Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948



Fate of WorldDepends on M'ilitant Policy Aga inst Reds, Says Ex-Envoy

Bishop Buddy Discloses Plan For University Education, Charity To Be Advanced in Inclusive Project Constrnction of the com- mence eal'ly iu the Spring, the Most ReY. Charles F. Buddy. Bishop of San Diego, disclosed I today as he announced plans for the PniYersity Foundatiou, F·und-Rai~ing Campaign. 1 The University project is part of a building program of educa• tional and charitable institutionr I to be carried out within the Diocese of San Diego, which includes thr counties of Imperial, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego. DffiECTOR NAMED The campaign for funds, which will begin officially Nov. 25, will be directed by Alfred F. Henderson, former Red Cross campaign direc- tor. The Bishop also announced ap- pointment of four business and civic leaders to serve as county chairmen and to lead a volunteer organization of 6000 men and wom- en in raising the urgently needed funds. Nicholas J'. Martin, Catholic lead- er and Knight of St. Gregory, will head the campaign in San Diego county; Tony J. de Vita will serve as Chairman in Imperial county: Alphonse E. Ganahal in Riverside, and Emmett J. Culligan in San Bernardino. CHURCH OWNS LAND The new University will be built on 140 acres of land now owned by the Church in Alcala Park, in the western section of Mission Valley, and will include the following di- visions: . 1-The San Diego College for Women. 2-A College for Men. 3-The Seminary of the Immacu- l ate Heart of Mary, 4-St. Francis Junior Seminary. 5-Convent of the Sacred Heart. 6-Catholic Military High School. 7-Rockne Institute of Technical Arts and several other charitable projects. Martin explained that the College for Women will be built and staffed by the Society of the Sacred Heart which has committed itself to building program totaling four mil- lion dollars, I CONSTRUCTION STARTED He also p~inted ou~ that land for all the !mtitutions m San Diego I to benefit from the. campaign al- ready has been purchased and th&t in several cases construction 1s under w,iy, The funds to be raised will enable completion of this building program. Institutions in San Diego and vicinity to be aided by the Uni- versity Foundation Fund will be the Rockne Institute of Technicnl Arts at El Cajon, Bayside Social Center and the Guadalupe Clink. The Rockne Institute will be a techz:iical school for boys and wi1J provide educational training fox carpenters, plumbers, electricians, cooks, and other useful craftsmen. The Institute will combine the ad- vantages of a 1;,oys' town with those o: a technical art,s school. The Bayside Social Center ,he former dilapidated residence ;,hich recently was condemned as unsafe will build a new school for th~ ( Continued on Page 2-A, Col. 4 ) San Diego lJ'niYer.sity will

Bishop Huddy Discloses Plan !For University l (Continued from Page 1) children of working mothers. The center provides a day nursery for young children and a program of supervised recreation for older children who attend school. The Guadalupe Clinic, which 0!• fers relief from suffering to those of limited means when they .ire ill, is urgenly in need of more ade· quate facilities, it was pointed out, and a new building now is under construction. The program for Imperial County will include a new high school fo1 the youth ot that county, a medkal clinic at El Centro for the needy of the Valley, and the land an::i some of the equipment !or the pro• residents of Imperial County have org·anized to erect the hospital. The Univer- sity Foundation Fund, in visualiz- ing this community project, offers its services to supplement 1he:r efforts. Riverside County projects in- clude the addition of a girls' dor- mitory and a boys' dormitory at the Banning Orphanage, laying the groundwork for the realization of a Catholic hospital in the city of Riverside, and a medical clinic for the needy ot the Arlington district. 1 MEDICAL CLINIC The proposed building is San B~rpardino County will include a•, rocational school for boys, Rockne- ille, in the City of San Bernar- :!rno, enlargement of th,~ new High School near Fontana and develop- 'llcnt of its athletic facilities, and a medical clinic at Redlands for he needy of that district. • The San Diego University wil e a Liberal Arts College built o the solid foundation of spiritua ~rowth which develops the whole man. equips him for a career, and fits him for life, the Bishop said. Courses to be offered will include subjects in humanities. fine arts, science, commerce, speech, pre-law, pre-medicine, languages, journal- ism, scholastic philosophy and theology. PEN TO ALL Bishop Buddy emphasized that the educational and charitable in- stitutions will be open to all people, irrespective of religion, and he ap- pealed for the generous support of llll residents of the four countries in order to carry out successfully this great program, posed hospital in Brawley. HOSPITAL INCLUDED The more than 60,000

Superior Judge Gordon Thompson, left, and the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of San Diego Dio- cese, right, talk with Jan Ciechanowski, former Poli sh Ambassador to the United States, at reception in the home of Bishop Buddy. Ciechanowski spoke in Russ Auditorium last night.

THE TRIBUNE-SUN, San Diego 12, California, Saturclay, Nov. l, 1947 Parochial School Dedications Set For Coming Week Two newly-constructed parochial schools here will be dedicated next week by the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, D. D., Bishop of the San Diego Catholic Diocese. Another educational unit, the Re- gina Coeli Academy, Catholic High School, was dedicated this week by the Bishop.

Those to be dedicated are the St. Charles Borromeo School and Au- ditorium, Loma Portal, at cere- monies at 10 a. rn. tomorrow, and St. John's School, Normal St. and Lincoln Ave., at 3:30 p, m. next Sunday, . Bishop Buddy will celebrate a low Mass in the St. Charles audi- torium after the dedication. Open house will be held at St. John's School after the ceremonies.

He pointed out that every indivi- dual and every 1.,w iness firm will be solicited 1: u ring ·the campaign and that the entire public shall be ~iven the opportunity to share m this w,1rtny enterµr,se. "Cathc,li~ v: a1;e•fil!'" ers threugh- mt the Diocese are asked to c0n-l ·ribute five pennies from each dol- ar earned during the next 20 ;nonths." the Bis~ cp said, ":rnd their contri':JWions of ti,ne. money I and effort "" ill prc,,·ide educa .1on for the you.1g and aid for the I ·1eedy. "Two solem'l duiies confront the\ people," he said, "to train valiant Jeadership for tomorrow, and to re•

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