Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
Pope Honors Mrs. McMahon With all the pageantry of which a Catholic diocese i• capable, the Order ot the August Cros~. be- stowed by Pope Pius XII, was pre- sented to Mr•. Marie Barrett Mc- Mahon yesterday tor her 22 years of service as Credit Manager tor Mercy Hospital The solemn presentation ot the Papal decoration, "Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice," was made by the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, Biahop of the Catholic Dioce. e ot San Diego, but the medal itselt wa. pinned on Mrs. McMahon by her . on. the Rev. Fr. Robert Emmett McMahon. a Jesuit prie~t and profes.•or at the ' University ot Santa Clara. Heralded by trumpet~. the pro- cession ot priest~. the Bishop. a nurses' guard ot honor and Mrs. McMahon tiled into St. Joseph's Cathedral ye~terday at 12:45 p. m. CO. 'GREGATION WELCOMED The Very Rev. Francis Dillon, Rector of the Cathedral. welcomed the congregation and friends of I Mrs. McMahon, and the Papal de- cree was read by the Right Rev. Msgr. Thomas McNameora. The decree read: "The Supreme Pontiff, Pope Pius XII, as an ac- labors in behalf ot the Church and the Pontiff, deigns to best.ow upon .,._ 'J.1---.. 'D--- It- •-1..---
Son Pins Decoration on Mot~er at Ceremonies
rie Barrett l\IcMahon, at ceremonies In St. Joseph's Cathedral. At right Is Biahop Charles F. Buddy.
The Rev. Fr. Rebert Emmett McMahon pins the
¼nowledgement ot the distin&uished Order of the August Cross on his mother, Mrs. 1\1&·
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Complimenting The Redmond Family The orchestra will play the second group of numbers: Beautiful Dreamer ~ith a Song In My Heart Carry Me Back To Old Virginny And you will all be in my heart.
The Religious and Alumnae of the Sacred Heart cordially invite you to be present at a reception Sunday afternoon, May Twenty-fifth to honor Mrs. Marie Barrett McMahon President of the Alumnae Association of San Diego. A! I are requested to assist at Solemn Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at three o'clock given by His Excellency The Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy, D..D.
system at the Hospital and institu- tion of a new system ext.ending the Hospital's charity work. In 1939, she helped establish a maternity clinic !or persons of limited means, and in 1945 assisted in opening a general clinic for the poor. Several hundred friends of Mrs. McMahon attended a reception in I her honor last evening at the Bish- op's residence. In the receiving line were Bishop Buddy, Mrs. McMahon, the Rev. Fr. McMahon and Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Martin, who previously had been decorated ,.. the Pope.
St . Joseph ' s Cathedral, San Diego, was the scene of a ceremony 0f extraordinary majesty, ·replete with the colorful pageantry of tho Church, on Sunday, May 18 1 _ 1947, when Mrs= Marie Ba~r~tt ticMahon w2;;;:, -resented vrith the decoration 11 Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice 11 conferrea. ~y r ope Pius XII in recognition of her work and her devotion to an i(nal during her 22 years as crec it me.nag er of Mercy Hospital. A fanfare of silver trumpets heralded the solemn procession as it entered the cathedral at 12:45. A color guard of Marines carry - ing the national ensien and the papal flag headed the r'•iAGNIFICENT process ion. Following them were members of the grad - ~ROCESSION uating classes of all the Catholic high schools in the · c i t.y. '1 1 he young men and women of this r,roup, \·vearing cap and r,ovm , lined the full length of the main aisle of the cathe- dral as the other nembers of the procession advanced to the altar. Twenty -four members of the Legion of the Sacred Heart, irearin 0 v,rhi te dress es and short rec. capes, preceded the seminarians of the Diocese of San Diego in the procession. Next in order were CLERGY the reverend clergy, including Benec3.ictine, Augustinian, ASSIST Franciscqn and Jesuit fathers, nna. the right reverend monsig- nori in their sce.rlet robes. Fallo •ring· the clergy came an honor guard of eight nurses from Mercy Hospital , attirea. in \·.r:.iite uniforms, ~:,hite caps and colorful capes . Sir Nicholas J. t~artin , Knir;ht of St., Gregory, and Lady Helen r:artin were the special escorts for Mrs , McMahon . Marie Louise Mc Mahon , granddaughter of :Mrs, Mctrahon and junior e.t GR'' :i\TJ)D: ~UGHTER , the Convent of the Sncred Heart , Menlo Park, Calif.~ :~\ I'!) OF HONOR followed Sir Nicholas and Lady Helen , For the oc- -:- ~::;ion iID.rie Louise wore a vvhite net and lace formal with light blue ."'.. unc gloves, a ·corsage of' Cecil Brunner roses and de lphinia, pearls. u large nhite Milan hat. She carried her peerl rosary, • Mrs . McMahon , soon to be honored -,1th the Order of tho August Cross , held the place of distinction in the procession , following Mai~ie Louise . She vrnre a formal dinner govm of i1:::1:tS.McH.AHON HAS black all lace with a bolero of matching material . i (ACE OF HONOR Pearls , long v1hite gloves , an orchid corsage, a black Milan hat with silk flowers in orchid shades ·,nd a beaded bag of jct and crystal completed her attiroe For the rnss Mrs . McMahon carried her missal . His_Exccllcncy, the Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy, D.D., Bishn 0f San Diego, robed in full pontificals and the ermine 1 ' cappa mugno.: ·, ~c.s the last member of the re~al procession to enter tho sanctuary. ~ cccmpanying the Bishop·as deacon for the procession was the Rev. -qobcrt E . McMahon , S .J., son of Mrs . Hc!t.ahon and professor at tho
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