News Scrapbook 1958-1961
'MCRD leaves for ,. awaK (Continued I d"y, e players 11utfl'red .from ;~e extreme heat on thl' tffior of the Balboa Siadlum. We ran five playR wide In the first periud and ran t of gas. Our brst men were back Vic Gause- pohl and lin<>men Ray Y-OII.St, John Mulligan and ~fUe Franklin We may awltch our gual'ds and tack- lea to give the quarterba<·k more prot ecUon from pene- trating- linemen. Georg-e Schu~, San Di- ego_ Junior Colleg WP d<'- fea(r>d GlendalP JC, 27-1:l, in oul" opPner hut neitl10r thl' GJendal4! c-oal'h nor I hP- ll<'ves Glendale deH<'rves il pre-season ranking of 11th nationally. Backs Clevf'land .JOll<'S and Bob Andt>rson ran WP!I for us but dPfenslvely OUL' tPam WRS only mNli- 0(')'1'. Pasadena City Collt•ge we h<>a1·, is strong and will h<' fired up for us th<'re !<'riday. Hal 'l'nhln, forml'r Coronado b ckficld atar, lrns a i;orP l<•g and Wa$ UM•cl Hparingly at GIPndalc,, Sw<>Ptwal<'r High - - Our dub defl>ated Grossinont, 6-0, in 011<> qu:ir- ter of thP Metro LPague carnival llut W<' play<'d ]Joo1·ly in losing to El Cell• t 1·0 Saturrla.v niglit, 13-12. WP got good sPrviee out of quartN·back Wayne S<>iVIN' and fullba,·k Mike Folge- song. We were lu<'ky '.El C'Pnlro did not hPat us worse than they did. Our nc-xt 011- pon<'nl this WPc>k,..nd is Claremont High, whic-h ha• only 011!' gam" in two yc>ars. The M,•tro LPague, ot strong this year and it will Tom P11rkl'r,
RE~ OF 7-1 POSSIBLE, CLUB TOLD Marines Leave For Hawaii
By HOWARD HAGEN If Marine Corps Recruit Depot gets past Hamilton Alr Force Base Nov. 15. the Marines could finish with a 7-1 record, MSgt. J e an (CheeseyJ Neil o! the Depot special services office told the Monday Quarterback Club yesterday. Neil substituted on t h e coaches' panel for head Ma- rine coach Robert (Bu 111 Trometter, who leaves with hls team by boat from San Francisco today for Hawal! and games with University of Hawalt and Hawaii Ma- rines. The Marines lost t h e l r
opener at FlagstaU State, defeated Eagle Rock Ath- letic club the following week- end and Saturday n I g ht the Depot downed Fresno Strte, 20-6. Nell said halfback Al Hall played a tremendous game at Fresno. Three or four Fresnans often were need- ed to bring him down. The Marines outgained Fresno, 238 yards to 68, and held a 15-4 edge in first downs. Guard Sam Robinson [n. curred a sp1·ained ankle but otherwise the Marines came out unscathed from t h e clean, well-officiated game,
Nell said. A 33-man squad will make the trip to Ha- waii. Tom Wilson, former San Diego State end, saw Col- lege of Pacific defeat Ari- zona • EVENING TRIBUNE -6 =- ---~ ,oo. CALll'Ol!,Nl,I' , 1,1. l!O, J9.,ll I ,t,N DI T11 , USD ng·th Still o Coach Gary Davies, a 6-foot, 175-pound junior, from Con- <·ordia, Kirn., is expectPd to be at quarterback Saturda) night for Montana State when th<> un- beaten Bobcats face the University of San Diego at Balboa Stadium. Both clubs have won two games, USD Strength Still Puzzle To Coach quPs!lonable 6-1, 207,pound ·enlor, was the starter against M on t an a standout in tile line. Slate.• 'o\ ack bangPd up his Halfback Bob Kf'yl's and kne 11galn and appPars to be tackle Rir'• •o, nck u tain,- dr-flnilely out o( 1.he next con. d in.iurie~ a g a i n I N0w test. :.texko. Kt>yes reinju1·ed his (( onHnu,-d) an guard John Mulligan, a side and ls a • • " IN01v1o~~~h~n:u1sT1cs ca YG YL Ne1 Av•. whkh we mPmber:;, is New MeX> ll H 1 t 1~ ':; 6.0 ls Rlll'J)l'i~!' .... if any team .... 