News Scrapbook 1958-1961
We te Depot Win In Tourney
I Rivalry A For Al Olsen
Capture Cage Title Unbeaten MCRD Whips Cal Poly In Finals, 76-58 tarlne Co JI R !' c r u I t Depot s und !cater! D e v I J. dog. sctt!Pd down to business after a haky start la t night and \\hipped Cal Poly of Po. mona, 76- , In the fmal of the Ho iday Ba ketball Tourn- ament at Point Loma H I g h g~m. Before not l}fng th Jr 14th straight victory, the D ,. vi J. do ha1 to o\errome an c•arly 15-7 drfclt. Howe\Clr, on c r they took thq lead at 21-20 they ne\ er looked back It \\ a~ 29-24 at th hall (,lhbs 'fop,; &41rcr~ Lou Gibb 2'2 po ts paced the Marinr lc~ry mare 1. Joe • 11llcr l.! d 18 to t I! c winners' total, w 11 • John Un- de wood and A rt s t G1lbl t former Sar Diego Junior Col'. leg tar. had H and 12, re- sprctl\ ly. for Cal Polr Third pJacr WC'nt to W h I t- tlcr whl hedged Cal We t<"rn 69-60, after dl slpntlng a 1s'. pomt cad We~tmont Col- kge co cd a c:> saw, 71,67 dcc1s 011 O\ C'r • an FC'rnando 'tatc IT thr batt c for t I l t h • 'aval Training d o w n e d Unlver 1ty n Diego, 73-67, to take of V Clh. Water· ~ro,t \"aluaule Ray Waters, !armer San Di- ego State College standout who now perform,; his court magic for MCRD, wa named most- valuable playf'r In the tourna- ment. He was joinl'd on the all-tourney team by Glbhs, Darrell Pa trc-ll of 1CRD, H nry Rapp o! . ITC a11d Jim Malk n of San Fernando. On the econd team w e r e Ron M u l d e r, Helix H i g h product v.ho now pin) s f o r We ·tmont; Paul Collier, Whit- tler; Art John.son, Cal West- ern • !iller a'Jd Gilbert. Sum- maries place, Cent and
Fine Begin
(< ontlum·dl
co!'l'eetly, th<> lnte K n u t c ·ed with th1> <'ondud of a < me football player nam<>d ,Jim- u ht to quekh him with a biting famous coach, "did is nothini:{ a,; dumb as a dumb Iri hman ?" \Vh('rc>upon, Crowky r e p I i e d swc>etly, "I agrt'.'l•, Sir, uni ~c;s it's a smart S de>," Thi· palaver cm • to mind b('cau. £' of '.\ e tc>rda , plea ir1 annouw·('nwnt that San Diego talc ml the Uni\'C'r ily of San Diego hm c agrC'cd to play a footb 11 gam<' in the> 1961 season. It's the> first import:rnt ad or th!' new Aztce adminl. !ration under A; 01 ·rn and positive evidc>rl<'e that a smart Swede i on the job a.s athlctit· director. Aft r barPly two we>eks of his n w 1-ole, OlsPn has thawt>cl t h e ov know th<>re
gin to a mg!,. point. Then W tmont got the ball for on la t, d perale try ,, Ith orly !h econds to go. \n ctcrson tr! d a jump hot 11 om out front. but It m1 ed as the flrial buzzer ounded. Takahashi and 1-'Urate hit three long flt>lders In the <'COnd half, the latter wind- Ing up with 10 points, a Cal W e s t e r n high. Ander- on cor d 17 points tor Westmont and Ron Mulder, ex-Helix tar. added 16 , :'I' battled Cal Poly on cvrn terms at 35-35 for a ha!!, but the Dronco pullrd away In the s cond half on the brllllant hooting of two !ormrr ·an Di go H I g h and San Diego Junior Col- lrge prrrormer , Edward Lee Johnson and Art! t Gll- bcrt Johnson tabbed 16 points and Gilbert 12 Paul Smith \\ ith 15 point a n d John Underwood \\Ith 13 were other Bronco stand, out . H e n r y R a p p with 19 poln and Re le Lee with 17 were, top corc1,. Whittler's \\ hlrh, ind fast br ak utterly demoli h d l Ill\ er 1ty of :oan Diego In the tournament opener the Poet catching tire in the fir t half to go from a shaky 9-6 lead to a c-om- mandlng - They led, 4ti-23, at Inte r- mis Ion and coa led the rc,t of the way. Bill John ton, a 6-4 for• ,,ard, 6-3 Steve Haye and 6-8 Hank AshbaLgh drove in repeatedly for ea y lny- up thanks to some e:s.1>ert playmaking by guard Paul Collier. Johnston scored 1 points. Hayes 1G nd h- bau h, 14. H \\ ever, the game's high o r was Jim Flem- ing, 5 1 1) SD guard ho tallled l point de pile th ha'ld;cap o! an lnjarcd and
.,..".,...1;1..,.,," asked th
