Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948



.~~: Diocese Plans ~·~~!Building Study


1 P'-

,u-r 11. On l"riday morning, Jann ry 11th, at ~ o cloek, Edward Farr 11 i; 'Std peace- full aw .• at hi· late rt::sidence, 2outb Tenth street, surrounded by hi· "ife and family. He had been ailing for ome time from a complication of diseases, but not until within a few days prior to his death did bis family think that the end was drawing near, and despite the efforts of the best med– ical skill and all that loving bands could do he succumbed to the ine,·itable and sank to to rest conscious al most to the last mc.ment. .Mr. Farrell was one of t. J osepb s earliest settlers, arriving here in the early 50's, and has always been identifi- ed with the growth and prosperity of our city. An honest, upright citizen, a kind, indulgent father and husband, his loss

FRID. Y. ,Jl ...IB 16. 1922


!!1&£1!!!""-"":':"--~~~- ----~=......_ meet lrs. PRIEST SUBJECT :~:j~ OF 'TIME' STORY Bishop-Elect Charles F. Buddy Rates Article in This Week's Magazine. ual attention In Time Is the V Rev. harles F. Buddy, subjec a brief biographical and char sketch In thi~ week's l!alth, aids in Community Chest campaigns, founded northern :\fii;souri's first Negro Catholic Church. an informa– tion forum for people of all creeds, a rive1-front shelter and cafeteria which the g-ovc1·nment took over in 1934 as a transient relief bureau. In the i;helter, whoise motto was, "'\V never ask questions," Monsigno Buddy did such good deeds as bu~1 ing haii·cuts and hair ribbons fed. little girls who thanked him bg cause, '\Ve wanted to look nice f<.f': Sunda school at the Methodis Church ton1orrow.'" -----•-----

Further detail ma San Die~o dio- r cesan building program wlll be/ b worked out at a meeting in San ~ Bernardino Saturday, the Most Rev. ir: Charles Francis Buddy. bishop of er the diocese, said yesterday after a er meeting of diocesan consultors at . the San Diego chancery, 1524 Eighth Ri "~ y& The bishop will leave tomorrow na, for northern countie3 in the diocese of and upon his return to San Diego, nav Dec. 19, will release plans on an St extensive building program. Ma· This will include a new high d school for boys in San Bernardino F. and a hospital in Imperial valley, as M well as a college for men, with a K. high school for boys. and a college ch. for women and a high school for Ri girls, all in San Diego. R Thursday, Bi·shop Buddy will at– tend a theological conference in L• Riverside for priests of Riverside! and San Bernardino counties. He also will conduct confirmation for L sen·icemen in Riverside the follow- ti ing day, and on Saturday will meet! C with diocesan consultors in San I c Bernardino. cl --- " . - . (' .




Doctor D1111durant

It w 5 a wls a('re wh-0 said no one wag so n ce ry to the that ome one could


at on.:" be


found to ta h.s µIa,•e; ~ut like nil I will be keenly felt by a large circle of ruhs it h s its cmphatit' exception,· 1 sorrowing friends. Ile leaves a wife A :, ear ago 01 r Town lost on who and three children-Mrs. C. A. Buddy, ('an nev, r he n-plac d. W11en the Edward, Jr., and .James-who have the river dragged down Dr. Louis Dan. dur«nt 1Lnd hl1s liUl a


17. 1938.

DIES WIIIJ,E DEl,1\'EI , B ,\BY. .,

for his recoYery had been aban– doned, "He treated us like human b£'ings with muscles that can ache aod feet that can tire, instead of a11to1n11ti(' machines·• On that bright :.tonday morning when the news of his death >-true!;: a devastating hlow at Our Tow11 ne s-aw little knots of :-:ad-faced people gathered on the :;treet cor– ners discu«sing the calamity in hushed tOnE>s. In the hallway of the Physlf"iaJ"s nnd Surgt-ons buihlitH:- cam.e and ·went nil da. medical mer, whose fa< tesll "ied to the l,..,,s which the~· had 1<11stainr-d In hun– dreds of homes those who o,vcd to the quiet man debts which they could mever repay. o! heal ,of mental encouragemPnt and of money. wept unrestrainedly. A good citizen, a good man, a good physician was lost to Our Town tha Gay.



Dr. T. E. Horner, 62, pro1runent physician, who died of a heart attack yesterday while delivering a baby. A special- ist in obstetrics. he had practiced in Atchison since 1911. Atchison, Kas.,

L~'ft Tcnckr l\fcmorlc.

In memoriam! ! words-but for you. Louis Danrlur- I ant, they hold the tender regret of many hearts which after a year still ache with the sense of your Iasis: l Pa!?'es might be fllled with the rec- I nrd of those whom your kindly char– ity helped at your own expense; of those who clung to your hand when the bitter waters of death ov~r– \1"h11lmcd chem even as they ovl'r• ! wh lmed you; of the as~ociates to whom your ex::unple ,,,;as an insptra- 1 tion, the friends who leaned upon your strength: but your fine:;:t epi– t,ip]l lies in the words which are spoken in Our Town· every day– "''\Ye miss him so!" So much or so littl may be emb<>




