Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

University Cal_!!Paign OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1947 Leaders to Open Fund Drive Nov. 25th

WILLIA\I P. 'I\JU;D\', Snn i Dl('J;"O 11ttorn1·,, \\Ill i'tl'r\(' n~ dialrnurn of thr ...\ " C'0nunltl<'t>, 11ho 11111 "'olklt lar,t<' ,.;Ht.. from indh·ldual-. and b-.;°':..."_"'_' _:":.._"_"'=·· ==•~=•=•=-"'-'"_":...' it J;"toup or 1ol1111trrr 11orl.l'rl!I

ma11 of thr I UO\' G. FITZGF;UALD, Cho.Ir• 1<1)('akl'rs who \\Ill dl,<'u<,-. the t:nh t r"lty Foundtttlon Fund at mttUng,,: or 1-0t·al 1.'11lc clubs. . . . . . . Detailed Campaign Plans 1 Announced by Ordinary Building Program Includes Projects to .Benefit All Four Counties of S. D. Diocese Construction of San Diego University will commence early in the spring, the Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of San Diego, revealed this week as he announced organization plans for the University Foundation Fund• Raising Campaign. _ __ - - The tJnlvtraily project is part I of an rnttrprlalng building pro- Jwithln tho Dlomo of San Diogo FOUNDATION PROGRAM ·;t~:;;r~~:~('!1!::a1~:~rs:u~: Peoplt- or all beliefs.nardino and San Diego. and businc811 flrm11 throughout the LrlWrNI !\ am('(( o[ San Dirgo are b<-ing' The dri1•c for funds, which Will in,·ited by the Mo!l Revrrend begin off:lctally Nov. 2!'i, \\i ll be Bishop, the fund director, and the.directed by Alfred F. Hendrraon. county <'halm'Lf'n, to participate in Cl'OA campaign di.. :an~ni\cmilly 1-"oundation pro• I :_torEx:..e;::;~;g a1':o th:nn!:!':!; In a ll'tlt:r aent lo non-catholics,appoinlmt'nl of four busineSB and and bualn.-aa !inns In this jurisd!c-! cMc k&drrs to 1rrvc a.a county lion, thl' ll'adrra or the drl\'e call, chairmen and to IMd a \'Olunteer attention to thf' fact that eduCtL•,organl:talion of 6,000 men and wo,, Uonal and mrdlcal requirements men In raising the urgcnUy need• have lncrraacd with the rapid cd !und!, \gro;;;hC:~1~~ah::;:;e program or oli:~:~~l:: :.;d :;~i ~~:: the Unh•('raity Foundation will ory, will hf'ad th<' dri\'c in San Dl• help cart tor thrse needs. and ,~·ml,;~ county: Tony J. do ,·1ta wlll givt our youth ..the opporturutyl,;rve aa chairman in Imperl.:'ll to htlp thtm11elvea to•·aro a arlf- county: Alphorule E. Ganahal in reliant future • the letter polnta Rl\'eraidr: and Emmett .J. cum. OUL gan in San Bernardino. ObJN'lhMI ~-amr d ,tany UulldlnK"! The educational and mrdkal in- The new 9 'nlverall:y will b<' built 11Ututiot1s to be pro,·ided by the \ n H O acn. nf land, now owned Unil·erslty Foundation progran~ by the Church in A.hala Park in are namctl in thl' lctl<'r which cans lhc bureau, \\ omr11',11 Conunllll'O for t'Ko ('ounty, whh'h wlll sollclt MR",. FRED GLOOR head, tbo from womt>n h.'nder, and n omf'n'1 orsanlzatlons ln the San DI- will arrangt" 1111pt 11r11nCf'"l or glfh I county. I NON-CATHOLICS, flRMS INVITED TO SHARE IN ,.,am of

Catl10II(' lrmh'rs \lho w \11 tnkf' al.'thl' 11art11 In thr l nl\('r'>ltf FoumJallon Fund C'lllllJ1ali,:n dl<,t'U'i"ell Jll&n'I ltt II,. lun('hf"On lllC'l'tini; of thl' f'ath('r SNrt\ C'IUb \\'t"dnt'..da,·, XO\'l'mbt'r I~. Thi' grou11 ln<'llld('d (lrft to right): '1orrl'I {:"lllke) Shea; na~ 1 ... lhtdl'n; \\llllam P, Mahrd.1. ehalrnurn or thr "A" com- '.\lllrtln, <'hair1111rn llf "'nn Ulf',1to t·otmtn Alrrffl F. llendf'r ..011, <·um11ijl1tn dlrPC• tor: LNl J. Durkin, Donald H. \\ll~on, Jame'° O. Bletlrnn; Uoy G. 111-zgu ald, d mlrman or the S(H'Ak- mllttt; !\khola'I J.

