Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
San Diego Ch Good Fri y, Easter Services Good Friday service are planned tomorrow in churches through- ,mt San Diego County, to be followed by sunrise and regular Easter ,ibscrvances Sunday, Three-hour services, starting at noon, commemorate the three hours Christ hung on the Cross and in which He uttered the seven last words.
Under a State law enacted last vear the hours of noon to 3 p.m. un Good Friday constitute a legal holiday. The banks will close at noon and County and City offices, in- cluding courts, will not function during those hours. The Civic Center will not close, but will be operated by only a skeleton force. At noon in St. Joseph's Ca- thedral, Thil'd and Beech, the Most Rev. Charles Francis Bud- dy, bishop of the San Diego Catholic Diocese, will celebrate Solemn Pontifical Mass of the I Pre-sanctified, Assisting him will be Very Rev. Francis Dillon; the Revs. Maurice Cagnon, A.A., and Elio Zarrati, P.S.M., deacons of honor; the Rev. John Daly, deacon of the Mass; the Rev. James Tainter, subdea- con, and the Revs. Richard Daniels and John Desmond, mas- ters of ceremony.
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