~IFOR. ·1. , FRIDAY.• L<\R


PLAN RITES FOR BISHOP'S SISTER! I Priests From California and Leavenworth to Funeral of Mrs. Dandurant the f uneral tomorrow of Mrs. Cecile Agnes Dandurant, widow o! the late Dr. Louis J. Dandurant, were ocm- pleted following the a r rival last night of Bis hop Char les F. Buddy of Sa n Diego, brother of Mrs. Dan– durant. Bishop Buddy was accompanied by two sis ters, Mrs. Daniel Red– mond, San Diego, and Sister Mary Magdalen, sister superior o! St. Catherine' by the Sea Convent, Ventura, Cal., a nd by h is secre– tary , the Rev. Kenenth G. St ack. Another brother, D1·. Edward P. Buddy ot St. Lou! , a nd Mrs. Buddy, who were with Mrs. Dan– durant when she died Sunday, have been here since last F1•iday. Bishop Buddy reached here as messages of condolence poured in from several stales, members oI the Catholic hierarchy joining close friends of the family in ex– tending sympathy t.o I.he bereaved relatives. A telegram came f rom Archbishop Amleta Cicognanl of Washington, apostolic delegate to the Untied St.ates, and Sister M. Madeleva, president of SL Mary's College at Notre Dame, Ind., where Mrs. Dandul·ant had been a student. Sister Madeleva waii a classmate ol Mrs. Redmond at the college. A number of out-oI-town per sons sent word they would attend the funeral at 9 :30 o'clock t omorrow morning at St. Joseph's Cathedral. Bishop Buddy is to celebrate the solemn pontifical mass of requiem, following which Bishop C. H. Le– Blond of St. Joseph wlll give ab– solution and preach a ser mon. Assisting Bishop Buddy in the mass ar e to be the following: The Rev. M. J. O'Farrell, rector of the Cathedral of the Immaculat e Con– ception, Leavenworth, Kan ., as as– sistant priest; the Rev. Leo Rug– gle, and the Rev. Denis O'Duig– na n , St. Joseph , deacons of honor; I the Rev. Daniel O'Donoghue, San Diego, deacon of the mass; t.he Rev. Michael O'Rourke, St. Joseph, sub-deacon ; the Rev. Charles Nowland , St. Joseph, first master of ceremonies, and Fat h er Stack, second master of ceremonies. It is expected t ha t a. number of visiting priests will be present in the sanctuary, among t hem, the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, vicar general of the San Diego dlocese; the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Laur– ence Forrlstal, chancellor of that diocese, and the Very Rev. .Tohn B. Cotter of San Diego, member of Bl hop Buddy's administr ative council. Music will be b the choit' of the Children of Mar Sodality, an organization aifillated wllh the Arrangements f or

Bishop's Sister ies atur ay In St. Josep



Services for Mrs. Dandurant Will Be Tomorrow ervice · !or ..,Jr . Cecile Dan– durant, widow of Dr. Lou!. J. Da ndurant, wm be tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock at t. Jos- i eph':; Cathedral. .!rs. Dandurant died Friday night after a long lllne . Her brother, Bishop C. F. Buddy of the diocese of San Diego, Cal., wlll celebrate the solemn requiem high mass and Bishop C. H. LeBlond of St. Joseph will preach the sermon and give the absolution. A.·. lstlng II t the ma!:$ will he the following: The Rev. M.. r. O'Far– rell, rector of the Immaculate Con,..eptlon Cathedral. Leaven– worth. Kan.; th Re,·. Daniel O'Donoghue, an Diego; the Rev. Kenneth lack, San Diego, and the Rev. Leo Ruggle, the Rev. D nnls O'Dulgnan, the Rev. Mi– chael O'Rourke and the Rev. Charles • owland Of St. Joseph's Cathedral. The pallbearer. will be Kleran McI

Nowland. St. Joseph, Rev. Kenneth G. Stack



an Di– Hi Excellency. the 'Mo t ego, masters of ceremonies... B d 1 A large number of vi 1tmg 1 Rev. Charle F . ll c ', prie were present in the s nc- 1 Bi hop of an Diego, ,,,a tuary. Those from the Diocese of ta1led o t. Jo eph 1\Io., San DicD:o who attended the fun– la t aturday mor ning by eral were: The Right Rev. John M. Hegarty. Vic r General; Ril!'h the death of his sister, Mrs. Ce- Rev. Laurence Fonistal, Chane J- e ne Agnes Dandurant, widow o_f tt lor: Very Rev. John B. Co _er , Dr Louis J. Danduran t. His member of the Bishop's Admm- Ex.cellency was e.ccompanied by istr tive Council; the Rev. Mat– his two sisters.· Mrs. Daniel J. Lhew J Thompson. Editor of the Redmond of San Diego and Sis- Southern Cross; Rev. Daniel ter Mary Magdalen, C.S.C., Su- O'Donoghue, pastor of st. Rita's perior of St. Catherine's by the Church, Encanto. and the Rev. Sea. Ventura. California, and by K enneth G. Stack, secretary. his secretary, the Rev. K enneth The music of the funeral Ma s G. stack. r t1 Mrs. Dandurant died at St. was sung by the choh· o 1e Joseph's hospital in st. Joseph Children of 'Mn1·y sociality of Saturday morning after an illness which Mrs. Dandurant was a of four years. She is survived by member. a daughter. Miss Ann Elizabeth The sympathy and prayers of Dandurant of the home. a broth- both priests and people are ex– er . Dr . Edward P . Buddy of St. tended to Lheir beloved Bishop Louis, in addition to Bishop B ud- and members of his family at the d Sister Mary Magdalen an d death of Mrs . Dandurant. um– J 1:s. Redmond. erous messages of co~dolence ~avo Mrs. oandurant's parenl.s were been rec ived both m San Diegu Charles A. and Annie Farrell and st. Joseph from devoted Buddy She was educated at the friends. A t.elegram came from Convent of the sacred Hear t in His Excellency, the Most R v. st Joseph and at St. Mary's col- Amleto G. Cicognani. Apostolic le~e. Notre Dame, I n d. In _1910 Delegate to the u_nite~ States. he was married to Dr. Louis J - Members of the H1era1 chy also ~andurant. a prominent iphysi- extended theil' sympathy to the cian of st.. Joseph . D r. Dandur- bereaved family . ant an d a seven year old son, an Diego cathedral Cr owded Louis Jr.. met dea th by drown- For Requiem i\lass in g in August. 1920. A ~ember_tolf R equiem Masses were chanted f - 1 long ident1f1ed w1 1 . a ami Y • • D _ in various parishes of the diocese c atholic church circles, Mi s. an -------------* d u ran t was active in h er own *-ACTING CHA CELLOR • · · I righ t, being a member of the board of directors of the S t. In the a b cnce of th e Vicar Joseph 's Hospital Guild, the General and the Chancellor, Children of Mary sodality and who are in the East. to atten d a lumnae organizations of th e the fwieral of the i ter of the Conven t of the sacred Heart and Most Reverend Bishop. th e st. Ma1•y's college. cry R ev. Thoma J . i.\lcNa- Th'e wuncral took place wed- mara, pastor of Blc ~ ~– ncsday morning in St. Jos~mh's rament Churc , an Diego, 1 c .... thedral , st. . Joseph. Mo. Bishop acting Chancellor. * B dd officiated at the Solemn * . u t'~icial Requiem Mass. The on Wednesday for the repos~ of Pon 1 b l t· and sermon were Mrs Danduran t's soul . The pnests fin al a so u ion · - D • recited . is Excellency. t he M-os of the San Diego eanei Y . given by H L Blond. Bishop of the Office of the Dead pre~eding Rr -J~~!. ;be following wer a Solemn Requiem Mas~ lD St. S · . f th Mass· v er Joseph's Cathedral. Officers of th e officers o e · Tl B cotter San Diego the Ma were: Very Rev. 1omas Re~. Jo~n .· · t · Rev· Leo Rugg) J. McNamara, acting Chancellor. ass;t.~ px;:nis O'Duignan St, celebrant; Very Rev. Owen Han– an ev. - of honor 'Rev non. V:F .. deacon; ~ev. John Jose~h, d~;cons hue S an 'meg~McFadden. subdeacon; Rev. Clar– Daniel O onog .. Rev Mich ae ence A. Kimmons. mastet· of cere– deacon of the Mass, · •es The Priests• choir under 'R ·k st Joseph subdeaco mom . 0 ou1 e, . , Cl arl the direction of the Rev. Job'1 of the Mass; tne :Rev. l PUrcell sang the Mass. (Continued on pi.Jtc 2 )


