News Scrapbook 1958-1961
T ur~ , , uv. 1, I
11 'Ali,OI A Pirates 1 Can Do It Again'-Skinner I (lQ
1 Bucs Need De QB Club Told
TH£ SAN DIEGI 8NI0N a22 @ Wed., Nov. Z, 1980 DIICIO, CALll'ORNIA USDfacing Giant-Kitter Role Again
The Pittsburgh Pirates "can do it again next year," Bue outfielder Bob Skinner told the Monday Quarterback Club ye$terday noon at Mission Valley Inn. Skinner, La Jolla resident and public relations man for the linion-Tribune Publishing Co.'s circulation promotion depart- I ment, said, "We need some more depth, a good left-hand pinch-hitter and a little better fielding at' first base, but oth~r- wise we believe we can win (the National League and World Serles) again." A capacity audience heard that way. • • It cost the Skinner field questions bun_ted City o! Pittsburgh ~30,000 to by Jack :.1urphy, sports editor clean up the town after the of The San Diego Union and Seri cs celebration. The toastmaster for the weekly Pirates ad a couple of fair luncheon meeting. par.ti , too... PITCIIING PRAISED all)'. w were a bet• The rangy major-leaguer, a _ub duri ng the sl'ason star in the Pirates' pennan t J1 m the Serles. When we drive but a player in Qnl,X the Yanks e weren't up two Series games, becausl' df t strength . ~ause Dick a thumb injury, also com- Groat, Doi:11:JoaK, Vernon Law mcnted: and I had rniu.nes. "Don't forget; have \'IRDO. • DEFE:SDED good middle and r-line "Sc-outs F.rank Detore and pitching, as well a ters. Howie Ballk gave us great rc- :-,;cxt season shou n in- ports u., the Yanks. \Ve knew terl'sting one In our league, e,·erythlng the Yanks did, at right up there. least before they lrft the park. w Los Angeles . • S<'lectlon o! Bobby entry in th£- American League Richardson (Y'ank Infielder> will hav tough sledding for to rt'.'eC'i\'e a new rar as the lh e vears; it takes so many SCii ' most , aluable player good· players to land in the ·as a sound one, hut we also first divbion. But they will had a good candidate in Dill move up when tJicr de, clop Virdon. His outfield catches a farm system. , . w re sensational. ... "When Roy Fae ~ame in "The Yanks wer~n·t the in relief against the Yankees better team. O~r mam prob. in the final ~cries game, I !em was defending against the knew the Yank \\ere dead, balls they hit out of the park ,though the Yanks didn't act, (Continued on b·G, Cul. 7) 'ED MORE DEPTH Bucs 'Can Do Again'-S Te Is 0 • 1nner CIL1b (Continued) and aga n t tJ,e fences .... (:!l games) was ended by an Dannv Iurtauoh is an easv. old war-hor e (Pccarovich l," goino. ~anage/and didn't g~t Roy Engle, Hoover High. b 2-, upset winner 0\ e St. on us evrn afkr t:iose lOp· Augustine _ "Infections and sided Yanhce \ ictoiies. He! blood poisoning to three first- knew \\e'd l'Ome back ... string linemen hurt us early The thmg impres,;ed me i'l the ~eason. \1 c got tired mor<' t ,. n anythin" about late in the games; against b the Sa~tb we went all the Yankee ma'lag r Casey Sten- "a\'; made 74 Yards in the g 1 wa~ his enihusiasm for Iinal qt,artcr. .- It's possible the game. d ri, g t 1c Sc~ies we can beat San Diego High •he was ho'll'ring a,I the time, this weekend, though Sa1 Di• at us and h s e.,.,, phycrs. ego has backs that ran go all He's the type of man.1rer 1 the wa~ ... Ron Gree lg Is would ha~e jo,ed playin 6 the best hack I\·e coachcu. at for; hes in the game all the Hoover. In e\ ery game he , time. leads in pe1iormance or a "I belie\ e Ca,cy yanki>d point system\.!' use." ~eft-hanclcd pit · er f; ob >i y ,Jim Erkf'nbeck. El Capitan Shantz late mt 1e fi:,a_ ' mE High, 27 ·3 wirner over Hill• when I and V.ocky • 'elson top - • Press roverage of v er<' comi.J " u1, b · c au .,; e high school football has been Sl1antt ma~ h H h 1 tlr<'Cl. the be t this year in my fin• It 1"aS • bu,tir" sit 'io , ears of coaching, and th e Skinner buntea suc~ess uJl), coaches and pbyer, appreci- aih arc ;ng r u n n e, st and ah rt. . • We ha,,c an out- ,Sl!aptz 1/i a fi c t ,mt fielder. standing ad111imstration at El ,Shantt a· re ic\ed by r·ghr- Capitan. one conducive to a hander J,m Coat•-5. who fine sports program... pitched to left-hand h,tters Though we'Ye Jost only on e Skinnet and =--:elson1.