
continued from "The Historian's Spotlight" page 26

F B I N A A . O R G | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 9

and the Bureau on a daily basis and on Monday, March 11, 2019, during the Chapter Officers and President’s meeting the Display was unveiled and dedicated. As you will see in the pictorial display included here, and which is located on the wall directly outside of the NAA Execu- tive Offices in the Madison Building is designed in a “Timeline” fashion. It starts in 1935 with the formation of the “FBI National Police Training School”, which a year later would become the “FBI National Police Academy” and then again in 1944 during Session 25, the name was officially changed to “FBI NATIONAL ACADEMY”. The journey continues marking other notable events through the years and then “pauses” at 2018. I use the word “pause” because history continues on, and as long as the FBI National continues to exist, the story will continue to be told. It has been my pleasure to serve as your National Historian and I wish you all well in all future endeavors.

This is my final article for the Associate Magazine and I’m excited that during these past three and a half years much has happened to allow us to document much of our history. During my first National Chapter Officers and Executive Board Meeting, current Assistant FBI Director Dave Resch who at that time was Director of the Training Unit at Quantico, and Jeffrey McCor- mick , the immediate past Unit Chief at Quantico proposed the idea of a “National Academy History Wall” at the Academy. This was during the early stages of the current Academy renovations and they asked that in order to better develop a plan, I contact Cynthia Bodnar , who is a Space Management Specialist working for the Bureau and who was coordinating all space related aspects at the Academy during the renovations. The discussions and planning continued for approximately a year and a half at which time we had finalized a design and plan. It was at this time that then President Scott Dumas made it one of his top priorities to bring this project to fruition during his Presidency and the actual process got underway. Laura Master- ton “ran point” for the NAA and worked closely with Ms. Bodnar


TheFBINationalAcademy seal is symbolicof theunitedefforton thepartof allgraduatesof theFBINationalAcademy tomaintain thehigh idealsof the lawenforcementprofession.Each facetof theNationalAcademy --academic achievement, strength,valorand integrity -- isembodied in the symbolsand colorsof the seal.Theeagle represents thecourageof lawenforcement, flankedbyacademicexcellenceand lawandorder,as representedby the olivebranch.The strength inbodyandmindnecessary for lawenforcement is symbolizedby thearrows.Theeagle standson theUnitedStates shield.The red stripesof the shield symbolize thecourageand strengthnecessary in law enforcementand thewhite stripes stand for light,peaceand truth.Theunity of lawenforcement is representedby the 13 stripescomprising the shield, the 13arrowsand the 13appendagesof theolivebranch, reminiscentof the 13 original states.Themotivating idealsof thenationalacademyareeexpressed in themotto, “Knowledge,Courage, Integrity.”Thepeaked,bevelededge surrounding theNationalAcademy seal represents thecontinuing forcesof adversity facing the lawenforcementcommunity.

89 lass - the last tobe trainedbefore the stained the shatteringexperienceof the I feel sure,will forget the impactof that fJohnEdgarHooverwasannounced. ourattendanceherehasmeant sharing fhis spirit - theFBINationalAcademy. it flourishing."

TheConstitutionandBy-lawsof theFBINAAwereapproved in four sections.TheConstitutionwasdevelopedby theTrainingDivisionof the FBIandapprovedby theFBINAAMembership.

SESSION8 TheFBIunveiled thenewlyadoptedNationalPoliceAcademy emblemwhichbore themotto"Knowledge,Courage, Integrity". Alongwith themotto, theHeraldryof theSealwascreated.

Thenewbuilding forhousing,classroomsand rangeswascompleted at theMarineCorpsBaseQuantico.FBIDirectorHooverdeclareda "realWestPointofLawEnforcementwasborn."

SESSION 19 Thewaryears tookmanydedicatedFBINationalPoliceAcademy Associates to thebattlefield, significantlydiminishing the ranksof lawenforcement. OnJuly25, 1942during theGraduation,Hoover challenged thosewho remainedwhenhe stated"Already the ranks ofpeaceofficershave thinnedbyAmericansanswering thecall tocolors.Police trainingmustbe intensified toproperlyequipnew recruitsandauxiliarypolice tomeetanyemergency thatmayarise, asgraduates, thatwillbeyour job." TheAcademy respondedby sending specialized trainingback to the localcommunities through theAssociates.

SESSION51 FultonJ.Sheen,AuxiliaryBishopofNewYorkaddressed theSession. Inconclusion,he remarked"ThisgreatRepublicofourschose its symbol the Eagle,not the serpent thatcrawls in thedust,not the lion thatgoesabout seeking itsprey thatmightdevour it,not the foxwhoovercomes itsenemywith stealth, butAmerica, in fullconsciousnessof itsdignityand fullpromiseofwhat itwas destined tobe in thenationsof theworldchoseas its symbol, theEagle, flying onwardsandupwardson toGod."

90 esonMCBQuantico.Session90bestowed ywith thewords,"Consecrate thepresent, obaptized thesehallowedhalls." Theplaque e foundat theentrance to theclassroom.

