Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
Papal Cross to Be Given Mrs. Ms B. McMahon Presentation to Be Made Sunday, May 18, By S. D. Pre late r The papal cross "Pro Eccle- siae et Pontifice" will be pre- sented by His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop to Mrs. Marie Barrett McMahon at the 12:45 o'clock Mass at St. Jos- eph's cathedral Sunday, May 18. The cross was awarded by His Holiness Pope Pius XII to Mrs. McMahon for her distinguished services in the 2:Z- yeaT period dur- ing which she has served as credit manager of Mercy hospital, San Diego.
At Solemn Mass In Honor of Bishop By Ne a Quinlan More than 200 members of the San Diego Deanery Cath- o Ii c Y out h Organization joined together Sunday morn- ing, l\Iay 4, to hon01· His Excellency, Charles F. Buddy, D.D., Bishop of San Diego. The repre- sentatives from throughout the I city met at St. Joseph's Cathedral for the 9 o'clock Solemn High Mass followed by breakfast at the San Diego hotel. The Rev. Walter Mikosz, CR, San Diego Deanery Spiritual Di- rector, celebrated the Mass assist- ed by the Rev. Thaddeus Zygawicz, CR, and Deacon Edward Kakasz- ka. The Very Rev. Francis Dillon, rector of the Cathedral, and ttie Rev. B. Francis Ross were deacons of honor to His Excellency. · Father Dillon welcomed the CYC members to the Cathedral and ex pressed his joy at the large num ber of youth present to honor thei honorary president, Bishop Buddy. Bishop Buddy in his sermon urged all the Catholic Youth to become active members in the "Chrlstophers." To spread Catholic principles by prayer, work and good example in their everyday life. His Excellency stressed the important part the CYO can play in the problems of our times. He beseeched the members to become alert to public affairs and take an active part in the life of their community. "The good people take care of themselves and the bad take care of everyone," Bishop Buddy said. So he urged all the CYO members not to remain aloof from the world but to endeavor to be repre- sented in every walk of life. After Mass His Excellency was presented with a beautiful spiritu- al bouquet card made by the Car- melite Sisters and given to him by Ray Nagem, San Diego Deanery president. After these ceremonies, the CYO members marched down Third Avenue to Broadway to the San Diego hotel. Led by the ban- ners of the various clubs, the group was under the direction of a motorcycle escort from the San Diego _Police department. T'hA hrP.Qll'l'!lat uriaa r.noT'\oA ,:nHh Helps Found Clinics In 1939, Mrs. McMahon's co-op- eration with the st Reyerend Bishop of San Diego was nstru- mental in establishing a. er ic for maternity cases for persons of lim- it~d. means, and, in 1945, a general anding leader in San Diego Catholic circles, Mrs. Mc- Mahon is noted for her charity. She is prominent in the activities of the Children of Mary, and in 1945 was elected president of the alumnae association of the Sacred Heart convent. / Mrs. McMahon is the widow of Patrick Desmond McMahon I Fourth Degree Knight of Colum~ I bus, who died tn 1925. 1 chruc :for poor patients. An t
Sunday evening Mrs. McMahon will be honored with a reception at the episcopal residence from 5 to 7 o'clock. The Mass at which the presenta- tion will be made will be celebrated by the Rev. Robert E. McMahon I SJ, son of Mrs. McMahon, and th~ Most Reverend Bishop will preach the sermon. Guard of Honor The procession before Mass will be introduced by trumpets, and processional hymns will be the "Ecce Sacerdos" and "Come Holy Ghost." Heading the procession will be a Navy color guard, and a guard of honor composed of mem- bers of the Legions of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary of Ca- thedral high school and eight nurses of Mercy hospital. Special escorts will be Sir Nicholas Maxtin and Lady Helen Martin , and Miss Marie Louise McMahon, grand- daughter of Mrs. McMahon, will be maid of honor. Mrs. McMahon and her entour- age will be welcomed by the Very Rev. Francis Dillon, :rector of the cathedral after which the papal decree will be read and the papal cross presented by His Excellency. Music accompanying the cere- monies and during the Mass will include the Bach-Gounod "Ave Maria" and "Veni Jesu" sung by Mr. Theodore Mccann, instru- mental hymns, the "Evening Hymn to the Sacred Heart" sung by Mrs. Andrew c~nepa, and "The Star-Spangled Banner." .A!t the reception honoring Mrs. McMahon, Mrs. F. W. Benson and Mrs. A. F. Howard will preside at the tea table. A group of young ladies, whom Mrs. McMahon affec- tionately calls "her office family," will wear formals and serve the 1 guests. During the receiving hours an orchestra will render an all re- quest program arranged by Mrs. McMahon to compliment close lo- cal friends and relatives and friends who live at a distance and cannot be present, thus enabling j them to shaxe in her happiness. Long Servicea Mrs. McMahon's services to the hospital, for which she is being honored, cover the last 22 years, during which time she has headed the institution's credit department which she reorganized, and inau- gurated a new credit system. Dur- ing this period her work has been characterized by good business methods, combined with sympa- thetic understanding, tact, and un- t failing courtesy to those who have approached her witll their prob- lems. Mrs. McMahon has solved each individual case on its paxticu- lar merits, not on any cut and dried formula. There ls no way or measuring the benefit of the good public rela- tions that Mrs. McMahon has built up with doctors, lawyers, banks, insurance companies, and various indiviuuals in her contacts with them. She has been a veritable ambassador of good will for the hospital during the years. Prior to her association with Mercy hospital, Mrs. McMahon and her husband were identified with social and cultuTal activities and were vigorous workers and generous contributors to St. Vin- cent's church, the parish in which they resided before the present church was built.
