Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
Walking in procession before entering Mission San Diego de Alcala to participate in a Solemn High Mass commemorating the 178th anniversary of its fonndiJg are right to left, Hit. Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. McNamara., chancellor, the Rev. Henry Szwaja, CR, sub-deacon, the Rev. Edward A. John- son, deacon, the Rev. Clarence Manns, OFM, celebrant, the Rev. Theodore Hatton, 0 Carm., master of ceremonies, His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop, and the Rev. Eric O'Brien, OFM, who delivered the sermon. Pictured to the left are His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop and Leo Carrillo, noted motion , picture star, inspecting one of the trophies awarded to participants in the historical mission cavalcade / which was part of the anniversary ceremonies. -Photographic Services Photos. ,
Anniversary Ceremonies Honor Founder of Mission Father Junipero Serra, founder of a chain of California missions, was honored Sunday, July 13, at ceremonies marking the 178th anni- versary of the founding of Mission San Diego de Alcala, first of the California missions. His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop of San Diego was
Bishop Addressas Cathedral Holy Name Members On Sunday, July 13, the regular Communion Sunday for the Cathe• dral Holy Name society, His Ex- cellency the Most Reverend Bishop celebrated the Mass attended by the group and preached the ser- mon. In his sermon His Excellency stated that it was not only neces- sary for the men to receive Holy Communion in a body, but that they must endeavor to become more active in the field to fight against the strongly organized evil forces which are attempting to 1 destroy the people of Christian faiths in the world and which are keeping those who do not believe in God from knowing the truth. After Mass the Very Rev. Fran- cis Dillon, rector of the cathedral, invited all parishioners to remain while he read the Holy Name I pledge and all members repeated the pledge in a body. Holy Name I ushers were then appointe~ to the committee for the anniversary ceremonies at Mission San Diego de Alcala. On Tuesday evening, July 15, the Cathedral Holy Name society held a get-acquainted social for the men of the parish, visitors to the city, and service men. Honor guest of the evening was the rec- tor, Father Dillon. Fifteen new members were accepted into the society. Members are asked to turn in , sick members' names to Father Dillon who will contact officers of the sick committee to visit those who are ill.
guest of honor at the day-long fes- 1 tivities vhich began with the cele- bration of a High Mass Coram Pontifice in the Old Mission at 10:30 a.m., by the Rev. Clarence Manns, OFM. The Rev. Edward A. Johnson was deacon of the Ma,;;s and the Rev. Henry Szwaja, CR, sub-deacon. Masters of ceremonies were the Rev. Theodore Hatton, O Carm., and the Rev. James (Continued on Page 2) Ground Broken for New Rockne Academy Unit EL CAJON-On Thursday, July 3, ground was broken to mark the beginning of the construction of a. unit for the Knute Rockne Acad- emy of Technical Arts. Ground breaking ceremonies were conduct- ed by the Very Rev. Franklin F. Hurd, diocesan superintendent of schools. The building, which is being r erected by the Barnhart Construc- tion company, will contain class- rooms, instructors rooms, dining rooms and housing facilities for 40 students. This will be the sixth unit of a group of buildings which will even• tually be used by the academy. FRIDAY, JULY 11 , 1947
FATHER SERRA CLUB CONTRIBUTES $1000 FOR SEMINARY FUND A check for one thousand dollars for the seminary fund has been received by His Ex- cellency the Most Reverend Bishop from the Father Serra club of SIIJil Diego, an organiza- tion of Catholic professional and business men. According to the letter of transmittal signed by Donald H. Wilson, treasurer, the contribution was approved unan- imously at the club's regular meeting held on July 9. His Excellency has transmit- ted to members of the club his "deep-felt appreciation for this very generous offering to be used in the education of young men for the Sacred Priesthood," adding that "both the moral and material support from members of the Father Serra club will en- courage and stimulate the facul- ty and students of our Minor and Major Seminaries."
(Photographic SerVices Photo) Shown aboYe are His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop and the Rev. Theodore Hatton, 0 Carro., leaving the Mission through an honor guard of fourth degree Knights of Columbus after the Solemn High Mass marking the 178th anniversary of the found- ing of Mission San Diego de Alcala. • • •
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