News Scrapbook 1958-1961
~on.,. cw.~ 1860
SAN DlleQ,
arovich Optimistic After Tie p
r o \ le h
carr E
s. Grad ill
scor£>d both a n 11
.Bigger B) l'Al'L CO\ R 1.:nlH•rsity of San DJ till isn't lntt'rest In <"oming tile ' No
trip ant.I B 79 ln 17 carr1e .
" points
before th Arizona could get accu tomed t the mushy footing around the infield portion of the Padres' park. On the thnd play reserve fullback Ch u ck Williams went around tnc r,ght side for :is yard~ and a touc-h- down. E,,ch club \\as stopped deep irt the other's terri- to1-y in the first period Ari- zona on the nine and USD on the 13. The Arizonan \\Cnt ahead with thre minute !cit In th , second period w I t h Gradillas ,5J1pping past th ee tacklers for a JI-yard touch- down gallon. The firm of two 'lflke .Vft>rcer placement made It 7-6 for the ha!!. u~o drove 32 ards in th!? i h I r d period only to b thwai tcd on the three. B\.lt the Ai lzonan mact • the mo t of it partially-blocked
srnlor end, pick of fA 20· yard pas~ from quarwrbllck Jan Chapman Mth 5t ~- onds to play a t'ellch- down. Then an and
\JSD Fla•
lllr1I down1 au,hln,, -;ordoq• Pa11in• )'arda111 Pall-ti Po II lnf • rCIOftG h ~unt1 Pumblo lo I Jllanaltl" * • to room Ither
11 111 l)t
11 111 lS
th" W<'st" l ionr<>r o vich hn. IJulldlni U a point chP<'hJle a ,·oup!P team a) r ' 13y •·,
• 0 5•4J.l 4 l7.4 I 2 71 lS
T1•11sary te olh1•r Jmss point conv tPcl the 1•ltided a
"It we could ha\e oprned the cason as well as fini hed It I'm sure "e wo have had a much better rt.: cord " a d Bob Sexton, a • sistant coach and athletic co- otdma or at the unh· rslty, , tra ely e n o u g h the gaQ'.!e might not have been played until Sunday. Sexton anr! Pecaro, lch, w ishl to po tpone the contest be- u1u e of the poo. field, w u!lable to lo<:ate the Ari ans. (;,D f 1a9staff -G~ " . • t D 1-1, I 7 G 7-t, r k le foiled , (3.4 run). Mercer k F~ogsto! "Gd as (5, ron), Mercu U o..;.. TeU-Onv 2 po~ from Chapmon, (Ctl®man to Tessorv ,.
e I o n tu, phy or John Lanza for hen 1-c dllng dutie . ··we plnyed many of our fr hm n thl year a n cl hould b In goo
10 gPt the pass away and 'I'<'1111ary madP a l aping ('at<'h In th(• <'lld -zon • Jirrf Dr•Santla • ore d USD's vth<•r tour.hdt,wn ,on tne first rl<>s of going 28, tits.
, rJ u p I e good 1< ams" Pl'<' roy ch h ., a in mind • Oregon, Wa~hlngton State am! tlw Air For<·P," That may uund JJ!rn th<' Pionr,•rs anticlJJatc hltlng off more 1llan th<'Y l' m diew, but the \\ll P<'~aro- ' ieh do" n't plan to r•t h imo an) thing. All and all, J'l'ro.rovi,•h's. fir I :, <'ar at !hp Pion<><'r helm was a succe ·~ful one. Jle relied hrn I'll\ on frpsiJ. men and th" first-year ho) cam through ('J'<•ditably for him. l'PC'B10,l h mglf'd out se, er:i I fr<' hmeu for th rr play ln tr 'I>'s 14-14 11<> of ,i\rl:r.ona Stat<' of Flags1nff which ~lo C'd out the s,•ason ln t <urday nlght in raln- so.iked We LgatP Park. Com! • n for praise w1 re fullba k D on rkow ·kl, halfbMk Jlowa1d Willlam- l\ yn lllakt.', ta kle uy • PJI, c-k, tnrkl P Long. tPni~r Jack !ara- chicllo, halfback Al llorzn, end Dan .U •die a111l orncr- lla<' John Lanz~.
