News Scrapbook 1958-1961
Q. What game of golf did you pl ay ? A. I was rather punk, I think you'd ~a)•· But I nevu used any bad language on tlK course ! Q. At the Un1,ers1ty of San Diego, the Arb , nd SuLnu:s Bldg. will be ready fo r use 111 tptrn1btr W,11 this <:nd the builJ,ng program or do_you h,1ve_ a _ma', tcr plan (all111g for add1t1011al bud ity of a marriage. any div rce . But ow we don 't g rant e d1e<.k to ce if a , a lid from the beginning. ma rria 16 wa W e h vc to ha,c certam proofs. ow take a case that "c g t fr m time to time, inv h mg what we all forte and fear. To have a marriage )'OU hav-e to ha,·e two people free to marry. They mw,t not be held back by any previous bond . And th<:) ha,e to exprc s mutual free consent . \X'c explore the case lo see if thos con- ditions w<:rc fulfilled. F r instance, in one ca e a fathu took a shotgun off the wall and pomted 1t at hi daughter, 3)'· mg ' 'If you don ·t marry that man, Ill kill you both." \: di , that's for e and fea r too, what we ca ll rc,ercnt,al fear - parental fear. But to ass<:rt thi s i one thing and lo pro,e 1t i another. Th i woman came to us ; she told how she had been marrit:d before, she aid she had be<:n forced into 1t. I sai d, "You want to ma rry a Catholic, i that it ?" he aid , yes. I a,d, " \X 1 <:11, we will try the ca c-but we don 't ha,e any juris- d1ct1on Q\('.r non-Catholiu. And v. e may lo c the tria l. . upposing that you be- rnmc a Catholic we ti'}· tlK la e and we lt>'>t ? Wi II you still ..ant to be Catho I it' Then }'OU will not he free to ma rry th is fnend of }·ours. Will you v.ant to become a tholic th<:n ! " he ,aid, " Yes, 1 ha,e alwars wanted to becomc a ,atholic, e,·cr ince childhood ." "All right " I said. "T h is i wh at you can do takt a cou r c of inst ruction and then f1k You can- not fik un le s )OU art: a ..atholi \Xfc'II studr the ca e and g1, e you an opinion but before you n filt )<>U must bc"-ome a Catholic" \\'e \\cnt into the case ,t:ry th roughly, the fact v. ere pro,en, we had witnesses who \\tre 111 the home whe n the fat hn storm d mto the daugh- ter bedroom. The thr r: judges pro- nou nced that a , alid marriage had never cxi tcd because he had hecn forccd into it; as a matter of fa I , the best proof in the v. arid v. ;l!; that he nC\ er It, ed with him and v. 1th111 a month tht} ~ot a di- ,·or WWITHTH MOST REV. CHARLES I R Tb, rt ) leading Catholic prelate spea,ks with candor on Senator Church. We don't consider bingo gam- bling here, 3 jud at a tame, mak1np: , roups of judges Last year we tned 381 cases. About 19 c sc in the lat 3 year we sent t Rome and e, cry single one of them we won o case wa, rejeded by Rome . La t }'ear 358 cases were de ided favor- ably, the rest v. crt• reject<:d At one time thi, court ha had as many a 1100 case, pendmg. They work as fast as they can. Sometimes th pncst 1n the di ffe rent pamhes do "hat ·ou might l all the spadework of gdtmg up the c:videncc. Q. What doc )our large burld,ng pro- gram mean in t<:rnh of incrca ·cd d iocesan per, nnel th I year and next ' A. It means just pm:i ely that, of cour e, b<:cau e mo t of the bu ilding pl ans clear through this office. It docs mea n increased work hut cHr) diocese in the United tat<:s 1s flourishin,I( and T dare- say that e,·ery Bishop 1s rnnfrooted with th ame amount of work f course Calif is growrng very ra1,1dly Q. The April r<:port of lht: Ch.imb<:r of .omm<:rt t lists our area .is fourth in general rnnstrmuon in th<: l ' nited ·tal cs. I wonder if your hudd1ng prowam may not rate nea rly I hat high' A. Y <.: , it , 1t ,.:rov. nght ,lion_!? with the in fl ux of people. You ha,c· to prm 1dt t hurc hls, ,.hools, rcclort<:s and rnn, cnts Pia c:, that }'llr · ago wue ju,t poor mission~ hne hctome v<:ry fine t hurche . Q. Docs this le ,c you tune· to pursue ny hobbies? A. Mo\t of mr hobb}· now is "alk1ng, about fou r mdc:, a day . But in mr first yc-ar 111 -:,in D1tgo I u cd lo pla) golf · day. . rnd in the summ<:rt1mr: go ,n v.immrng. Uut there i~ no time for t t n . It\ about a 16 hour day and mu h of the lm,111e s, as \ ou kno\\, now 1s d ne h) Ion di tanc · It takt hours and h