~it'l,,ilrllllLii,ii\ nu me rou pa. b1g errd1 . 1'1e collt>gl- an bred only t\\0 po nts In the fir t fl\ e minutes \\hilc the larlnc werr racking Up 13.• lCRD had the g me """d up, 41-:?0, by lntermi , on. Cuard Dob Curtr,ght and Darrell Pa trcll pacl'd • ICRD 'l\lth 15 points each and th"ee other '\larlnc hit double figure Ray Watl'r made 13 and Ge.,e Kiholm and Joe Miller tabbed 10 aplcc
Al Olsen ic betw n the two sd1ool und made po siblc a seri s that should arn enthu ia ·tic· c•ommunity upport. Th re's bec•n a growing dt•mand for thi I ro -tow-n rivalry PV( r sinee the niversity of San Diego fielded 1t first team fi\'e years ago and parti ans of both schools will IJ\' delightc>d, Olsen could II t·cly ha C' made> cl better tart. At the> ·ame time, hO\\C'\er, it should be 110(('[) that im- portant grow1dwork was done b.' Paul Covc>rnali, form<'r Aztec• eoach, and the SD trio of Fathc•t• Wal he 1urray, Bob "<• ·ton and l\iikc I'ccaro, ich. Govemali rcpeat<'dly ,·ol<'l rl his friPndship for the -n !..and , 'C hi upport to a ·111 cries, The t:SD ppople, in turn, did everyth n ible to foster and maintain cordial relall011 with the Al1<'e and that often rnrant ignoring extrl'mc, if welJ-mean- ing, element in U1e booster gl'oup. Deserved Recognition For USD ity o! San Di<'go has ·ng an excellent aca n In a few years. Its st arc ti In . It foothall program both eompet nt. USD is d erving of cognition n t \\"ith the Aztecs will pro idP. It's hoped this is th be inning of a Ion,, happy am! eventful <;cric> . Under the conditions that pn•vail, nothing could do more to stimulate inte>re. t in local football. It's as logical a the rivalry b tween t,; C and UCLA and, on a smaller .-cale, will be just as exciting and meaningful. In time, thi · surely will be- come San Dit'~o•s ver 'ion of the "Big Game." Well . t Christmas week, and ain't it wonder- ful? Fir s the encournging worn that the Los Angele ~·ill be ready to nugotiate for a new home n • an Diego after .Tan. 1. And now good fellowship i rampant among the lo<'al colleges. • me n., among otlwr things, that th l'nion- • Wl'ekl • Quarterback luncheons will ;require a r h ll n t · ason. Stc>ps already ha,e teen taken to mo the show from the Mi.· km Valley Tun acro.-s th et to the Town and Country Hotel and it' hope the hou e \\ill be big enou h to accom- modate the crov.d ·. The combination of a Charger franchise, the San Diego State-USO rivalry and a new Aztee football coach should create a much excitement in Mission Valley as the> flood of 1916. It's a little early, of course, to guarantee delivery of Charger coach Sid Gillman for the Monday luncheons but the prospects are excellent. Gillman and hi boss, young Barron Hilton, have been formally invited to meet with San Diego city and dvic official as earlv a:, con\'enient after Jan. 1. , And, denials to e contrary, this coul ha\·e imm - . diate and rew onscquences. For the pu I rification, it sh i,tld be m tioned that Hilt ntl i.- in an a kward p tion. He can't afford to all \ hi mterest in San ego while the Chargers arr preparin to play Houst for the Ame · Football League championship Jan. 1. He d n run tlie isk of further jc>opar~ ing himself in Los Ange ti! h is urP ~an Di o wants his team and will meet his terms. PRICE $3.00 UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO 1957 - 58 SEASOl l COOD FOR ALL HOME CAMES SIGNE!)_ ___ _ ___ _________ _ ......____ ___
ad'c":l!~t!~~~~~~------- - -
NTC {n)
Cal Poly (It)
G F P T , 1 i ,; 5 3 3 13 1 l ,9 1 0 I 2 ? 0 l • 2'111172
G FI' T j ,, g~~ar 3 D 2 6 Oor"r 2 16 VOSQUH 6 1 < 13 Let 1 0 t Stoc.v 2 15 Por e1t • 8 f T clall 6 • , b i
8U~~ (i s'rsn Johnson Unct'wd Wen1.:•1 bg Sm fh \;'~~t\!: Totolt
37 15 1' " Halfhm1 score-cal Poly "' NTC
Westmont (Sl
I • ! 6
.4 l ,
Bue~ D ~nder on 7 Baxter 3
2 0
Tut"M• 0 0 McAdo= 0 . .
