Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
'T_HE TRIBUNE-SUN, San Diego 12, California, Friday, March 19, 1948
1 _____________________ Impressive Ritual Marks Los Angeles Ceremony
Archbishop Seated in L.A. LOS .ANGELES, March 19 (AP> -With the ancient pomp of the Roman Catholic Church, Most Rev J. Ft·ancis A. McIntyre was In-I stalled today as the :-econd Arch- biihop of Los Angeles. Francis. Cardinal Spellman, Arch- bishop of New York. seated him on the Episcopal throne in ceremonies witnessed by four other archbi~h- ops, a .!lCore of bishops and hUft· 1 f:~:s o,~Je~~~~!~~lm:~:~~: a 0 ~dr~ii; laity who filled St. Vibiana·s Ca- thedral. The former coadjutor of the New York archdiocese succeeded to the ,·acaocy caused b;y the death last Oct. 30 of Archbishop John J. Cant- well. Participating in the installation ccl(!monies were Archbishop Edwin V. Byren, o! Santa Fe. N.M.; Arch- bishop Robert E. Lucey. of San Antonio; Archbishop John J . Mitty. o! San Francisco; Archbi!-hop £dward D. Howard. o! Portlan,t, Ore., and a 6COre o! bishops !rom a dozen other states. I ISHOI' BUDDY, SAN DIEGO LERGY AT CEREMONY Installation of Mo..c:t Rev. J. Fran-. is A. McIntyre as Archbishop of I os Anceles was to be attended 1 his morning by Most Rev. Ch:irlesl ranc1s Buddy, bis-hop of the Cath- lic Diocese or San Diego, and a elegation of the local clergy,
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