MRS. CECELIE A. DANDURANT Word was r eceived here yesterday of the death in St. Joseph, Mo., of Mrs. Cecelie A. Dandurant, 53, sis– ter of the Most Rev. Charles Fran- cis Buddy, D. D., bishop of the Catholic diocese of San Diego. In failing health for some time, she died in a St. Joseph hospital. Bishop Buddy left by auto fo San BernaTdino where he boardea a train for the midwest. Funeral a rrangements will await his arrival. Mr". Dandurant ha d numerous friends in San Diego. She spent the summer here two years ago. She 1 survived by a daughter. Ann Elizabeth; another brother, Dr. E. P. Buddy. St. Louis. and two sis– ters, Mrs. Daniel Redmond, San Diego. and S ister Mary Magdalene, superior of St. Catherine's academy, Ventura. Mrs. Redmond, whose husband is a member ot the bishop's business office staff, is ill and will be unable to go to St. Joseph Ior the 11ei-vices.


convent of which Mr · Da nd uranl

Among those who are to be here

was a member. today or tomorrow are Miss Marie Bishop Buddy and Fa th er st ack Jarecki, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. are taylng at Hotel Robidoux. William Hessell and Miss Mary The ~ther pr iests f rom Bishop I Elizabeth Hessell, Kansas City; Buddy s diocese are expected to Mrs. James T. Baker and M.lss arrive here late today. . Mary Theressa Baker, La Grange, Callers a t th~ Da nd utant home Ill.; Maurice Lennon, Joliet, Ill.; at 4~~ South Ninth str eet yeSler - · Mr . Nell Danaher, Mrs. Elizabeth day included Mrs. Arlbur L. Kor - McGuirk and Mr. and Mrs. Wil– zeneskl, Chicago, college class- fred Warde all of Kansas City· mat e of Mrs. Dandurant, and Mr. Mrs. Irene' Hinlelman, Leaven~ and Mrs. Michael Lawler, Kansas worth; Mrs. Thomas O'Laughlln, City.

Miami, Texas; Mrs. Joseph Ryan, Galesburg, Ill.; Mrs. Thomas E. Horner, Atchison, Kan.; Miss ona May Linton, Chicago, and Mrs. C. T . Meier. Trenton, Mo.


Tobacco Crop Luxuriant. . '


-News-Prc•s Staff Photograph. John A. McGee, St. Joseph Insurance man, ls shown here examining a luxuriant stalk of tobacco in the large field of leaf on his farm five miler. south of St. Joseph. The plant shown in the photograph, shoulder high, is in bloom. Cutting of the crop in the St. Joseph area fa now under way.

