Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1947 Campa gn Pia s Progress F o un d a ti O n sr. BONIFACE INDIAN William P. Mahedy,. Mrs. Fred Gloor Among Leaders Named ----'------/SCHOOL NOW INCLUDES • • • HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES


d:O;.~E.~-;:~:!if~::: cocding to the Rev. Gerartl Bren- I ~::::s o!rt~~:;o\h!e:~:;:~:~ I been a dream of the energetic pastor, and its realization is a source of joy to him as well as to all the Religious and the faithful people of the area. It will be con- /ducted by the Franciscan Father3 and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondolet, who have been labor- /ing at the St. Boniface Indian streets, at 7 a.m. each Sunday I St. John's School I Dedicated; Father I 1!~~~vl~~~P~:f s~. 8 Jolm's school was dedicated Sunday, No- vember 9, at 3 p.m., by His Ex- cellency the Most R e v e r e n d Charles F. Buddy, D. D., Bishop I of San Diego. Among those present were a large number of clergy from the I various parishes in the city, par- ishioners, and Sisters who teach in all the Catholic Schools in San Diego. Many of the Sisters who taught at St. John's school in pre- vious years also attended the ded- , ,neke, OFM. pastor, who is in being offered. The new institu_tion has long school for some t1·n1e. Mass is said at the school, which is located at Eighth and Giln1an morning. i....-------------- raising ceremony during which , the school band played the "Star Spangled Banner" under the di-! rection of Mr. Max F. Dalby. Inunediately after the blessing of the building, Benediction of the 1 Most Holy Sacrament was given by Rt. Re\'. Msgr. w. F. Drummy, I with the Rev. Joseph O'Leary as deacon and the Rev. Michael I Benediction Given ication. • The formal dedication was pre- ceded by an impressive flag-

Roy G. Fit%gerald Will Head Speakers' Bureau , D. B. Smith to Lead Rally Group Leaders of the four counties comprising the Diocese of San Diego pledge wholehearted and forward-looking support towards' the furtherance of the University Foundation Fund according to messages reaching the Chancery during the week. l One of the most encouraging reports conveyed to the Most Rev- erend Bishop was from Mr. Nicholas Martin, San Diego County Chair- man, who stated that Commander William P. Mahedy had accepted for his committee a quota of $500,000 to be raised in the City and County of San Diego from business leaders and firms. Commander Mahedy is most enthusiastic over the plans of his committee and stated that preliminary plans are progressing satisfactorily and the solicitation by his committee will commence November 25. :Mrs. Fred Gloor Appointed Chairman Martin also reported that Mrs. Freel Gloor has been appointed to head t he , vomen's Committee for San Diego County. lUrs. Gloor already has secured 20 of San Diego's leading women for her committee and has accep ted a quota of $100,000. The f unctions of this committee will include soliciting of large gifts from women leaders and women's organizations in the County. . Other appoi~tments announced by Mr. Martin include Mr. Roy G. Fitzgerald, president of t he Father Serra club and Mr. Donald B. Smith, prominent civic _1~ad~_r• ~r. F~zgerald will be in charge ot Public Relations and the Speakers Bureau. He is now plal],ning for speakers to appear before the principal service groups in €an Diego City and County. Mr. Smith will serve as chairman of the Rally com- mittee. Rally Planned In announcing Uic appointment of Mr. Sm.ith, Chairman Martin stated that negotiations are now undenvay with the City of San Diego J for the use of Balboa stadium for an unusually attractive patriotic and civic rally to be held on Monday evening, December 8, signaling the county-wide opening of the campaign for the solicitation. Mr. Martin explained that the solicitation of large contributions will begin on November 25 and canvassing of Catholic wage earners will start December 4, followed by the canvassing of the general public on Dece1'nber 8. Mr. Martin emphasized that an opportunity will be accorded t o every r esident of San Diego Oounty to con tribute to t his great cause. He also stated that the fur therance of Ca t hlic educa tion and t he building up of our charity institutions is a n asset to t h e entire community and should merit the financial support of t he people of all faiths. "The emphasis on enlightened patriotism in the curricula of Ca tholic institutions," according to Mr. Martin, "merits t he a ttention and support of all t hose opposed t o ath eistic communism and its further spread in the United States." Mr. Alfred F. Henderson, Director of the University Foundation ' Fund, has just completed a tom• of the diocese and preparatory in- I structions in_ written_ form were conveyed to County Chairman and/ Moderators m the d10cese. He stated that County Chairmen in Im- perial, Riverside and San Bernardino are making aggressive plans r and formation of their commit tees will be completed within the next few days. In his report to the Most Reverend Bishop, Mr. Henderson[ conveyed to him news ~f enthusiastic supp9rt of the campaign.

