News Scrapbook 1958-1961


San Diego University co11tin11ed from page 42

terprise and the 9ualitr of its facilities and purpo ·, \X 1 ould the am:d Hearl rdu rnn,ider buildin,g a rnllcge for women in • n Diego! I( the Dioc s provid d a satisfattory site, Mother Hill would be delighted to consider. In a period of depressed land values, 167 acre which were home lo naught but cottontails and rattlesnakes, and which wue mad<: doubly repellent by a shroud of mcphitic odors wafting up the canyon from an abbatoir (Cudahy's) a mile downwind, carte s<.:cmcily planned to locate there could ha"c made both \'is1onarit·s and hard-driving bargainers out of far-sighted properly owners. With so much ndmg on the outcome, the Bi hop knc" he must acquire the par el without tippin).: his hand and inflating the land nlucs beyond hi reach . He induced friends of the University to purchase lot m their own names and hold them until the complete acreage was thus appropriated At that time the m- at lht College hold d0ttor.1tes) , attrcd1• tat,on follm, <:


Dc·.111 of the C ollt:gc ,ind Profc.:ssor of M1(rob1ology, p.traphrascs . "Truth 1s beauty,' sh<: s.iys, "ith ,1 Jilt of hrnily tlut is a s1g11U of her Ordc.:r, "and ,1JI bc.:.tuty pnxceds from God. The pnn up.11 fumlion of tlK College 1s lo pro duce lht most rntdltg<.:nt C.hnst1,1n wom- anhood possible· Mothn l ltll those Sp.umh Rc11.1is- s.1m <: Jrt htlt-tlure for the College for \X,orncn .111d thus s<:l the patt~rn ror all Uni,<:r,ity butld,ng,. he based hc:r de · ,i,ion on fa\'or,1ble 1111prcss1ons of the style gamed al th<.: University of Akal.t Ill pain, but sht: ,1lso incorporated \'Jfl,t• t1ons ohsc.:nc.:d 10 other butld,ngs on the conlinLnt .u1d 111 • outht:rn Cailforn1a missions. Whrlc pus c.:ssc:d of no form.ti trammg Ill either a1th1t<:clurc or en g111cu111g, she df(:w the original splufi- tal1011s for the: C.ollegl ,ind painstakingly moth,rcd c.:, Lry stage.: of the ,1clual rnn strud1on The but!d,ngs of the College l'or Men ,kmonstralt mutations that arc the r<:sult of llishop 13uddy s r<:sourccful concun. Muth of the frdwork, f ri<.:zt:s, and other uockdcd ornam<:ntat,on on the College strudurc.:s arc the fruits of his cxtcns1vc.: rcs<.:Jrch rn Chnsllan symbolo).:y and ar- d11tctlurt while planning the.: c,1111pus In the case of either College, no w nstiou~ .itlempt was made to produtc an actual co111i1111ed

Hr it) would buy back the land from the 111d1, adu b and transf r tat It to ahclf. I nfortunatcl)', \X'orld \X!ar Il inkn enc.:d, nd th maior proJ.!rcss of the plan "a mt rrupt d until 19· 7. Bi 1919, how- qua 1t1on wa, compktc. The lar •e par d, throu1sh c.:xthangc:s of property and ,omc punha,c , "as ac- quired from owners Frank Faust and Herbert Kcllr. Anothc.:r 62 aero on the hill were· obtamcd from the Federal o,<:rnm<:nt, which s<:ttkd an anti-air- craft battery thcrc during the war. An imletcrmmatc portion of the rc::mamckr, reportedly 20 acre • was donat<:d out- nght to the OI\ erst!). The Ciry of rhc find Cvun mg .... artune 111terrupt1ons, ,t took almo t t\\el e )car for Mothu Hill to rc.-ady plan, for the first u111t of the Unher ti) th Jll Diego College for ornc·n hut the r ult < f I-Kr fnttmg is a , enturc th t ha lx:cn de nl d b) one \\Cll•tra~el d cClu• tiful olle th nit d ates." on th north side of the camp , at w completl-d m fay, 19~2. and admitted tudent th folio"· ng term 1th library de 11sned to house l'i0,000 , olumc,;, a I 000-,cat th trc, and a fa ulty whose rcputataon h d Ir ady been established 111 the Bay area (all hut t"o of the kathmg nuns

11.b u, The un ,c.-rs,ty that M thcr lltll

I oregrounJ. the ap.r

for facul

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I br.u • th

hoof uf Law, the C.ollege of /1. r s the \X'ay, I p of phvlo arc.-







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f111.1n ta! d ·mand



·n,c cnllr

f d1ty, .10 111• 7 million, "'·, f,.

n fllld, crcdcd,




Ord r of

S,llrtd I !cart. Frnm this


point 011, howe,cr, f1n.111c pl.11" Only tw I e lxforc 111 111 111 hop Budd)

bulked l.1r.i,:c

the trn1tcd State

h.1d th

ti mpt lxrn m,1

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orga111zat1on of fi-


t.,hl, h th

t>f:>e of d1

n,1n es cxplams bu1!Jmg made at the

the rapid progre ·s


J l.111n d

to SJn Diego.


t St.