I MRS, DEAD Was Mother of Rector of St. Joseph's Cathedral. Life-Long Resident of City Was Daughter of Carriage Manufacturer. lfn. C. A. Buddy, moth• ot Father Charin Buddy, rector of SL Joatph'e Cath&dr&l, died early to- day at St. Joaepb'a Hoapltal, where b&d beth ill IQme weeb. With her when 1be died wera her two 1cin1 and three daught.er1, Father Buddy, Dr. Edward Buddy of SL LoWa, Mn. L. J. Dandura.nt. Daniel J. Redmond of L&urelton, 'N. Y.. and ~HatM .Mary llagdalene. aupulor of Sacred He&rt Academy, Ogden, Utah. Father Buddy and Doctor Buddy had been In prao- tica.lly con.slant attendance on the.Ir mother the put two week._ Mn. Buddy wu aeventy-seven yeua old, and a native of 8t. Jo,epb. Graduate of Com·e.nt.. A daughter of Edv."&td and ROM Garrigan Fa.rreU, naUvH of Ire- land, .Mrs. Buddy wu educated at the Convent ot the Sacred Heart In St. Joseph, of which she was a graduate. She waa a chart.fir mem- ber ot the Children of ltuy, tu1 u- 90Clatton attlllnted with lhe ~n- vent. Her father was an early day cartlllge manufacturer. In 1879 11he was D'UU"rled to Mr. Buddy, a commwtton merchant. Fol- lowing t.he death of her huaband, Mn. Buddy gave bulldlnp on Sec- ond street, which ha.d been the aea.t or hi• commlulon buslnes,, to St. Vincent's cafeteria, a charitable movement founded by her aon, Fatbu Buddy. .Mn. Buddy had numerolltl other charitlu, all done without ostentation, the object ot her benetacUona Including the two Ca.thollc orpbana,ge.a, St J0t1eph·• Hoapltal and other ln.1tltuUon.a. Organized .l1nt- Guild. Mon than forty yean aao Mn. Buddy and the late Mn. Situ \Voodaon, wife of a former gover- nor ot Mls.sourt, organlnd the tint hospital guild In St Joseph. Mn. Buddy waa a woman of rare lnlelluctu&J and •plritu&J attain- ment.a. She waa a ch&rmlng Jetter writer, Friends today recalled901:ne of the of her epistles from Europe on & tour there In 1929. Un- til age forbade ahe was active In the St. Ann·• Altar Society of St. Joaepb'a cathedral. She wa.a a ch&rter member of the Third Order ot St. Francis in thla city. Surviving buldu the five chtl- dren with her &t the time of her 1• & brother, Jamea R. Far- rell, ro2 South Eleventh •treeL She wu a cousin of John A. McGee of thla city, and ot Dr, ThomuHome.r of Atchison, and Dr. Thomas Mc- Gulrk of St. Louis, both of whom visited her in her Jaat lllneu. There bad bun two other chil- dren. Sister Mary Loretto died In 1922, and :M'.las Helen Buddy died hut falL Her husband died In 1928. Sbe leaves alx grandeblldttn. The body le at H. 0. SldeDf&den·• mortuary and tbl1 a.ttemoon wm be taken to the family home, South Ninth atreel The funeral wlll be at St. JoaPpb'a Cathedral at 10 o"clock next Thursday morning. Within a few mfnutes of her death thla morning her 110n offered requiem ma.<1111 for her In the chapel of the hospll&l, with the otht-r tour children In atlt-ndanCf', and later In the morning maaes were offered at the cathedr&l by Father Budd.ya BUDDY

MKS C" A 11,;'Dl)Y IS ll!AO. Mr c A Buddy mo::ber of Father Charles Budd) rector c,f St J pt..'s C&tht ra ' dkd t(lday She u ':7 , tars old • native: of S JOlt'pb and ihe widow of C A. B"'ddy_ conun.J.s- s c,n mt- char.t. HC'r !atht!t was an rarly


Many Rosarlea Offered for Her DurlnJ:: the several days of her de·


DEATH CALLS MRS. BUDDY . I Mother of Pastor of Cathedral l Passes to Her Reward

t:nl~er 0 :}~~:.~· {1~~

Organizer of Hospital Guild

Ro~ar.) ilt her bll"r. TuL•sdar afternoon sbiters rrom thl' -tllfft>ren1 R<>llfl:lous Ordt•n. lhe chlldrt>n of the Cathedral Rt.'ltool. and nuri,es and alumnat• or St.

~Ir;. Buddy and tht:> late Mrs. Silas \\'ootlson, "'lfe or a former Go,·ernor of Missouri. or,i;:antzed the first Hos• \ 111tal Guild In $t. Jo1'eJ>h, which pro•

th e

1irnyers. the Chll-


Joseph'i-: Hospital

and clothlnf( for


sur.011111lt•d by tho,• -,1ho ,q_p UlO:!l) ,lded supplle.



l.•atf'T ' In drt'n or

lndl"~nt 1,oor

or her

:.uld llh' ftntnl 1,ra}t'l




)lary atflllatt'd with

Patron of Catholic Education

th•· Sb1tna of·

d1 , ot,d family und

thi• mother ot three or whom en-

C'on\'t'nt or the RaC'r<"d Heart rf'C'ilevenln~ the Third thf.' Ro:sary.

The deceased was

lh1• soul or \!rt-. C..\. Buddy,:


a, moth.. r or tht> Yt>ry llt>, . C. I<' Buddy, • :1t.•,·en chlldrL•n,

of which


or Rt.

Ordl:"r l'h<' c-ltt•d

gt. Joi-1•ph's C1Hht.•dral, • tt>rt'd rell,:lon, Charles Francis becom- lnit a prlt>st and t\\o daughters, the





chart<'r membn.



pa~sed 10 lta t>l1•111al rt-ward \londay mornln~ ,lt I 311 o·dot"k at RI fo!l1•pll's 3

WPdn4"'sday eYe•

th•• Ro!l:arr

late Sister Loretto ()Ilse \larle Buddy) and Sister :\tar) :Uagdalt>ne (Miss Lil• Hoh· Cross Community nt Notre Damt.', C~thoilc achools. her children all re· \\r•II as colki;t'. education from h,.nl Catholic schools and leading CathOli(' c-ollf'.e:es. Father Buddy being a gradU· ah• of the Jt>!!Ult College at St. Maryl!!, Ind.' \Ir Buddy

nlnl:" at i: 30 tht' Catlu-dral Parish. and at ~:311 SI. Ann's Alla!' Roriety and the ('athedro.l Club altio said the> no!l.anr. I It was moM edifying to notP !hi' 11ray- spiritual bouquets am! the hundreds o~

1 llo:-pltal.

