Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

THE SOUTHERN CROSS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1946 Children of Nazareth House Enjoy 'January Chr"stmas' With M st e erend Bishop



The children of Nazareth House gather ar·ound their dearly loved friend and Bishop, the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, for a picture tha t will Jong be cherished as a memento of the "little Christmas" His Excellency spent with them last week. The Sisters of Nazareth who care for the children at their home adjoining the Old Mission San Diego de Alcala ar~ Included in the group. After being entert ai,ned by the children a,nrl inviting them and the Sisters to a private showing of the movie, "Bells of St. Mary's," the Most Reverend Bishop paid a visit to the monument of Father Jaime, Franciscan ma.rtyr. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, ·1946 ,f~d.L - San Diego Parish Opens Clinic for the Poor Religious New:, $er•l'ice San Diego, Cal., Dec. 30- Dedica- 1 Ente~ed as Second Class Matter at the P.istofflce ot ,:;an Diego under the Act ot March 3, 1879 Diocese Contributed~237,704 Cans of Food for War-Sricken . Add~tional information on returns from· the San Diego D10cese m the War Relief Drive for the war-stricken of Eur?pe reached the Chancqry Office this week from the National Headquarters in Washington, D. C. In a letter from the executive director, it was made

Superior General of Religious of Sacred Hearl Dies in Rome Requiem Mass Offered by Bishop At Local Convent Thll Relig'l.ous of the Sacred Heart have received word by cable of the death, in Rome, of their Superior General, Very Reverend Mother Manuela Vicente. Mother Vicente was 82 years of age. She had been Superior Vicar of Spain for years when she was named Assistant General in 1918, which post she held until 1928, at which \inie she was elected Su- 'perior General. She died at the Mother House, Rome, Via Nomen- tana, Jan. 21. Overwhelmed with sorrow for the sufferings of the Religious and Children of the Sacred Heart dur- ing the Spanish Civil War, the anguish and stress of the Second World War finally broke the brave spirit in so frail a body. She was stricken in the second year after the United States had entered the war. Si::ice that time one of her Assistants General, R e v e r e n d Mother Guilia Datti, named Vicar General, has carried on the work and bor~e the burden of respon- sibility at the Mother House. The Religious of the Sacred Heart share their loss and sorrow with their old pupils and f1iends, and ask prayers for the repose of the soul of a loved and deeply re- gretted Mother. When the sad news of Very Reverend Mother Manuela Vicen- te's death reached our Most Rev- erend Bishop, His Excellency ar• ranged to offer Pontifical Mass of Requiem in the Chapel of the Con- vent of st. Madeleine Sophie, San Diego on Saturday morning, Jan. 26 f~r the happy repose of this valiant and noble-hearted relig- ious.

tion of a parish-operat ed clinic here ' marks the entrance o! the San Diego Catholic diocese into the field of medicine. The clinic, dedicated by Bishop Charles F . Buddy, will serve low-income families in an area ; I populated largely by Mexicans and , Negroes. 1 1 I Free service is not contemplated, , 1 1 Rev. Louis Kern, priest in charge, 1 explained. The clinic is sponsored 1 , 1 by Guadalupe Catholic church par- • ;ish. I "Our people are not looking for charity," Fr. Kern said. "They I ' want to pay what they can !or · service they can rely upon. · we will ! have a registered nurse here at 1 specified hours each day of the week. She will examine patients, give them a social welfare rating and refer 1 them to reputable physicians whose , charges will be tempered to the I patients' incomes." i The clinic, which Fr. Kern admit- ted is experimenta.l, has the full I approval o! the San Dleg,o Medical 1 Assoc!ai,ion, which had representa- i •tives present at the dedication, j --,-,--

known that the people of this dio- cese have contributed 237,704 cans of food stuffs for the suffering people abroad. Converted Cash Since most of the contributions were in cash, the $18,322.21 for- warded to the National Office was used to buy canned goods. Of the tot;i.l number, 28,000 cans of as• sorted foods were shipped from here. The cash donations pur- chased with the advantage of wholesale volume discount, an ad• ditional 208,704 cans, namely; Milk ................................ 48,000 cans Strained beets .............. 48,000 cans Strained peas .............. 48,000 ca Strained carrots .......... 48,000 cans Soup ................................ 16,560 cans String beans ................ 144 cans Cooperatfol! Manifested The priests and people manifest- ed a true Christ-like charity in the nation-wide drive for aid to the needy of other countries. Besides the food stuffs listed above ap- proximately seven tons of clothing and general merchandise were shipped from San Diego to the point of embarkation by Father Vito Pilolla, Diocesan Director ot the drive. ·

Two Bishops From Northwest Visit San Diego Ordinary His Excellency, the Most Rev. Joseph M. Gilmore, D.D., BishOJ.1 of Helena (Montana), and His Ex• cellency, the Most Rev. William J. Condon, D.D., Bishop of Great Falls (Montana), paid a visit to San Diego last Monday when they were guests of the Most Reverend Bishop. The visitors noted the rapid de- velopment of San Diego and ex• pressed keen delight st the new Cathedral here, which they saw for the first time since its completion in 1940. The Church in the northwestern section of the United States has also a record of marvelous prog• ress. In fact, they are far in the lead in educational institutions, Helena, with a Catholic population of 53,000, has nine high schools, diocesan and parochial, and 18 ele- mentary parochial schools. Great Falls, which totals a population of 40,500 Catholics, numbers eight high schools and 12 elementary parochial schools. Both dioceses have colleges for men and women. Bishop Gilmore was consecrated Bishop of Helena in February, 1936, while Bishop Condon's eleva- tion to the See of Great Falls took place in 1939. The distinguished guests also spent a few days enjoying the sun- shine of La Jolla,


In participating in nine cam- paigns for commodities during the past three years, the diocese o! San Diego has contributed an out- standing share of the thirty-five million dollars worth of clothing and food collected by the Catholica of the United States.

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