Chapman, 132 yards, Plonet'rs'
or the amhlPd d trn
for games with Azu£a aud ·outl1,•1·11 C'alitornia Colleg<', lhty pla1 ,,ct a 10111;!1 schcd- ul • llumholdt Slate, San F an, ls,·o Stale and Cai Pi ly of l'omoua, to whom ttwy lost, are rankt•tl high In the naiion• mall <'Oll<'g l 1d rating Marine <> JI~ Depot whom ,,y
e of the
ronqw•rr•rl I lions lo
~AN 1111!00, CALIFOIIN IA Jl "llon., Xo,. 28, 19
• •
EVENING T $AN DIEGO, tA~IFOl Wed., Nov. 30,
SPORT Football
mk mght
Honors Fullback. Jim Desantis to- day was namPd the wi~e1· ~r University of San D1eg_o s Gil Kuhn award as 'the Pioneers .. m O s t outstanrling footba player for 1960 " . 1 The award is decided on the basis of performance, !-Sportsmanship and 'lea~er- ship Kuhn was USD s first football coach. DeSantis als~ was named "best b a c k. Wayne Bourque, ta_ckle and team captian, received two awanls. Halfback Pa~ Hem- inger won the coache~ a"."'ard as the "most insp1ratwnal player." Quartet-back :ran Chapman was presentild the award fo;, "most bri perfor~ance of the se He received it for his Ill USD's 21-20 eonquest of. :winl' Corps Re- cruit Depot • . , I Desantis "19as the Pt0neers I leading ru~r With 532 yards in 126 carries. Chapman com- pleted 86 of 172 passes tor 1 087 and a schO/'>l record. He v'unted 53 timeF for 2,287 yards and a 43.2 yards ])er -punt average. tle also rau for six of 24 touchdowns, pas "ed for nine more and six conver- sions. USD complied a 4-5-1 re~?rd under coach Mike Pecarov;ch. Final team aucl individual statistics: o,,onenf~ U so Total yordo•e, running.. . . 2!fs 1 fil Yards lost, running ·• ·.. · · ·17-41 1232 Net yardage, runnln9 . •••·· 177 l72 Posses. attempted .. • , • ·•' · 87 86 Passes complet~ · ·,sc.10"''""1177 1106 Total yards IJQined, """""' · · 9 e Passes had lntercep!ed ~a· 2918 2:!88 ,-oto I net yards, rU11. """I\: 83 73 First doWns, runn}ti9 ,. ... f · ~, 3 ,4 1 First downs, pasSint ·· · ·· l 1 71 First d_ownsJ penoltles # , .. • 1 , 1 114 . Total first aowi,s , ········· I 59• 5A< Total scrim. 1>la_ys minus PU~ s -'= RUS~NGV, flet Av 1'1111 126 575 532 ...22 ,. SJ 397 '2 4.00 6 . 67 262 ~18 3.40 1 10'/ 329 75 0.68 6 . 8 59 ~' 7,J7 1' 7
EVENING TRIBUNE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA b l' 1'ues., Xo,·. '?!), I fill • 7 Week Offers Busy Slate Of Bas~etball kt>tba I
K h D ··Gridder PASS RECEIVING •. Ho. :(d~ Ji
0 190 2 1 176 I lO 111 1 2 9S O .. ,. 1 6 69 0 2 ·s 0 2 S 0 2 ·o o Yds_ Avq. S 7 oG 2 1 I 1 9 32, 0
T• •l •• ' ,J
lJ' ,o
2 2
Ram tp3/f?I
ookie O ens Eagle Tilt .ald~z'. a . free The rest of the secondary tel. They'll waten the Col- see duty against the Wash. th ~ diS t lknc- dor, left corner; Don Bur- Colts game on television to- Charities Aug 19 m the Coll- altimore ington Redskins for Times
V rnon
a mt from the Untvetsitr of wllJ be composed of Ed !ea- lege All-Stars \'
an Dficbgo htahs on n emg e on.y roo 1e
Irnper-ia! alley College , opens its gnnd tonight, too, pla)ing host o Cal in 1 Imperia!. J San Di" gets started Aztec Gym, e te ta ning the alumni in t 1e mitezumans' annual opener. <;oach George Ziegen~, ' :1qtlad then will travel to I l~\\ d 'atu1 da} to face Pepp...1di . The Uni\ erstt of n Diego goes to Redlands Friuay 10 take part in 1he U11wersity of Redlands' annual e ght-tearn tournament.