As th,• first fhu:ih or a dawn stnak,•d r Jinn Buddy) became members of tht.•

lht• i·a~t,•rn tht' Hol.) Sa<'l"lrtl't> of th,• :\lua ,\a:-. offnNI by her de,·oted ' son, Fathn Budd}, to U!'her Into r;ter• I nal I.l1Chl 1h1• predou.. oul of his be• Pn•.. 1·nt at thl~ Holy \\t•n' 1lw nwmber11 or her famll). ~lsll•r ) :\lagd,lle1u- Ptl£ts Lillian Buddy). 8UJ'4'rlor ot Sa('red llt-arl .\ndf'my. O1i:-df'n. l"tah; \lrs. Ht•qul"m lon•d mother

\\&S a grt>at patron of nful n•mf'mbran('4"'s, th<' many ~enProus

ci·hIng ell'mentary and academic, as Masde~ offered for the repost' or hei



Solemn Requiem Maas Largely


took placP Thursday .;ib!~to~~o~fOn~l~!~e~~3 1 ~~of: f

Her funPral

a;;_ 0 ~~~1:'1nus of the Amerll'an





~-,~e~;: 0

the J!Anctuary. Solemn Requiem ~fass\

Buddy Home social Center

Rudely of $t. LoulM.

~- 11 ~.c~:~1:.

The Buddy home was A center or rt'· flnemt-nt and culture, reflecting the I characterlatlca ot its charming boste:-1111,

Born in St. Joseph

de-aeon: the- Rev. J. Moriarty. sub-de-a- ftOll. and the Re\', P. O'Connor. Rev. ~-~do~~\~ 1 e 11 i~t~!~r~le;taft~~:te~so:·i oeacooi; to Moat Rev. Bishop Le Blond at the throne were the Rev. ceremonle!II. CornPllua Cleary, the Rev. ~Ilchael Occupy nit Pact's n I e !.lane uary ~fo,,t Re,·. Francis Johannes. we_;~;. 1 Wf'r(' thf> \"Pry RM·. William P. Barr, r \I JirPtddt•nt of Kenrick S;prolnary, 1 ~f:~onnt! ~et'nl~i!~ 1 }~h:a~~ 1.fbe~f1 1 1 1 h t

:\Ir~ Buddy, who wai- ii )t•an of



Jo'arr('II, nall\'f'S of Ireland, her \ "'ho supplt>nlt>nted rore:~~ trax;I

, j ,11:an

1 ~~;i~::;J;·:~


~=~~:;~~-eh 1 ~e~ ~'i~::~~~;r;~j~~-:a~;~ : ~o~~~aia~~:

lrorn '-O-




trul,· reJlo'ioua home. J

b lf's!l;ln•• of a

abroad and leaders In c ,· c an(

0 h•:h;;;r;;e~:~~ • <'ltll lift>. Man in the Home

1 )~~:,~:~ ~~ 11 \

.\ fi"e yearss' Illness was In God's ·I th Bhtns to com1llete tht" sancttficatton for thf' decf'a~ed. R('duc{'d to lnactl\'lt}'. · · far a!l social and home life werP ~lo u


:; 0

·1 ~i,~::t>n~~rt:rh~~~ 8 1 !::t;~~s;enr:~:~tt\~r:, f;_• 1 h a <"barter mem• aht· latt>r rl"turnrd to her alma mater Knd bt>c-ame a Child of ~tar.). b1•ln~ at ~,°~~,?r .. !:; 11 In ISi!I, ,\nnlP Farrell was married

turned her atten1lon

<'Oncerned. 11he

11 ~~:a,?i b<::c:~ :<'e;on::r~~l\~i~: ~- 1 1!~~llor~h~,eda;cee:~~J~hH~~d 88


ralthrul l'Ompanlons.


\ . Buddy


10 C'ha1lt'a

Ht•r d<'f'P faith and tlt'\'Otedne!ls 10 hn ramlly ha,·e left Q la!'ting lmpr('~- those with whom sh(' Jlurln~ tht' last yearia or her me. It na" her prh·IIPj:tt.> to ha\"t' hPr son offpr the Holy Sacrlfi('e oet"aslonally In hE't homt'. a prlvllE'J!;l' whil'h 1-he ht>ld mos1 11;lon on all ~han·d her trlendshiJJ.

mert'hanr, who prt>c~t>d hf'r In dE'alb

·1t' YNy Rf'\" C

~: LOUl.!1



ff'Hn !f'Rtll al?O.

Love of Poor

:\lrs. Bucldy


From hn part'Dl!I

herltt"d a IO\"E" tor !ht> poor that found , f'XE>rC'lst M·en In tht>- last days or her > life. anti her charl1ie!l \\ere manifold, kno"n only to thoat• 11ri\'lle,i;:ed to rt'- Ct'h·<' th(' kindne~~es bt>stow('d with thf' ~ral"IOU!\ unobtru!-l\"ene!l~ of th~ Buddl t'ommls~lon oftlces. donated t~ ~, \"inl'enrs CafPt('rla, a cl\"lc char• lty rounded by her Mn, the Yery Rev ! C. F. Buddy Tht> Catholic Orrhanas:e:-1 were otht•r re<'i11IC'nti:1 or ht>r ~en~ ('rO:;itit'S.