Shown above is His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop receiv- ing a spiritual bouquet from Ray Nagem, president of the San Diego Deanery CYO in the schoolyard beside St. Joseph's cathe- dral after the celebration of Solemn High Mass attended by CYO members throughout t'he city in honor of the Most Reverend I .Jbt ian Ditto 11nian FRIDAY MOltNING, MAY 16, 1947
Rockne School Plans Readied Within a week, plans for the pro- posed Rockne Academy of Tech- hical Arts and Rockne Technical Institute have grown from the original specifications of a 200-stu- dent institution to one of 5000, John A. O'Connor, organizer and director, said yesterday. The Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, D. D., Bishop of the San Diego Diocese, now plans to make the institution at Camp Elliott the largest of its kind on the west Coast and second largest in the Na- tion. Actual renovation of the for- mer Navy buildings will begin June 1. PAPER WORK DONE The school will open Sept. 1 with an enrollment of 1000 boys and young men, and within a year the enrollment will be 5000, O'Connor said. The Diocese plans to continue expanding both in in- struction and enrollment. Since the House Armed Services Committee in Washingbcm approved a $1-a-year, five-year Navy lease of buildings and property at Camp Elliott, May 6, preliminary paper work has been almost completed. Final documents today are await- ing the Bishop's signature, And. in the week's time, the Diocese has become lessee of 35 of the buildings instead of the 15 specified in the original papers. Acreage to be covered by the non- sectarian institutioo will be 1¼ by 1 miles, and will be operated as a city within itself, O'Connor said. FIVE SCHOOLS SET It will contain at least five schools within it~elf-the Rockne Academy of Technical Arts and the Rockne Technical Institute, both specialized schools for crafts- men; a boys' high school, a mili- tary school, and the Bishop an- ticipates the opening of a training course for young men wishing to enter the priesthood.
Director Checks Boys' Center Maps
l\Iaps of the proposed Rockne Academy of Technical Arts and Rock• ne Technical Institute, which will be an education center for 5000 boys and young men, are checked by John A. O'Co1mor, organizer i,.nd director. Original plans were for a 200-student institution.
The be maintained by the diocese for re- O'Connor will direct grounds. which will
the entire taught, in both basic and advanced
turn to the government when the project during and after it is built, •lasses will be radio lease expires. contain a chapel, a with a special interest in the two f ' 1 1 theater, a 500,000-gallon swim)lling technical schools. The institution prac ta pool, administration building, which will be both a day and boarding arma ure s wi. ' m hin will be the center of operations for school. with bus service planned p~o~ram of elect~ical ac ery the entire institution; a cafeteria for transportation to and from San wirmg and repairmg. seating 1000, fire, electric, and Diego and vicinity, as well as 'O'Connor, who leaves today ~o water departments, a bowling alley, within the grounds. return to Texas for ~wo weeks, will handball. tennis and squash courts, Equipment now in the various come back ~o San Diego ~une 1 for a baseball diamond, football field shops at the grounds will be ta~en the be~mmng of operations, and and recreation hall with a dance over by the Diocese. Included 1s a then will _set out on a to_ur !o pur- floor. Approximately $250.000 will huge refrie:eration plant, which chase ~qmpment for the institution. be inve~ted in renovating the prop- will be used for instructional pur- A native of_ Texas, he has org_an- erty and buildings for the Septem- poses. The technical schools will i~ed and directed such organiza- ber opening. have their own television trans- hons as a Westmghouse Corp. pla_nt Current plans call for from four mittcr. and possibly a frequency at _P?rtland. and the I~~us~n~l to eight dormitories for the open- modulation radio station, O'Connor Tramm_g School_. Chicago, This 1s Ing, with one to two for the ap- said. . . the b~fgest _Ive ever tackled proximately 50 !acuity members. Among tcch111cal subiects to be though, he said. television t · ·ty d'rafting and et!fo~ic, •ring specialized
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