The Gazette 1989

AUTHORITATIVE AND RELIABLE REPORTS FROM SWEET & MAXWELL'S EUROPEAN LAW CENTRE COMMON MARKET LAW REPORTS Editor: Neville March Hunnings Common Market Law Reports provide weekly reports ol cases Irom the European Court of Justice, the EC. Commission and National Courts and Tribunals Al major topics are covered, including: • Anti-dumping «Copyright • Patents and Trademarks • Competition Law • FreMovement ol Goods • Value Added Tax New material is constantly being added throughout the course ot 1989 with particular emphasion national cases, especially on the applications of EECdirectives, uch asVAT, employment and financial services Plus COMMON MARKET LAW REPORTS ANTITRUST SUPPLEMENT The Antitrust Supplement , published monthly, is available as part of the CMLR subscription r on its own. Al antitrust decisions and judgments Irom Community sources (particularly the European Court and the Commission) are covered in full text. Other directly relevant documents such as parliamentary nswers, DG1V Notices and Pres Releases, draft and final antitrust legislation and coverage ol the progress ol relevant new cases are included. 1989 Annual Subscription to Common Market Law Reports including the Antitrust Supplement: £295.00 (UK); £335.00 (Overseas) 1989 Annual Subscription to Antitrust Supplement only: £135.00 (UK); £150.00 (Overseas) Back Volumes are availablefrom1962-1988. Price detailsavailableon application. EUROPEAN HUMAN RIGHTS REPORTS Editor: P. J. Duty European Human Rights Reports are unique in that only they provide acomplet and easily accessible picture ol the whole operation of the Convention. European Human Rights Reports contain • All judgments of the European Court ot Human Rights from the beginning • Selected reports and decisions ot the European Commission f Human Rignts • Summaries of al other such decisions (except cases which have been declared inadmissible without substantive deliberation) • All friendly settlements and resolutions of the Committee ot Ministers elating to human rights Human rights issues covered include: criminal procedure, property law, aliens control, family law, sex and racial discrimination , professiona l ethics, company law and labour law 1989 Annual Subscription: £130.00 (UK); £150.00 (Overseas) Back Volumes are availableIrom 1979-1988. CASE SEARCH MONTHLY Editor: Neville March Hunnings Case Search Monthly provides amuch needed comprehensive running index of the EUROPEAN COMMERCIAL CASES Editors: Marina Milmo, Neville March Hunnings European Commercial Cases is aquarterly reporter on commercial matters in the courts ol Europe. It translates and reports selected judgments in full text in European national courts and agencies on aspects ol national commercial l wwhich are ot practical interest within the wider European community. European Commercial Cases also reports leading cases and follows the implementation by the national courts of existing or new legislation aflecting commercial dealings within the European Community. 1989 Annual Subscription: £170.00 (UK); £190.00 (Overseas) Back Volumes are availableIrom1978-1988. Price detailsavailableon application. COMMERCIAL LAWS OF EUROPE Editor: Neville March Hunnings Commercial Laws of Europe provides amonthly reporting service of national nd international legislation. Major enactments inWestern European countries are reported in lull text, as are implementation decrees, internationa l conventions and treaties, EEC mainstream directives and regulations Al texts appear in English aswell as in the original foreign language in awell annotated and easily accessible format Finally, EEC texts issued by the Counci l are accompanied by the original explanatory notes ol the ECCommission both on the overall purposeol the act and on the individual rticles. Major topics covered include: • Internationa l Trade • Company and Slock Exchange Law • Banking • Insurance Agency • Consumer Protection • Product Liability «Sale of Goods •Copyright •Computer s • Broadcasting • Pres • Cinematograph • Lawyers • Antitrust 1989 Annual Subscription: £200.00 (UK); £220.00 (Overseas) Back Volumes are availableIrom1978-1988. Price detailsavailableon application. EUROPEAN LAW DIGEST Editor: Irene D. Snook European Law Digest is amonthly abstracting service lor the legislation and case law of Western Europe It provides tirst level ot knowledge in English and afinding guide Id the laws ol Western Europe through summaries of new laws and treaties and recent cases. Coverage is at present focused on economic law (in its widest sense), human rights and al aspects ol transnationa l l w including Community law. Particular topics include: • Banking and Insurance • Business Organisation •Competition • Consumer Protection • Human Rights • Industry and Labour • Intellectual Property • Private Internationa l Law • Product Liability «Professions «Taxation «Transpor t 1989 Annual Subscription: £185.00 (UK); £210.00 (Overseas) Back Volumes are availablefrom1973-1988. Price detailsavailableon application.

English from

FLEET STREET REPORTS Editor: Michael Fysh Fleet Street Reports provides lawyers throughout the world with an essential relerence source to al major cases on Industrial Property Law Irom Courts in the United Kingdom and

case law of the European Court ol Justice (both published and unpublished) and the EEC Commission together with much of the national nd internationa l c se law on the European Communities as published in the Common Market Law Reports and elsewhere. Following in the footsteps of the much acclaimed Gazetteer ot European Law, Case Search Monthly will provide aclear and concise monthly guide for al those looking lor relevant cases on European Community Law. Case Search Monthly is cumulative during the year. As it builds you can discard one issue when the next one arrives. Inaddition, the December issue will beabound volume for you to keep as apermanent reference. 1989 Annual Subscription: £155.00 (UK); £175.00 (Overseas)

the English-speaking world outside North America. Published monthly, the topics covered include:

• Anton Piller Orders • Breach of Confidence • Copyright • Know-how • Licence Agreements «Passing Of «Patents «Performing Rights • Registered Designs • Trade Marks 1989 Subscriptions: £195.00 (UK); £220.00 (Overseas) Back Volumes are available trom1966-1988. Price detailsavailableon application.

All orders to: Alison Soper, Sweet & Maxwell's European Law Centre, 8th Floor, South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London, E14 9FT. Tel: 01-538 5386

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