Was other of Rector of Joseph's Cathedral. Life-Long Resident of City Was Daughter of Carriage Manufacturer. r C. Buddy, moth -o! Father Charle Buddy, rector of .'l Jo eph's Calhedral, died early to- day at St. Joseph' Hospital, ·h re she had b en m ome weeks. With her when sh died were h r two sons and three daughters, Father Buddy, Dr. Edward Buddy of St. Loui., • Ir . L. J. Dandurant, rs. Daniel J. Redmond of Laurelton, N, Y., and Sister fary t dalene, uperlor of Sacred Heart Acadel'.lly, Ogden, Utah, Father Buddy and Doctor Buddy had been In prac- tically constant attendance on their mother the past two weeks. Mrs. Buddy was 1eventy-seven years old, and a native of flt. Joseph. Graduate of Convent. A daughter of Edward and Ro e Garrigan Farrell, of Ire- land, !


Many Rosaries Offered for Her During the seYeral days of her de· Routh Ninth su· ('t, and offered the Ro. arv at her bier. Tuesday afternoon mist>. groups cam to her home, 424 Orders. the children of the Cathedral School, and nun, s and alumnae of St. Sisters rrom the different Religious





Organizer of Hospital Gu• d


'.\Irs Duddy and th


.\lrs. Silas



Mother of Pastor of Cathedral t w"ood;on, "ife of a former GoYernor

Passes to Her Reward

· of '.\lissouri, organized the first Hos•

\ pital Guild in

t. Jo

ph, which pro

th e

S11 rrou1111,,,1 by thos•· "ho w •rt> most ·

, id d supplies and clo th ing for

Joseph's Hospital

offer d

prayers. the Chil-

r, d,,ar, amid tlw l<'n ,•nt 1>rayer · 01 her 11 indigent poor.

Later ' in

thr afternoon,

d l' \ otPd



tilt' Rister,

ot .

Patron of Catholic Education




affiliated with


thr mother ot of whom en-

d Charil) . thl' soul or .\lrs. C. .\. Buddy, .: e, molh,•r 01 _ thi> y,,ry ReY. C. F . Buddy, • sev 11

The deceased was

Coll\ent of the Sacred Heart r cite



the Ro;;ary.

In th

evening th Thircl


h past.~r pa~ .. , fl

01 . ~t.,

J~;1•11_h's__cathedr'.tl'. _ tered religion, Charles Francis becom- 1 Order of Rt. 3 Ing a priest and two daughters, the ~he was a lat Sister Loretto (Miss Marie Duddy) thP Rosary. '. e,, aid ~r~nd,1_)


of which

t~ 1t~. 1 tr1, 11,1!

charter member,


I C'ited

11101 n!ng ,1t 1.30 o clocl, at Rt. Jo. eph s

Wednf'sday eYe·

3 and Sister :.rary Magdalene pfi s Lil· 1 ning at 7: 30 the Cathedral Parish. and


,\~ tilt' li1"t flush of a da,,n strt>akt>ll thP "a tf'l'll ;ky, th Holy acrifice of tlw \las· ,, a · offer d by her devott>d son, Fatlll'r Budd), to usher into Et r- nal Light the 11rc>dous ~oul of his be-

lian Buddy) became members of the ros Community at Notr Dame, ~Irs. Buddy was a gr at patron of chools, her children all re· atholic ,, I'll a; coll ge. education from It, ~l chools and leading Catholic colleges. Father Buddy being a gradu· ate of the Jesuit College at St. Marys, atholic Holy Ind.

at :30 St. Ann's Altar S1ociely and the athedral Club also said the Rosary. I It wa~ most edifying lo notP the prar- erful rem rubrancf's, the many generou spiritual bouqu ts and the hundreds of

lon•d mother.

Pre~ 'Ill at this Holy the members of he1

ceiving elementary and academic, as Mas-es offered for the repose of her


,, NP


' family, • lstt.>r .\lary '.\Iagdalene P1iss ,

Solemn Requiem Mass Largely

Lillian Buddy). Sup rior


acr d .\fr .



\cademy. Ogden. Ctah;

Her funt>ral

tool, place Thursday

nanii>I J. Redmond of Laurelton, •. Y., .\lr:s. L. J. Dandurant and Dr Edward

Ka·., and an alumnus of the American morning at 10 o'clo k, with the Most 1

College at Rome.

Rev. C. Hubert Le Blond presiding ini the sanctuary. Solemn Requiem '.\fass1 was chanted by her son, the Very Rev. I c. F. Buddy, with the Rev. L. Ruggle, 'j deacon: the Rev. J. Moriarty, sub-dea- con. and the Rev. P. O'Connor, Rev. O'RourkP and the Rev. Charles Now-, land of the Cathedral staff, masters ot to Mo t Rev. Bishop Le Blond at the throne were the Rev. I Denis )Iulcahy of Brookfield, :Mo., and )lo. Occupying places in the sanctuary The :\lost Rev. Francis Johannes, I Bishop of Leavenworth and life-long "Pre the Vt>ry Rev. William P. Barr, r 1r., president of Kenrick Seminary, n Cornelius Cleary, the Rev. Michael I ceremonie . Deacons w re·

Rudely of • t Louis.