.m Diego College


(( ollegc of

I Thoma,), and at (Sc.:ton Hall U111-

for kn It as a fact tha.t 111d1ndual gifts and one pnvate fund-raising campaign ( for the seminaries) a counted for ome of the I million required to construct the next fi,e bu1ld111gs .... hich went up, but 1t i likewise true that hanccry fund,, husbanded o,cr a long period, were u ed to amortize the largest por• tion of the expenditure. econd Univer·ity unit con tructed, two-story Admmistration Building, for the most part financed by funds from two anonymous donors who pro• v idelumcs, the result of benefatt1ons from dedKatcd lJ01\'trstty fnends. Dunng the first three years, an .1vcr.1gc of 95 per cent of { .D student takm;; Bar exarnin.1tau11, p.,,,cd ,ut <: s• fully . In 1955 and 195 , the record of c· ·a mc.:e, wa~ I00 per cent ( tate aver- age: 1~prLent) . The: two-\tor mvcr ·ity library, dcd1- c.1tcd in May, 1958 (co,t· a h,df mil the wa. Ri e and Progre Th

.outh Orang


, r rty), a < 1th<>lit d10..t,c 1thout hdp from a powerful t<:.1d11ng ordtr, uch '" the Jesuit, or tht August,111,111, 111 f10.1m111g .i ,d1ool\ en:(11un from und~ dtrtHd old) from !ix.ti. d1occ:,.,n lcHI murce, It h.1d not lxtn ,lone ag.11n for almo,t 7~ rear, \X'lut ga,e 81 hop Budd} tonf1dence that ti" m,IJor unit of the l 'nl\cr,1ty, the <.oi- l gc tor Men (anti 1p1tcd w,t . 13 md- l111n), <0uld be built 111 the fate of th,, prt(<:dtnl' A rtorgan1i.1tion of d1oce,.,n I 111.111(1.t! trudure,, grow mi,: 111 the 1.1 t 2~ year, uppl1c, ,it le.1,t J partial answer Th picture of tht .u11h1t1ou, pne,t, long on la1th .ind optimism but hort on ., tru .tpprc l.ltion of (•wnomic r .d1t1 ,, whc, h the.: propnttor of .1 m.1g- ntl tl nt rm -wmdo td ,tun d,urth and .in 1m1 • ,t lc mortgage hc-u1g wn,t mil) ten d b) th local b.,nk, h.,J h<:en .1 ltrtot} p on th · Am r11,111 ,ctn for lit.Ill) yc r l pc·c 1,tlly Ill the L1't, rn 111.111 1mn11grant commun1t1<:, depending 1111 .t 111gle nonm111 rc,ourcc .1nd d, - ' 1d d b; thn1c Joy It 1e,, die! one s<:c.: dtric ,kaling un1l.1t r,tlly with knding 111 t1t11t1<>11 111 .111 attempt to hudd pamht, de l,l'ned tu fulfill 11obl but extr.1v,1gant, nd om tun rn wmpctit1ve, .imbi- Thc I111 n 1.11 hot \\,lier mto d1urd1 · l0 1111"11111.d p, n he, \\1lh1n ,1 d1occ,e 11.1>1dd !ta, to ~1dd to om ccnlr,d pl,111 - 11111,: n I 011twl 'l'lt · id ., ol the ( 1,.,_ 11 • < er look /told nd ha, J.:rt>W n ,k.,dtly 'ill!( I It (lun ry II Oi f, C of th Ifrd tht Bu,1- c, and 1r oper- hold111 • wn,p,,n)' or h,1d ,u. ctedtd,

m II u • ·m nt

,q,or t11111

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Ill di p r"h , 111

th• dto


e , 111d, 111 mon,-, nuttcr,, contruh the d1rct111>11 ,111d n ,lure ol opcr,1t1om It for ,di pr,1d1t ,1! purposes, " re-

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