Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

'Rest - And · '110 'Rest by Siater Roae Mary W\e::~: st ;r~:nt:,:;~::;e::e 0 ia::: :~::~ ranch in Palm Springs. Her generous invitation to use the large ranch dining room for religion classes for the children of Cahuilla School had proved a Godsend. But her guests had protested that their rest periods were disturbed. The de- cision was in favor of rest for them and no rest for us. The difficulty seemed insurmountable since the school is localed in a desert place. A ~~~~~7e~Lm1~i::u~:v:f ~~gdhet~e~~~;i~:ic: 8 t~: try a sandy stretch of land nearby. The first two classes went well, but one of California's infre<1ucnt rainfalls changed the dry sand to a wet mass. The children came to us on released time, and soon another decision was made. ''You will have to find II more imitable place or the children cannot be 1·eleased," the principal told "'· W Ea~:;wth~h~thy~~:al P~;:1iihal ot~~e But picture our concern for their spiritual health. W Ecut=e~ ~~\:i~~bl:i: ~lt:~r ;;~!~;'. w::ie~is~ few weeks of deliberation, the final decision was made. A large bus was hired to take the children of Cahuilla to the Big Church in the city for their instruction periods. Our restless search- ing had come to a happy end.

Sisters drll·e to Cahuilla &chool each Monday to meet children and accom- pany them on bus trip to the church in town where they ha,·e their reli.-ion class. The ehildren thorouithly enjoy the ..outing,"

Hoyll and girls or the Fino Communion class at Indio. ~re He,ere11d Uichard Maher, Pastor. and Sisters Elaine and Mary Al,ce

Pictured with the c:111811

T HE plan is working beautifully. The children enjoy the bus ride which is like combining an outing with religion. The Sisters accompany them as guardians: recently a Sister smilingly obser\fed. "\Ve seem to be where we surted from -No Rest!"

ln,m aeu l ate Heart or Mary Convf'nt, Ontario. The $i<1ters have 1900 children en- Mll"d in relitrion clnssell in nine r"ntf'r<1. located in five parishes.


September, 1947

The Miasionaru Catechist


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