seum, ..yill play for the A~
P. tarting Lne-up to- roughs, left safety, and W11l night.
n 8ht
hen the Sherman, right .safety.
Six Ram rookies who'lllstars tonight.
e Eagles m
R m mee
Defensh;e Starters
24 '4 3.42 Q, ! is is t~ g ~: 1-ugg ~t:i 1 ~1nt. I'd, Yds. TDS f ~u 1is 7 b 0 0 000 00 0 ~67 jS 1
hi· d f
Here's the other defensive
" e en- starters:
sive rs, Ram coach Bob Waterfield posted \"al- . Left end - Gene Brito; dez at Lhe right corner spot right end - Lamar Lundy; 'ln defen e left tackle-George Strugar; In a recent Ram scrim r)ght tack 1 e - Jor.n _Lo- mai::e quarterback Bi 11 y \ etere: Bill Jobko, Les Rich- Wade ~nund end Del Shor- ter and Jack Pardee, line- ner "ith a 70-yd, strike in bac~ers. . . . Valdez's terntorv. \\ 1th Brito back m his old Hn \ ever, Waterfield Jef• p_ro fo~m and Lundy impres- the rookie off the hook and sive m scrimmages, the rightly so Ram~ have no reason to fret at this po 1t1on, 'Perfert To ~• The ta~kles and lineback- "Vald z was stride for er· are solid. 'n fact, the lride ,, 1th Shofner a~d feeling m the Ram camp is hat' net easy. It wa~ a per- that tre rlE.fcn~ive l!ne com. fectly thro vn ball,"' 1d oarcs favnrablv v.ith any \Vater-field ge turmg. t m in t e FL. Actually, the pass went Lou lie a s, recrwrring right nver the top of Shof- from a back mJury, may see ner's head-remmiscent of some action at defensive the E roy Hlr ch catches of tackll". 1tchaels is also learn- other s a ons. ing off en 1ve assignments.
Chaomon b•b Murphy, Q hb
? 1
Gobrlel, • McDevltt, I Grav, hb Tessorv, • ., · ~~rentl~ fb . ..
' " .
• 7U. 126 1 · 1~ n1 1 · 1~ ,., o ' • 4 q4 1
Loi,schn,g, ~~~J~g,ere WIiiiam•, lb
2 15 0 . ·.. ::. 2 lD O
. '.
'pUffTiNG NO, Yds. AVI. '3 2287 .fl,2 . I 3& :jjl.O
<,hapman, qb Gabriel, t Grav, hb ·· Chapman, qb Gabriel, • McDcvltt, e • OeSontls, tb Loeschnlo, hb Tessary, t {t,'lfl\~,.,,.~ Totals
1ds PCtfs fps 7 0 42 .. : 8 ~8
2 1 14 1 2 10 1 2 10 1 3 11
I I!
. 1 0 6 . 1 0 6 2411165!
The Ram~ hreak camp at Red ands today and will be quartered at a downtown ho-
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