News Scrapbook 1958-1961
TZ IN QUANDARY SD To Curtail ootball Pro ram rJ I r1, JJh c1 lty of San Dfrgo is urtaillng I / {o ,, ll 10• so harply that Paul PJ,1tz, head coarh of 1,1c ,'lone>c1 , he will b UllkblP to :ti,,Jd a team next fall. z said he wns Informed day that USD I trim. ts srholarshlp program lly ,J.\(" JIIUltPJI ' an to drop four 1,chools hr. 1939 chedulc. afraid we won't ha\ I pla) CI' left for a aid Platz. "I really hlnk we'll ha\e rnorl' ,i, pla)'<'I' . Th other n't affo1d ll." nh er lly pok man ncd that the ~chool opted a nr.w athll'tic which limfl athletic ships to tuition only. • dminl traflon also ha ·1 d 10 re trict compcll- allfornla and Arizona l ·o football l1a, e includNl tnd board nnd n t know \lhat 1'111 go- I' UL !'LATZ do," aid Plau. "1 t uluro ·ncerfaln contrnct and T ·up, JI go through the sea- ndminl !ration is still debat- wlully late to start Ing Its obllgatlon to the alll•
Un on s1 ff Pttoto ·quad. Play-
tho honored at nnual athl tic award night.
mo alrf':tdy enrolled under
,.u•un,,..,, for a job.
1 •w the adminls1r,1tio11 the
c u t t l II g Platz cstlmat(•cl
Inking of
uch scholarships.
' Platz addr>d, "hut I bo)s havr. hlnk IL would hP any ra tic. I did11 l think school l
s a id
.l\!sg1. O'Shr.a
allPmpting to ran.
d fall 19:i9 gaml"s with Ore- fl would have brcn gon T1•ch, New Mexico West. to arc •I the wholP t•t 11, Colorado w, str.rn a, d fontana Stall!. U D plans to Jam e II P. eompetr. again t Cal Poly o! lI D s director of m 1111 , cal r -or n 1>a1 t like this. <'Cl it
SO doJ J)
·r-"''--'"""" ln!ormatlon, said the ware th t h e tr ti 11s football pro r m ml g br. developing too quickly an d could interfere with the solid schola6ti<' ohjectlves ot the universlty." USD rPcently acquired 51 acres adjacent to the campus for the purpose of building athletic facilltics, including a football stadium. "In the future," said Msgr. O'Shea, "our teams w i I l compete against schools in the Callfornia • A r i z o n a group. This will be our per- mament program as soon as it can be implemented." The spokesman said deta lls of the 1959 schedule are still undetermined. "We do no t know as yet whether we'll play that schedule," said Msgr. O'Shea. "We'll contact these teams and se<>k cancellations." The Pioneers have b e e n active in varisty competition for the past three years. Last season, under Bob McCut- eheon, the USO football team had an 8-2 record. Mccutcheon (not football coach at R a m o n a High School) was dismissed e. n d Platz was promoted f r o m backfield coach to the head job. Platz Is a 1950 graduate of Cal Poly of San Luis Obis- po. "This is a great way to be- gin," said Platz, ruefully. "docs anybody know where I can lind a job?" an of J , f a K Bobb Ke)e du,. to ·om the Merine Co p today, giving reno a pla . er who gained 3 ards o 109 carrle la a on. Ke es a d he intendl!d to play profe slonal football foJ. lowing hi ™ o ) ar In the se Ice. It's expected th re e of ' teammates may fol- low him into the Marines. It's r ported econd- tring quar- t rhack Duan O' onnor, c,nd Ray Yoa t and tack! Ric-k , 'O\ack ar thinking about go. irg into that branc-h of the serv1 ·I! To1n Gat!'s K<'y s' running mate Y.ho gained 622 uds I st rar may transfer to U C or tan ford, it I~arn<>d nd r t; .SD new athJ,,tlc po 11 c y of ath!l!tic choler hips for tuition onl) man• of la t )Par's ~quad memhPrs u., ~eeklng- trans- frrs pr discu mg entry into the 5en·1ce. NO PANIC BUTTON lo Gree s USD qu d T 3/lr I$ u,.,.,~ U DTo Open Day ·Law School The UniverRity of San Di- director o! thP univer lty's ego on Sept. 14 will open the 1 i bra r i e s, said the law city•~ first accredited three- school's library has 18,750 yea Iulltime day law school. v~~umes an~ periodicals. I The Rchool dean, Howard \ e receive, SO to 60 new .. Datta.,, a San Diego attor- book Bnd supplement each ney, said the uni\·erslly also month to kPep our Jlbra y will contin e it., present n ght current," F . Dollen said. Jaw ,; eh o o I program. 'Jhe '111.e day law chool facultv nigh• Jaw school wilf Pnter v.11l include Dattan; C. Hugh !ls ~1xth year in SeptPmbPr Friedman, formerly of the "WP were pleased with the state attornl>y generals of- Rplendid report given by the fire and now in corporate and State Bar of Califo nia in our labor law practice here; the recent acrrcditation," Dat- Rev. Martin fc!lfanus, who tan said. "Our law school practiced in Los Angele for stands at the top of night law 10 )'Pars, and Richard s. L. schools ln ahfornla." Roddi., a former Unlversit) Irvirg W. Parker, dran of of California Jaw professor admi Jon~ nd records for now a socla!Pd with a San thP t:nfverslty, said the rom- Diego legal firm blned en oilmen! of thP day Dattan said 90 per cent of and night law schools t, ex- the studrnt who ha, e pect d to total 120 tudents in pletPd the P1ght law r.lasse the fall .·em!'ster. have pa sed their stale bar The Rev. Charles J. D ll~n. !'xaminat1ons. spU~ . Barres Named To USD Staff D . Stephen J. B re~ ha~ en appointl'd prof s or of manageml'nt and hmrman or the new div! ion of bu In e ss ad• mfnl tratlon and economic at the Un 1. wrsitv of San Diego CollPge for MPn. Bar- re JormPrly AS; oriatr. /_-pro t !'Ssnr of '/ \ a Dr. Barre, management at the lJnher,,ity ot Nevad . He \\'tll undC'rtake post-doctorate work thi~ summer at ~1assa- chusefts Institute o! Technol- ogy. -----=c.._.,c~-- •
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