The Gazette 1989




The Younger Members Committee held its annual Soccer Blitz on Saturday, 27th May last at the Law Society, Blackhall Place. This year's event was the most successful to date and was attended by over 300 people. Glorious sunshine shone from early morning to late evening and was comp l emen t ed by the cool refreshments served by both Bill and our ice-cream man! About 160 representatives from various legal offices around the country participated in the soccer tournament which was won by Gerrard Scallan & O'Brien, Dublin. Last year's captain of the winning team, John McCarthy, was also in receipt of a prize - this year for runner-up. Special thanks to John Larkin, A. & L. Goodbody, without whom the event might not have run so smoothly. For the not-so-keen soccer fans, there was a mixed doubles American tennis tournament in which approximately 30 people took part. To complete the family day out (and to the delight of the kiddies!) Montessori and Creche facilities were provided by Anne Farrell of Gateway Mon t esso ri School, Northumberland Road. Th r oughout the day, all attendants were treated to the sounds of the Midnight Ramblers, our very own band of solicitors. Finally, the YMC are extremely grateful to the Educational Building Society who generously sponsored the event, the proceeds of which go to the Solicitors Benevolent Fund. The YMC wish to extend thanks to the above-named, and also to Patricia Boyd, Miley and Miley, Justin McKenna, Sheridan & Kenny, John Larkin, A. & L. Goodbody, Sandra Fisher, Secretary, YMC. Thank you for attending. See you again next year on the last Saturday in May.

SOCCER BLITZ - 1989 Winning Team — Gerrard Scallan & O'Brien

Back Row Left to Right: Miriam Reynolds (Chairman, Younger Members Committee), Tom O'Meara (EBS), Joe Varlay, Ivan Smith (Captain), Sharon Keane, Brendan Dillon, Linda Nicholson, David Allen, Michael O'Mahony (Junior Vice-President), Claire Leonard (Solicitors Benevolent Association). Front Row Left to Right: Ruth Shipsey, Catherine Devoy, Orla Coyne, Mary Noonan, Eileen Farrell and Helena McCann.

YMC TENN IS TOURNAMENT - 1989 Left to Right: Miriam Reynolds (Chairman, Younger Members), Michael O'Mahony (Junior Vice-President), Ann Kelleher (Runner Up), Dermot McEvoy (Winner), Tom O'Meara (EBS), and Claire Leonard (Solicitors Benevolent Association).


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