Buddy Home social Center

Born in St. Joseph


The Buddy home was a center O t'inement and cultur , reflecting the characteristics of its charming hostess, re-

'.\lrs. Buddy, who was 77 years of r of Edward and Rose Garri- ,, as born in t Joseph, the ·1 tat her being a pioneer carriage manu- tacturer. Her childhood enjoyed the From its benign atmosphere she went 11: a young gfrl to the Sacred Heart • >turned to her alma mater l and became a Child of '.\1ary, being at of her death a charter mem• Academy, wher he wa. an exemplary L 1 Arter completing her education, 1,u11il tht> tim In 1. 79..\nnle Farrell was married to Charle.- A. Buddy, a commi sion merchant. ,, ho preceded her in death herit d a lo,·e for the poor that found , f' .·erci e even in the la t day of her ) life. and her charitie were manifold. lrnown only to tho e priYileged to re - cehe the kindnesses bestowed with of th f donor Among h r beneficiaries wer t buildings on econd treet, the forme1 1 Buddy commission office , donated t St. Yincent's Cafeteria, a civic char- ity founded by her son, the V ry Rev C. F. Buddy. The Catholic Orphanages 1 ,, ere other recipient of her gen• 1 erositi the graciou unobtrusivenes l agi>, ,. ' clauo-ht 0 .., , · ' uan Fa1-rell, native of Ireland. her 1 , blessings of a lwr of the sodality. s 'Pn year· ago. Love of Poor From her parents .Irs. Buddy in·

t d f


· oreign

t ave! ,.,ith

who supp emen e



d lit


To this

a broa clergy,

erary appr


home came members of the Hierarchy,

di ·tinguished



truly religious home. 1 abroad and leaders in civic and so-

cial liF .


Mass in the Home

,\ five years' illness was in God's· the Rev. Edward Mallen of Liberty,

d sign. to complet

the san~tificati_on

of the deceased. Reduced to mactlv1ty • as far as social and home life were concerned, she turned her attention things of God, her spiritual I to the


boo s and Rosary beads becoming lwq tri nd of the df'ceased. His assistants

faithful companions.

Ht>r deep faith and d votedness to , hi>r family have left a lasting impres•

•. Lou!~. '\fo . :inrl.

he Yer: Rev. C.

sion on all

those with whom ·he

:hared her friend hip.

During the last year· or her life, it was her priYilege to have her son offer the Holy Sacrific occa lonally in her home. a privilege which she held mos1


Saturday, ::\Iarch 9, 19-10

. ·. Theriae,

i\I. of St. Louis Pi ep ra-

Out-of-town p ople an.-ndine: the tu· neral included: r='-. Edward ~- Budd,· Edward O'Connell Budd}• Ii-~~; Benr and Jean Buddy, ~t. Lou\_; ~iss Ann Elizabet!1 Danduran~ of St _fary',; Collee:e • otre D me_, Dr and .lrs. Thomas E. Horner, :\Ir·s Ella ~t. Peter, . Irs. Thoma 1 ~lcGurk, '.\lr. and • Irs. James Fa_nel, and . lr-. )larie Farrell. A1ch1son, Kas.; :\Ir:. ,,•ntred "'ard: Lawrenc~, Kas.: '.\Ir. and ~rs. Frederick G_am~ei, Hiawatha, Ka .: John and Dand • e . ter, Amazonia; '.\Irs. James ShortJe a_nd :\Ir and :\Irs W. F. Bannon. Kan~as Cit~·; :\Ir•. Leo Drexelius. o B~~falo, . y . Ir and '.\lrs. :\Iaunce O Keefe of· .At~hi.-0~1: :\frs. Charles '.\IcKeh·f of Atchison; :\[r'. \\'illia~ :i1essel ot Ka~~ sas City. and :\lrs. \\'tlltam St. Petet" of nenn•r. -------


Semfoar), [lie Rii:-ht Re\·.

t. Lou! , )lo.

Ianin \'eth, 0 .. B., bbot of -:t. Benedict',, Abbey, Atchi· ~on Ka .\.bbot . Iartin'~ chap!, ins wer<' the Yen· Re,. )L J O Farr ll, r,:,ctor of the ·Immaculate Conception . tl,edral of Lea.en" orth, and the Re,. \ •. D Delaue~ of Excelsior f;ring~. The Right Rev. :\[s_r, Jame,, P. Eltad), \'.G., Pro. pos., assi,nell by th Re, .. .\.ugustine F. :\le. ·em of '.\Io- buh· anhY, Charles .A. Semrad and \\'. P. Snooks. Interment took place in :\fount OliYet Cemetery. '.\lost Rev. Bishop Le Blond conducting the services at the e:rave. Besides the five children who were with her when the end came, there were t,vo other children who preceded her in death, Sister 11ary Loretto, who died in 1922. and :\1iss Helen Buddy, who died last fall. The deceased is also smTived by a brother, James R. Farrell, 502 South Eleventh street, and six grandchildren. John A. ;\IcGee of this city, Dr. Thomas Horner of Atchi· son. Kas., and Dr. Thomas :\IcGurk of t. Louis are cousins.

rs. Cecile Dandurant Laid to Rest Wednesday carry the cross like Christ, death is not to be feared. but welcomed, for death is a portal to Heaven. In paying a tribute to the deceased, he said: "I have never known any- The funeral of ::vi:rs. Cecile Agnes one who exemplified more truly this Dandurant, widow of the late Dr. teaching of the doctrine of Christ Louis J. Dandurant. who died Satur- than the deceased. All her life she day morning March 2 took place lived keeping the Commandments of , ' . ' , God; through all her sickness she '' ednesday m~rnmg from St. Jos~~h s I carried her cross, which led her to Cathedral, with Solemn Pontifical the Cross of Christ, never complain- Mass of Requiem offered by the Most I ing or grumbling, but clinging close Rev. C. F. Buddy, D.D., Bishop of to her ~eart the cross that led her . to etermty. San Diego and brother of the de- "There is no reason to grieve for ceased. her. She had all her life prayed for Mrs. Dandurant, who resided at 424 a peaceful death, and the Angel of South inth street her childhood God came peacefully to her." ' In comforting the bereaved ones, home, had been ill about four years. the Bishop referred to the sword of She was the daughter of the late C. A. grief that pierced their hearts, and and Annie (Farrell) Buddy ~nd was sympathized with them, saying they born in St. Joseph fifty-three years should accept their cross as she ac-