ur a d } n th t I Q. Each Thur day e,ening you con- duct a question and an wer clas m the law school Is the re a precedent fo r thi - another Bishop who ha done a similar thing) A . There could be other . I don't know of any. Th is cla s grew out of so manr of our people wanting to kno" the philosophr of religion. And a number of non- atho lic- - profes ional men, lawyer , doctor , engin<:ers, professors from different colleges- wanted to come and tud} the Catholic rel1g1on and the rea on for it. \Ve try to treat the phtl o- soph)· of rel1g1on by giYing the explana- tion of some doctrine <:very Thursday. For 1mtancc, the d trine of the Blc <:d anamrnt T he seminar last about 4 mrnut<:~ then we ha,·e a coffee break follow<:d hr a question and answer penod . Q. Among non-Catholic, att<:nding the ,<: · 10m, arc c<:rtain specif,, questions re- pe.itcd , <:ry often? A. Very oft<:n . Y c:s. A qut,tion that rnmes up a_i?.irn and again, ,s: darifr or pro, c· the da inity of Chri t. What can }'OU prove from rea on, how much do you ha, e to atccpt on faith? \Vc:11, we can't provr: t:,t:rythin_i? from reason \'v'c sta rt out from r<:ason to proH· the existence of ,od from tame and effect. T he B,hle ts the writt<:n word and tradition the unwntten word: we drav. on tho e for proof, . You could n t proYe the d1,in,ty of { hn t from reason but fr m th<: "ord of Chn t Him elf and the miracle, He performed TI1e Blem,d T rinity }'OU wo:Jld ha\C to accept that from the word of God You couldn"t pro,·c that fron rca on . Q. Is it required of a hi hop that he excel m canonical lav.·? o. ( lie pa111ed for a friend/) a11d ;elf.dtprec tfOr) l,111gh.J I don"t cxc·el in an)1 hing Oh. e,·cC)· Bi hop has to ha, c a ce rtain knowledge. In a normal ~em1- naC)" cour <: they have canon law for two >ears. \Ve pick out certain priests who are intere ted in it and end them awar to the Catholic U. or to Rome or to Ireland and after 3 more years of study they receive a doctor's dt"~ree to spccial- 1ze in canonical law Here we have 6 d to rs of canonical law m the duxese, who help us and serve rn different capa- 1t1 Q. A Marriage Court exist here in the chancery Docs it sanctmn divorces' A. E, ery d ocese has what is called its tnbunal of Jl15t .i.nd 11 part of that is a marriage court, re we check the ,·alid- F. hiJ oun efforJ inJo more con,rele and ro1111maii-, projuts. lle ha1 not been qllf,trd ,rr deploring the moral laxity of 011r t1ge. JnrJe,ul, ,hamrlernlirally /o-the- poml, he /am1rhed a Cr11It1dt for Soul, Jrne ( nol pirrhed Jo lht member1h1p of ,my other rexular de11omi11t11ion) 10 111r- ct1Jf11ll; th,11 1inre iJs inreplion in 19.5 1 11 hm been ropied thro11gho11t the ll'Orld. On April 14, the d.,y after hi1 re/um from Lm Vegar, u·here he delivered the "" oc.rlion ,1J lhe opening of lhe If/ orld CongrtJJ of Flight, ,mJ in the mu/Jt of an ,tire.rd) long and lrymg day, lhe Bhhop of ,111 D"'go gr,mted an int ert•ieu- Jo Ro• be rt,1 R.idgely and P11blirher Vietor. A briI breeze f lullertd from one corner 11 ·m.lo11• of the BiJhop'1 u ·ood-paneled chamber1 m 1hr ch,mrtr), the central h111/di11g in lhe A/r,rla Park gro11ping. Birhop B11dd;, a tall man u•ith a q11irk, light 1tep, rt•orr his j11rhri.1 robe and hal. e.rted, he ht!llrd /he irrlerview q11t1tions wi1h patienre and taJe, orrasionally lap1• ing in fo almost informal altil11des 111 he remot ed hi1 rap or fingered hiJ diousan rmg.• • '!'he rin/( ,gndiM that a Hishop i married to hi\ Ji0< e , I )w,thftJI 1111.I t igorvm 71, the ,\ I, I /? I I 11./ £J, hop u,.,r/11 l'r,mm /J11dd> 1uu /,()111 111 'it / ortph, Miw111ri. I Jo, rt','" ed ,, rel1gJ011 td11wtio11, cl, 111.1 r ,I !,y , )t,/r vf IIJ.I) (from 1909· /1// ~) .,, ,;,., ·,,rth ll lll&'fl(,/11 oll,xe i11 !<"ml! '/'h,rr h, 11-.11 (ml med i11 1914. If, b,,.,,,lf ,1 hi hfJp wh,n h, look o,•a ih 11, 11 ly /01111,/.,,1 dwiru of 'i411 Di,go ,,, /1) (, l .1k" other \ ,111 I >,.,go 1111/i/11/10111, the /11 .JI ,/11n 1 111 11011 fook r b,tdi IIpo11 tht 1h1rr11 r ,11 h 1ft 011 d.1y1 1llre,1,ly fulmg /hf 1trer 11/ gro11 th, the"'"'" , ,1,/de,J lo 11 po,r 11 ar obltl(,tl11mr by 1111dtrt,1kmg a i,1,ild111g proxr,1m for ,, 1111iarril>, /'h11 <111 hmx b1mlen migh1 h,u·e 11 <'il(ht.l ml I r 1hly 11po11 11 /err 11r,/1u 1ml opt11111 /11 ,1,l111111u/l rfor. The go1i,rl, ,1/mml boynhly r11th11ri,1111r IJ11hop, con• 111111.