USO 1511 G F p T Whitt1~r UG F p T / g 5 1~ 8. J'h In I , I I i ru. ~dtl • ! ! ,? Cravrns 7 5 2 19 :l';l~ I n 2 0 < 1 s Asht>oU9h s • ,. 2
"taPUfO Madsen Flem n RMblns O'Connor Baron Pod'r'skl
:02 1 l • 0 1 B Reed nr~'= : Tatols 34 1111 11 t4 er "6, U$0 23. i "2 ,
lj2-'H®ston \ o g iiJ:;
Col Poly (SIi
MC RO (71)
Hi J U~erwood 3 0 " 6 Lase letfe 241 IGl~rt I 2 2 II Sm fh 1 3 Gu 1ofson 3 9 Wenze bera 003 OJohnson J Gurrlc~ 1 4 f j
G,bt,s Waters Ada'TlS Mil er Dilaro PastreU Brofon
o o I o 44212 1 7 2 9 3 1 l 1 "" 1 2 9 31 2 , o o 3 o
ns, tier Adva
t U 51
Halft me score:
Totals 19 2.0 It SI HGlfr1me KOtt: MCRD ff, Cal Pofy 14. Col Wtsl (60) Whillitr U,J GFPT GFPT G'wood 5 2 1 12 John on • I 2 9 J=;:; 5 1l i 2~ g~oh f Ii 1i C n'ham 2 O 2 • McLou'I n o o O o Takaha>hl l 2 2 6 AS11ba1111n 7 • 0 11 Fugate 1 1 1 3 Houslcn 5 1 o p l.e"Wl1 0 2 3 2 Collier 5 J 2 13 Hal 2105Reecl JI 14 tt 7' Tofals
0010 t~ \ l i J GFPT J O 5 6 1S 5 2 JS 2 o 1 " 1 O t 2 82418 o 1 o 1 Ji 1i ,: 2~ f 1 jEf,1 'i} 1 j n I 2 1 1 S 1 O 1 '1
20 20 14 60
USD cm
NTC (7)) Dunbar Ropp Dor~v Vasquez
HOME GAMES Un ..,e,sity of Mewico Nel'I' ~uico W•s••rn Mont.ana Stat• Coll•ci• l•wis •nd Clark Colorado West•rn St•t• Un ivers:;y of Ne..,ada ld,1ho Stat• Colleqe
9 2 3 10 .Yodse,n $ 0 1 30 Cravens 1 3 2 5 O'Connor 5 2 2 12 Robb s 222 6F temng o O 2 o Wical
8 p.m. 2 p.m. 8 p.m. I :30 p.m. 8 p.m. I :30 p.m.
Sept 20 Sept 21• Ocl. 4 Oct. 18 Oct 25 Nov. I Nov. 21• Nov . 27
Lee Stacey Totals
l2 tu 73 nn
2 p.m. ~o,,tana St.tte University 7:30 p.m.
Score at half. NTC lt, USO 27, Westmont (71'
San Femando un
• Su"d.ty G•m• •II others ,re S•turdays H· cept Mont•n• St•t• University, Nov"27 which is Thunday , Th,nksq iving Da1. PRICES R.tser'<"ed suh $2.00 Gener•I Adm ission SI.SO Children (under 13) S0.75 H;9h school & college students and " j men in uniform $ gener•I ,..cJmtuio11
k Ii: 1tf 0 \ff,..
s~:en~ Hall
f : O 1 l
fVIN tord I McMu en
3 2 3 8 F · 2J 2, 11 71 ~,:son 2l1f 1~ ,# Westmon1 34, San Fer~
1957-58 Basketball Schedule For SAN DIEGO MARINES yod • p ma H,q h ,t ,t 7 FM Jr, e '
mH p ENT
Western State College 1958 Football HEDULE Sept. 20 Ee.stern New Mexico U . Here * Sept. 27-Colorado State College at Greeley \Night Game) * Oct. 4-ldabo state College, Here 7 00 PM 7 C p ",f Pt N N I- ., .... I-< L Mt 7 Q D•1 V ' .... .., Pt L V Pt Pt PM PM PM PM PM '• 4 • At •• Pt Pt . , De ,., ,., H I I I-< I-< . t--t1 I-< . • . ; p >A J Pt p M I ,, e oo P -A I Pt P• p ",f PM PM PM I • •Jan. Jeo. J•• ' 7 0 / )e I e • D , I-< 'PM J • •Feb •Feb •fob •ftb. •feb "F•b I I p .,,.. h 4 1• , r •t 'H PM PM PM St t n ., 0 PM h ' I-< Pt r, L l "" 1., j et 2 .,, B ~O PM Pt Pt I- , '" 15 ., H, e 1cap,,,a,,, e '" c. . ORANGE, CALI 8 J~ PM 00 PM 8 00 PM . l 00 PM 8 00 PM. 8 O'J P 'A. ' 30 P.M . 8 OPM lc;O PM 8 "O PM p M. ' A •, ~. A I'm A Sport! And I wont to tell you fans about the new Mission Volley Sporting Goods Shop opening in the Moy Co. Center next February. It will hove everything. It will be great. Watch fo r it ! A "'' • ' " ob t1 • • 4 ADMIT ONE $1,00 l I •"I ~, l'I I < h o loq• Ae ' •• C A Po di•• n M•••n•t • p M :4 SPORTING GOODS I v alley I
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