21 ...... .::·· c:' 1 2 1~ 167 I! 13 0 1'9 1' 1111' h ,· 1 1 ·(1 t& go<>s through SP.a ·on t (' o e , o without at lea t onP defeat ~:t guel is lhe !avoJ'lte, Gro~s- la wc>ll-1:oachect, 1 , 1, 'i Chula VJ..~ta biIS good ln1P- lilwmen And F:~condi- !,';, A:! in l<'ague play. Ml. Mi- 13 'J.7 ,.3 mont also ;J.O 21? h rlor .no afternoon gamPs Instead or nigll1 would he th,• answl'r Noj Ydj; ~~,,'.i~dy~sf~~/1~~i~me~~no~} If' ~f~· and Helix also a1·e ,:88.\ thrnats. 1 don't believe ,, sen. Diego Union Staff Photo Wilson, farmer San J;)iego State end, nd Tom Parker, football coach at Sweetwater High. Wilson had high praise for COP's Dick Bass. y~ y 4 ~ Talking football yesterday at meet- Ing or Monday Quarterback Club were, left to right, MSgt. Cheesey Neil of Marina Corps Recruit Depot;_ Tom ....... .. .... . =n O 11 3 9 13 ,_. o 11 i, m ,i 2ii 2~ 1t~1~1·1b "°'J\\'"Pc Inf. Yds Pct. do New Mt., t 1 g ~I To1aI, , Pt s o ~~~omon Psc \" ~~q,t°'"" nl s1 Rmovm1 l , <·onte~ls. Tha would br P<'ll• 99 P<'l' <'r>11t of the students for the misdePdS of hbhb ::.::·:·:·: : •. •• .. •. ...... • • .. ................. No, Y•/i TOrof, lt~i.,,. K•ti,~r,b · ' . i the vc-ry few, s~ IY • -l11t Trlb • M Sports lcllter • Little Has Changed • Series Script Is Same • Long Beach Eyes PCL 01 Wl1 \' l<'A, ·: M. gt. J. H. (Cnee ex cial serviec · d1ier at the it Depot, had a slightly red fa<:e at tlie Quart~rback 'lub's (ootbaU luncheon at ~an Diego Club yester- day. Pinch-hittmg for the De~t•s {gotball coach, Bob (Bull) Trom tter who fa 'rig his club to H waii for a game there ne.-....1. week, the good- natured 'eil compared the Leatherne('k team's per- Iormanc in beating Fresno State College Saturday night to Oklahoma' Sooners. Chee~ey managed only a W"ak reply when a fan in the audience facetiously a!';ked him: "Why don't you schedule a game with Oklahoma while Trometter is out of town?" Wonder if College of Pacific reall~• is t ha I ~ood or if Arizona (Trm111>) State has ~one back that far. Only timr will tell, although at the pre,;enl it looks as if COP really has a power. hon ·i• football club, spearheaded by Dick Bass. Some grid coaches never are satisfied. Take the ca ·e of Frankie Albert, head tutor of the San Fran- cisco 49er., who no ed out the Pittsburgh Steelers Sunday. "Our play was too spurty," he said after the game..•. In spite of th€ questionable pitching staH o! the Yankees, we'll string along with them in the erie . . . . Bob McCutcheon, University of San Di~o·s coach, doesn't know how good his Pion real! are despite their two wins this sea- son. • 11 know more about it after our "'ame with Mon S here Saturday," he aid. "This is one of ghest games of the year." IOORE SLIPPI. 'G?: Scme observe ·ho aw the Cleveland Bmwns nudge the Rams Sunday maintain the Clevelanders will be hurting for a quarterback before the season is over.... Archie Moore must be slipping in allegedly cuffling for free.