri '" '"""
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