The Gazette 1989

A pril 1989


CCBE seeks reduction on VAT on lawyers' fees The CCBE, the Council of the Bars and Law Societies of Countries in the European Communtiy held one of its regular meetings in May in Rhodes. The Irish representatives are:- Mary Finlay, SC representing the Bar Council; and John G Fish, solicitor who has recently replaced Raymond T Monahan; representing the Law Society. A major part of the work of the meeting was devoted to the future of the Legal Profession in the context of the single internal market. The CCBE is working on a draft directive on the right of establishment for lawyers in the context of the directive on the mutual recognition of diplomas. For the first time the American Bar Association was represented at the meeting. Their delegate, Mr. James Beery proposed the establishment of a Joint Working Group to consider how the EC Code of Conduct (shortly to be disseminated to all members by the Law Society) might be applied in relations between European and U S Lawyers. Important Resolution on VAT The meeting noting that legal services both by way of advice and representation are basic necessities and should be available as widely as possible to the public and that it is essential to facilitate as far as possible, freedom of access to jus- tice for all citizens and noting that some member States had adopted lower rates of VAT for matters of

social priority and that the imposition of VAT had the effect of increasing the cost of legal services for those unable to recover it, unanimously recommended that in so far as complete exemption is unobtainable, VAT should be applied to legal services at the lowest rate applicable to services which are classified as basic necessities. • LAW SOCIETY TIES

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LAWYERS DESK DIARY 1990 The pre-publication offer for the 1990 edition of the Lawyers Page-a-Day A 4 Desk Diary @ £15 and the Week-to-View A4 been distributed w i t h the Gazette and members of the Society are requested to return the comp l e t ed f o rms as soon as possible to ensure the reservation of their copies. Diary @ £10 (VAT and Postage included) has

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Price £16 . 50 (incl. VAT & Post) Contact: Accounts Dept., Blackhall Place, Dublin 7.

Land Registry Practice BRENDAN FITZGERALD This book, by the former Registrar of Deeds and Titles, is an covering such subjects as Transfers; Land Registry Mapping Practice; Adverse Possession; Conversion of Title; etc.

practical guide to the law and legal procedures connected with land registration. As such it will be welcomed by the legal profession. ISBN 0-947686-34-7 £55.00 THE ROUND HALL PRESS Kill Lane, Blackrock, Co. Dublin Tel. 892922 Fax 893072

up-to-date account of land registry practice in Ireland, the first such text since McAllister's Registration of Title in Ireland (1973). It consists of twenty-nine chapters

Each year the Land Registry deals with approx. 200,000 transactions, 80,000 of which are applications for registration. This book is a





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