J.EdgarHoovercreated theFBINationalAcademy in 1935. Itwas formed in response toa 1930 studyby the WickershamCommission that recommended the standardizationandprofessionalizationof lawenforcementde- partmentsacross theU.S. throughcentralized training.With strong support from the InternationalAssociationof ChiefsofPoliceandwith theauthorityofCongressand theDepartmentofJustice, the “FBIPoliceTraining School”wasborn.Coursesat that time included scientificaids incrimedetection,preparationof reports,criminal investigation techniques,andadministrationandorganization.With theadventofWorldWar II,courseswere added inespionageand sabotage.The 12-week trainingcoursewasoriginallyconducted inWashington,D.C.,and at theFBIacademyon theU.S.MarineBase inQuantico,VA,bymembersof theFBI training staffand recognized outsideexperts. 1935

SESSION35 Firstclass tohaveArmedServiceMembers: MarineCorpsTechnicalSergeantJamesA.Lau,MCBQuantico, andSergeantNorwoodS.Page,CampLejeune,NC.

SESSION74 The"PossibleClub"began.Toqualify for thePossibleClub, aperfect scoremusthavebeenachievedon thePracticalPistol courseduring firearms trainingat theAcademy.

SESSION78 CaptainWilliamV.Mosherof the IllinoisStatePolice received the5,000thdiplomaduring thegraduationCeremony.

1960 SESSION65 SilverAnniversaryClass

90 eceiveadiploma in thenewAcademy.

SESSION7 The first InternationalStudent,R.M.Woodof the RoyalCanadianMountedPolice, attendedandgraduated from theAcademy.






JamesVincentCotterwasassigned full-time to theAcademydesk as the first Inspector inchargeof theFBINationalAcademy.



Groundbreakingof thenew facilitiesonMCBQuantico.


1965 Retraining sessionswereheld in the fourSections:NewportBeach,CA forSection I;KansasCity,MO forSection II;Atlanta,GA forSection III; andNewYorkCity forSection IV. During theSection II retraining session, PresidentsEisenhowerandTrumanwereat the samehotelandwere kindenough to say"Hello" to thegraduates inattendance.

1944 SESSION25 Theofficialnameof theAcademywaschanged to theFBINationalAcademy.


1941 SESSION 17 GraduationCeremony in theGreatHallofJustice

1962 SESSION70

1957 SESSION60 PresidentDwightD.Eisenhowerwas the firstPresident toaddressaSessionatgraduation. Nearly800FBINAAMemberswerepresent for theceremony.

91 in thehistoryof theNationalAcademy, wasalsomemorializedbyhaving the first zuloof theNewYorkPoliceDepartment IslandsPoliceDepartment.

DirectorHooverproposed to sectionalize thecountry for NationalRetrainingSessionsof theAssociates.

SESSION36 500previousgraduates returned toWashingtonD.C. for trainingat theGrandBallroomMayflowerHotel; PerryComo&HelenCarrollentertained.

SESSION 1 NationalPoliceTrainingSchool -classeswereheld in room5231 (a.k.a. the"WindTunnel")of theDepartmentofJustice.


The first retraining sessionof theAssociateswasheld; itwasa 10-dayprogramduring the last2weeksof the8thSession. TheFBI immediately scheduled itas anannualeventdue to itsgreat success.

SESSION83 PresidentRichardM.Nixonpersonallypresenteddiplomas to theSession in theEastRoomof theWhiteHouse.

PresidentJohnF.Kennedyaddressed thegraduatingclass "Yourworkpermitsus tomeetour responsibilitiesasaNation, and Iwant to say,asPresidentof theUnitedStates, thatwehave thegreatestdebt toallofyou."

WilliamAdams,RalphW.Alvis,CharlesBlake, ClaudeBroom,MatthewJ.Donohue,JamesC. Downs,L.E.Goodrich,EarlJ.Henry,NelsonHughes, FrancisX.Latulipe,FredJ.Manning,CamileMarcel, LeoMulcahy,MorganJ.Naught,MichaelP.Naugh- ton,JamesB.Nolan,NormanR.Purnell,C.W.Ray, HarryT.Riddell,E.W.Savory,JamesT.Sheehan, ClarenceSmith,EllisJ.Wyatt FBIClassCounselors:J.D.Cunningham,N.O.Scott, W.F.Seery

SESSION26&27 Firstandonly time twoSessionswent through theNationalAcademy at the same timedue to theaccelerationon thewar; the intent was to increasepoliceassistanceby trainingmore lawenforcement instructorsandexecutivespostwar lawenforcementproblems.

SESSION84 This is the first session in theannalsof theAcademy to havea representative fromeach state.

SESSION 18 Graduationceremoniesweremoved to the 1,500 seatauditoriumat the DepartmentofJustice toaccommodate largerattendance.

SESSION3 TheNationalPoliceTrainingSchoolwas renamed to theFBINationalPoliceAcademy.

At this time, theFBINationalPoliceAcademyAssociates was formed.Lt.JamesT.Sheehanof theBostonPolice Departmentbecame the firstPresidentof theAssociation.


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