Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
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ED" RD P . B ·DDY. , r. D.
. of ,,t,,: Yen :rnis ing. uly wa The ctor vere 'I a The be- t of )red pio- The d a ired nL ti fir our and ,\'ish ·ria- up- Jiccr r:l\'c CCl'- ob- 1and IOIC'- nre. ]ors, 1('111- ilily 1zon ·idv rnng hing rep- hose and cian ' nti- f the 'Y 8,
Pre ident of the
l. Loui
I edical ociel ·,, 19-16
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Our President lor 1946 Dr. Edw,ml P. Buddy was born in St. .Joseph, ;.fo,:::ouri on H e was educated then• and after finishing nt chool, entered St. Bencdil'l ',_ College, Atchinson, Kansas, where he obtained hi' Baelwlor or Art,; Degr e in J 906. He ml red .._'t. Loni · l"niversity that year and in 19]() r eci\'ed hi,, degree of Bachelor of Science and Doctor of I dicine. He interned al lhe Cit)' Hospital in 1910 and 1911. He wa dant in :.\kdicinc in , 't. .John':,: linic from l 91] to 1920, rnnde As i tant in ;.I dicin at hi ::, Alma l\Iat r in 1915. nnd Associate Physician at the ity H ospital. Dr. Buddy is now .\ ssociatc Professor of ;.fedicine at ... •t. Loui nivcr::,it?, hief of :\Icdicine at Alexian Brothers I-Io ·pital, hicf of ~I clicine at DrPaul H o - pita! and on the l\ led ical t-.laff, of , l. Anthony\: and the St. Loui · 1: ni\· r- ity group of H ospitals. One of his proud st positions is that of physician for the Little , i ler. of lltc Poor Home for the Aged, which he ha be n for more than ten year:,. Ile ha b en certifi d by the m rican Board of Interna l l\ledicine. Dr. Buddy ha, been as charitable in hi per onal as in his profe ional life, and for nrnny vcar:- has been President of , t. Pius onference of the t. '\-incent de Paui' ... oci ly and a m mhcr of the 1 tropolitan Board. In 1916 he married :;\Ji;:;, Genevi ,, R. ;.le ,inni , and thr c chi ldr n ble.scd this union. l\ Ii. s Elizab th R. now with the Red ro s in Europe, Edwa rd O'C. recently discharg d as a Lieutenant in the Marine orp , wearC'r of the Purple Heart and the .., ilnr tar for meritoriou, action on Iwo .Tima, and l\fiss lie .Jeanne who is at home. Dr. Buddy and the late 1Villiam T. oughlin occupi ed a suite in the Uniw rsit)' Club Building 1-inre its opening. H e rejde at 3620 tah Place. The fo,ting of these fnctf,, while nece. sary in a biography, no more tell the story of the man. than to say "It is sno"·ing" de. cribes the beauty of a " ·inter day. The:y ron , titute merely a frame"·ork upon which to hang the decorations of his personality. Uc is kind and .ius(. He is kind not only t-0 hi patienL who have need of him, but to his colleagues and all with whom he come in social contact. H e i. just because he does not deviate from duty for gain or leisure, and makrs no compromise within his soul. He ha,- great , elf respect and therefore great courage. H e has a slv wit and humor which often surprise those ,Yho think him rather tern and austere. · Being a cicntific, thorough and busy physician ha not kept him from taking an actiYc part in the affair, of thi ociety and he ha held manv offices, and ha. just completed a three year term a, a member of the Council. In hi home Dr. Budd>· is a genial ho t. a deYoted husband and a kind and inch1lgmt father, and his home life ha been mo t happy. Our " ociety ha, honored Dr. Buddy in choosing him for it Pre ident, but in doing o, it ha brought honor to itself. We salute him for his many virtue and abilities. 1Ye pledge to him our whole ~oul ed ~upport dming hi term of office and our fernnt deuire i that his administration be tre- mendously ucces. ful. H.A. H . FHIDW. J .\:\ UARY 4. 1946 181 hri -tian Brothers High
pril 6, 1 8$':"
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