-r In r, po11d lo his rh,1lle11ge u·ith 1111 ,/,1(11fJ 1h ,1 belie1 hu JtarJ . Hu h11• Jory m rh1r 101mg dmttJt h.11 bee11 am/ w111,,,11,1 ,,, /, 011, of por,rfre ,, cnm• plnh1,1 11r Ff, doe n111 Jrifle 11 ilh r11ch 11111/,rr ar local "" onhip, ,hoo1i11g m I a.I Jo /r11 I 1111i,1 ,nforremenl Jo rurh 11,1111,11.1/ (..11h,,fo ho,1rd r of rri-i, 11• m the l.rg/011 of {) mcy . R:zlher, h11 rh,mnelr ·•n D,cgo athletic m•n c ,n bu,IJ,ng the Un1'er,il:JI oF n c,tall n upon Boo,tcr onlc-n the J10< fax tre1cher. SHOP OF SAN DIEGO Kennedy, d ·vorce and Church-State separation pm .itc !tool , but do ) ou thmk th1, w prun nlr ~n anti thol r ther thrn "r dro,e changed The fine new ar ' \X hat Ktnd an n11 pr1v;1te hool m , ement ' • Y , I do Q. A ioung I I 12 •o Earl n from an D Jo your w1Yes .i I o me ch ap tor, But the man- and sat m. Your ha bot!> rn a S.ntndcrs, "h .md theology, h~ de •r one batk I st to ex· p.rnnent ,n pro, 1dmg a new erv1 c 1r. be· half f r ltgiou art. Th" would 1m oh e the pl.11 n ni and interior d<:wrat111g of d1urc h nJ I o direction of procession .mJ pl nt on fe-a t da)'S any instan e 111 whi h rcl,gmn blend, w,t h thr: Arts. \X'h.1t i, )OUr rea tion to thi 1Jca? A. Tlut , a fasunating thought, 1\n t 1t? w, mo t agers 1fo w<.>.ir wife desencs fine clothe,, too "What kind of a breakfast did you ha,e this mornmg> A cup of coffee. A bowl of oatmeal, 1f you were luck}. And the manager? He ate strawberries and cream for breakfast. \X'ell, the time is commg v. hcn y u re going to ha, c straw- berries and ere-am, too !' uddenlr one 1ex1can worker in the audience poke up, in broken Engli h. " nor I no like stra"beme and cream." \'vell, ;he speaker was ob,·iously annoyed but he tried to ignore the inte.rrupt1on and go on But the McxtCan rcpr:ated the remark, thi time in pan ish, "La1 f re1as ; rrema 110 me g11 Ian '" The speaker shook his f1 t at the fexican and shouted, " \'7hen the workers take o, er, you're go- ing to eat strawberries and cream and /,ke ,1 .'" That Communist organizer lost out here by making h imsdf appear r id iculow;. I often wish that \X 111 Rogers were alive today because it o often happens that turning a humorous light on a situation does more good than seriow; argument. Q. What about thr: Pope's recent plea for Chri tian Un it)' ? A. Tht:rr: is no 9uest1on but that h is a rm were extended to the whole world in one loving gesture: There is no doubt that when the p lans of the Ecumenical Council are developed they will suggest more approache to unification. Of course, you know that is a matter of time and stud)·· In other words, the Holy Father welcomes other people to a sess10n of deliberation. There ts much we all have 1n common and it entails the wel- fare of thr: whole world Q. Will these be mainlr an attempt to resolve conflicting theological difference between different faith. ' A. Partly yes , since all of w; ha,•e much in common, but mainly because I think the Pope pnnctpally wants to av01d world catastrophe and that was in h is mi nd . He 1s v·itally intercted in the peace of mankind He might e,en bring the leader, of the world together to promote the pc-ace of mankind m definite step , instead of just talking about it. The c uncil \\ht h ummon the Bi hops of the whole world to Rome would be asked to give the ir opinion . The counol for the most part ju t bring in Catholic , not non thol I but there is no reason the Po might not extend the inv1ta- t1on to othe rs in an attempt for peace. not hd tcH· .irr1er h" t,trr1er. < ltf, rnt ,n for Publ ic at the roup in th la,t day pon or d part1 ul rly ur• rtluu rid , a1hert1 111g tu pu h through tht ballot prnpo\1!1011 to tax prt\.ltc njn• f raid th re are tcrta1n ort of life, work. . 1111 wpuld of wu rse .it fcit all Military chapels in the Diocese fall under Bishop Buddy's 1urisd iction. Here, hi s Excellency blesses the chapel at Miramar Naval Air tation.
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