_and H•3mond J. !'llc)lahoo.

Chancery Office Lists Boundaries OfRamonaParish Boundaril' :for th1· parl.,h of Ra- mona were announc•·d during th• past week by thr Chancery offiC!"• which also rcvC'al<'d that lhc 1'-tiS• i sion or Julian hu b<-en 8.fllllgn@d to the care of the Francl11can Fa• I th ;:,a~.:::. 1 ~:4r~· boundariu arf' as follow•: - :Xorth; Imaginary llnf! rrotn San Pasqual brtdge to Julian (lnclu• ai\'C). South: Jmaginary line bf'twff'n Cuyamaca Lake and Poway Road J unction. East: From Julian to Cuyamaca Lake (Inclusive). \Vest: Imaginary llnr from New Poway road junction on Ramona• Lakeside h lgh way, conllnul~ north to Mount Woodson thence. lo San Pasqual nl'W br1dgt, Foresters Post Founds Burse for S. D. Seminary A Bur,- for lhl' St ::.mary fund, to be ust'd for tht- education or a young man to the prie.sthood, haa bet"n begun by the Women's Catn• ollc Order or ForC'ater~. Poat 1128. To their Initial contrlbutlon of $5, the post inll'nds to add monthly, according to 1o·ore-1tn officials. ThC' burse ls the ninth to N estabhMt'd for young m1.'n atudy- ing in th San Dif!go dlocuan IIK'minary. \\'hen complrlt'd It ~111 total $6.000, the uaual amount of a 1eminary burl('.

Stella Maris Academy, Convent to Be Blessed Thanksgiving Morning LA JOLLA Th· nrw Slt'lla Mari.s academy, a paro~·hlal school ror grade school children, and Stella Marls c<1nvent will be bleN• ed &nd dedicated with BOlt'inn cer- emonies on Thankagivlnlf Day at 10 a.m. by His ~xccllf·ncy the ~toat Rev. Charlel F Budd)", DD, Bishop of S&n Dil'gO. The program will open with the formal prelll'ntation by the Ramon F. Moreno Post, VFW. of &n American nag which will be bleased, thtn ralaed by a color\ guard y,ith full ctremon!e& The \ entire student body of thr new school \\ill render the national an- them, accQanpanlrd by tht': 11ludl'ntI band from SL Dtdacua parochial, (Continue-d on Page 2) 1

Four Meetings Set For Fund Workers Mtttinga for \'oluntr•'r work- t'ra :for th,, University Foundo.• Uon Fund who will participate In the solicitation or bualnru firms and non-Catho\ica In San Diego county wlll be hrld al 4 p.m., 5 p.m.. 1:30 p.m. and S;JO p.m. Monday e\'cning. NO\'<'nl• IX'r 21, The four meetings have b«n arranged ao that all workrra may find It posaibl.- to attf'nd and r-ttf'ive brief irultrucl101\11, a list of 20 firms to contact, and plt"l::IJ,:-e cards. Thf' solicitation of firanll anital, of '1a-.~ ror 111.- <.ul'.'«'I\ or Tht l "nhrr

att<'nt1on to the fad they will be •·open wld~ to all peoplt-, irtt- rpect.i\'c of color and religion," v.111 "mark real progreu and raise tht cultural atandarda o( the en• tire community." •·The J)C'raonal illlrtt'llt and co- opt"rallon of e,·ery citlu-n" will oe required to attain th!.! foal, th(' Jradtrs of the dril'e write. addin~ that a few days aftt-r the descrip- tive brochure Is ma!lt-d, repres<'n• tatives will call to rtCf'lve pledge!'

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