·• game, we have tough ones F o o t ti a 11 coaches' com- coming up in El Cajon (we belie,·e tl1is one should be about E'Wn), p'.us Helix and menls: :'\like Pernr0Yid1, Uri,•ersi- t . 1 - D' ., 1 ,, 0 Grossmont. We're some- o ::San iego, . -- ups~t what green. with only f i v e victor ?"~r :.rarmc Recruit seniors. One of our backs, Depo_t- Frankly we expected only l5 didn't kr,ow tlia.c the Ito wm. Thoug(1 we_ p 1 a:· e d safety 'we used to defeat Southern Cahform'.1- College Chula Vista was good for two and Azusa the previous week- points." ends. we weren't in'erested . . · ti b t I k - Paul C.0Yernal1, San Diego m lem u were . 0 0 · 1 g State, 60·0 loser to Fresno ahead to the :.rannes. Also. . 1 t "'This was the best our boys werC' fired up by a ::; a e . • . . _ _ news story that the j u n i O r Fresno team m m)· f1, e ) ears ,., . at State, and our whole con- colle.,e had the best team rn fe ence tCCAAI is et ti O g town and also b: a story that . g . . th '\[ :· <' h d dd d . stl onge1 . . To m~ kno\\ l- e : ar in 5 a . a_ e ~n; edge State will continue, ot,her_ soft touch m schedulm,.. and hopes to improYe, its fool- \\ h 1 t m a n .•. QuarterbacK ball program. • • ~fore camp,d Jan Chapman, :iew contact l\$ jobs fot• a thletes are fflllW !er~, and c;ll, had a g " c t under consideration."• mght. but it was a tea~ nc.- Al Lewi , . Cal Western, 10.e torr. ~tiler outstanding boys loser to Pepperdine _ ••com- f~r u., were Jim O Leary, parativc scores and perform- ,\_ ayne Bourque and Al Ztt- ances mean little, but State n!ga . . We proved the Ma- has a good chance against rmes - a well coach~d. g_~od Peppcrdin<' h e r e Saturda)" team-were not mvmc1ble. night,. 1 0 8 1 West~n 1 !l('rim- Hans l acob..en, ~lC::RD ;- ma ged the Aztecs before the ·we \\ licked by a tca,m season optmed at Cam , Pen- that \J'illltcd to \\m. In the dleton .. At least I hope last quartc1· l.'.'D ope.rat,•;! on State vins. bl.'C'ittse the Az- othing bu i e. l f <'l for- tee are ti-om our ar.e a . . . tu:1ate ht! u "i11nL g ,t.t~k J•'-,; somet.. the, hard to figur<• fuotb;.i'l. We haJ;I tl1e C'll o s t fi t d9wns, 15-6, ,1 l' fllmbl ~d five timl's and Pepperdine h 1d s~, en poln,s before , fi,ak- ini! a first down "
-Son Oievo Unlo~ Stoff
Erkcnbc·•k, El Capitan High, and l\likc Pcc:aro\'ich, University of Sa."1 D:cgo. Erkcnbcck's team do\med Hilltop last weekend and USD upset thP then-U11- bc ten i\larinc Corps Rccmit Depot, 21-20.
sco has a varied lng both th e professional T- e Gators have e than 230 yards g and mo~
• CUv
~56 101 50 599 5
lltEAD 'N BUTTER ma n for the University of Son Diego foot - ba ll teo111 this se as on has been full back J,m OeSonlis who ""'e ntly ,.. d, tl, e squad in rushing with a net 399 yard, on 78 co r.r..:.,lor a 5.1 average. Jim will be seeing octio n Sat- urday ogo,nst onc.••beaten Son Francisco State a t the Caro,, 1,eld Pioneers Go After SF Golden Gators • 1,, k jun1ptng trom the tr;• u·e1-agf per carry. In p n nto th" r,re," remarked Pecaro,-trh's 3.llfWer to Fulle~ Unrver~llv o! SM D ego roa h will hr QI.! trl r-. Jan Cjla Mike Pee rovich thla week In man w!\-, v 11 be w,, rel! ctlnir on the Ptone,r'1 21 20 m three • in A t win over the San Dle,-o Ma• P1one s o t rln a 11nd looking ahead to !'lat• t.he !oral , urd'l.y'1 mat~h wlth San Fran• Chapm ciaco State C;,llere. mented in Th& Golden Gat0?'11 are con- ing score Joe .-d out- a dered one ot the outstanding standing Pa 8 a catcher Jae small collere teams tn the na- Loeechrug- at the haltback 1p,;,I.I tfon a.rtd haw a re ord to prove and top gl"1!Ji..nd gainer Juu De. I~ with m11 over Santa Barba- Santt,i at fullback ra ( H•0 1, Long Bearh stale Line • ta1 tera I nculde 120-01, Cal Poly Pomona 120-0), Jim O'Learv A,'1.lard Loa AnJelu State l35-6i •·e- rola and Wally !'Gll~.lfC!IKII• vad (18•7) anltDarls i.i-OJ, \Vayne Bourque Their onh loss th,s l!eaaan liott and end• WU lo Htlmboldt State \\h,ch and Jm1 Gabnel. defeated th~ Pioneers 20-0 e rlier this fall. The Galol"B gave up 21 pobils to the Lum- berfa k• In the fb' halt then Cou ht batk to I y lhf'lr op- po!leflta whilt eeori.'lf 18 mark• I I Th
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