••• Only 49 weeks until our next vacation. t · l'C'H H ·1. · , V, C \TIO, ·1 'T: \ ehangecl rnce we r tui ned y I . t year at thi time. The .Mil- antl rnv ew York Yankees are at their old land in th World ri s, Ted Williams relalne(I American Lea ue batting crown and Oklahoma' football team till is 'hoving It oppru;i- tion around. The com- ment._ of both the winning and losing grid coat.:hr>s are the same.... Long will w r memb r our week of rainbow trout fishing at Panguitch Lake, Utah. The fish wouldn't re. pond to flle , to the chagrin of our ho t, Ron Early, but we had no trouble filling our lirnil on good old "gar- den hackle" (worms) ,·aught 011 a $7::i fly rod (borrowed) .... It's back h i . ,i,; IIETrnrc K t.:1 di I to h d the eight pounds we picked iii on a go 1rmet tour of the famed San Took in Lefty O'Doul's QUI · ttp lhet·e ,md found the ex-Padre man- 1o ·onsiclcrab!y ov r his playing weight h wa p rfonning in the major league .•.• a,·h, w hear, again is toying with the idea to lnnrl a Padfk Coast League franchise. 1 h move are planning to erect 11 10,000- Th y'Jl make a bid for either the Phoenix or Sa -ramento frand1isc. It i 1111ite upp rt•nt h ' thi,; fone that the Los i ugPlt•s l>Hd r , , ho drr,n l,8li;!68 at liom<:' in the r r111111di11g,; in Smo~ille thi. sea- ha en't h1t~ the Ram al th gate. From 1hr, a th· 1'11111, are drawing. uld brPak their 'ational Football 1..eagn --•·•r ntorr lhan a million paid admission!! they II.Ired n 19!i'7. Many football ·011 he h ve talked to eem to b in l'cl~or of ofrlc;ial. Identifying players guilty of rul · rnfractions. F anru o caneries". B l'k eat h.tll park. SWIFT PIONEER-Halfback Vic Gausepoh1 shows his ability at cutting away from a tackler as the swi(t University of San Diego halfback goes through drills with his Pioneer teammates for Saturday , night's game against Montana State, Gausepohl was the offensive and defensive star in the Pioneers' victory over New Mexico Western last week when he scored both touchdowns, one on a 55-yard jaunt. Bobcats Threaten Pioneer Win Skein \ ' 'If we win this one, we caught four ot our five oom- could go all the way, but Mon- pleted passes for 51 yards. tana State College's Bobcats You can't knock (Jan) Cbap- are real rough and the kids man's passing when he Cll!m- are going to have to play a pletes five of eight aerial111 and whale ot a game tor us to win if he stays hot we can give our third stntiiig-ht." that Montana bunch s o me That is hoW University of trouble." San Diego football coach Bob The other pass Chapman Mccutcheon sums up the Pio- completed was to halt.back neers' chances as they go Bob Keys, last year's leacling through their drills for Satur• ground gainer for the Pio- day night's game in Balboa neers, who ma ac- l Stadium. tion Saturday nl e of "Our passing attack looked a leg injury. a little better last week , any- The loss o! Keyes way C. G. Walker looked bet- is a setback to the loneers, ter," said Mccutcheon," He but the absence of the s wit t Negro star, who is a former junior college All-American won't be felt as much as ex'. peeled for USD turned up a real gem in Vic Gausepohl last week. GauseP9hJ, a transfer from Long Beaeh City College, did everything but lead the band in USD's 13-]0 victory over 'New Mexico Western last Sat- urday. He stepped off 131 yards In 14 cal'l'ies, sroring both Pio- neer touchdowns, and a 1 so was the defensive standout, bringing down a runner from behind to kill what looked to be a sure score for the opposi- tion.
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