Bishop Buddy Celebrates Mass Assisting Bishop Buddy on the Very Rev. M. J. O'Farrell, rector of the ~athedral of the Immaculate Conception, Leaven· worth, Kan., prysbyter assistens; the Rev Leo Ruggle, pastor of the Ca- thedral and the Rev. Denis O'Duignan, St. Mary's Orphanage, ~eacons of honor· the Rev. Daniel O Donoghue, San Diego, deacon of the Mass; th~ Rev. Michael O'Rourke, su~-deacon, the Rev. Charles Nowland, first mas- ter of ceremonies, and the Rev. Ken- neth Stack, San Diego, second master of ceremonies. Among the prelates within_ the sanctuary were the Most Rev. Bishop Le Blond, who preached the .sermon and gave the parting absolutwn; the Right Rev. Msgr. Henry F. Niemann, the Right Rev. James P. Brady, P.Ap., Vicar General of the Diocese; the Right Rev. Stephen Schappler, Abbot of St. Benedict's Monastery, Concep- tion, Mo.; Benedictine mo:iks from Conception Abbey, the Right Rev. Msgr. John M. Hega~ty, Vicar Gen~ral of the San Diego D10cese; the Right Rev. Msgr. Lawrence Forr1stal, Chan· cellor of the San Diego Diocese, and, the Very Rev. John B. Cotter of San Diego, member of ~!shop Buddy's Administrative Council. The Children of Mary Choir, ~nder the direction of Miss Agatha Pfeiffer, sang the Requiem. Bishop Le Blond Gi\-cs Sermon aml Parting Ab,;olution At the close of the Mass, Bishop Le Blond spoke from the throne. "There is no time when man feels the need of God as when he is in trouble; he yearns for some higher source w_here he can go to seek relief," he said. Speaking of death, the Bishop ex- plained that death came into the world through the sin of man, and told briefly why Jesus Christ c~me into the world-to redeem ma_nkind. He referred to the consolatl~m of those who believe in God. Chnst ~y His death conquered death, he said, and our life became a preparation for a life of happiness; for those who the altar were

cepted hers, and make her their model and follow in the footsteps of Christ. Picturing Christ bearing His sor- row, he spoke of His agony bath ed in the sweat of blood, begging His eter- nal Father to let this chalice pass I from Him: "Father, not my will, but Thine be done." I Following the discourse, Bishop Le Blond gave the parting a bsolution. The pallbearers were Kieran Mc-, Kenny, Joseph E. Corby, John J. Mc- '1 Guire, John J. Goodrich, Richard\ Keller, James Scanlan, E. A. Zerbst and Michael Lawler of Kansas City. Many P rayers Offered for Deceased Numerous were the prayers offered for the deceased. On Tuesday after- noon the Children of Mary met at the home and recited the Rosary, led by Bishop Buddy. St. Ann's Altar So-

ciety offered the Rosary Tuesday eve- ning at 7:30 o'clock and members of the Cathedral Parish at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Dandurant was an active member of the Children of Mary, hav- ing served as vice-president and councilor of the organization. She :.\IRS. CJ.:;CILE BUDDY D_\NDURANT was a member of the board of direc- tors of St. Joseph's Hospital Guild I and the alumnae organizations of the ago. She received her early educa- Convent of the Sacred Heart and St. tion at the local Convent of the Sa- Mary's College. She posssessed great I\ cred Heart and later attended St. executive ability and was often chair• I Mary's College, Notre Dame, Ind., man of successful affairs of a char- from which institution she graduated. itable nature. I She was married to Dr. Louis J. Mrs. Dandurant was known and Dandurant, a popular physician and loved by a wide circle of friends. Her surgeon of this city, at St. Joseph's home was the scene of many social Cathedral by the late Bishop Maurice events and she always was the ideal F. Burke in the year 1910. hostess. She and her daughter, Ann Eliza- Surviving the deceased are her beth, a child then 2 years of age, mi- daughter, Miss Ann Elizabeth, at raculously escaped death the night of home, a case worker for the Stat e Aug. 1, 1920, in a tragic accident Social Security Commission; two which resulted in the drowning of her brothers, Dr. Edward P. Buddy of St . husband, Doctor Dandurant, and their Louis and Bishop Buddy of San 7-year-old son, Louis, Jr. At the time Diego, and two sisters, Mrs. Daniel

When the news spread of the death of Mrs. Dandurant numerous tele- grams of condolence poured in from several states, members of the Hier- archy joining numerous friends of the family in extending sympathy to the bereaved relatives. Among the mes- ,..._g.,,. .r<><>aiv~ were telegram~ .f~o"[Jf Archbishop Amleto -Cicogi:-am o ·washington, D. c., Apostoli_c Dele- gate to the United States; Sister M. :Madeleva, president of St. Mary's Col- ege Notre Dame, Ind., a noted poet and a classmate of the sister of the deceased, and from people known in Church and civic affairs. \ Cathedral Filled to Capacity The tolling of the Cathedral bells announced the arrival of the funeral cortege. The church was filled with I all classes and ranks of people, who I had come to pay tribute to Mrs. Dandurant, a prominent member of the Cathedral Parish and well known throughout the city. Among th~se attending the requiem were the Sis- ters of Charity from St. Mary C?l- lege, Leavenworth; Benedic~ine Sis- ters from Atchison, the SIBters _of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Sis- ters of St. Francis, Sisters of St. Benedict, students of ~e Convent of the Sacred Heart, pupils of the_ ca- thedral School, relatives and ~riends from adjacent cities. The d10cesan priests and Christian Brothers occu- pied the pews nearest the sanctuary.


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