Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

PAGE FOUR-A ~~~~~----------------~~------- Bishop Buddy Urges Aid for Worthy Cause, They All Agree



Red Cross Fund San Diego churches, with other religious organizations in the nation, will join in celebrating "Red Cross Sunday" this week-end as a prelude to the annual fund campaign -of the Red Cross March 4 through March 31. Jewish synagogs are observing "Red Cross Sabbath" today. Support of the Red Cross in its program of serving the community and men in domestic and overseas c~mps and in military hospitals here and abroad has been pledged by the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bishop of the San Diego diocese; the Rev. C. Sumner Reynolds, president of the San Diego Ministerial associatibn, and Rabbi Moise Bergman, of Temple Beth Israel. COMES AS CHALLENGE "The Red Cross needs whole– hearted cooperation, especially in the present crisis,''- Bishop Buddy said. "Terrifying conditions chal– lenge its resources in aiding occu– pation forces in Japan, Germany and other places. Add to this the care for wounded in all military hos– pitals. "To the cries of suffering human– ity we cannot be deaf, nor indiffer– ent to the sad plight of fellow humans. Therefore, pastors and their faithful throughout this diocese are earnestly requested to actively en– gage in Red Cross organizations and to cooperate with Red Cross field directors in the solemn and en– nobling pledge of charity." Calling upon Protestant churches to support the drive, Mr. Reynolds said "The Red Cross practices what the 'church preaches. It is interna– tional, inter-racial and inter-creedal. SOURCE OF RELIEF "It is the one organization rec– ognized by both sides of every war. It is a wartime. organization and a peacetime source of relief from, suf- fering. . "Every Christian citizen will do well to support this great institution, which ministers to 'the least of these.'" . In his appeal Rabbi Bergman as– serted "The Red Cross, that great center' of beneficent activity, whose influence for relief of suffering and moral uplift to our military men and women extends all over the globe, deserves our unstinted support. Let us not merely give the Red Cross lip service; let us our bounte– ous material support.

Page 4-San Diego Journal-Sa"f., Fe&-. 23, 1946

Urge Community Support


REV. C. SUMNER REYNOLDS ••• 'source of relief.'

.,:je,},,,::.-::,,,,,i'.::•:,:,;:;,:,:';:,'.}s',c,, .. ,.,.,.,,,c,:, Bishop Charles F. Buddy of Catholic diocese gives Adm. William H. Standley, local Red Cross chapter chairman, his full support of the , coming Red Cross fund drive. • • • I 'Red Cross Sunday' Tomorrow I Church Leaders Advocate Cooperation Together with r e 1 i g i o us REV. C. SUMNER REYN- groups all over the nation, San OLDS, president of the county Diego's churches this week-end ministerial association called will join in celebrating "Red upon Protestant chur'ches to Cross Sunda~," and Je~ish support the drive, saying: synagogues will observe Red "The Red Cross practices Cross Sabbath" today. what the church preaches. It The observance precedes the is international inter-racial and annual Red Cross fund drive, inter-creedal. it is the one or– Mar. 4 to 31, to enable the local ganization recognized by both chapter to continue its vigil sides of every war. It is a war– services ~o the co~munity and t!me organization and a peace– to men m domestic and over- -tune source of relief from suf– seas military camps and hos- fering. pitals. "EVERY CHRISTIAN citizen "THE RED CROSS," said_Most will do well to support this Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bishop great institution which minis– of the Catholic diocese, "needs ters to 'the least of these.' " your _full-~earted cooperati_o1;1, . Rabbi Moise Bergman, speak- especially m the present crisis mg for the Jewish faith said: •.. T~rrifying con~iti~n~ chal- "THE RED CROSS, that great lenge its re.sources m a1dmg oc- center of beneficent activity cupation forces in Japan, Ger- whose influence for relief of many and other centers. suffering and moral uplift to "Therefore, pastors and their our military men and women , faithful throughout this diocese extends all over the globe, de- are earnestly requested to ac- serves our unstinted support. tively engage in Red Cross or- "Let us not merely give the ganizations and to co-operate Red Cross' lip service; let us with its field directors in the give it our bounteous material solemn pledge of charity." support."


Southern Cross Heeds Pontiff's .Plea To Feed Starving . Children OUR READERS

• Will wish to help feed the starving and abandoned children of war stricken coun– tries. • These innocent victims of the horrifying tragedy are dying by the thousands for want of food. Some little tots in search of crumbs have already fallen dead in the streets and alleys of devastated lands. • Every nickel, every penny given now can be put to work in the heroic effo1·ts of Pope Pius XII to save lives. • In memory of your parents who sustained you, to invoke protection on your own children, give now. Donations will be cabled to Our Holy Father for prompt dis– tribution. There are no overhead deductions. An alms of one dollar means 100 cents worth of milk and bread to relieve suffering. • Make checks payable to Roman Catholic Bishop of San Diego-and mail to: Southern Cross Relief Fund for Starving Children, 1528 Fourth Ave., San Diego 1, Calif.

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