Campaign ObJectlves o E hC e r ac unt ~ach~las Martin, Emmett Culligan, Tony r.>e Vita, Alphonse Ganahl Form Grouos ObJecttves providmg for educational and ()thcr needs of the four co~n_ties of th e S1!-n Diego diocese have been announced by the Uni- veisi_ty Fou nd atwn as the prayer campaign directed ro the Blessed Virgm Mary, Seat of Wisdom, for intercession to invoke Divine I Guidance on the drive, enters it~ second week. County cha1rmen nameu by the --------------- Mo st Reverend Bishop to head Yo!- Hlgh School in Fontana. DPwlop- unteer woi·kers for the campaign nwut of athletic Jacllitic:,. ::\fajor Seminary of the Im- been named to serve as m· cuJatc Heart of MarJ. The ior San Diego County, Mr. Em- ~chool of the?iugy: mett Culligan for San Bernarclinu S. Saint F ranc1s Junior Seml- County, i\Ir. Alphonse E. Ganahl nai·:;. for Riverside County, and Mr. 4. .Rockne Ins,·:ute of '.Lcclmical Tony de Vita for Imperial County. Arb al El Cajou. PreJ)ares Instructions 5 , .\loclc•rn day 1111rsery for Bay- In the office of Mr. Alfred Hen- side Soda! CC'nter. derson, director of the drive, in- 6. Guadalupe Clinic buH!!ing. stmctions are being prepared for S D I campaign workers, and commit- I . . Union Publicizes ' tees arc being formed to make ap- I LJ • peals to firms and indiYiduals in n~ve~s ity Foundation chc downtown area. Exte~s1vc_ publicity was giv£n Speakers Bureau the U111vers1ty Foundation Fund in A Speakers Bureau, to include lhc November 18 edition of The both priests and laymen qualified San Diego Union which carried to explain the aims and objectives a lengthy announcement from thtJ of the University Foundation, i:s M?st Reverend Bishop about the being prepared and will be an- I drive. its aims and objectives, and nounced this week. th~ organization by which it will Objectives I be handled. The University Foundation Fund The Union devoted more than a aims at trail· ig· ve.lient leadership half column on both the first and/[ for tomorrow and at relicYing th'.' second pages to the un· ·t ff I 1vers1 y su ering of the helpless as fol- Foundation story. lows: /-------:.._______ IiUPERL-\L COUNTY P g • d a eiov • II y I . . . . ' • have been intens;fying· their or- ganization work and expect " w, Rocl,ne Institute of Technical to Arts in the citJ· of San Bernardino complete their committees thi:; -a vocational school for bO;\'S, 3 _ A meclical clinic at RNUa ol week in order that the workers n1aty· be fully trained by the date for the needy of that distr:ct. n se for the c1pen,ng of the actual appeal for funds. , • SAN _DIF.GO_ CO~l\"TY Cha;i•men Xamc I l. San Diego Umvers1tJ. 1\Ir. Nicholas J. Martin, cKSG has ~-

ALL FAITHFUL URGED · TO GIVEGENEROUSLY TO FOUNDATION FUND A generous response to the needs of the University Founda- tion drive has been requested of all the Catholics in the Diocese of San Diego in a letter addressed to them by the Most Reverend Bishop. Noting that the rapid growth of the four counties of the diocese "demands that constructive action be taken to provide educational and medical necessities." His Ex- cellency writes that "Our youth deserYe the opportunity to help themselves toward a self-reliant future-to become useful in some I field of endeavor.''

l . To prodcle ii1e ,anu. and some of the equipment for the proposed ' hospital in B1·awley. 2. To erect a high school for the youth of Imperial County. 3. A medical clinic at l!:I Centro for tlw needy of thc> YalleJ. RIVERSIDE COuNTY J. To lay the for tho> r ealization of a Catholic hospital in the clty of Riwrside. 2. The addit ion of dormitory fa- cilities at t he Banning orphanage. 3. A medical clinic for the needy of the Arlington district. S .\.N BERJ.\ARDINO COGNTY 1. E nlargement of the ~'\c,yman

I Ch I • p ape In I T B D d. O e






d I

Aims Descnbed

0 ICate

In the letter the Most Reverend

Cooney, sub-deacon.

I The Very Rev. Franklin Hurd. Bishop re,·eals the comprehensive (Continued on Page 2) aims of the University Founda- tion as •·collegiate courses, ex- tended high school facilities, teen-

PAUMA-St. James chapel, re-\




the old chapel which was built about 1873, will be dedicated at 10 o'clock Thursday morning, De- I cember 4, by His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop, who will I address the parishioners and cele- b rate Holy Mass immediately I Part of the choir fron1. the San Luis Rey monastery will sing dur- 1 ing the Mass, which will be at- tended by m.issionary priests from the monastery as well as by the Indian parishioners, according to the Rev. Julian Girardot, OFM, in after the ceremony. whose direction the restoration of the chapel was completed. located seven miles southeast of P ala, in the Pauma Indian reservation. Pauma is charge of the · mission, under

nical arts institutes, major and minor seminaries, hospitals, clin- ics and orphanages," and asserts must rely on the Catholic action of each and every individual in By building below the surface, the program Will help preclutle mental enslavement, provide en- lightened leadership, and offer a fundamental structure which wiil be "the best defense against spir- itual collapse," the prelate writes. In a post sc1~pi: to the lette,.·, I the Most Re\'erend Bishop adds that a pictorial ·.)roc1rnrc \vith de- tailed inform.ation will follow. that this long-range program the diocese.

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